[Why did the host give the item to Dazai Osamu? According to the plot, Dazai Osamu will not die.] 888 thinks my action is unnecessary

"The plot only says that Dazai is still alive, but it doesn't say that he won't be hurt."I don't think Dazai can escape from Verlaine unscathed. Even if Dazai has"No Longer Human", Dazai's mediocre level of physical skills and his own suicidal behavior make it hard not to worry.

【According to the system's calculations, the host has a greater chance of encountering Weilun. You need that item more. 】888 tried to convince me with data

"Will you let me die?" I asked calmly.

【No, we will ensure the host's life safety】

"That's fine, I won't die anyway." I didn't want to argue with the system about this matter,"The things have been given, it's impossible to take them back. And don't you still have them?"

【………】888 got stuck for a moment, [I understand, host.] If it weren't for the fact that the system doesn't sigh, I suspect it would have been sighing all the time. It feels helpless, for me.

I don't know the exact time when Verlaine will attack, but from the vague grasp of the plot, it is estimated that it won't be long. The leader's office has been attacked, and Verlaine will go to find Dazai Osamu next. As the plot continues to advance, I always feel inexplicably anxious.

When I came to my senses, I had arrived at the"old world". It was an old billiard bar with a brick structure. The iron-blue words on the sign softened the edges in the morning mist.

Really, how did I get here? I had obviously planned to stay away from them.

The conversation in the bar that ordinary people couldn't hear was carried into my ears by the wind, and my trained keen senses heard a little bit of the content. I paused and hesitated for a while. Quietly hiding my figure walked to the door of the bar.

I leaned against the brick wall of the store door, not knowing whether I should go in and say hello.

Calculating the time, Zhongyuan Chuuya should have been informed of his identity by the Youth Association by now.

Faint words continued to be heard from the bar.

"This photo was taken in an old rural area in the west."

"Now it is an abandoned village, and no one lives in the area. However, the surgeon found the answer from the medical records kept in a nearby village."……①

"Hehe... Even if people lie, the tooth records will not lie""Medical records have a several-year retention obligation... It is this obligation that has become a bright spot.……"……①

Ah, I guessed right! The voices of the surgeon and the pianist came from inside.

"A woman I personally know let me read the government's military documents. Of course, the information about the research was disposed of after the war as top secret information. But later I learned that a certain unit of the army launched a similar human experiment in the West to collect body donations. This was the initial clue. So I am the biggest contributor"……①

The public relations officer interrupted. I leaned against the door and listened to their argument silently. Now was not a good time to go in.

"……I didn't do anything big." A cold-blooded voice came from the side."I found………Family tree,………We committed eight burglaries."

Finally, the founder of the Flag Society, Piano, concluded:"You have parents and relatives. If you are asked about your origins next time, show them your photos."……①

"Why?" Chuuya's voice was a little uneasy,"Why do you want to do this, this is... against the leader's actions.""

Yes, this is against the leader's actions. So why do you have to go to such lengths? It is obvious that Nakahara Chuuya will be promoted to an executive sooner or later. How much trouble will you bring to yourselves by doing this!

I am as curious about this question as Nakahara Chuuya. From the leader's point of view, the secret of Nakahara Chuuya's birth is the shackles that bind him to the organization. As long as he has that, Nakahara Chuuya will not betray the mafia. But the Flag Society went against the leader's wishes.

The pianist shrugged with a relaxed look on his face."He asked me to monitor whether Chuuya knew the secret, but he didn't ask me to hide the secret. Didn't Chuuya always want to know?"

"It's no big deal." The PR officer seemed to be troubled by Nakahara Chuuya's attitude,"If I must say, yes."

Then, the PR officer said in a matter-of-fact tone

"Because it's a companion’--‘Sheep' is different??"

"It's different." I walked in from the door and answered the public relations officer,"I really didn't expect you could do this."

I looked around at everyone."This is a completely daring action!"

"Wait, they did it for me.……"Nakahara Chuuya anxiously took the responsibility on himself.

I interrupted Nakahara Chuuya with a gesture. ,"Am I the kind of person who would tell tales in Chuuya's eyes?"I lowered my eyes and pretended to be lonely.

"No, I don't think so.……"Seeing this, Nakahara Chuuya quickly explained

""Pfft." The public relations officer couldn't help laughing when he saw Nakahara Chuuya's expression.

"Chuuya, Miss Shiki has provided us with a crucial clue." The public relations officer wiped away the tears from his eyes. It seemed that he really liked seeing Chuuya Nakahara embarrassed.

"Huh?!"Nakahara Chuuya looked a little surprised, he looked at me uncertainly

"I didn't provide any clues, I just told you the basic information about your companions so that you can get to know each other better."I didn't agree to the PR officer's words. I couldn't have any connection with this matter.

"Alas——"The stupid bird made a short and strange sound."Do you really have to go around in circles like this?"

"I am the chief's secretary, I cannot disobey the chief." I calmly explained the facts.

The public relations officer with the highest emotional intelligence immediately understood what I meant. To help him out, he���That beautiful face that no one can resist looks at me with a smile

""Is Miss Shiki here to congratulate Chuuya as well?"

"No, I just walked here without noticing. I silently refuted in my heart.

"Then come along! We welcome you very much."The pianist continued, and he pushed me to the side of the crowd with an attitude that could not be refused.

There was no other way, it seemed that I could not leave. So let's take a look. It shouldn't be boring.


A game is going on in the old world.

A group of young people are laughing and cheering around the pool table. The intimate atmosphere is just like a normal gathering among friends, even though these young people are vicious mafia.

Ah Dai Bird picked up the pool cue and excitedly said to Nakahara Chuuya,"Chuuya, let's play again! I won't lose to you this time!""

"Humph, silly bird. What are you talking about?" Nakahara Chuuya had a swaggering smile on his face. He picked up the golf club and walked to the other side."This time I will definitely beat you to a pulp."

"How many times have I told you not to call me stupid bird!" Ah Dumb Bird jumped up in anger."You all call me stupid bird, I am Ah Dumb Bird!!!"

I leaned against the table with a low-alcohol cocktail, watching the argument between Nakahara Chuuya and Ah Dumb Bird, turned to ask the PR officer beside me,"Have they always been so childish?"

"Yes, they have always been like this."The public relations officer had a faint smile in his eyes.

"Now I understand why Chuuya and Dazai quarreled."I sighed, and it turned out that Nakahara Chuuya was influenced by the stupid bird.

The game on the table continued. The public relations officer and I turned our eyes to the pool table.

"Isn't this good?"The surgeon interrupted our conversation. I don't know what kind of fluid was being injected into his hand.

Looking at the energetic Nakahara Chuuya, I couldn't help but be infected by him and smiled slightly."It's good."

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