I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 130: Batman needs us!

"Bigfoot has mastered an extraterrestrial technology called teleportation technology, which can achieve the effect of fixed-point transmission. This technology is realized by teleportation devices, but the device is divided into three, one of which is in the hands of the bigfoot, and the other The two parts are scattered all over the earth. Although a single one has the ability to transmit, its stability is extremely poor, and the probability of success is extremely small..."

Phil whispered: "After the Bigfoot Gang leader Schrader was arrested, in order to ensure that Schrader can be rescued, and to guard against Batman, the Bigfoot Gang plans to assemble a complete teleportation device, so as to ensure success. "

"The teleportation device?"

Natasha frowned slightly.

She has never heard of this technique.

Of course, it is normal for people who do not pay attention to this information to not know.

After all, with so many advanced technologies in the world, few can be immediately applied to life, and they are all given strategic priority.

"Alien Technology!"

What Natasha cares most about is these words in Phil's mouth.

Alien Technology!

Teleportation devices are technology from aliens.

This reminded her of Anton’s film, in "Steel Bones", the steel frame named Victor Stone survived because of the use of alien technology to turn it into Cyborg, cyborg, biochemical man.

"Could it be that……"

She was calm, but hesitated in her heart.

In front of him, Phil continued: "I followed Batman's instructions, disguised as a green goblin's subordinate, and broke into the Bigfoot Gang. Just when I followed them to the tropical rain forest, looking for the last part of the teleportation device, I hit Go to General Ross and his army who are capturing Dr. Banner..."

"Ross snatched the teleportation device from us and accidentally triggered the switch, which attracted the attention and attack of aliens!"

As he spoke, he swallowed his saliva, his face in horror.

"The alien called himself General Lange, and launched an attack across the space channel, and almost razed the entire flight base... If it was not a critical moment, I controlled my ghost suit to turn off the switch and stopped the teleportation device. You don’t need me to explain the energy transmission of the world, you will be able to see the aliens by yourself!"

This passage made Natasha ponder for a long time.

She asked: "Now that the flying base is razed to the ground, where is the teleportation device? Why didn't we find the device from the ruins of the base?"

"I was taken away by the remnants of the Big Foot Gang!"

Phil gritted his teeth: "In a critical moment, I exposed my identity and was robbed of the teleportation device! I was anxious to go back to New York because they might rob us before us and take Schrader from prison."


Natasha nodded. Although there are still some details that have not been clarified, the general direction is similar to the existing judgment, and he can give a certain degree of trust in Phil's statement.

She reported all this to Nick Fury.

The black braised egg's face did not change.

"too late!"

He slowly said: "The news is too late!"

"What do you mean?"

Natasha was puzzled.

"When I learned that this matter was connected to the Bigfoot Gang, I contacted the prisoners." The black braised egg said with a low tone, "They just told me that Schrader disappeared strangely a few hours ago. No, it's like space moves."

Natasha was shocked.

She knew that Schrader disappeared, indicating that Bigfoot had acted.

"That said, New York is dangerous!"

Natasha frowned: "A gangster with alien technology, who knows if they will suddenly go crazy?"

"It's already a big deal. Order to go down and let all the agents search for the remnants of Bigfoot in New York. Be sure to find Schrader!"

The black braised egg has been awakened and his tone is solemn.

This matter involves aliens, and he has to take it either or not.

Perhaps even Batman had to throw the trouble to S.H.I.E.L.D. because he knew that it was a big deal!

The black marinated egg thoughtfully.

He didn't know that all this was in Anton's plan.

And his black braised egg, however, was used by Anton to carry the pot...unlucky.


New York, the sewer space, belongs to the dojo of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

After throwing the black pot to S.H.I.E.L.D., Anton led Bruce Banner to here.

Banner was surprised.

He didn't expect that the bustling underground of New York actually hides such a treasure of geomantic omen.

