After there are more black fans, true love fans will definitely increase, and the sales of Nozaki Umetaro’s manga “Moe Love” will definitely reach another level!
Of course, that’s all for later…
The most important thing now is to clean up the scene of the Demon God Pillar signing event.
He came to the girl who was helping to speak, bowed his head slightly to express his gratitude, “Miss, thank you very much for your help.”
Umetaro Nozaki also walked over, “Thank you very much for your help, I will give you a copy of my manga.”
While talking, he picked up the pen in his hand, signed his name on the comic book in a flying manner, and handed it to the girl in front of him.
“Uh, this…” The beautiful girl with short hair and a big green ribbon tied on her head is named Nakano Yotsuba, she said a little embarrassedly, “Sorry, I’m not Yumeno-sensei fans, just want to join in the fun.”
She just heard about the signing event of the Demon God Pillar on the Internet, and she just wanted to see the excitement.
As for comics… She doesn’t read them. Compared with comics, she still prefers sports, like basketball or something.
“Why is this…” Nozaki Umetaro fell directly to the ground, his whole body turned gray.
So, he couldn’t sell a single book in today’s autograph session? Can’t even send it out?
“You don’t have to be so sad, do you?” Nakano Yotsuba felt a little sorry, and quickly took the book from Nozaki Umetaro, “Then I’d better accept it.”
After taking the comic book, Nakano Yotsuba turned around and ran away regardless of Nozaki Umetaro’s reaction.
She ran all the way home, looked back and found no one, and was relieved.
Such a tall and strong man, if he said he was autistic, he would be autistic, which made her feel so guilty!
“However, what about this manga?”
Nakano Yotsuba looked at the manga in his hand, and finally decided, why don’t you read it?
Then I became fascinated after watching it… Although I feel that the hero’s operations sometimes seem very insane, but I have to admit that it is this kind of insane operation that makes the work more attractive.
just watch herWhen I was happy, I laughed straight.
With a click, the door was opened, and a girl who looked exactly like her walked in—Nano Nakano, she looked at Nakano Yotsuba curiously, “Yotsuba, what are you doing? Smiling so happily.”
“Ah, it’s Nino.” Nakano Yotsuba jumped up from the sofa, raised the comic book in his hand, “It’s a comic, someone gave it to me.”
“For you?” Nakano Nina frowned, someone wanted to give her cabbage? ! This is not bad!
“Yeah.” Nakano Yotsuba didn’t even think of a word of her own, and directly made her sister think about it, and she was very happy, “This manga is very good! If I knew that girls’ manga is so interesting, I would have done it earlier.” Let’s start watching.”
“Is it really so beautiful? Who gave it to you?”
“A manga artist named Yumeno Diko… is the Leif who appeared in the video a while ago.”
“Huh?!” Nakano Nino was dumbfounded, “Isn’t that the Demon God Pillar?! Why did you get the comic book from him?! This can’t be a magic book, it will burn our whole family to death?! ”
“Nino, are you thinking too much…” Nakano Yotsuba laughed a few times.
“It’s not that I think too much, it’s that you think too little!” Nakano Nino kept poking Nakano Yotsuba’s forehead with her fingers, looking angrily.
“But, I don’t think our family can be missed so much? Aren’t we all ordinary people?” Nakano Yotsuba didn’t dare to hide, and was poked tearfully.
“This…” Nakano Nino hesitated a little, and nodded slightly after a while, “That’s true, then it’s up to you… I’ll make dinner.”
“Hmm… I’ve been bothering you all this time, Nino.” Nakano Yotsuba happily waved her hands, and then went back to reading manga.
Soon it was time to finish dinner, and Nakano Nino directly stabbed Nakano Yotsuba about the fact that Nakano Yotsuba got the comic book from the Demon God Pillar.
As a result, Nakano Yotsuba was directly reprimanded by the other four sisters… She looked at the crowd with tears in her eyes, as if praying that everyone would be merciful.
But unfortunately, no one sympathized with her.
God, come and save me… Nakano Yotsuba prayed in her heart with tears in her eyes.
Perhaps her prayers had worked, and the TV at home had suddenly turned on.
“Huh? Has anyone turned on the TV?” Nakano Kazuka noticed the movement of the TV, and his heart skipped a beat, as if thinking of something.
Soon, Nakano Yotsuba also realized that this is another video of the savior?
In this way, you don’t have to be scolded any more, right? Great!
She quickly said, “Everyone, stop talking, let’s watch the video seriously!”
Nakano Kazuka and the others looked at each other, and they naturally understood that Nakano Yotsuba was changing the subject, but let’s just change the topic. They just talked and said they were tired.
Soon, a pure white animal that looked extremely cute appeared on the TV.
As far as Nakano Yotsuba’s senses are concerned, this little animal is comparable to Fufu, so it must be a cute mascot, right?
Immediately afterwards, the little animal spoke.
“Sign a Xie contract with me and become a magical girl. “”
“Magical girl?” Nakano Wuyue’s eyes lit up immediately, “I thought it would be a story about Chaldea this time! After all, the story hasn’t been finished yet! I didn’t expect it to be about a magical girl of!”
Not only Nakano Wuyue, but the rest of the four were also refreshed, looking forward to the next content.
What girl doesn’t like magical girls?
And compared to the five sisters who were still calm, Kosaka Kirino was so excited that his whole body was trembling, and the three words echoed in his mind, Meruru!
