I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 134: Iron Man has shot again!

Boom! !

Just as the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tony were thinking about the gap between "Justice League" and "Avengers", the war fortress in the sky suddenly made a huge explosion.

The thunderous sound surprised everyone.

Including those New Yorkers who originally stared at the sky, but could only stare at the sky, they all stared at the explosion, and did not dare to blink their eyes.

at this time.

The platform extending from the inside of the war fortress to the outside was heavily covered by a group of dazzling fire and smoke, blocking people's sight.

But as early as a minute ago, many people noticed that the explosion was caused by the bombardment of the shells.

The humanoid mecha controlled by aliens burst out terrifying blue energy cannonballs.

Steel bones are not to be outdone, and sonic shells gather.

The two sides contacted, and in an instant, they destroyed the platform outside the war fortress and spread all the way to the inside of the war fortress.

Immediately afterwards, Batman transformed into a sharp sword and burst out of thick smoke.

Click! Click!

Under Batman's operation, the Batmobile changed its direction, and the front and sides of the car changed into terrifying barrels, aiming at the indistinct shadow inside the dense smoke, and the fire continued to erupt.

Duh duh duh!

The special artillery shell made the barrel of the gun hot, raining into the thick smoke, and causing another explosion.

"Damn human!"

Lange yelled angrily, resounding across the sky.

Even New Yorkers have heard a standard American English that belongs to Lange.

They don't know the inside story, so it doesn't feel strange.

Having said that, after Batman appeared, their inner tension was greatly reduced.

These people seem to be sure that Batman can solve the crisis, turn the tide again, and solve the people of New York.

As for everyone in SHIELD, the black braised egg headed by them was a little surprised.

He was stunned to understand why an alien could actually speak the earth language.

Then I thought about it again. When the Cree and Scroo came to the earth in the 1990s, they also spoke fluent American English.

In this way, it does not seem to be surprising that the alien named Lange speaks English.


After rushing out of the dense smoke, Batman, who appeared in everyone's sight, swung into the war fortress with the help of a bat claw gun, and once again disappeared from everyone's sight.

However, everyone has guessed that Batman must have entered the huge spaceship for another purpose.

Maybe it was trying to take control of the spaceship from the enemy.

People are full of thoughts and look forward to it.

"get out!"

Immediately afterwards, Lange's furious roar resounded.

The weapons and equipment inside the fortress of the war, all under his mind operation, instantly changed, aiming at the Batman who had just entered it, that is, Anton.

Boom boom boom!

The energy shells came.

Anton didn't change his color, flipped the cloak behind him, and then threw the bat boomerang.

The boomerang returned to his hand in a circle.

The energy cannonball that came towards him was detonated by the boomerang midway through the attack.

The huge fire light and shock wave exploded, and it happened to be blocked by the special bat cloak.

Click! Click!

Under the impact of the energy shells, the internal space of the war fortress was damaged.

In this regard, Lange can only watch and has no room for manipulation.

Because Lange was entangled by Anton's steel clone and couldn't make any move to clean up the Batman inside the fortress.

It is worth mentioning that Anton entered the war fortress for the lighthouse of the war fortress.

The lighthouse is synonymous and can be regarded as the core of the formation of a war fortress.

Everything in the war fortress was built around the lighthouse.

As long as you can master the lighthouse, the steel can completely take over the war fortress, turn this alien spaceship into your own use, and become the base of the Justice League.

This is Anton's ultimate goal.

He raised his head slightly and saw a small ball floating in the air about a hundred meters away.

There is no doubt that it is the lighthouse.

But Lange has listed him as the target of attack, and all the weapons and equipment inside the war fort are aimed at him.

Even one step forward is extremely difficult. It's like standing on a steel wire connecting two buildings and walking in the clouds. If there is a mistake, you will face crushing bones.

"The game has just begun."

Anton whispered, speeding up his pace, letting the artillery fire pass by his side, like a fish flying through the water, constantly shortening the distance between himself and the lighthouse.


at this time.

External platform of war fortress.

The thick smoke dissipated.

The steel skeleton was suspended in the air, confronting the humanoid mecha controlled by Lange.

