[Host, this is not the route to the Ganghei Building.] 888 looked at me gradually deviating from the route and couldn't help but remind me

"I know, I didn't plan to go to Hong Kong." I continued walking forward,"I'm going to see Dazai Osamu."

I don't understand why Dazai Osamu didn't live in a good apartment, but came to live in an abandoned factory. Isn't it really uncomfortable to sleep in a container?

Standing on the desolate and dilapidated land of the abandoned site, transport containers are piled up in a mess. They are abandoned as waste in this place without even navigation. A quiet place that even mice are unwilling to pass by.

I stood around the abandoned factory for a long time, not knowing whether I should go there. I looked at this harsh environment and frowned slightly..

【Host, according to the system scan results, Dazai Osamu is inside. Aren't you going in? 】888 I don't understand why I hesitated for so long

"……"Finally, I moved my feet and stepped onto the wasteland where even weeds couldn't grow.

I couldn't understand it.

I walked step by step towards the red dot marked by the system. Does Dazai Osamu live here? I looked around as I walked. Before I went to Tokyo, Dazai Osamu lived in the apartment of the Port Mafia. That's where people should live.

This place is like the polluted land in wasteland literature, barren and harsh. No living thing can survive here.

Even the Port Mafia of previous generations never treated its members unfairly in this regard, so why did Dazai Osamu do this?

Is he asking for trouble?

I stopped beside a container with a simple iron door.

Here we are, the door of the container is open. It looks like a welcome.


The black-haired, kite-eyed boy sat at the deepest part of the container, his whole body shrouded in shadow. The large black coat on his shoulders merged with the shadow that enveloped him, like a swamp dragging the owner of it into the abyss.

The boy smiled, his left eye, which was not covered by the bandage, was indifferent and chaotic, and his eyes were dark and unclear.

"What's the matter? I'm glad to see you."

Ryougi Shiki stood in the backlight outside the narrow door in front of him, the tassels on her hair swaying gently as she moved. Her dark eyes stared at Dazai Osamu, and he saw his reflection in the girl's eyes.

Dazai Osamu couldn't help but squint.


He heard the girl's plain words

"I don't know what your plan is with the boss, but I can probably guess it."

The girl's cold tone revealed her concern for Dazai Osamu."Dazai, don't get hurt. Don't you hate pain the most?"

Dazai Osamu looked a little dazed. He didn't expect Ryougi Shiki to come all the way here just to talk about this. He thought Ryougi Shiki came for Nakahara Chuuya.

While Dazai Osamu was stunned, Ryougi Shiki took the opportunity to look inside the container.

"Does the 'Black Ghost' feared by everyone in the Port Mafia live in such a place?"

This is the title given to Dazai Osamu by the Port Mafia members and enemies nearly a year after he joined the Port Mafia. Ryougi Shiki walked into the container and turned on the light switch on the wall beside him.

The light bulb flickered twice, and the dim light illuminated the small interior of the container. There were few facilities inside the container. The only round stool was under Dazai Osamu. Behind him was a neat single bed. And a small locker and a desk. There was nothing else.

So I walked straight to Dazai Osamu and looked down at him condescendingly..

"What are you doing, Dazai?"

You don't want a good house, but you want to live in a container. Are you a masochist?

Sitting on a round stool, Dazai had to look up at Ryougi Shiki. His eyes swept across Ryougi Shiki and finally looked at the ground.

Dazai lowered his eyes.

……Therefore, he hated turning on the light. Under the light, all the darkness was exposed. Just like him, he was being dissected layer by layer and exposed to the sun.

An indescribable irritation rose in his heart. Dazai turned his face away, only to find that the girl's gaze and the light were unbearable.

"After this matter is over, I will apply to my boss for a mission to Kyoto, and I will take you with me."Ryougi Shiki unilaterally announced this news to Dazai Osamu, not allowing him to object.

After saying this, Ryougi Shiki left the container, and when she left, she left a glass ball for Dazai Osamu.

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