I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 408: Superman vs. Obsidian 4! The miserable Gao Tianzun!

In the arena with 100,000 spectators, and under the live broadcast footage of the arena, most of the Saka stars were paying attention. Their fighting champion, the two-headed man raised his fists in anger and rushed towards the opposite Superman.

As a Saka star who didn't know anything about Superman, they didn't think that compared with the two-headed man, this thin and thin guy could hold back the fist of the two-headed man.

Although this universe does not have a law of strength based on body size, it has to be admitted that large people are generally more powerful than small people.

With the difference in size nearly doubled, no one felt that Superman could beat a two-headed man.

Now, the comparison between Superman and the two-headed man is like the size difference between Thor and Hulk in Thor 3.

Of course, the difference in strength between the two sides is greater than the difference in body shape.


The two-headed man attacked and killed like a locomotive.

The ground of the arena was shattered under the footsteps of the two-headed man, and pits with fine lines bloomed. The huge wind pressure swept across, accompanied by the fist larger than the casserole, from top to bottom, slammed hard at it. Superman's head.

Full of oppression.

But Superman didn't change his face, even standing still, waiting for the two-headed man to approach.

Then sneered.


He also stretched out his fist and touched his head.


The next moment, in countless pair of shocking eyes, the body of the two-headed man did not stop in the slightest. After the confrontation, his body flew out uncontrollably, hitting the wall in the corner of the arena heavily, and smashing the wall into a huge one. The pits and cracks even spread all the way to under the seats of the spectators on the sidelines of the first row.


"How is it possible?"

"Who is that guy?"

The audience showed horrified expressions.

They know nothing about the origins of Superman, but they know enough about the two-headed man.

Even in the entire Saka star, the two-headed man is a fighter who can rank in the top five in combat effectiveness, and can easily shred a powerful interstellar spaceship full of weapons by himself.

However, when the two-headed man faced this unknown man, he was knocked back vulnerable.

"Damn it!"

The two-headed man slipped from the wall to the ground, and the anger in his heart could not be suppressed. He had never been so embarrassed.


"You **** bastard!"

While cursing, his eyes were bloodshot, his muscles bulged, his strength swelled to the maximum, and he rushed towards Superman again.

But this time, Superman didn't give him another chance.


With a cold snort, two scarlet energy rays burst out of Superman's eyes, which is exactly the ability to see.


Two thermal visions of amazing temperature directly penetrated the head of the two-headed man.

The huge hole, accompanied by the evaporated flesh and blood, turned the two-headed man into an ugly and terrifying corpse, which was instantly worthless.

This scene shook the hearts of all the people present, holding their breath subconsciously, and the audience immediately calmed down, and the needle fell audibly.

Afterwards, everyone burst into a strong cheer.

No one cares about the life and death of a two-headed man.

The Sakas worship the strong.

The two-headed man was a strong man when he was alive, but he was a corpse when he died.

No one will worship a corpse.

Today, everyone's worship of the two-headed man and the strong has been transferred to the new champion of the arena, Superman.

The host does not even know the specific identity of Superman until now.

"Let us congratulate this gentleman, he defeated the fighting champion of Saka, the two-headed man, and became the new champion of Saka——"

The host cheered.


Arena, VIP rooms.

Gao Tianzun and the four obsidian generals looked at what was happening in front of them with different expressions.

The former was a little angry. The two-headed man was supposed to be his money-making tool, but he died like that, and it did not reflect the value that it should have...

"very good."

Among the four obsidian generals, the black dwarf spoke again, his eyes glowing a little, looking at the superman under the stage, he was energetic.

"He is more suitable than a two-headed man..."


Gao Tianzun was taken aback.

"I said, he is more suitable than a two-headed person, to be my subordinate."

Black dwarf said.

"Don't forget his identity."

Ebony Throat reminded.

"The master doesn't care about this little problem."

The black dwarf said: "If we can conquer this guy, it will be more beneficial to us. It's been a long time since Thanos Army has gathered useful talents."

"It's up to you."

Ebony Throat frowned slightly, but he knew that he could not convince the black dwarf.

Among the four Obsidian generals, although he was considered the one with the highest status, the other three did not take him as the "boss" in their eyes.


The black dwarf finished speaking, stood up, smashed the glass wall in front of the private room with a fist, and then jumped in depth.