Lange gritted his teeth.

Through the internal monitoring of the robot, he understood the purpose of Batman who entered the fortress of the war, and felt unprecedented annoyance.

However, he was entangled in steel and couldn't go back inside to fight Batman with all his strength.

"Damn human!"

Lange was no stranger to the two enemies in front of him.

At least, he, who knows something about the earth, has heard of the names of the two.

"Super hero……"

Lange sneered: "Heroes are often dead! Superheroes, that is, people who die faster!"

He has been observing the earth for a long time.

In addition to the Bigfoot who first obtained the fragments of the teleportation device he dropped, they also collected the names of superheroes on the earth who threatened him a little.

Batman and Steel Bones are two of them.

The rest are Iron Man who is blocked by his war fortress, Spiderman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who are being dealt with by the Bigfoot Gang, and so on.

Of course, in general, these people are not in the eyes of Lange.

As an alien criminal, controlling the fortress of war, Lange, who has such a terrifying technological weapon, has killed even more powerful opponents, not to mention a creature on Earth that is located in a remote corner of the universe and can be called a "poor country". .

"Steel, I will kill you first, and then slowly concoct Batman!"

The humanoid mech squeezed his fist.

Lange paused every word.

"This is a new game, be careful, earthlings!"

The words are full of anger.

Obviously, he, who traverses the universe, regards people on earth as ants.

But the current situation is that Ant wants to turn over and become the master, and has broken through his first line of defense.

This made Lange furious.

"I was about to say this too."

The tone of the steel bone is calm.

Boom! !

The voice fell, and it was another bombardment of energy cannonballs.

Under the madness of fire and shock waves, like fireworks in the sky, a blue energy ray containing the power of ice directly freezes the fire, and at an incredible speed, it passes all the way to the steel frame.

The steel bone raised his hand slightly, and the sonic shield blocked the energy rays.


The next moment, a stream of air shot from his back, rushing towards Lange like lightning, ready to fight with him at close range.

The steel avatar, that is, An Dong knew very well.

In terms of pure technology content, the war fortresses that Lange has mastered and the humanoid mechas he controls are not inferior to the alien technology of the Apocalypse Mother Box.

In short, it is difficult to tell the winner.

The point is that Lange has a fatal flaw.

This cargo doesn't possess any combat ability at all. His only reliance is humanoid mecha and war fortress.

As long as Lange’s mecha can be destroyed, and Batman, who is incarnation of Anton’s body, is used inside the war fortress to contain Lange’s manipulation of the war fortress, Lange will have no room to play and can only be slaughtered. .


Under the public eye.

The humanoid mech collided with the steel frame head-on.

At this moment, the Iron Man outside the fortress of the war, that is, Tony Stark, pondered for a moment.

He saw the alien being restrained by the steel frame, and felt that he could not let go of this opportunity and had to seize it.

Even if he can't appear as the main character, he can still help Steel Bone or Batman a little bit.

Show your face!

The war fortress could not be attacked for a long time, but the steel bone and Batman came straight into the war fortress without any obstacles in the middle.

This caused a big blow to Tony.

Especially, the citizens of New York, as long as they look up to the sky, they can see this scene.

Tony was even more pounding, regretting it.

He believes that it is necessary to reverse his heroic image in the hearts of New Yorkers.

These people must know that Tony Stark is the genius of invention that combines talent and beauty.

Thoughts fall.

Even if his armor only had a small amount of energy left, he exploded at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and slammed into the war fortress like lightning.


The shock wave behind him waved in all directions.

"Iron Man is shooting again!"

"He wants to help Steel Bones and Batman!"

People cast expectant glances.


Click, click, click!

Although Lange is facing the frenzied attack of steel and has no spare power to control the war fortress, the external defense mechanism of the war fortress was designed earlier, and it does not need Lange's control at all to function perfectly.

A series of thick and long barrels changed directions as before, aiming at the red figure that had been killed.

Tony squinted his eyes, slightly nervous.

"Sir, a route has been planned for you."

