I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 409: Superman swept! Ebony Throat escapes!

"As you wish!"

The voice fell.

After Dark Night Proxima and General Deadblade finished answering, their body flashed and shot out like a bullet, instantly approaching Superman not far away.

They are different from Ebony Maw. As melee players, their fighting skills have reached a very high level, far surpassing most of the strong in this universe.

To talk about the difference, only the question of strength and defense is left.

Not to mention, one of them is holding a sharp gun and the other is holding a war blade. They are majestic and few opponents.

Superman watched the two attack, flashing information about Proxima Darknight and General Deadblade in his mind.

These two people are actually a couple.

Even more coincidentally, among the four generals of Obsidian, Proxima Dark Night is definitely the most loyal subordinate to the former. The sharp gun in her hand is forged by Thanos himself; General Deadblade can be said to be the least loyal to Thanos. In the comics, he even betrayed Thanos.

The two got together and didn't know if they would fight in bed every day.

Then again, although the four Obsidians appeared in front of him, Superman also knew that these people in the comic should be members of the Five Obsidians.

However, among the five Obsidians, there is a character called a superstar who was removed from the movie universe by Marvel because of his abnormal ability.

The superstar possesses super-strength telepathy and mental control abilities, similar to the Mantis Girl in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, but the superstar’s abilities are far above those of the Mantis Girl. She can perceive the specific memory of the other party...

It is said that Marvel officially believes that once this ability appears in the movie universe, it is easy to cause various loopholes in the plot, and even the superficial logic can not be explained. In order to balance the strength, Marvel simply deleted her from the Obsidian Five. .

As a result, the famous Obsidian five generals in the comics became the hapless four Obsidian generals in the movie.

Thoughts flashed.

Dark Night Proxima and General Deadblade have come to Superman.

One stabbed a sharp spear and the other wielded a war blade.


The air burst instantly, and the arena ground beneath their feet instantly appeared one after another dents.

"Faced with us, you dare to distract yourself, Superman, you are too arrogant!"

"Do you really think we are the kind of black dwarf waste?"

"Go to hell!!"

"I will pray for you!"

The shouts from Proxima Dark Night and General Deadblade reached Superman's ears.

At this time, the spectators sitting in the auditorium of the arena felt tremendous pressure from the actions of the two.

The extreme pressure aroused by the waving of weapons made everyone breathless, their eyes widened subconsciously, and their pupils shrank to the size of needles. Unprecedented fear grew in their hearts and swept the entire spiritual world in an instant.

No one thinks that the players who make moves at this time will be weaker than the fighting champion of Saka Star.

Thanos Legion, the names of the four obsidian generals, even the remote Saka star, are often mentioned.

As a Saka star who advocates violence, everyone's worship of the strong goes far beyond other planets.

"It's terrible!"

"They actually joined forces to deal with Superman...Who is Superman?"

Many people muttered to themselves.

Everyone knows that the Four Obsidians are powerful and can easily defeat the black dwarf. The Superman that Proxima Darkyx and General Deadblade jointly deal with is even more terrifying than the Four Obsidians.

Boom! !

After the sharp spear of Proxima Dark Night was pierced, it instantly deformed into three black rays, with strong energy light waves gathering, locking on Superman, and lightning speed killing Superman.

The Deathblade General's battle axe did not have any unnecessary changes. He consciously used a powerful force of ten guilds to cut Superman under him.

Even though Superman had shown amazing back and strength before, he had been in the universe for many years, and it was not that he hadn't encountered a person with extraordinary ability like Superman. Even though the process was a bit tortuous, he finally had the last laugh.

General Dead Blade never questioned his own strength.

Even if Thanos stood in front of him, he felt that he had a day to replace him.

Of course, Thanos knows his careful thinking very well.

But Thanos didn't care.

Director of the Universe Family Planning Office, the philosopher Thanos’s heart is never to strive for hegemony.

No one knows that the reason why he wants to invade so many life planets is simply to reduce the population and realize his ideals.

Of course, in the eyes of others, Thanos was purely for killing and taking killing for pleasure.

This actually makes sense.

