I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 771 We will eventually win (1)

"We have planted a large number of drought-resistant and salt-resistant plants such as sea buckthorn, caragana, and Haloxylon ammodendron around the base. In the future, this will be a natural windbreak and sand-fixing barrier..."


“This is our irrigation system. With the support of many leaders in Qinghai and the hard work of countless colleagues, we planned the entire system around our [photovoltaic power station], which not only solves the problem of cleaning photovoltaic panels, but also indirectly Irrigating plants…”


“The desert control experience of our predecessors is a very valuable asset to us. My colleagues and I, as well as the leaders of each unit, analyze the notes of our predecessors every day and draw nutrients from them, so that we can better and more systematically Governing in a sexual way..."


"With the joint efforts of Mr. Gong, Professor Yang and others, we have fully developed the entire ecosystem and overcome one problem after another!"


"Due to the large temperature difference between day and night in the Taratan Desert, the daytime temperature is as high as more than 40 degrees Celsius, and the night temperature is as low as minus 10 degrees Celsius, which is very detrimental to the growth of plants. However, we have made full use of the thermal insulation function of photovoltaic panels. The panels can block part of the sunlight during the day and lower the surface temperature, and at night they can reflect part of the heat and increase the surface temperature, thereby easing temperature fluctuations and creating a more suitable microclimate for plants..."


The wind and sand on Tara Beach are still very strong.

It's hazy, vast, and you can't see the edge at a glance. Standing in the desert where the sky and the earth are connected, people unconsciously feel a sense of awe.


In the area of ​​several kilometers centered on the base, touches of tender green gradually poke their heads out of the soil.

Under the camera, while Zhang Sheng was introducing the situation here to the old man, he bent down and looked at the green seedlings tenderly.

The old man looked at Zhang Sheng, then followed Zhang Sheng's gaze and looked into the distance.

On the experimental field of photovoltaic panels in the distance.

He saw workers wearing hard hats carefully installing various irrigation systems.

Their figures are looming in the wind and sand...

The old man lowered his head again.

Touches of tender green stuck out their heads tenaciously in the wind and sand, as if drops of hope condensed from sweat lingered in this once lonely and abandoned desert.

He saw Zhang Sheng stood up.

Continue to lead a group of them towards the next project.

He saw dry cracks on the young man's face.

This is a reaction of the skin not adapting to the plateau climate.

"Bu Xu, let me take you to see our laboratory again!"



The old man nodded.

When the CCTV reporter was about to arrive at the entrance of the laboratory, he was stopped.

The laboratory itself was a confidential place that could not be interviewed. The reporters regretted that in the end, they could only watch Zhang Sheng and the old man walking inside.

The laboratory is not dark, on the contrary it is very bright.

"The work in our laboratory is to mass-produce single crystal silicon and carry out scientific experiments..."


"However, this mass production technology still has many machines that are stuck, for example, our single crystal furnace... For a long time in the past, we relied heavily on imports, especially from Germany. Those scientists came over , drew a circle in our machine, and simply circled away millions of dollars from us..."


"Many of our technologies and patents lag behind those of the West, which results in every aspect of our R\u0026D and mass production being severely restricted by each other. The current problem our laboratory has to overcome is to develop its own new products. To replace those technologies, not only our laboratory in Talatan is doing this work, but also our Yanjing, Hangcheng, Jiangcheng and other places, all have their own scientific research directions..."


"Of course, this takes time, and the difficulties involved are unimaginable. In fact, our [semiconductor industry] is too far behind. We are facing tremendous pressure in every link. However, I believe that as long as we persist, If you keep going, there will be a breakthrough one day!”


"We will win this battle!"

The wind and sand were blowing outside, and there were bursts of roaring sounds.

However, it was very quiet in the laboratory, as if it were a world apart from the outside world.

After walking into the laboratory passage and putting on shoes, the old man followed Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng still lowered his voice in front of the soundproof glass and introduced their current situation to the old man.

Zhang Sheng's voice was filled with emotion. When talking about the West, his voice was slightly deeper, and his tone revealed a strong reluctance.

The old man felt that there was a vague burning flame in this young man. This flame was very contagious and very convincing.