It is a great thing to be able to clean up such a clean and full of life in the dirty sewer.

"Teenage Ninja Turtles!"

Banner still pays attention to all kinds of news in the United States.

The Clarion Daily is an inevitable part of the news media.

The Clarion Daily has published almost all the superheroes that have appeared in New York so far.

Whether it is Batman, Venom, Daredevil, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, Iron Man, they are all the subjects of the Horn Daily News.

Banner certainly knows Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Not only the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but also some of the villains that have appeared, the Green Goblin, the Lizardman, and even Doctor Octopus, he has heard about it.

"Dr. Banner, although you are a physicist, I know that you also have deep research on cell biology. This will be your home field."

Anton looked at the man next to him, and introduced him to a one-armed man who came to him: "This is Kurt Conners, professor of biology, you must have a lot of common language."


After a daze, Banner quickly recalled the other person, another identity of the one-armed professor.

"lizard Man!"

"Yes, I am a lizardman."

Connors was a little embarrassed.

After regaining his sanity, he had to admit that the other party mentioned past events that he didn't want to recall.

Connors said seriously: "Dr. Banner, I have corrected my evil and I am now trying my best to make up for the wrong things I have done in the past."

"I can understand."

Banner smiled bitterly.

After incarnation of Hulk, he has done a lot of regrets, this kind of helpless emotion, really makes people reluctant to recall.

"Okay, the greeting is over, let's get to the topic."

Anton nodded to Connors.

"Dr. Banner, our current research direction is no side effects, or in other words, human body strengthening agents that can be used in practice if the side effects are not obvious!"

Connors introduced Banner to Banner’s current results: “With the mutants in the blood of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the human body enhancement medicine has had preliminary results, but the biggest problem we face is that we still cannot determine the mental impact of the medicine on the experimenter. Maybe you don’t know that the Green Devils are our lesson..."

Connors detailed the current situation and the role of the mutagen.

Banner's eyes lit up.

The effect of the mutagen shocked him, and he admired Dr. O'Neill who had researched the mutagen, and regretted O'Neill's untimely death.

However, Mutagen reminded him of himself.

Relying on the mutagen, is it possible to suppress the Hulk in one's own body, and even... destroy the Hulk?

Banner was suddenly full of hope.

The great power that Hulk brought to him did not make him a master, but instead made him fall into the abyss, after two years of aquatic and fiery escape.

At least, for the moment, suppressing this uncontrollable force is his greatest hope.


the other side.

After bringing Banner to the stronghold of the ninja gods and ghosts, Anton left the sewer and returned to the Horn Daily.

"Bigfoot Gang has started to act!"

Eddie called with excitement.

His position at this time is inside the TCRI laboratory building.

Relying on the help of the venom, it easily broke through the defense of the remaining forces of the Bigfoot Gang, and quietly entered into the interior.

As for the internal monitoring of the building, etc., with the help of the steel frame, it will not pose a threat to him at all.

The Bigfoot Gang couldn't imagine that their every move was under the supervision of Anton and others.

Dr. Stockman looked excited.

The female ninja Calle stood beside Schrader, who had just been rescued, with a look on her face looking forward, as if she had seen the big foot gang sweeping the world and Schrader's ruler.

Turn the time back to one day ago.

Phil is pressing Stockman and the female ninja Calle on a smuggled cargo ship from Brazil.


With years of training, the female ninja Calli untied her hands and feet, taking advantage of Phil's attention, robbed Phil's teleportation device and rescued Stockman.

When the two escaped from birth, they were shocked to find that the teleportation device that was originally divided into three had become complete.

They quickly figured out an explanation.

That silver robot, effortlessly, killed an army and turned the flying base into ruins. Before rushing to the flying base, he regained the last fragment from another monster and combined the three. One.

However, according to Stokman's experience, if a complete teleportation device, it needs to provide a lot of energy.

In their opinion, this is also the reason why Phil still chose to smuggle back to New York instead of using the teleportation device even though he has mastered a complete teleportation device.