Whether you want to be a bad person or not is not important. As long as you do what a bad person should do and meet the requirements of a bad person from beginning to end, then you are naturally a bad person.

Clang! !

General Deadblade’s battle blade fell on Superman’s head, as if it had chopped off the hardest material in the universe. The sound of gold and iron humming suddenly resounded, and everyone’s eyes widened again, as if seeing something incredible. Phenomenon.

The most unbelievable thing is definitely the person involved.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi!

Seeing that Superman was unscathed, General Deadblade shook his warblade subconsciously and slid over Superman's head.

Sparks splashed and showered his face.

And he was horrified to discover that the opponent hadn't lost even a single hair under the chopping of his own war blade.

"How is it possible?"

As soon as the thought flashed, there was a sharp pain in his chest, the bones instantly shattered, his chest was completely sunken in like a black dwarf, and a burst of energetic power struck his body and flew out involuntarily.

He sat side by side with Black Dwarf and Gao Tianzun, slumped together.

The unconscious Gao Tianzun didn't react at all, only the black dwarf who lost his combat power, was bloody, unable to move, but had a complete consciousness, showed a trace of sneer, and looked at his companion without any sympathy.

The twitching of the muscles aggravated the pain in Black Dwarf's body, but he didn't notice it, only thinking that what he and General Deadblade did when facing Superman was like a circus clown.

He stared at Proxima Darkness, who threw his sharp gun.

Be clear in my mind.

There will be another clown soon.

The power of Superman is far beyond his imagination. He has reason to suspect that even if he is a tyrant who has experienced and victorious battles, he may not be able to beat the man in front of him.


All this is said to be too late and then soon.

As soon as General Deadblade flew out, the sharp spear thrown by Proxima Darknight turned into three black rays and pierced Superman's chest fiercely.

Click, click, click!

The rays wandered around Superman's body, and could never penetrate Superman's body, or even cut off Superman's body hair.

"Is this tickling me?"

Superman laughed, his sunny look, like a beautiful young girl encountered in adolescence.

However, this smile looked like Reaper in the eyes of Proxima Dark Night.

When the **** of death reaped his soul, he must have laughed so happily.

"Damn it!"

Dark Ye Proxima suddenly withdraws.

At this time, she didn't have the slightest idea of ​​revenge for her husband and companions.

Even if you want revenge, you have to save your life, right?

Rushing up now is simply dying.

Click! Click!

At the moment when Proxima Darkness drew away, Superman had reached out and grabbed the black rays walking around him, and the three rays were combined into one and turned into a sharp gun again.

In the next moment, Proxima Dark Night summons the sharp spear to return.


The sharp spear trembles constantly, but it is in Superman's hands and can't get rid of it for a long time.

Click! !

Under the shocking gaze of Proxima Centauri in the dark night, this sharp gun forged by Thanos himself was abruptly squeezed by Superman with one hand.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

The sharp spear broke in two, and bounced and fell on the ground in the arena, repeated several times, and finally returned to peace.

On the field.

Proxima Dark Night has completely lost its voice.

Even the miserable Black Dwarf and General Deadblade lying on the sidelines, being beaten to death by Superman, were so terrified that they held their breath and almost didn't suffocate themselves to death.

"The sharp spear forged by Master Thanos himself... was smashed by one hand..."

Not far away, the Ebony Maw, who was fighting Captain Marvel with Carol at a certain distance, kept staring at the battle between Superman and his companion.

This is an incredible scene, making Ebony Maw a little speechless.

The power displayed by Superman has far exceeded the expectations of him and the other three. I am afraid that even Thanos himself did not expect that such an opponent would appear on the earth.

According to the intelligence of Thanos and others, in the entire universe, infinite gems, basically all surfaced.

Among them, there are at least two infinite gems, which are related to the terrifying man in front of him.

So, in any case, there must be a battle between Thanos and Superman.

"Can Lord Thanos really defeat this terrible man?"

This thought flashed through Ebony Throat's mind.


Suddenly, Captain Marvel came.

Ebony Maw changed his position, and a boulder broke away from the wall of the arena, blocking Carol's attack.

The boulder turned into powder.

