I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 131 We are ‘starship humans’!

"The interstellar material isolation zone will be activated at the same time, but if destructive-level technology really appears in this galaxy, the Zero Plan will be launched immediately."

"When Project Zero is launched, its priority will be raised to the highest level and all missions will make way for it."

The Warlord ship and the Cygnus civilization behind it seemed dissatisfied with the Kasakuk Ascended relocation plan.

Have they always migrated other primitive civilizations and themselves? It seems that this kind of thing is not something that their Cygnus civilization can do.

Moreover, the Zero Plan seems to be the highest priority among the Cygnus civilization. When destruction-level technology is discovered, the Zero Plan will be launched directly.

There are now two violent energy fluctuations in the solar system, and the gravitational waves generated by these fluctuations are also very obvious.

Under such circumstances, the opponent's technology is likely to be related to stellar explosions or black holes. Such technology can be regarded as destructive technology.

Of course, the three Kasakuk mechanical ascensioners also don’t know what the Cygnus civilization’s motivation is for carrying out the Zero Plan.

Although they were mechanically ascended members of the cruising fleet and came from the most powerful Kasakuku civilization, they had come into contact with information from the Cygnus civilization after becoming ascendants.

But this does not mean that the ascended ones have been fully accepted by the Cygnus civilization. As of now, they are still only half members.

And the word 'member' is still in quotation marks. Because of these reasons, the information that these ascendants are exposed to is only what the other party wants them to see.

Therefore, ascenders like them don’t actually understand many of the actions of the Cygnus civilization.

"what to do?"

The short Kasa Cook mechanical ascender looked at the other two and asked.

"Execute the plan." The leader said after looking up at the empty top of the ship.


The short member wanted to say something else, but was stopped when the leading ascendant raised his mechanical arm, "This is the order of the warship and his order."

"We can only execute."

"You have just completed your ascension, so you don't know many things yet. Don't think too much, just follow our orders just like you did when you were still in power."

After saying that, the leading mechanical ascendant turned and walked towards the bridge of the ship, not planning to discuss it any further.

"Dasara, let's go. The super-accelerated fleet will soon be in contact with that star system."

"We need to analyze the signal returned. The fate of the fleet clan members may be determined by the signal returned this time."

After the mechanical ascendant who had not spoken much spoke to the short mechanical ascendant named Dasara, he also raised his mechanical legs and left.

After the two mechanical ascenders disappeared into the hall, the new ascendant named Dasara did not follow immediately.

As a new member of the mechanical ascension, she did not know much about the Cygnus civilization. At least it is not as deep as the leader of the Kasaku tribe who has been mechanically ascended for 1,200 years.

Before her mechanical ascension, she was one of the thirteen rulers of the Kasakuk civilization. However, although she is in power, all the decisions she made during her tenure were made by Kasa Cook's mechanically ascended members.

After Dasara completed the mechanical ascension and transferred his consciousness to the machine, all the decisions he made did not come from the Kasa Cook mechanical ascension team, but came directly from the Cygnus civilization.

Although he had expected this, Dasara was still a little disappointed when he actually found out. After all, no one wants to be a puppet on strings. Even if it is already a subsidiary civilization of Cygnus Civilization, it is better for the internal affairs of the civilization to be determined internally.

Of course, she had no chance to convey these words upwards. Apart from being monitored, Dasara has no direct contact with the Cygnus civilization.

The only person who can have direct contact with the Cygnus Civilization is the first mechanical ascendant of the Kasakuk Civilization, the member who is called a ‘god’ by all the Kasakuk people.

However, Dasara sneered at the term 'god'. To her, that 'god' was the culprit who betrayed the entire Kasakuk civilization.

As members of an intelligent civilization, Dasara does not merely exist as vassals.

But she didn't tell anyone these thoughts because she knew it was forbidden.

"Da da da."

After remaining silent for a while, Dasara took out his mechanical feet and followed the other two members of Kasa Cook's mechanical ascension to the bridge.

