I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 135: Nick, you won't make me embarrassed, will you?

Arrow takes the lead.

He pressed the elevator button and then walked into the elevator.

After all, there are dozens of stories high, and running up there will waste several minutes without saying a waste of energy.

In the narrow space of the elevator, four arrogant tortoises flooded in successively, followed by Nick Fury and Coleson.

Even the badly injured Hawkeye squeezed in with force.

Upon seeing this, Natasha looked at the elevator next to her, and decided to wait with the agents next to her.

Huh huh!

The elevator rises quickly.

In the small space, the awkward atmosphere is permeated.

A few people look at me, I look at you, they don’t know what to say.

The black braised egg has a black face, and I don't know what I'm thinking.


Finally, as if a long time passed, the elevator reached the top floor.

The elevator door opens.

Because of the injury, Hawkeye's reaction slowed down. Before he had time to move, he was kicked out of the elevator by the people behind him, who didn't know who it was.


He cursed loudly, and several strong winds passed by his side.

The leader is Arrow.

Next to Green Arrow were four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles holding weapons and acting with wind.

Coleson stepped forward to support him.

Nick Fury was beside them, looking around.

This guy ignores the big-footed remnants who are surging up around him, and fixes his gaze on the center, the mind transmission device that has gathered countless energies, thoughtfully.

At this time, turning off the teleportation device is no longer useful.

What should be done now is to continue to supply the energy required by the teleportation device, and then send the war fortress back to the universe.

The fortress of war is a terrifying weapon that shouldn't exist on the earth.

It's not that Nick Fury has never thought of controlling the war fortress, but he knows more clearly that the war fortress, a terrifying weapon, should not be controlled by any earthling.

It is likely to be a disaster comparable to an alien invasion, or even more serious.

Huh huh!

Suddenly, the sharp breaking sound attracted his attention.

I saw Green Arrow take the lead, using arrows to push back the wounded female ninja Kalai, who still had no plans to back down.

Then, another arrow fell at the trembling feet of Dr. Stockman.

"Stockman, if I see you move around again, the arrow I shoot behind will not be under your feet, but in your heart."

Arrow's words were calm, but there was an unprecedented murderous aura.

He first warned Stockman, and then saw that the night demon was chasing after victory, and a group of them knocked out the female ninja Calli.

Finally, the two turned their gazes to Schrader wearing samurai armor.

Little Spider is playing back and forth with Schrader.

Of course, Schrader's slight disadvantage is not completely incapable of fighting back.

The countless sharp knives stuck in his arms are controlled by the magnetic system, and they can be swayed densely like raindrops in the sky. After cutting off the spider silk control, they return to the original position of his arm.

"Wait, I can kill him!"

Little Spider saw that Arrow and Daredevil had plans to help, and was afraid of being robbed by colleagues. This was his own "graduation project."

He immediately shouted, righteously saying: "Go get the teleportation device, Schrader will give it to me!"

When he said this, he ignored the four little turtles that were already eager to try.

"Little Junior Brother, let's help you!"

"You are still too young, let the seniors teach you how to fight Schrader to pass the level!"

"Want to graduate? You are still early!"

The tortoises laughed, their footsteps were neat, they were on the same line as the little spider, and they wanted to suppress Schrader.


Seeing four turtles besieging Schrader, the little spider wanted to cry without tears.

Schrader was furious.

These people simply regard themselves as fish on the chopping board and let others slaughter them.

the other side.

Anton's Arrow clone looked back.

In fact, the situation has developed to this point, and the victory is basically locked, and there is no possibility of Schrader's headwind.

Their main concern was not what they were in front of them, but what was happening in the sky above them, inside and outside the war fortress.

Does Batman get the lighthouse.

And whether the steel frame holds Lange.

It now appears that the Arrow clones can be sure from their own perspective that the two are doing pretty well.

Everything is under control.

While thinking, he turned his attention to Stockman.


Stockman smiled awkwardly and humblely.

He looked flattering and said: "What's your order? I will do it!"

Knowing that he could not escape with his wings, Stokeman, who consciously brought into the captive role, had no plan to resist, and was ready to let him go.

Before that, is it not natural to do something that can mitigate the crime?

The interior of the war fortress.