After listening, he nodded silently and looked towards the laboratory, where young people were doing various tests under the guidance of the old professor.

These people were very focused and did not notice the arrival of outsiders at all.

Later, I also read one experimental report after another.

However, these experimental reports and experimental records are basically records of failure...

"This is a long war, but, as you said, we will win!"


He looked at Zhang Sheng.

He added solemnly: "If you need anything, you must say it!"

"I will!"


Several people walked outside.

Countless media were squatting, the noise was everywhere, and the sound of cameras one after another made the old man feel a bit harsh.


He heard the roar of a car.

The old man looked up and saw a car driving over. Some had advertisements for [Qiangsheng.com], some for [Jingsheng Mall], and some for [WeChat Charity].

Of course, there is also [Jitu Live Broadcast]...

The old man saw a group of young people coming off the [Jitu Live] car with various shooting equipment. Not far away, a group of staff were repeatedly debugging the 4G signal.

"they are……"

The old man asked subconsciously.

"This is our initial integration of the Internet economy and the real economy."

"The live broadcast system has spawned many Internet celebrities and Internet stars that netizens pay attention to..."

"Internet celebrities have their own natural advantages in traffic and fans. At the same time, they cover a wide range and the entry barrier is not high..."

"The leaders of the cultural department once talked to us about the issue of [correct guidance]. After that, we discussed the [traffic guidance] plan with the leaders of the cultural department, and with the support of the leaders, we made an attempt..."

"The power of us people is too small."

"Whether it's planting trees or controlling desertification..."

"However, there are many netizens in China. We want to mobilize the enthusiasm of netizens through social media and the calls of Internet celebrity bloggers..."

"Our [WeChat Charity] launched the [WeChat Sports] mini program..."

"Many young people can collect energy through their own exercise. When the energy accumulates to a certain level, it can be exchanged for seeds..."

"The top 100 users every day can plant names on the Internet..." We will help them prepare an identity sign with their Internet name written on it, hang it on a tree, and broadcast it live on the Internet and through the animation of [WeChat Charity] The situation records the growth trajectory of this tree every day... allowing more netizens in big cities to have a sense of their own participation..."


“In the future, we want all of here, here, and here to become oasis!”

“We want this place to be suitable for grazing!”

"Here, we hope to build a sheep herding base..."


"We hope that many places without electricity will have electricity, not only electricity, but also the Internet. We can open our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] so that more people can have an Internet job..."


The old man looked at several sand control forests that were gradually divided in the distance.

He looked at the young man not far away who was talking about the future in high spirits.

The young man became more excited and louder as he spoke.

For a moment, the old man felt that the blood in his body was gradually boiling.

After a long time...

He saw that the young man's voice gradually became softer.

As if he had recovered from his ambition, he coughed slightly in embarrassment.

"Minister... I just overdid it for a moment."


The old man burst out laughing.

After laughing for a long time, he shook his head: "I believe that there will be such a day, and this day will not be too far away!"


"We [Qiangsheng Online Mall] have been committed to providing employment options for more young people..."

"Our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] staff in Qinghai has expanded to a thousand people..."

"With the support and company of the leaders, we have an in-depth understanding of the local situation. Just today, we once again opened an online shopping mall for nearly 20 households from the surrounding areas of Talatan..."

"There are mutton, snacks, fruits and other local specialties..."

"We hope that more people can taste delicious food from all over the world, and that more domestic products can be used by more people!"


"Our [Jingsheng Logistics] has officially opened logistics channels in this area, and we also have special points..."

"From 2012 to March 2013, we are planning to launch nearly a hundred logistics stations locally so that more friends can enjoy the convenience of our express delivery..."

"We [Jingsheng Logistics] have always been working hard to open up bilateral channels and connect the east-west corridor..."

"My wish for this year is..."


"In the new version of [WeChat], we have launched a [WeChat Sports], [WeChat Movement] can allow more people to participate in tree planting, and the entire process is free..."

"We advocate green travel and environmentally friendly travel..."



The weather in Hangzhou is getting colder in November.

[Jiahu Technology].

Ma Yunhua and a group of capital silently [News Network].

This time the [News Broadcast] made Ma Yunhua silent. He lowered his head and had countless thoughts in his mind.