Jarvis uses the superb computing power of artificial intelligence to analyze a route through the design trajectory of the barrel, which may allow Tony to pass the external defense mechanism of the war fortress.

"Good job, Jarvis!"

Tony heard these words from Jarvis, the tension in his heart disappeared without a trace, and he suddenly became confident.

After a compliment, the air flow from the feet and palms increased the output.


Tony's speed skyrocketed.

boom! !

At this moment, the energy shells came and completely blocked Tony's path.


Tony was shocked: "Jarvis, your route is wrong."

"Sorry, sir."

Jarvis began to tell a sneer: "I hope I still have a chance to re-plan your route."

Boom! !

Before Tony could reply, he ran into a cannonball head on.

The huge fire light shock wave made him lose weight immediately, and the whole person fell from mid-air.

Iron Man completely disappeared before people's eyes.

When people see this, they are silent, but they can only wish Iron Man good luck in their hearts.


"The armor damage rate is 78%, all weapon systems fail, the propellers fail, and the ability to fly..."

After Jarvis finished speaking, he paused: "Sir, good luck to you."

"Damn it!"

Tony gritted his teeth: "Jarvis, if I can survive, you'd better pray that your core algorithm will not be replaced."

He kept falling, getting closer to the TCRI laboratory building.

Even though he was wearing armor, it was not a trivial matter to fall so straight at his current height.

If you can't die, you have to lose half your life!

Tony closed his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt like he had fallen into a big net and was caught by someone.

Open your eyes and take a look.

A pair of Kazilan's big eyes were staring at him.

On the face in front of him, there is a big mouth of the blood basin and a pair of sharp fangs.


Falling on the mask of his armor.

Tony was surprised at first, then let go of his mind.

He is no stranger to this person.

Although the opponent looks a little ugly, the character corresponding to this image is enough to make people remember deeply.


Tony let out a breath: "Eddie Bullock, I owe you my life."


The Anton body, which is fighting in the fortress of the war, is Batman, and the steel clone that is fighting against the humanoid mecha controlled by Lange does not know what happened to Tony.

Both of them are now highly concentrated, planning to solve the current predicament with a powerful force of thunder.

In fact, it is not a dilemma to be precise.

It's like fighting monsters in a game.

They must go all out to clear customs.

at the moment.

Anton is still more than fifty meters away from the lighthouse.

His face under the helmet was very calm, walking leisurely inside the war fortress, and the artillery shells and energy rays flying around were smoothly avoided by his ingenious body skills.

Thanks to the steel bones that had previously inserted "nails" into the network inside the war fortress.

This made Anton's pressure much less.

However, the control of the war fortress always belongs to the commander Lange.

To stop this series of attacks on oneself directly, you must wait until you get the lighthouse and completely take control of Lange.

the other side.

The battle between Steel Bone and Lange has entered a white-hot stage.

The close encounter between the two is not only the clash of skill and fighting ability, but also the energy weapons of the two.

Part of the weapons on the steel skeleton are made by the earth, and the other part comes from alien technology.

And Lange's humanoid mech brings together high-end alien technology.

The power of the weapons equipped on both sides is amazing.

The two even reached a consensus that they must not resist head-on.

Therefore, they both fight and hide.

Fancy and colorful shells exploded in the air behind them from time to time, like fireworks.

The citizens of New York were a little fascinated~www.NovelMTL.com~ Time passed bit by bit, and the completion of the formation of the war fortress reached an astonishing 91%, almost assembling.

Once the war fortress is truly assembled, the earth will face a disaster.

Seeing that the battle overhead was too slow to tell the winner, and inside the TCRI laboratory building, Spider-Man entered for a long time, but there was no movement.

The black braised egg became nervous again, and wanted to take out the pager.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the battle on the road ended.

The Rhinoceros and Boar were defeated by Arrow and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The two sides looked at each other without stopping, and quickly rushed into the inside of the TCRI building, ready to seize control of the teleportation device from the hands of the bigfoot, and help Batman and Steel Bone in the sky above their heads to solve this crisis.

When the remaining agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. saw this, they all rushed into the TCRI laboratory building without waiting for the black marinated egg.

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