"Damn, will you just run away?"

As a "reckless man", Carol hated the slippery autumn ebony throat.

This way of fighting is the most troublesome for her.

As the Captain Marvel who can manipulate energy, she is confident that she can confront any other person with any power.

Only the opponent ran fast and couldn't fight, so she couldn't find any solution.

"You are a warrior, you want to fight a mage head-on, isn't it a bit shameless?"

Ebony Throat's face was plain, and he spoke slowly.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, as soon as Carol wanted to answer, he found something breaking through the ground under his feet and quickly attacked him.


After Carol saw what it was, he didn't pay attention to it at first, and released a beam of energy to melt the vines.

It wasn't until the vines touched the energy beam that there was no sign of melting, and she realized that she underestimated this thin body, who looked dying of age.


Carol was entangled in vines and could not move.

"Look, if you keep the current posture, I can naturally communicate with you positively."

The ebony throat rose into the air and slowly approached.

The sharp nails on the fingers ran across Carol's cheeks, separating a gap.

Red blood ran down his cheeks.

Carol felt humiliated.


At this moment, a red energy beam hit, and the Ebony Maw suddenly retreated, avoiding the energy beam.

It is from Superman's thermal vision.

The vines on Carol's body were cut apart by Thermal Vision.

"Thanks a lot."

Carol moved his hands and feet and glanced at Superman.

"Rather than thank me, it's better to take down the old man earlier."

Superman answered.

He didn't even look in Carol's direction, but stared at Proxima Diablo, continuously releasing his thermal vision, forcing Proxima Diablo to dodge crazily, the cold sweat on his back wet the armor, and the fear in his heart continued to rise.

She truly recognized the strength of her opponent, like an insurmountable peak.

Facing Superman is like facing his own master, Thanos.

"Where did this man jump out from?"

Dark Night Proxima dodges while racking his brains with crazy thoughts.


"No, how can such a strong one appear on that remote little planet?"


She felt a gust of wind in front of her, as if hitting an impenetrable wall, her whole body was sluggish, looking at the man in front of her who appeared in time and space, the desperate expression on her face was uncontrollable.

"Little bug, you have been running long enough..."

Superman said lightly: "Let you live so long, I think you should be tired of living too!"


Dark Night Proxima murmured: "I don't want to..."


The next moment, as a fist smashed, Proxima's head burst open like a watermelon.


General Deadblade roared out of unknown strength, and his eyes were filled with despair as if Proxima Darkye was dying.


Superman turned his head: "I almost forgot. The fist didn't kill you. You two are still alive."



General Dead Blade felt a chill in his heart.

The black dwarf almost yelled at him, what the **** did he want to provoke him? Don't you just die a wife?

Thoughts flashed, and before they could finish talking, a hot vision struck.


Thermal vision swept across.

The walls of the arena were pierced, and their bodies melted under this hot vision.

Only the broken arm remaining under thermal vision proves that the two have challenged this invincible man.

It is worth mentioning that the ruler of Saka, the hapless Gao Tianzun, also turned into ashes in this attack.

The entire arena was silent.

Everyone realized that Saka was involved in a terrible dispute.

And the few characters that appeared on the scene were all characters that Saka star couldn't afford to provoke.

This is a strong man far surpassing the Saka Star Fighting Champion.

This is the real cosmic powerhouse.

Apart from fear, the **** scenes aroused the desires of the Sakar star people of this ***, making their hearts hot.

Gao Tianzun's death was insignificant compared with the flame that was ignited in their hearts.

"Is the only one left?"

Ebony Throat looks ugly~www.NovelMTL.com~ Although Carol is strong, he is not incapable of dealing with it.

On the contrary, it was the man named Superman who showed great combat power, which caused him a lot of headaches.

The prestigious four obsidian generals, now he is the only one left...

It must be impossible to fight.

Then only escape!


Carol turned into golden lightning and rushed towards him.

The next moment.

The figure of Ebony Maw turned into an illusion and suddenly disappeared in the arena.


Carol smashed his head through the arena, then looked around, almost igniting her with anger.

"Fak, my old lady just got a lot of energy, he ran away?"

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