He landed vertically from an altitude of nearly 100 meters.

Superman raised his head, his eyes indifferently watching a strong man who was not weaker than a two-headed man descend from the sky.

boom! !

With the appearance of the black dwarf, the ground of the arena was smashed into an amazing circular deep hole.

And beside the black dwarf, there is a huge battle axe, which is deeply inserted into the ground.

"Who is this?"

"He is a distinguished guest of Lord Gao Tianzun, how could he appear here?"

"Does he also come to a duel?"

The audience talked a lot.

But in any case, the current situation has deeply attracted their attention.

"Superman, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Black dwarf pulled out his battle axe, looked at the man in front of him with a sneer, and slowly said: "When we first met, my name is Black Dwarf, from Thanos Army."

"I know."

Superman nodded: "I'm here for you."


The black dwarf was taken aback.

Not only that, even the other people in the VIP room heard the conversation between the two sides, and at the same time their expressions changed slightly, revealing a look of amazement.

Afterwards, Ebony Throat's surprise turned into contemplation, and he felt that he seemed to have captured the key.

Superman's appearance here does not seem to be accidental.

It's for them...

After thinking for a moment, an incredible color appeared in the ebony throat eyes.


At this moment, the battle between Black Dwarf and Superman broke out in an instant without waiting for further communication between the two sides.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi!

The black dwarf dragged the battle axe on the ground for a short distance, and after the fire shot, he slammed it high and slashed at Superman.

The latter didn't change his face, and he didn't notice the attack of the giant battle axe, just clenched his fists and tapped his feet lightly.

boom! !

The deafening sound of collision, in the lasing shot of the gravel, resounded loudly in everyone's ears.

However, no one cared about the movement, but all were shocked, looking at the picture in the center of the arena.

The man called "Superman" by the black dwarf smashed the huge battle axe with one punch.

The grip of the tomahawk was twisted like a twist.

In addition, the most shocking thing is that the owner of this huge battle axe, the black dwarf of the Thanos Army, one of the four obsidian generals, at this time, most of his chest has been sunken in, and he was shot nearly a hundred meters away. Leaning on the wall, covered in blood, looked at Superman extremely shocked.

He didn't expect that he would be punched like this by Superman.

He is not a double-headed player.

The two-headed man is roughly equivalent to a weak version of Hulk, and the movie version of Hulk, in the time period after Thanos appeared, is far from the opponent of the black dwarf, and has already fallen behind the times.

Only a few people can keep up with the times.

Iron Man, Thor.

For the US team, it was because of his characteristic that he played 50-50, and, in the final battle, the hammer that Thor was unwilling to ask for, Mauernier, made him barely keep up with the pace of the times.

In addition to these three people, that is, Doctor Strange, Wanda the Scarlet Witch, and Captain Marvel, Carol, can be regarded as unique in the later stages.

Others are mixed players, and Hulk is no exception.

Superman knows this well.

But for Superman, it's normal to hit anyone with one punch.

After all, Superman’s setting is that I don’t want to hide when I hit anyone. I can’t solve it with one punch, and it’s hard to solve it with a second punch.

Kryptonite is not included.

Unfortunately, Marvel is not DC, and there is no kryptonite here.

In this universe where Superman has no weaknesses, Anton, who is incarnate as Superman, is undoubtedly the most special person.

Even if Thanos stood in front of him, he was fearless, let alone just a few of Thanos' subordinates.

The reason why he didn't find Thanos at this time was purely because of trouble.

Not afraid of going back, not afraid.

Over the years, Thanos has accumulated a lot of energy in the universe. Even if Superman can easily solve Thanos, it is not a simple task to get Thanos’ army.

Even if it is to kill, in which month and year do you have to kill?

Besides, people won't kill them until they wait in place and wait for you to kill them one by one.

Therefore, although the solution to Thanos is simple, it is not easy. You have to take your time.

The big deal is waiting for Thanos to deliver him.

Of course, it is reasonable to charge some interest first.

Superman looked at the black dwarf star who had fallen to the ground and lost his combat power, and looked up with a calm expression, looking at the Ebony Maw and others in the VIP room.

That's where the black dwarf jumped out.


