He didn’t dare to do anything! Who knows if Umetarou Nozaki will turn into a Demon God Pillar by hitting him, and then make a small report with the Magic King, ready to start the human power burn? Then he is really Barbie Q!
“Then why are you looking for me?” Nozaki Umetaro gestured to the furnishings in the room with his eyes, “As you can see, I’m just an ordinary girl manga artist…you don’t think you came to me to ask for an autograph Bar?”
“…” Nobuyuki Xuxiang was speechless immediately, someone is looking for your autograph! I’m such an ambitious villain, you don’t think I still read shoujo manga, do you? !
“Of course not!” Nobuyuki Xuxiang said angrily, “I came to you to invite you to join us.”
“Join you? Who are you?” Umetaro Nozaki frowned. As a cartoonist, he immediately noticed that there was a ghost in it!
According to common sense, this must be some evil organization!
But why did the evil organization come to him? You know, he is a girl cartoonist who represents love and justice!
“We are an alliance—the alliance of villains!” Nobuyuki Xuxiang said with a very proud expression, spreading his arms.
“This alliance is full of talents, not only the big chaebols from the Sigong consortium–Sigong Yan’an, Sigong Huangguang, Sigong Yunying, but also the artisan of the weapon comparison, the barium and the thumb–Ze Yuezhi , and finally my future god—Nobuyuki Sugo!”
“How is it? Have you been shocked? If you join the alliance now, you can get huge financial support from the Sigong consortium!”
Nobuyuki Sugo still had an extremely confident expression on his face. He felt that no one should be able to refuse the huge financial support from the Shinomiya family!
What’s more, everyone is a big villain, and it’s not a bad thing to unite!
“…” Umetarou Nozaki was speechless, what kind of people are these people? Among you people, who hasn’t been beaten into a dog’s brain! The League of Villains and the League of Losers are almost the same!
“Your big villain alliance is united, so what do you want me to do? I won’t join your alliance.”
“That’s it…” Nobuyuki Sugo was not annoyed, he knew that the person in front of him had three personalities, and now it might be the one who doesn’t like to make troubles is controlling the body.
He rolled his eyes, and he didn’t know what he thought of in his mind, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, “However, one day, you will join us.”
After he finished speaking, he dodged and disappeared into the room.
Nozaki Umetaro blinked and walked into the room. He didn’t understand why the guy had such a confident expression. He was sure that he didn’t think he would join that big villain alliance.
He is such a big and good citizen, what is he doing to join the Great Villain Alliance? He didn’t draw battle comics, he needed to draw materials or something!
Besides, just the members of that alliance… Oh my god, they are all on the street! Joining such an alliance, do you really think that you are not fast enough?
What’s more, there are rumors on the Internet that the Shinomiya Consortium is basically controlled by Shinomiya Kaguya now… What does this mean?
This shows that, just as those netizens guessed, there are no substitutes for people like Shinomiya Yan’an.! It has long been deleted by Baiyin Yuxing’s Golden Experience Requiem o Beyond Paradise!
There is also Ze Yuezhi, according to people familiar with the matter, this person is often pressed and beaten by Kamen Rider Kato… and there is no resistance at all! What does this mean?
This shows that, just as those netizens guessed, Ze Yuezhi’s magic ability was also deleted by Yukinoshita Yukino’s wish to the Holy Grail.
So what else is in this big villain alliance? Ordinary people, ordinary people, ordinary people, ordinary people, plus Nobuyuki Sugo who was beaten out of his mind by Kamen Rider BLADE!
Just this lineup…
He only has two words, hehe.
“Although it’s not a big deal, but these villains are united, who knows what kind of tricks will come up behind the scenes, let’s mention it on the Internet.”
Afterwards, Umetaro Nozaki posted the news on the Internet. After waiting for ten minutes, he found that no one really cared…
Nozaki Umetaro shook his head and didn’t care too much. After all, he didn’t care much about it. The sky fell and there was a tall man standing on top of it. What’s the matter with him, an ordinary girl manga artist?
“Let’s draw manga… the deadline is coming soon, so you can’t hurry up!”
On the other side, Nobuyuki Sugo, who was always paying attention to Nozaki Umetaro, soon saw the news from Nozaki Umetaro.
“I’ve come to recruit you personally, it’s fine if you don’t agree, and even sent out news about our villain alliance! It’s too ignorant!”
Nobuo Sugo’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot!
“Why is it so difficult for me to recruit people? The same is true for the three of the Shinomiya family. They are comparable to those who are in the same position as those who are on the street. If they don’t get beaten up by me, they won’t join me at all.” The Great Villain Alliance!”
“What’s wrong with my big villain alliance? They don’t want revenge, don’t they want to rule the world?”
Sigong Yan’an and others said that they have no ability now, and they still rule the world. I’m afraid they will be treated as cannon fodder by you!
Chapter 654: The day of the signing
Nobuyuki Xuxiang shook his head, he never thought about it… It can be seen from this that since Yao Chixiang transformed him into the No.
To put it simply and bluntly, I think I am awesome, but in fact I am already stupid.
“Although I also want to beat Nozaki Umetaro and force him to join my villain alliance, but… I don’t know what happened to the other two personalities in his body.”
After all, that video hadn’t played the content about the ending of the Demon God’s Pillar. He was really afraid that Nozaki Umetaro would hit him, and a Demon God’s Pillar would appear…
“But it doesn’t matter, the old guy from Shinomiya Yan’an has already made a plan in advance… From now on, as long as the plan is implemented, plan B will be fine!”