The two who returned to their free bodies immediately contacted the remaining members of the Bigfoot Gang. First, Phil returned to New York, and then arrived at the TCRI experimental building, activated the teleportation device, and successfully rescued Schrader.

After being rescued by them, Schrader suddenly saw the market like a hillbilly, and was brainwashed, the ambition in his eyes almost condensed into a real flame.

"Alien Lange!"

When Schrader explained everything to them, Stockman and Calle were a little unbelievable.


It really exists!

Moreover, the teleportation device is actually an alien technology!

Stockman is okay. After he obtained the fragment of the teleportation device, he investigated the authenticity and source of this technology in many aspects.

Finally, he came to a conclusion.

It is impossible for today's earth to have such an epoch-making black technology!

So, even if it is impossible, the last possibility left is the truth.

He was also excited when he heard the truth from Schrader's mouth.

If, as Schrader said, the teleportation device can help the alien Lange and transport the war fortress symbolizing the pinnacle of technology from the distant universe to the earth, then the future of this planet can already be predicted.

The alien Lange occupied the earth, Schrader was under one person, and over ten thousand people.

As the greatest hero, Stockman must be able to enjoy the supreme power and status and become one of the most noble people on this planet.

As for what Batman, Phil, will be fish on the chopping board, anyone can kill.

Stockman gritted his teeth.

For him, the fear that Batman brought was one aspect, and what he hated more was Phil who deceived him for so long.


Stockman looked at the complete teleportation device in front of him and sneered: "You will pay the price, Phil!"

"Tsk tusk, it seems that Phil really offended them miserably!"

Eddie hides in the corner and uses the camera to record everything.

Venom amplified his hearing, letting him know what the villains in the camera picture were discussing.

To be honest, learning about the existence of the alien Lange from Anton's mouth made him feel a little surprised, but in general, he was not as shocked by the teleportation technology.

You know, the venom attached to him, as one of the symbionts, is also an alien.

Thinking about it, Eddie was naturally not so shocked, but took it for granted.

Otherwise, Anton has no reason to devote so much energy to a bigfoot and send Phil to go undercover.

"Let you be proud of it for a while, and later, it's up to you to see if you can laugh out!"

Eddie chuckled.

Although he knew all the other party's plans and the consequences, there was no tension in his heart.

The Justice League is assembled.

The superheroes are ready to go!

It is time to let the people of New York know about the existence of the Justice League and let them know that although New York is in danger at any time, the guardian of this city is also beyond the reach of other cities.


DC Corporation.

Anton sat in the office, received Eddie's report, took out his cell phone, and called one by one.


Hell's Kitchen.


Night Demon, Matt Murdoch received a call from Anton.

"what's up?"

Matt's heart moved, and he had a foreboding that Anton's call was not simple.


His face gradually became solemn.

"I know!"

Matt replied: "The night demon has been on vacation for so long, so it's time to come out for activities!"


Midtown High School.

The principal came to Peter's class.

"Who is Peter Parker?"

He looked around and saw a thin young man getting up and beckoning to the young man: "My child, someone is here to pick you up! It's a reporter from the Clarion Daily!"

"The Daily Horn?"

Peter followed the principal out of the class~www.NovelMTL.com~ with a dazed expression.

"Do you know the ranking of superheroes not long ago? The Clarion Daily seems to be planning to make a ranking of the high schools in New York, so it is conducting interviews and investigations with students from various universities and high schools...

The principal looked at Peter with a smile: "Child, do you know what to say?"


Peter was speechless, an old slot stuck in his throat and couldn't spit it out.


New York Police Department.

The four little tortoises who were at work received the notice and instantly became excited.

They came to George's office.


Michelangelo looked excited: "We are going out, Batman needs us!"

(Happy New Year’s Eve everyone, ask for monthly pass! Please book all! Let me have a good year too)

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