He looked at the 2012 calendar on the desk again.

There is only a little more than a month left before the end of 2012.

Looking back on the whole year of 2012...

All Ma Yunhua felt was waves of powerlessness.

【Domestic Products Festival】.

These three words suddenly came to Ma Yunhua's mind.

It is now November 6th.

There are still 5 days left until [Qiangsheng Online Mall Double 11 Domestic Products Festival].

At this point in time...

They and a group of capital tried to suppress the concept of [Domestic Products Festival], but...

No one could have imagined that today, all the industries under Zhang Sheng, from [Morning News] to [Evening News], to [News Network], would be covered by almost all official and authoritative mainstream media.

Moreover, in the news, many logos were openly exposed in front of the camera without any concealment. Even [Qiangsheng Online Mall] gave a close-up of nearly a few seconds. In the close-up, the words [Double 11 Domestic Products Festival] This word is so eye-catching!


What does it mean?

Ma Yunhua silently looked at all the capital in the conference room.

A term suddenly occurred to him.

This word is called [Mantis arm blocking the car].

"So be it."

He used to be high-spirited and ambitious, but he only left this sentence lightly.

Then he stood up and left the office silently.

Other capitals also looked at each other...

Then, he also left.

Originally, this meeting about terms such as "strangling", "suppression", and "resistance" ended up in such a sloppy manner.

At that moment when all the industries under Zhang Sheng’s system were broadcast on the TV news...

Everyone understands that no matter how much capital they have, they cannot stop Zhang Sheng at this stall!


No one will admit that their time is over.

But he had to admit that Zhang Sheng's era had quietly arrived.

Unwilling to...

But they could only look helplessly at a business empire that was relying on a behemoth, standing in front of everyone.

After November 6th.

The news about Zhang Sheng has not stopped.

A documentary titled "Green Shade in the Desert" was released on CCTV's Documentary Channel.

The documentary filmed the scene of Zhang Sheng and others walking into Tara Beach.

The shots include trekking through mountains and rivers, bumpy roads, wind and sand, and the approaching dark night...

Under the lens...

Figures and pale faces, vomiting, powerless, desperate, giving up, giving up halfway during the journey...

There are also resolute and stubborn faces that are constantly moving forward, roaring in the wind and sand, declaring war on nature!

The end of the documentary...

It's the patches of green under the photovoltaic panels on Tara Beach.

It was the scene where Zhang Sheng was lifted up by countless excited young people, and cheers resounded throughout the screen...

And amid bursts of cheers...

[CCTV News] The official Weibo once again reprinted a message.

With this news, Zhang Sheng was finally gone.

However, it is the opening ceremony of the fourth [Southern California International Film Awards]!

The week-long fourth [Southern California International Film Awards] was officially held in Brazil on November 8.

At the opening ceremony, leaders from relevant Chinese departments of the [Chinese Film Association] and [Chinese Directors Association] attended the meeting.

At this time, everyone saw a movie.

A movie called "Farewell My Concubine" suddenly became a hot topic in major media.

The film was shortlisted for 15 awards at the [Southern California International Film Awards]!

On Tara Beach…

Zhang Sheng, following a group of young people, is preparing for a long and difficult energy war.

On another battlefield, the cultural war that started with film art is beginning.

(Four thousand words today...)

(Some things in the international world cannot be written. They will be reviewed as soon as they are written. Some of them have to be released by the editor before they can be read...)

(I want to revise the previous chapter...)

(Of course, I can’t blame anyone. I didn’t write it well and my skills weren’t good enough...)

(However, the end is only a few pits away...)

(Everyone, give me a little patience, I will slowly write the last few chapters...)

(I can’t help it if I say it’s not finished. I worked really hard to finish it. The end in the outline has actually arrived. Maybe my ability is really limited... After all, it is a business article. If I write it any further, it will go off topic and besides being repetitive Apart from routines, I really don’t know what to write about. I really can’t write about things like recycling rockets. Moreover, I really don’t want to write about many things or make money, but because of some reasons, I really can’t write about them. , I dare not correct the typos in some chapters. As soon as I change them, they will be reviewed and the chapter will be gone...ahhhhhhhh)

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