Time passed day by day, and soon it was the day of the Demon God Pillar signing event.
Nozaki Umetaro was in the waiting room. He was always calm, but he was also a little excited at the moment. This was his first time participating in a signing event!
Of course the point is not this! The point is that he took the pen name of Yumeno Diko, and he also draws girl manga… most people would probably think that he is a beautiful girl.
Fans are like this, as long as they don’t show their faces and see a feminine name, they will automatically turn into a peerless beauty in their brains!
But the problem is, he is a man! None of the four words with peerless beauty have anything to do with each other!
Under such circumstances, he felt that his fans would riot if he went to the signing event…
In addition, if they saw that he was the Demon God Pillar in the video, the riot would probably be even more violent!
“Nozaki-kun, the signing event is about to start, so nervous! What should I do?” Sakura Chiyo walked back and forth nervously, and those who didn’t know thought she was the one who held the signing event of the Demon Pillar The main character too!
“…Sakura, why are you so nervous? I should be the one who is nervous, right?” Seeing Sakura Chiyo’s expression, Nozaki Umetaro calmed down a lot, not so nervous.
“But, but, this is your first signing event!” Sakura Chiyo said excitedly, “What if your fans get angry when they see you as a man? What if your fans dislike your autograph? What if you look good? What if your fans think you are too handsome?!”
I have to say that the last one is what Sakura Chiyo is most worried about… At this moment, countless stories about celebrities and fans echoed in her mind!
Although Umetaro Nozaki is not a star, he still has fans no matter what!
Speaking of which, there is a couple hotel nearby!
Sakura Chiyo seemed to have thought of something, her face turned red like an apple, and with a puff of steam coming out of her head, her whole body was like an eggplant that had been beaten by frost, and she immediately wilted.
Nozaki Umetaro didn’t notice Sakura Chiyo’s careful thoughts at all, he just said calmly, “Only the last thing is the most impossible, no one has ever said I’m handsome since I was a child.”
His appearance belongs to the kind that is neither ugly nor handsome, completely inferior to the peerless beauty of Miko Shiba Mikoto and Kashima Yu… But relying on the addition of height and muscles, he can barely be judged. Upper average appearance.
But even so, the classmates in the class often joked with him, saying that he was a big rock who was inconspicuous and in the way…
Although he won’t be angry because of this level of jokes, but he also clearly understood through this incident that his appearance is really not good!
Does anyone think he is handsome?
Impossible, absolutely impossible!
“That’s not true! Nozaki-kun is obviously very handsome!” Sakura Chiyo slapped the table, and said with an unhappy face.”…Thank you.” Nozaki Umetaro blinked his eyes, only thinking that this was a bit of a scene from Sakura Chiyo.
He is still very confident about his appearance… Confident that he looks very ordinary.
Sakura Chiyo poked her head out from the lounge, and found that there was already a long line outside, basically all young and lovely girls!
After all, Umetaro Nozaki’s manga is for girls, and the fans are basically girls, which is perfectly normal.
“Nozaki-kun, there are so many cute girls out there!” Sakura Chiyo said in panic, seeing so many cute and cute girls, she felt that Nozaki-kun’s situation was getting more and more dangerous!
“Oh, it really is.” Nozaki Umetaro also rubbed his head and said with neither surprise nor joy.
During this period of time, he has completely adjusted his emotions. Whether it is a blessing or a disaster, if it is a disaster, he can’t avoid it, and at worst, he will be beaten up!
Afterwards, Umetaro Nozaki looked at the time on his phone and found that it was not far from the scheduled time.
“Sakura, I’ll go first, you can wait for me here first.” After Nozaki Umetaro explained, he walked out quickly.
Only Sakura Chiyo was left looking at him with great concern.
Seeing someone approaching, the girls who were queuing up also started arguing one after another.
“Someone is coming, is it the staff?”
“It should be? I don’t know when Mengye teacher will come, but I think the time is almost here.”
“Maybe it’s a traffic jam on the road? Maybe this staff member came to explain to us.”
“Well, it’s possible.”
Then, these girls saw Umetaro Nozaki sitting on the seat generously, “Everyone, this time the signing of the Demon God Pillar will officially begin.”
“…” All the girls fell into silence, and some girls could even swallow a watermelon with their mouths open!
You can imagine how shocked they are now!
One of the girls asked gently, “Well, may I ask, is Mr. Mengye late because of a traffic jam or something?”
She still had a glimmer of hope, thinking that Mrs. Mengye was late, and the man in front of her was temporarily pushed out to help Mrs. Mengye hold the signing event…
Although the possibility of this is very low, after all, I have never heard of a signing event where others can help! But she is still looking forward to it!
Under the girl’s despairing eyes, Umetaro Nozaki shook his head slightly, “I am Yumeno son.”
Silence… Everyone at the scene fell into silence.
What did this man just say?
What is the dream?
Is there something wrong with their ears? Or are they actually under some kind of illusion?
Nozaki Umetaro tilted his head slightly, what are they doing? Everyone stays there without moving, are they playing with wooden figures?
Are you still buying books? If he doesn’t buy the book, then he will go back to catch up on the manuscript.
Chapter 656 This must be a warm story
Seeing that everyone was gone, Gongqianjian sighed, the signing of the Demon God Pillar was over…of course it wasn’t completely over.
After those fans go back, there will definitely be an uproar about Mengye’s real identity, and by then, many black fans will definitely increase!
But it doesn’t matter, black and red are also red!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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