I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 131: Time of crisis! (happy New Year)

New York, Manhattan area, TCRI laboratory building.

As the new stronghold of Bigfoot, the alien invasion plan led by Schrader, who escaped from prison, is in full swing.


Suddenly, the situation changed.

The blue energy ray, through the output tool on the top of TCRI, generally blasted into the sky and exploded in the clouds, sweeping the sky above Manhattan.

Under the influence of the energy rays, the cloud group expanded rapidly, turning black and forming a whirlpool shape.

The center of the vortex seems to be connected to another space. Look at that posture, something is about to come out of the clouds.

Click! Click!

Dense lightning and blue energy are constantly flickering in the dark clouds.

The citizens of New York felt an unusual breath, their heartbeat accelerated, and they panicked inexplicably.

They looked up at the cloud group that started in Manhattan and expanded towards the entire New York area. They had an ominous premonition for what would happen next.


A certain hotel.

Nick Fury heard the movement outside the window, saw the dark clouds in the sky through the glass window, and saw with his own eyes that the indescribable terrifying energy was gathering in the sky.

As Phil said before, a space channel is being opened up!

The black hand behind the space passage is an unbelievable alien who has to believe!

"The teleportation device!"

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., black marinated egg, Nick Fury's face is ugly.

He knew that the situation had evolved to the worst he had anticipated, and it was too late to take action on the Bigfoot at this time.

Mainly only in the past few hours, Bigfoot took an extreme approach.

This greatly exceeded the expectations of the black marinated egg.

"I found it!"

Natasha opened the door, her expression dignified, and came to Nick Fury.

"In the TCRI laboratory building."

She reports: "Through the energy positioning just released, the bigfoot people are in the TCRI laboratory building!"

"Send all agents, and you must turn off the teleportation device to prevent Bigfoot from introducing aliens into the earth!"

The black braised egg said in a deep voice.

After a pause, he said again: "Also, tell Tony that New York is in danger and S.H.I.E.L.D. needs support."


Natasha nodded: "Hawkeye has already rushed over first, Coleson is summoning people and preparing to break TCRI in one fell swoop..."

After speaking, the conversation turned: "Should we contact Anton?"

Contact Anton?

The black braised egg understood Natasha's meaning.

This is to ask Batman for help.

In order to be foolproof, of course the message must be passed on to Batman.

Despite watching this news, even if he didn't tell Batman, Batman would not be clear that New York is experiencing a crisis.

After all, the information about aliens is still the S.H.I.E.L.D.Batman told.

"No need to."

Hei La Dan thought for a moment and shook his head: "If S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau can handle it, Batman has no need to appear, but if S.H.I.


Natasha listened to the order, then found Coleson, assembled all the agents in New York, and then got in the car, hurriedly all the way to the destination.


At the same time, the TCRI laboratory building.

"We made it!"

Schrader looked mad.

The successful operation of the teleportation device in front of him has allowed him to see the alien Lange, using the war fortress to occupy the earth and dominate the world by himself.

"Yes, we succeeded!"

Stockman interface, the excitement on his face is no less than Schrader.

"Once the energy reaches its peak, the gate of time and space can be opened to its maximum, and the fortress of war can pass through the gate of time and space to the earth... the scene will be extremely spectacular.

Stockman laughed: "This is a miracle created by me. Galileo, Newton, Einstein, these people should not be able to compare with everything that happened here. From now on, I Will be the first person in the history of science!"

Schrader glanced at him and said nothing.


In the sky above their heads, the dark clouds became denser and thunder and lightning continued.

Under people's horrified eyes, the blue energy converged into a single point and suddenly exploded in all directions.


The air wave followed the explosion of energy, forming a gust of wind, blowing through every corner of New York.

The water of the Hudson River made huge waves.

On the nearby seashore, huge waves tens of meters high were also turned up.

The cruise ship is shaking.

The tourists on the boat were horrified.

Everyone can see that there is something in the changing clouds above their heads, revealing a corner from the vortex of dark clouds.

"it has started!"

Schrader watched the changes in the cloud group and knew that the parts of the war fortress were arriving on earth in a way of "turning zero into a whole".

Toot toot! !

An alarm sounded inside the TCRI laboratory building where they were located.

"Someone broke in!"

The female ninja Kalai heard the alarm, checked the surveillance, and found a man carrying a bow and arrow at the gate, rushing into the building.

The thugs under the Big Foot Gang are not the enemy of this person at all.