That’s right, when mentioning magical girls, the first thing she thinks of is her favorite magical girl, Merlu!
If her parents were not still eating in the living room, she would jump up excitedly and shout at this time!
As long as she thinks of the wonderful plot of the magical girl Melulu, she will be so excited!
This video must be a very warm and healing story!
Chapter 657: The One Who Was Blackened Was Myself
“This is an extremely weird space, with black and white weird buildings everywhere, and no color can be seen, which makes people feel extremely depressed.”
“Da da da, da da da…”
“Following the sound of footsteps, the girl’s rapid breathing followed.”
“Wait, Yotsuba, isn’t this you?!”
After seeing the girl’s appearance clearly and the big green ribbon on the girl’s head, the five Nakano sisters were all stunned.
They are familiar with this person! That’s familiar and can’t be more familiar!
Let’s not talk about the decoration… Just talk about that face, it’s something I see every day!
“It seems to be me…” Nakano Yotsuba blinked blankly, and then asked with a dull face, “Am I the kind of cannon fodder that first appeared in the movie?”
“Don’t jump to conclusions so early, maybe you are a magical girl?” Nakano Kazuka poked her belly with his elbow anxiously.
“Oh, it’s amazing, we can still have a magical girl in our family.”
“Eh? Really?” Nakano Yotsuba tilted his head, looking cute and cute, “But, can someone like me who is not very good at study really be able to be a magical girl? I remember in the animation, the magical girl They are all good students with good conduct.”
“What nonsense are you talking about!” Nakano Nino put her hands on her hips and said unhappily, “Although you are a little bit stupid, you are undoubtedly a good student with good conduct!”
“…” Nakano Yotsuba looked complicated, “I’m not happy to be praised so much by you.. ”
“The girl ran around anxiously in the weird space, and finally, she found a door.”
“She took a deep breath, as if to cheer herself up, and then gently pushed the door open.”
“The world behind the door is not beautiful…”
“The dark despair has spread across the sky, and the wind that symbolizes death blows the earth. Whether it is tall buildings or human beings, they are all like pieces of paper, torn into pieces by the wind.”
“And living above that sky is an extremely strange monster, ugly, twisted, and terrifying!”
“”How could this be…” The girl covered her chest with her hands sadly, then looked in another direction.”
“Over there, there is a girl who is still alive just like her… a girl who looks exactly like her!”
“Who is this…?” Nakano Yotsuba looked bewildered, but couldn’t tell who it was at all.
Just looking at their appearance, there is no doubt that they are one of the five sisters, but whether it is in terms of clothing or temperament, they can’t match any of the five sisters.
“Looking at the temperament, it doesn’t look like one of us?” Nakano Nino was also a little confused, “But the appearance is indeed…”
“Could it be that it’s been blackened?” Nakano Sanjiu, who was a bit taciturn, guessed in a low voice.
Then she saw several sisters looking at her one after another, and she trembled slightly, a little uncomfortable with being watched.
But he still explained in a low voice, “Isn’t there such a plot often? After being blackened, the whole person’s temperament will become more indifferent.”
“Hmmmm (that makes sense).” Nakano Wuyue nodded in agreement while eating the steamed stuffed bun.
“But who will be blackened?” Nakano Yihua said puzzledly, “Our five sisters should not have the potential to blacken.”
“The girl’s body shone with a ray of light, and she immediately changed into another appearance… Even though I said that, it was just a small shield on her arm.”
“She stepped on it, and then flew into the sky like a cannonball, fighting the twisted monster.”
“However, with her strength alone, it is too difficult! Facing such a terrifying monster, she quickly fell into a disadvantage, and she had exhausted her strength just to dodge.”
“”Excessive! “The girl who stayed on the top of the building looked at this scene full of worry.”
“Then, a gentle voice came from her ear, “There is no way, if she is alone, the burden is too heavy. “”
“The girl turned her head to look, and it was a pure white, very cute little animal.”
“But this is too much…” The girl knelt down on the ground in grief, “Sanjiu, Sanjiu, has she always been fighting monsters like that? “”
“Is that me flying in the sky?” Nakano Sanjiu was stunned, it was me who turned black!
“Not bad, Sanjiu!” Nakano Nino clapped her hands very happily, “This little animal is the kind of mascot commonly seen in magical girl animations, right? Since this mascot is still talking for Sanjiu, then Sanjiu There must be no blackening!”
“Yeah, there are actually two magical girls in our family. This is really incredible.” Nakano Kazuka was also very happy for the two younger sisters.
“While the girl was talking with the pure white animal, Sanjiu, who was flying in the sky, was hit by a huge black energy ball, flying tens of meters away, and finally smashed into a building. In a building floating in the air.”
“She frowned in pain and propped herself up on her arms.”
“Suddenly, she caught sight of the girl who was talking with the pure white animal. Her indifferent expression changed, and she shouted anxiously.”
“But that voice dissipated in the wind and failed to reach the place it was supposed to reach.”
“”Although it is very difficult…but if you give up, that’s the end of it. “The pure white animal turned its head to look at the girl kneeling on the ground, and the smile on its face made people feel that everything was under its control.”
“”what? “The girl raised her head in surprise.”
“Afterwards, she heard the pure white animal whisper, “If it’s you, you can change your fate… The unavoidable destruction and sigh, you just need to overthrow them all, you have the power to do it all. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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