Anton received the report from Green Arrow and knew that inside the TCRI laboratory building below, the battle for the teleportation device was coming to an end.

Next, just wait for him and Steel Bone clone to solve the problem and send the war fortress back to the universe.


Anton turned into Batman, walking incessantly, even speeding up.


Perceiving the internal changes, Lange bit his teeth, dragging his steel bone in front of him, and he hated him.


He increased the energy output of the weapon.

Countless energy cannonballs, overwhelmingly killing steel.

The steel frame is very calm.

His sonic barrier expanded, on the one hand, detonated the energy bomb, on the other hand, it protected New York, so that the aftermath of the energy bomb would not affect the New Yorkers watching the battle.

To some extent, these citizens are all "precious leeks."

In the vision of Anton and Steel Bone clone, the number of fans about Batman and Steel Bone is soaring upwards at an incredible speed.

"It's time to say goodbye!"

The steel bone stared at Lange in front of him, and under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, he collided with the humanoid mecha.

What happened next made everyone who witnessed this scene open their mouths, but they were speechless, and they were deeply shocked.

The steel bone abruptly ripped off the arm of the humanoid mecha.

At the same time, his chest was also pierced by the energy shells of the humanoid mecha at close range.

"Steel, come on!"

Everyone squeezed their fists and gave them mental support.

Some people have a fragile mentality and are afraid to continue watching. Instead, they open one eye and close the other, wanting to see and being afraid.

But these people didn't know that the injuries that pierced their chests seemed serious, but they didn't have any major impact on the action and combat power of the steel bones.

The steel body, Victor Stone, was on the verge of death before being transformed into a half-human, half-mechanical biohazard.

The main body of the steel frame is all machinery, and even the brain has been transformed into a quantum computer.

The injury of the body can be perfectly reborn with only the replacement of parts.

Besides, with the almost infinite energy supplied by the Apocalypse Mother Box, few people in the entire universe can match his movement energy and energy, and it is even more unique on the earth.

Of course, you can't compare the Infinite Gems with the Apocalypse Mother Box.

Both parties have their own strengths and are not comparable.

But in the Marvel world, it must be admitted that the infinite gem is the foundation, or cornerstone, of the Marvel world.

In this way, the Apocalypse Mother Box is also a high-end auxiliary equipment, similar in nature to Thor's Storm Axe.

Closer to home.

The steel bone looked seriously injured, bewildering Lange.

"Human, I will tear you apart!"

Lange laughed loudly, feeling that victory was in sight, and controlled the remaining hand of the humanoid mech and grabbed it at the steel.

But he didn't expect that the wound on the steel chest had already healed more than half.

The mechanical body of memory metal covered his chest again.

The stiffness of the steel body returned to normal in an instant.

Lange's humanoid mecha directly met the sonic cannonballs transformed from steel.


The shell slammed into Lange with the shock wave.

Lange and his humanoid mecha flew directly into the higher sky, and then landed heavily on the platform inside the war fortress.

Seeing this, the steel frame jumped into the air and ran after him.

The situation reversed instantly.

All the New Yorkers who stared at this scene were dumbfounded and shocked. They had no time to feel the pain, and they ushered in a huge surprise.

"Steel has won!"

"we won!"

The people cheered wildly.

By the window of the TCRI laboratory building.

Hei Bao Dan, Night Demon, Natasha and others, seeing this scene, Qi Qi sighed in relief.

The Arrow clone disagreed, and his face remained calm.

He and Steel Bone are both Anton's clones, and they are connected. This is expected, and it is not surprising.

In the eyes of Hei La Dan and others, this is absolute trust in one's companions.

They were a little surprised.

Inside the Justice League, the most mysterious are Batman, Steel and Arrow.

Between the three of them, there seems to be a tacit understanding that others can't get involved.

at this time.

Rooftop outside the building.

Tony Stark collapsed on the roof and took off his helmet.

Beside him is Eddie Bullock, who is in the form of venom.

Eddie heard his name from Tony and knew that the other party had mastered the true identity of Venom, but he wasn't surprised.

Tony Stark, as the leader of Stark's industry, is a big figure standing at the top of the pyramid.

Once a multinational arms giant, Stark Industries even has the ability to control the life and death of a small country.

