I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 130 Zeroing Plan

Starship humans and Blue Star humans are developing together, and the warships cruising the fleet in a state of super acceleration are also constantly accelerating, breaking through physical limits. The thrusters and shield generators are operating at full power, allowing the fleet to quickly Arrive in the solar system.

Judging from the speed of warships currently undergoing super acceleration, they can shorten the navigation time several times, thereby monitoring the civilization of the galaxy.


After ten years of traveling at hyperacceleration, a thousand battleships sounded their sirens again.

"Discovering strong gravitational fluctuations."

"Sending signal to the main fleet."

At this time, the super-accelerated fleet, which had already separated a long distance from the main fleet of the cruising fleet, had obtained the gravitational waves generated by Luo Xiu's second collision test of antimatter and 'folded' space energy in advance.

At the same time as the gravitational wave data was obtained, the fleet's AI system immediately sent back a signal in the direction of the main fleet.

"Warning! Strong gravitational fluctuations were detected, and a violent energy explosion was suspected."

When the signal from the super-accelerated fleet was transmitted back to the main fleet, the heads of the three ascended members of Kasa Cook who had never entered the dormant state grew big again.

"It is certain that the other party has fully mastered this powerful energy burst weapon."

The mechanical ascendant who has been analyzing various signals from Blue Star for ten years retrieved the data of gravitational fluctuations and analyzed it.

"After exploring the space around the system, we discovered the trajectory of any warship movement."

The ascendant with the smallest mechanical skeleton placed the star map of the solar system between the three of them, pointed to the star field near the solar system and said.

In the star map she showed, the area ten light years outside the solar system was completely empty without any ripples.

"According to normal data, if the opponent comes from outside this spiral arm, then they will definitely have their navigation trajectory exposed."

"The data we have now is the opponent's star field map that is less than three planet years old, but there is still no trace of any fleet."

"Unless the other party jumped directly from outside the spiral arm into the star system, there would be no trace."

At this time, the three mechanical ascenders only felt that the origin of the unknown civilization that suddenly appeared was too weird. Since the other party was probably a civilization coming from outside the spiral arm, there should not be any information.

Even if the other party has a strong signal concealment ability, it is impossible to change the red shift and blue shift of the information. Judging from the galaxies that can be observed in this star system, their red shift and blue shift have not experienced any changes. Variety.

In other words, the fleet has never overlapped with these galaxies.

This is theoretically impossible. Even if the other party can conceal its own signal transmission, it is impossible to change the redshift of the universe.

"Leap directly? This is impossible."

The leader of the three mechanical ascension members directly raised his mechanical arm and pressed down the star field map, "Even if we have the existence of the star gate, we dare not jump directly within the star system. This is a very dangerous move. "

"If the opponent plunges into the stars in the galaxy when it jumps, the entire fleet will disappear."

"Even collisions with planets and asteroids. It's very dangerous."

"Unless the other party is able to observe from a distance, it is impossible to grasp the real-time status of the galaxy."

For civilizations in the universe, observing a planet at a distance will be very difficult if there is no established communication device.

You must know that the distance of each star system is measured in light years. At such a cosmic scale, it is impossible to obtain real-time data by relying on observation.

Just like the current main fleet of cruising fleets, they have no way of knowing the true situation in the solar system, nor do they know what kind of weapons the 'powerful unknown civilization' they think of has deployed in the solar system.

"Then what happened?"

When all the conjectures were rejected, the thin member of the mechanical ascension seemed a little anxious, "Our fleet is constantly approaching each other, but we cannot get a correct message."

"This is very fatal to our civilization."

"One hundred thousand warships, hundreds of millions of people, this is too risky."

Although all three have completed mechanical ascension, according to the Cygnus civilization, they are already half members of the Cygnus civilization.

But before they were members of the half of the Cygnus civilization, they were first members of the Kasakuk civilization.

No matter what, their first priority is their own people.

After the three Kasakuk mechanical ascenders were silent for a while, the leader with the tall mechanical skeleton said: "Do you want to stop fighting?"

"I feel the need to stop the battle plan."

"I agree."

When this second burst of energy like a star was transmitted, the three members of the Kasa Cook Mechanical Ascension finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

The advance fleet they sent to relocate the Blue Star humans had long been destroyed, and the other party actually used the weapon again so long after the fleet was destroyed. Obviously, such an action is a warning.

The other party was warning the main fleet not to approach the star system again. In order not to let their own people take this risk, the three mechanical ascenders, after unanimously agreeing, began to send withdrawal applications to the warlord ships in the fleet.

"turn down."

Less than a second after the application was sent, the warship had already sent out a rejection signal.

It was obvious that the warship had been listening to the conversations of the three ascendants and did not agree with the conversations of the three.

"This system is a huge threat and its status must be discovered."

"If necessary, a return to zero plan will be initiated."

After the warship's AI left these words, its voice disappeared again in the cabin where the three ascendants were.

"Project Zero?!"

The three Ascended Ones from Kasa Cook seemed to have heard of this Zero Plan. When they heard these four words, they were all shocked.

"Is it necessary to do this step?" The leading ascendant said to the surrounding void.

Of course, he was talking to the warship AI. He knew some information about the Return to Zero plan, but he also knew the horror of this plan.

"The base camp is already preparing to establish an interstellar material isolation zone. As long as the two major spiral arms are isolated, we will have enough time to develop."

"Even if the opponent is really powerful, we can still move to the spiral arm. Once we enter the spiral arm, it is basically impossible for the opponent to find us."

Perhaps the Return to Zero plan was too shocking. Even if the Ascendant asked the entire cruising fleet to move out of the Cygnus Arm, he had no intention of launching this plan.

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