"Master Schrader!"

Calle's face solemn: "We are exposed, Batman may come here, and the four turtles..."

"Don't panic!"

Schrader was expressionless and looked at the two purple potions: "This is the potion given to me by the alien Lange. It can make people possess superpowers."


Stockman shook his head: "I'm just a researcher, you won't let me fight, will you?"

"Don't we have experimenters?"

Schrader sneered.

He cast his gaze on the two small gangsters who were locked up in a cell with him, and was accidentally brought to the TCRI experimental building by the teleportation device.

Bebo, Rose Teddy.

These two are the rhino and wild boar among the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

From the perspective of the steel frame, Anton saw this scene, and the corners of his lips lifted, with some emotion.

Destiny is so wonderful.

As long as Anton pushes a little, the plot can develop in the direction he remembers.



Hawkeye easily solved the enemy on the first floor. Just as he was about to make the elevator to reach the top floor, he saw two monsters standing up, killing him with the momentum of thunder.

Of course, it is a bit inaccurate to say it is a "monster".

To be precise, it should be an "animal".

"Rhino? Wild boar?"

He opened his eyes and felt that he had come to the zoo.

Wild boars and rhinos sprinted at speeds beyond the limits of the human body. The ground under their feet shook and cracked under the footsteps of the two.

Immediately afterwards, the two gave Hawkeye the most ferocious collision head-on.


Hawkeye flew out, like a rag doll that no one wanted, knocking out a big hole in the wall behind him, and leaning on the road.

At this time, a dozen black cars approached by his side.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The sound of the brakes was heard, and black tire marks were left on the ground.

Hawkeye's eyes widened.

Natasha opened the car door and looked at the eagle eye at her feet.

"I will treat it as if I didn't see it."

As she said, she looked around, and the colleagues who had all gotten out of the car looked away.


Hawkeye knew it was embarrassing now.

"The enemy is not easy!"

He popped a few words between his teeth.


The rhino and wild boar broke through the wall that was knocked out of the big hole by the eagle eye, and came to the sidewalk, two white gas sprayed from their huge nostrils.

"Uh, it's really not easy!"

Natasha was stunned.

She never expected that the eagle eye's mouth was not simple, it actually meant this.

During this time, New York seems to have become a zoo.

Bats, spiders, tortoises, lizards, octopuses, after detailed investigation by S.H.I.E.L.D., there are even unknown mice...

Now there are two other animals.

Rhino and wild boar!

How do these people get together and become animals?

Is Mutation Stream so popular in this era?

In Natasha's mind, a mess of thoughts flashed quickly, and then she returned to her senses and waved to the colleagues around her.

"Move fast!"

She said solemnly: "Our time is running out!"



TCRI laboratory building.


The highest level.

Eddie hides in a small corner and has a panoramic view of the development of the matter. He is also amazed by the appearance of the rhino and boar.

However, it is not yet time for him to make a move.

Eddie, who has had a detailed exchange with Anton, knows Anton's overall plan.

Anton was very sure, and S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't handle the bigfoot.

With the help of the alien Lange, the Rhino man and the Boar man alone are enough for S.H.I.E.L.D. to make a pot of delicious food, let alone “turning the pieces into a whole” and continuously entering the earth’s war fortress.

The reason why Eddie is so calm is because all this is in Anton's expectation.

At this time, Ganggu monitors the entire New York network and has two-way communication with him through Bluetooth headsets.

"I have connected to the central database of the war fortress, and when the war fortress has completely entered the earth, I will be able to take control of the war fortress from the alien Lange."

Steel Bone told Eddy: "Don't act rashly. Let S.H.I.E.L.D. deal with the bigfoot first, and wait until they are deflated, is the best time for us to take action. Let the entire New York, and the world, know the existence of the Justice League. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Up!"

"Don't worry, I'm more reliable than Phil."

Eddie patted his chest.

It is worth mentioning that Anton did not hide everything that happened in Brazil from Eddie.

Although Eddie disagrees with the method of "killing people and killing people" with Steel Bone, after all, what Steel Bone did was to rescue Phil...

Don't forget, Phil is Eddie's apprentice.

Eddie chose to accept the facts.

Anyway, the killer is the steel bone, not Batman, and it has nothing to do with Anton.

Moreover, from the perspective of its own camp, the steel frame is right.

Of course, in Anton's view, it doesn't matter whether Eddie likes steel.