For such a character, Venom's true identity is not a secret.

After all, people from Osborne also intervened in the Life Foundation incident.

At that time, the news had spread out on a small scale.


Tony stared at the picture above his head, squinted his eyes, and looked at Eddie beside him: "Are you also a member of the Justice League?"

"of course."

Eddie nodded and looked proud: "I was the first person Batman invited."


Tony was shocked.

In front of him, Lange's steel bones were almost exploded, and he was not the main character of the Justice League at all.

As we all know, the core of the Justice League is Batman!

At this time, Batman was still inside the fortress of the war, trying to do something.

"It's not over yet!"

Tony sighed.

But don't know why, he didn't feel so nervous in his heart.

It seems that this alien invasion time, even if it is not over, has already come to an end and will end.

This is the fact.

This alien invasion has indeed come to an end.

Anton arrived at the lighthouse.

He stared at the small ball in front of him, his eyes deep.


Suddenly, there was a shock from behind.

It was Lange, who was bombed by steel, and landed from the sky on the platform inside the war fortress.

"Human! Stop it!"

Lange let out an angry roar.

Anton turned a deaf ear.

On the other side, the steel frame entered the interior at the moment Lange uttered his voice, and stood in front of Lange, isolating Lange's glaring gaze at Batman.

"Lange, the game is over! You lost!"

After talking about the steel bones, I saw Batman in Anton’s incarnation. He took off the small ball and inserted a USB flash drive into the port inside the ball.

Huh huh!

The steel-bone brain is running rapidly, and a series of data streams emerge in front of him.

Opposite him.

Lange seemed to have a premonition and roared unwillingly.

However, at the moment before losing control, Lange gave the final and irrevocable order to the war fortress.

That is to activate the escape program inside the war fortress.

"just wait!"

Lange was sent into the escape capsule, gritted his teeth: "Damn human! I will come back again!"

"come back?"

Anton let go, letting the lighthouse float in the air.

He turned to look at Lange, seemingly calm, but the murderousness in his words made Lange feel a fear he hadn't had in a long time.

"Do you think you can survive?"

The moment the escape capsule entered the ejection track inside the war fortress, Anton activated the cable launcher on the battle armor.

Immediately afterwards, the escape capsule was about to be ejected, and Anton came to the outside of the escape capsule and looked at Lange through the glass.

"Damn it!"

Lange seemed to have a foreboding.

Next second.

The escape capsule was launched into the air, but its energy system was destroyed.

In the process of rushing directly into the clouds and intending to escape to the other end of the universe, the escape capsule exploded.

Lange turned into fly ash, dead without a whole body, and failed to leave his last words.

Anton’s Batman was taken away from the war fort by the escape capsule, into the clouds, and fell from mid-air.

Under the public eye.

He landed safely on his Batman car.

Afterwards, the Batmobile landed on the roof of a certain building, and Batman got out of the car and stood beside Eddie and Tony.


Tony was in a daze when he saw this.

This big incident gave him a big blow, but it also made him deeply aware that his wisdom also has limitations.

At least, the alien technology that appeared in front of him was not a technology that he could crack in a short while.

Otherwise, the defense mechanism of the war fort that he had cracked a long time ago would not lose such a big face.


Immediately afterwards, the steel frame flew out of the war fortress.

The lighthouse was sent by him to the gate of time and space, opposite the universe.

At this time, the war fortress disintegrated again and shattered into pieces. Following the lighthouse, from where to go back and forth, all of them rushed into the gate of time and space in the dark clouds and disappeared on the earth.

After a while.

The black clouds dissipated, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is cloudless.

The sun was shining everywhere in New York, and the citizens breathed a sigh of relief, as if it was Christmas, and countless people shouted in unison.



at the same time.

Inside the TCRI laboratory building.

Schrader and others have been arrested, and the incident is over. It seems that it is time to divide the spoils.

Green Arrow stood beside the teleportation device, looking at the black marinated egg and others who looked solemnly at the teleportation device.

"Batman said, this thing can't be handed over to you."

The Green Arrow's tone was firm and unquestionable.

After speaking, he looked at the black marinated egg in front of him again, and said solemnly: "Nick, you won't make me embarrassed, will you?"

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