I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 770 You are cleaner than anyone else

Night falls.

As the supply trucks gradually leave.

These young people in the desert suddenly feel an unprecedented loneliness.

For a moment...

Many people feel like they are on a deserted island.

The temperature difference in Tara Beach is huge.

The temperature is as high as 40 degrees Celsius during the day, and at night, the temperature will suddenly drop to more than 10 degrees below zero.

Countless people huddle in the house, silently looking at the vast night sky outside the window in the distance.

Although the infrastructure of the 4G era has gradually become popular in big cities and second- and third-tier cities, the signal is still weak in Tara Beach, which is located at an average altitude of about 3,000 meters.

The video call is intermittent, sometimes only a few words can be said in an hour...

On the first night, except for Zhang Sheng and a few others, basically all the young people who just arrived here spent their time in insomnia.

The freshness of just arriving here has long disappeared, and what responds to them is only a wave of anxiety and confusion about the future.

Of course, there is also fatigue.

After waiting for a long time until the next day, the sun rose...

What awaited these young people was not a nap, but a new round of work.

7 o'clock in the morning.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, we..."

Zhang Sheng got up very early.

When it was slightly light, he followed the team to the photovoltaic panel area for inspection, and divided the experimental area with Gong Chunhan.

When he came back for breakfast, Zhang Sheng saw that the two young people were slightly pale, and they didn't dare to look at Zhang Sheng.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, we thought about it all night yesterday, we... may not be able to hold on..."

The two young people came from Yanjing and were researchers who had just been recruited by Zhang Sheng [Semiconductor Laboratory].

At first, they also thought about making a career here and contributing to the entire Chinese semiconductor.

But after staying in Tara Beach for a day, they realized the cruelty of life.

The gap between dreams and reality is too big. The momentary ambitions can't withstand the invasion of waves of wind and sand, and the dim future.

Zhang Sheng silently watched the two people's heads drooping to their chests, without too much blame on his face, and his voice was very gentle: "Wait for the material truck to come, you can follow the material truck, you can ask our company for the round-trip fare, we will reimburse you..." After hearing Zhang Sheng's words, the two nodded, but still did not dare to look at Zhang Sheng's expression. Many things in this world cannot be forced. Under the eyes of everyone, the two got on a material transport vehicle. There were bursts of curses in their ears. These voices made the two people very ashamed. But when they saw the endless desert in the distance, they suppressed this shame again. The swaying car bumped on the mountain road. Because the road was not wide, it would take a long time to meet the car occasionally. Outside the window... One of the young men silently looked at the material truck that passed by him. The material truck was full of tender green turf. He watched the tender green turf truck rushing towards the vast desert and finally disappearing from sight.

He was inexplicably a little dazed...

Just as he was about to look away, he saw a car appearing in the distance and heard the roar of an airplane above his head.

It seemed...

They were preparing to make artificial rain!


Doing scientific research is not doing business.

There is no shortcut at all.

When the turf truck stopped at the base, countless staff members swarmed over.

Zhang Sheng led the team with his bare chest and unloaded the turf from the truck with the staff. Then, he followed many young people and walked into the experimental field they divided and spread the turf.

"I still don't quite understand why you came to do these things with us..."

"You should sit in the laboratory or the office and direct us..."

Gong Chunhan looked at Zhang Sheng, who was laying turf with the staff with his head down between the photovoltaic panels, and his face was still a little surprised.

In the past few days, he had been in contact with Zhang Sheng and found that Zhang Sheng looked young, but every time he was with him, he always felt like chatting with an elder.

His professional reserve ability was amazing. He was so young and attended an ordinary second-tier university, but when he had a meeting with himself and said some professional terms, he basically understood them. He was not like an ordinary graduate student at all.

Moreover, what made Gong Chunhan admire him was that this young man was not only extremely smart, but also had a terrifying learning ability.

In just one day, he had a thorough understanding of the general situation in the base, and whenever he had time, he would read relevant professional books. Gong Chunhan had read those books, and basically these books were high-level academic books!

After hearing what Gong Chunhan said, Zhang Sheng just smiled, without saying anything, and continued to spread pieces of grass on the ground.

This young man seemed to be very pure when doing anything, so pure that Gong Chunhan felt that there seemed to be no fun in this young man's life.

The morning passed quickly.

Tara Beach, which rarely rained before, gradually had more dark clouds.

The temperature was no longer hot, but gradually cooled down, and a strong wind blew over. The film in the greenhouse they had been keeping together in the experimental field was blown away...

Many young people were shouting in the wind and sand...