At this time, Superman's gaze seemed to have passed everyone, locked on Gao Tianzun in the private room, as well as the remaining third of the four obsidian generals, Ebony Maw, Proxima Dark Night, and General Deadblade.

Several people's faces sank and realized the problem.

Superman didn't appear in Saka for no reason, he just came for himself and others.

"Damn it!"

Gao Tianzun was a little panicked.

He didn't want to participate in Thanos' grievances.


Gao Tianzun suddenly said: "I can make room for you, but I don't want to participate in this matter, do you understand?"

Although Saka's power is not comparable to Thanos Legion, the strong dragon can't beat the Earth Snake. He sees that Superman is extraordinary, and there is no need to fight Superman.


The ebony throat is very calm.

After the voice fell, Gao Tianzun's body seemed to be pinched by a pair of invisible big hands, he rose in the sky, flew directly out of the private room, and fell vertically from an altitude of nearly 100 meters, just like the previous black dwarf star, landing vertically.

But Gao Tianzun did not actively choose, but passively endured it.


He fell heavily to the ground, most of his bones shattered, and he vomited a large mouthful of blood.

On the occasion of landing.

The audience on the high platform watched Gao Tianzun land freely, the expression on his face gradually changed from cheering to extreme shock, and then he was at a loss as never before.

what happened?

Gao Tianzun, as the earth emperor, was actually thrown out of the private room.

Obviously, this is not a complete fall of Gao Tianzun.

Everyone can figure out that Gao Tianzun was definitely thrown out by others.


After Gao Tianzun fell half-dead, Superman saw this scene and slowly stepped forward, kicking this guy flying under the demented eyes of countless people, without mercy.


Gao Tianzun's body flew out like a sandbag, falling next to the black dwarf star that had almost lost combat power, blurred.

Although his physique surpasses ordinary people, it is not as strong as the setting in the comics.

Now that he has suffered successive blows and being alive is enough to prove his strength.

"You have been fighting for a long time, have you started fighting?"

He sneered and sneered: "Since I can't find a helper, why don't I rely on my own strength to break my wrists? It's not a good job to only hit my own people."


There was a hum.

The audience felt a surging pressure like a sea tide, and fell silent for an instant. No one dared to speak at will, fearing that the person who released such a terrifying pressure would be provoked.

Obviously, that guy is Superman's opponent.

"The Tyrant..."

Someone murmured.

Although they are Saka people, as a member of the interstellar society, they are not unfamiliar with the identity of the Great Demon King Thanos.

"The Four Obsidians..."

Someone took a breath after thinking of the few words the black dwarf said when he first appeared on the stage.

Who on earth has the courage to fight against Thanos?

A series of questions hit their minds, and many people, apart from panic and panic, are increasingly looking forward to the battle that will take place in front of them.



In the next moment, three figures descended from the sky, it was Ebony Maw, Dark Night Proxima and General Deadblade.

Superman looked at the three figures a little, and the pressure he felt from the ebony throat was much higher than the latter two.

Ebony Maw is a mage after all.

Superman's magic resistance is close to zero. If the health bar is not long enough, it is not the enemy that is killed by a single blow, but the Superman.


While thinking about it, Carol, the blond woman who had been standing in place at the entrance of the auditorium and watching the developments, knew that it was time for her to debut, so she turned into a golden meteor and rushed to the arena.

She and Superman looked at each other, and immediately locked onto the opponent.

"The alien old man who looks thin, tall, tall and fast, looks like he can kill it with a fist~www.NovelMTL.com~ I'll leave it to you to deal with..."

Superman's face was not red and his heart was not beating, and said: "The remaining two people are mine."

"no problem."

Carol didn't know the twists and turns in Superman's heart, let alone the magic resistance properties of Superman.

Although from the news revealed by Kamora, it is understood that Ebony Maw should be the most powerful of these people, but Ebony Maw, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to fight the two members of Obsidian Four with its own strength, so I don't feel that I am at a disadvantage.

"Has it been allocated?"

The ebony throat sneered and raised his hand slightly. The broken stones in the arena suddenly floated into the air, and terrifying energy fluctuations appeared on the surface of these stones.

"If this is the case, let's solve the battle as soon as the opponent thinks."

Dark Ye Proxima and General Deadblade looked at each other.

Qi Qi responded.

"As you wish!"

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