In this bridge, which only belongs to the three mechanically ascended members, the trajectory of the super-accelerated fleet is played on the large screens all around.

At this time, the super-accelerated fleet has increased its speed to 43% of the speed of light, and is still trying to increase its speed.

Although this speed is considerable, it will have an irreversible impact on the ship and the lives and equipment inside the ship.

The Kasakuk civilization had already conducted experiments on hyper-acceleration before. During the experiments, some ships even disintegrated directly in the state of hyper-acceleration, transforming from a ship into the most basic particles.

The state from complete to broken was completed in a very short period of time, so in just an instant, the entity of the ship disappeared from the picture and completely dissipated in the material universe.

The better part is that the synthetic humans who did not enter the dormant state during the experiment lost their vitality characteristics without any warning, and turned from living creatures into dead objects.

Even the synthetic humans in the dormant state have suffered varying degrees of internal damage, and no dormant member's body is intact.

Precisely because of these disadvantages, the cruising fleet will not activate the super-acceleration state if it has to.

As a super fleet that has dominated the Cygnus Cantilever and Orion Cantilever, they have certainly never encountered a 'forced' situation.

In other words, apart from being used in experiments, members of the real cruising fleet have never really come into contact with this state of super-accelerated sailing.

"Continuing to speed up, we need to grasp the situation in the star system as soon as possible."

The leading mechanical ascendant seemed not to be satisfied with the flying speed of the super-accelerated fleet. When he saw the 43% sailing speed on the screen, he once again said to the screen in front of him: "Speed ​​up to 100% of the speed of light. Fifty percent."

"The application was approved and is being implemented."

When the mechanical ascensionist's application was approved, through quantum transmission, the thrusters of the super-accelerated fleet were activated again at full power, raising the speed of a thousand battleships to another level.

'well. ’

Dasara sighed secretly as he looked at the simulated trajectory of the super-accelerated fleet on the screen.

Now, no matter whether the opponent is powerful or possesses super weapons, it is already very dangerous for Kasa Cook on those thousand battleships.

And just when the mechanically ascended member of the Kasa Cook civilization was sighing in his heart, Luo Xiu also received information from his base control system in the Blue Star Lunar Research Base.

"In the simulation, there is an obvious star system being blocked in the direction of the star gate of the cruising fleet, and it is suspected that the ships of the cruising fleet are approaching."

Luo Xiu, who was planning the fleet of the solar system at this time, heard the news and immediately looked away from the ship models of the entire solar system and said: "What? So fast?"

According to Luo Xiu's calculations, it would take at least a hundred years for the cruising fleet to get from the nearest star gate.

This time should be very accurate. After all, Luo Xiu obtained the ship's navigation data when he was in the Blue Star Migration Faction. At that speed, it is absolutely impossible for the cruising fleet to arrive in the solar system in advance.

"What happened? Or is my information biased?"

In Luo Xiu's database, he did not have any information about super acceleration.

It is precisely because only the Kasakuk civilization has mastered the technology of super acceleration that Luo Xiu is very puzzled by what is happening now.

The main reason why Luo Xiu fought hard when the advance fleet arrived was that the nearest star gate was too far away, which would lengthen the reinforcement time of the cruising fleet.

For Luo Xiu, this time was a rare time to recuperate.

Only by fully utilizing these hundred years can Luo Xiu be able to defend the solar system and the homeland shared by Blue Star humans and Starship humans.

But it was obvious that the cruising fleet did not want to give Luo Xiu this opportunity.

"Where has the other party arrived?"

The sudden arrival of the fleet broke all Luo Xiu's plans. Since a new type of warship was being developed, the Shangtang-class warship had not been produced for a long time.

Not only the Shangtang class, but also the most entry-level warships such as the Xia Qi and Xia Yu class have also had their output reduced.

Everything is waiting for the arrival of new warships, and then all star ports will be at full capacity to build the super warships that have been named Shang Wuding class.