Some figures have their mouths filled with wind and sand, but they are always holding on to the film in the hazy world...

"The first artificial rainfall is about to begin!"

In the confusion, there was a burst of shouting.

Immediately afterwards, a thunder sound appeared in the void above his head.

Soon it began to rain lightly...

Everyone came to the eaves of the base and looked at the experimental field.

Looking at the mud on each other's bodies, they burst into laughter.

Immediately afterwards...

Everyone saw Zhang Sheng not far away again.

Zhang Sheng was sitting on a chair, surrounded by mud, but his eyes were always staring into the distance, looking quite embarrassed.

Time passed little by little.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed quickly.

During this half month, Zhang Sheng stood with these staff members, silently staring at the turf in the experimental field.

There is always some difference between theory and reality.

No one knows whether what works in theory can work in real life. Even Zhang Sheng, who knows the experience of the original world, still has no idea.

The most important thing is that the turf planted in autumn is destined to not grow as vigorously as in spring. On the contrary, it will soon undergo a withered state.

But time is the most precious to them.

If the first batch of experiments are successful in the fall, then the entire project can continue to be put into production in large quantities, and it will be officially launched on a large scale in the next spring.

The survival time of turf is generally about two to three weeks...

During this period, Zhang Sheng ran to the experimental field almost every day, following these young people to watch the growth of the turf.

In fact, Zhang Sheng, who has gradually adapted to the high return, personally participated in everything from laying waterways to some construction of the base, and recorded data with the team.

Of course, Zhang Sheng also takes time to go to the laboratory every day to look at the test results of the monocrystalline silicon in the laboratory and the mass production tests...

However, scientific research is never something that can be achieved overnight.

The investment in capital is even more severe than in the business war, with huge amounts of money being sent in every day...

Fortunately, with mountains at his back, Zhang Sheng didn't need to spend much money out of his own pocket.


November 2nd.

Military vehicles appeared one after another in Tara Beach.

Everyone in the car was loaded with guns and ammunition and looked extremely serious.

"Almost there, right in front..."

"We are paying attention to Comrade Zhang Sheng's research results these days every day..."


in the car.

The leaders of Qinghai excitedly reported the situation to an old man.

The old man nodded after listening, and then looked at the supply trucks approaching in the distance.

"Do we provide subsidies for these supply trucks?"

"The subsidies all come from Comrade Zhang Sheng's laboratory..."


The old man was silent when he heard this.

The leaders of Qinghai realized something instantly, and then added: "Actually, as long as Comrade Zhang Sheng comes up with the subsidy slip, we can give [Jingsheng Logistics] a subsidy, but these days, Comrade Zhang Sheng has not signed it. How much subsidy..."

The old man nodded.

Silently watching the dust rolling in the distance.

"Minister Xu, do we want to say hello to Comrade Zhang Sheng? There is a lot of chaos over there at the base, we..."

"Need not……"



Military vehicles drove into the parking space of Tara Beach Base.

The old man walked out under the protection of several people.

When he came down, the old man looked at the wind and sand in the sky, and his eyes flashed with confusion.

As he was about to walk towards the base, he suddenly heard bursts of excitement from the base.

Later, when everyone walked over there, they saw a group of young people excitedly lifting Zhang Sheng up...

Then the accompanying CCTV reporter immediately captured the scene of Zhang Sheng being lifted up and thrown very high!

The endless cheers infected everyone present.

"What's going on over there?"

"The first experiment led by Comrade Zhang Sheng over there was successful!"


Several leaders hurriedly ran towards the edge of the base.


The excited voice gradually subsided.

Although his clothes were neat but his face was muddy, Zhang Sheng trotted over in a hurry.

"Haha, congratulations... Comrade Zhang Sheng!"

"Minister Xu...hello!"

Zhang Sheng was shocked when he saw the person coming and seemed a little at a loss. After facing the old man's outstretched hand, Zhang Sheng reached halfway and stopped again.

"I have some stolen goods...I'm going to wash them..."


The old man looked at Zhang Sheng's hand.

It was found that Zhang Sheng's hands were covered with various blisters, and at the same time, he seemed to have frostbite...

After looking at Zhang Sheng's innocent face, the smile on his face disappeared and became serious: "You are cleaner than anyone else!"


He held Zhang Sheng's hand tightly and didn't let go for a long time.

"Come on, show me your results!"


(There is only one update today and it will be over soon...)

(I don’t know how to end it for a while...)

(Recently, I have been looking for editors to review chapters every day...)

(The review is too strict, I am stuck every day, and I don’t know how to avoid it for a while...)


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