As comrades-in-arms, the disagreement of personalities is not the key, or even irrelevant. As long as they can obey the orders, they can cooperate with each other.

"Eddie, this is Anton."

Suddenly, Anton's voice came from Eddie's Bluetooth headset.

"Eddie got it!"

"Now, leave the TCRI experimental building immediately, and the steel monitoring shows that Tony Stark has entered the New York area and is rushing towards where you are."

Andong said: "Tony’s artificial intelligence butler, Jarvis is connecting to TCRI’s network. It may detect your position. You have done enough. Let’s play with us later. Now leave the war to they."


Eddie nodded.

The next moment, the venom stretched out its tentacles from behind him, rushed into the half-open window, and jumped down nearly two hundred meters in the air.


In the process of falling, Eddie's face was expressionless, even a little enjoyable.

At the critical moment, a tentacle shot out like a bullet, hitting the roof position of another building, like Spider-Man's spider silk, pulling Eddie to the roof position.


Eddie disappeared in this area.


A few minutes after Eddie left, a red shadow turned into lightning, arriving near the building from the distant sky.

"Bigfoot members, leader Schrader, female ninja Calle... the founder of teleportation technology, Dr. Baxter Stockman, they are all inside the building."

Jarvis's voice sounded in Tony's armor.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. people are attacking the building, and a rhino and a wild boar are blocking their way."

"Rhino? Wild boar?"

Tony was taken aback, seeing Jarvis's shot on the virtual screen in front of him through the camera, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He also felt the emotion of "New York Zoo" in his heart.


Then, at the center of the vortex above his head, from the other end of the gate of time and space, the parts of the war fortress that passed through, drifted around him.

"Is this an alien?"

Tony muttered, surprised, but also aware of the seriousness of the matter.

Alien invasion!

This is a sensational event around the world!

The terror events caused by these super villains, such as the Green Goblin, Lizardman, and Doctor Octopus, are completely different from the past.

Compared with the alien invasion, this is a trivial matter.

"Try to join the alien network!"

Tony saw that there seemed to be a network terminal on the part, squinted his eyes, and told Jarvis: "Decipher the information... I want to see, what the **** is this!"


A series of messages appeared before his eyes.

"War fortress!"

Tony murmured, his face was not relaxed, he became more solemn: "War Machine, the super warship of aliens, the commander is called Lange..."


While pondering, he received a call request from the black bittern egg.

"Tony, what's the situation on your side?"

After the connection, the black braised egg asked in a deep voice: "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s offense is hindered. You must close the gate of time and space as soon as possible."

"I know."

Tony replied and ended the call.

Under the monitoring of Jarvis, he knew that most of the parts of the war fort had entered the earth, and the preliminary assembly was about to be completed.

The time is urgent and cannot be delayed any longer.


The jet of air behind him.

He turned into a meteor falling from the sky, rushing into the floor below, where Schrader was.

Boom! !

But at the moment Tony was about to enter this floor, an energy ray fell from the sky and hit him in an instant.

"Damn it!"

Tony's face changed slightly.

The armor on his body lost power, and he fell from a floor nearly two hundred meters away.

Everyone in the SHIELD Bureau below saw him plummeting straight down, all expressions of nervousness, fearing that a powerful combat force of their own, just rushed to the street.

Fortunately, Tony stabilized his body again, and when he was about to make intimate contact with the ground, he rushed into the sky again.

This time, he put his goal on top of the war fortress that was about to be built.

Jarvis told him that all the parts of the war fortress had crossed the gate of time and space and came to earth.

At this time, turning off the teleportation device has no effect at all.

The key lies in the aliens who control the war fortress.


Tony murmured and rushed into the round war fortress under the eyes of everyone.

At the same time, the alien Lange hid inside the robot he made, saw Iron Man killed from the outside world, and laughed disdainfully.


An energy shell hit Tony~www.NovelMTL.com~ and directly blew him out of the war fortress.

How to get in and get out.

Upon seeing this, not only the citizens of New York, but even the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. who were watching this scene were shocked, and then felt powerless and even desperate.


"Where is Batman?"

The citizens of New York suddenly remembered the man with the flying cloak and pointed ears.

Speaking of, Batman hasn't officially appeared for a long time since the Green Devils incident!

The latest news is Steel Bone, Iron Man, and Arrow!

Where is Batman?

Will he appear in times of crisis?

(New Year’s Day, Happy New Year everyone!)

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