The early arrival of the cruising fleet directly disrupted Luo Xiu's plan.

"The fleet is about to enter the Oort cloud and is expected to break through the Kuiper Belt and enter the core of the solar system in 891 days."

As the outer cloud group of the solar system, the Oort cloud has a diameter of 2.3 light-years.

In other words, a fleet in a super-accelerated state needs to cover at least 1.15 light-years to pass through the Oort cloud. Although the fleet has reached 50% of the speed of light, it still needs to sail for two years.

However, when Luo Xiu discovered this super-accelerated fleet, the opponent was already close to the Oort Cloud. Judging from the time analyzed by the base control system, the fleet will enter the Oort Cloud in more than two hundred days.

At this time, four or five years have passed since the war that wiped out the advance fleet in the solar system. However, apart from the basic construction, there have not been any major breakthroughs in weapons and ships in the solar system.

Luo Xiu has always expected that his warships can be integrated with the "folded" space energy to develop a super shield that can resist the particle weapons of the roving fleet.

However, after two years of testing, every warship will break into pieces without exception when it comes into contact with the fragments carrying the space membrane, without being able to maintain its full appearance.

The most complete one also had the rear propeller cut off, leaving only the bridge and the electromagnetic railgun guide rail in the front.

"Less than three years."

Luo Xiu canceled all the models in the room, stood up, and started pacing in the room.

Three years is a very short time for Luo Xiu.

This time it is not like dealing with the advance fleet, which can deliver a fatal blow from the shadows and catch the advance fleet in one fell swoop.

At this time, after the antimatter annihilation bomb completely annihilated the advance fleet in the solar system, it has definitely entered the list of cruising fleets and Cygnus civilizations.

Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu could no longer hide his strength and could only confront the opponent head-on.

Such a confrontation would undoubtedly be very detrimental to Luo Xiu.

"Can you analyze the number of battleships?" Faced with an event that was more threatening than the advance fleet, Luo Xiu had to be cautious.

"Under analysis"

Perhaps it was difficult to analyze the opponent's number through occlusion. The base control system paused for a second after hearing Luo Xiu's question, "The number of warships is about 400-12,000."

"This span is too big."

Luo Xiu also knew that it was difficult to judge the number of the opponent's warships just from the obstruction of light and shadow, but the range of this number was really too large, so large that it had no reference value.

400 ships and 12,000 ships, these are two levels of fleets, which poses a huge problem for Luo Xiu's response.

"Accelerate the research and development of Shang Wuding-class warships, and mass production must begin within three months."

"The manufacturing speed of anti-matter annihilation bombs has also accelerated. If it is invaded this time, we will push the battlefield outward into the Oort cloud."

Facing the menacing cruising fleet, Luo Xiu was no longer prepared to fight the opponent in the core area.

Luo Xiu now has a very large number of anti-matter annihilation bombs. Compared with the last time the anti-matter annihilation bombs were used to completely annihilate the advance fleet, the inventory at this time has increased by 162 times.

All antimatter annihilation bombs are now stored in the Kuiper Belt, on Pluto, which has been customized as a weapons arsenal by Luo Xiu.

Antimatter annihilation bombs of this magnitude have already posed a great threat to the core region of the solar system.

If this fleet also carries the "folding" space weapon, the antimatter annihilation zone produced may actually cover the entire solar system.

After the sun receives the intrusion of antimatter, no one knows whether there will be any chemical reactions.

If unfortunately a supernova explosion occurs, the state of the entire solar system, not to mention the earth, will be changed. In order to minimize the impact of the antimatter annihilation bomb on the core area of ​​the sun, Luo Xiu prepared to set the battlefield in the Oort cloud.

After Luo Xiu issued production instructions to all manufacturing plants in the department, he suddenly remembered another way to deal with it.

"Conduct a directional broadcast in the direction of the incoming fleet to stop it from invading our sphere of influence."

"Tell them we are 'starship humans'."

"At the end of the message, directly send the coordinates of the cruising fleet base camp."

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