Chapter 1624 Seed

Rin’s last sentence can be said to have poked everyone’s most worried place. They all have basic knowledge of magic, and they all understand the root cause.

It is the origin of all things and the end of all things. Going to the root is actually the same as going to death. Therefore, as a magician, Rin is not interested in the root cause, because she does not want to commit suicide.

Maybe after graduating from high school, she will continue to diligently improve the magic way and find her own way to the magic way. Maybe when I get older, I think about trying to pursue the root before the end of my life, and see what the root is.

But that is definitely not now.

Others too, they all understand that this kind of life can’t last long, so they cherish every day very much.

For them, whether it is the root or the kingdom of shadows, it is a very distant vocabulary. Because I didn’t understand, I drew an equal sign between the two. After all, both the kingdom of shadow and the root cause are outside the world.

Naturally, it is easy to equate the two.

“Rin, you think too much.”

Xie Ming said dumbfoundedly: “I’m not looking for the root cause, entering the root cause, but just going to the Kingdom of Shadows to repay favors. Although the Kingdom of Shadows is also outside the world, it is actually not as dangerous as you think.”

“And I’m not going to force it, but I can notify Skaha in advance and ask her to open the door and let me in. As for how to get back, that’s even simpler.”

Showed his spatial ability to the crowd, Xie Ming said: “Although my spatial ability has not been able to jump between parallel worlds like the second method. But as long as there are coordinates, in different dimensions of the same world. It is still possible to move.”

“Fumu City has been left with a lot of coordinates. As long as I arrive in the Kingdom of Shadows, I will be able to come back from there at any time.”

“And don’t forget.”

After a pause, Xie Ming said with a smile: “I am not from this world. I am able to visit this world because my restraint gives me a permit. With this restraint permit, there is still not much access. questionable.”

“If it’s dangerous, I can come back at any time, or let Otinus come to help me. So, don’t worry.”

“…It looks like you have decided to go.”

Rin sighed helplessly and looked at Sakura: “Sakura, what do you think?”

“Xie Ming… Do you have to go to see the Queen Skaha?”

“Well, for Yu Gong, I promised her to go there and do what she promised. For Yu Shi, I also want to discuss skills with the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows in order to become stronger .”

“Because nothing can be done without power.”

“… We, can’t we follow it?”


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming said softly: “If you really want to follow Sakura, I can think of a way.”

“After all, this trip is to go to the inner sea of ​​the stars first, and then to the outside of the world. Regardless of the environment outside the world for the time being, the highly concentrated magic power of the gods in the seas of the inner stars is extremely poisonous to most people.”

“So if you guys really want to follow along, I can use…”

“No…I understand.”

Sakura interrupted Xie Ming’s words and smiled softly: “Just as we all have what we have to do, Xie Ming has what you have to do. Sorry, I made your request.””In fact, it’s not too reluctant…” Xie Ming scratched his face: “It just so happens that I also have something to take you with me…”

“Well, this thing will end here.”

He patted his hands lightly: “Sister Jade, let’s clean it up.”


“I’ll help too.”

“Sister Humber, please cut some fruit for everyone. If you come to help wash the dishes, you will have to buy new dishes and bowls tomorrow.”

“…..All right.”

Amber walked to the refrigerator griefly, Fujino was going to clean up and take a bath, while Xie Ming walked to the Kendo Hall with CC, Otinus, and Karen, preparing to teach her some basic mental power manipulation methods.

One is Tenten who is a madman who exercises masochistic mentality, and the other is a demon god. Although Xie Ming has not seen the battle of CC, he has heard a lot from her and Yui.

The artifact from the DXD world and the substitute in the JOJO world produced a wonderful reaction, giving her substitute a strength that is not inferior to the surrogate messenger of the soul-suppressing song. And CC itself, through training, raised the realm of the rapier to the master.

The master of the rapier plus the real ability to manipulate the luck of others has made CC already quite prestigious (or notorious) in the main god space.

The avatar is the image condensed by the spiritual energy in the body, and the operation of the artifact also requires consciousness and a strong spirit. So in terms of mental power, CC can also be said to be a top-level master.

Instructed by three top mental power masters, Karen, the coaching team, can be considered to be ranked among the thousands of planes.

After training for a while, the little Sakura, who had washed the bowls, put on a kendo uniform and went to the kendo arena. Xie Ming broke away from the coaching team and began to instruct little Sakura’s swordsmanship.

After several days of teaching, Xie Ming discovered that in fact, in terms of swordsmanship, Sakura is not the kind of talent. She really has to be divided into levels, her talent can only be regarded as ordinary.

And the reason why she was able to become the next chief of the Kendo Department was entirely because she had really worked hard.

From the day Xie Ming left, she asked Fujimura Dahe to teach her swordsmanship. The amount of training per day has reached three times that of adults.

At first, Fujimura Okawa was afraid that such training would hurt little Sakura’s body. But a few months later, little Sakura did not experience over-training, but instead became better and better.

This allowed Fujimura Okawa to let go of most of his worries, but from time to time he would take Sakura to the hospital for medical examinations. Until now, Sakura also goes to the hospital for regular physical examinations.

There is no way, her training volume is too scary, it is easy to make people feel that she is overdrawing herself.

However, during Xie Ming’s inspection, little Sakura’s body did not show that kind of overdraft condition. This only allowed him to attribute the reason to the connection between the little Sakura and the unknown existence.

The difference between kendo and swordsmanship is actually quite big. The former is a competition and requires compliance with the rules. The latter is omnipotent, killing the opponent is considered successful. But in the final analysis, kendo is actually counted in swordsmanship.

So even if the little Sakura is one of the three strongest people in the world under Xing Yue, the legendary swordsman in Fuyuki City: Tiger Fujimura Okawa, Xie Ming, who is a great master, can still guide her.

After Xie Ming came back, he also met with Fujimura Dahe and Fujimura Leihua, expressing apologies and thanks. Obviously, neither of them paid too much attention. After all, they knew about Xie Ming’s situation, and they took care of the young Sakura because they really regarded them as family members.

But because the Uranus Temple family is a bit crowded now, Fujimura Dahe has also reduced the frequency of coming for meals.

Xie Ming’s guidance to the little Sakura actually means that Xie Ming points out the shortcomings of the little Sakura after consulting each other, and then repeats it over and over again to let the little Sakura correct it. After all, Xie Ming’s swordsmanship is his own creation of actual combat swordsmanship, while Xiao Sakura is a genre of swordsmanship after systematic learning.

I can’t let little Sakura play in the kendo competition in an instant, what if I kill someone?

After a while, Fujino took a shower and cleaned up and came to the Kendo Hall. At this time, Otinus would teach Fujino to use more subtle magic eyes.

The jade amber bathed one after another, and then changed the bath water. Little Sakura and Karen, Otinus and CC, and finally Xie Ming’s turn, everyone fell asleep.

This was the daily routine of the Uranus Temple house at night after Xie Ming came back.

No way, there are too many people. Even if the Uranus Temple House was a mansion, it would be a bit crowded with eight people. What Xie Ming was thinking about was that he, Otinus, and CC would only need a room for the three of them.

As a result, this idea was opposed by everyone from Vine to Karen.

In the end, Amber and Jade lived together, leaving a room for Otinus and CC to live in, while Xie Ming stayed alone in the room they had prepared for him.

Later in the morning, Xie Ming was the first to get up, and when everyone was still asleep, he first exercised the damn mental exercise method, and then waited for little Sakura while doing his own daily training.

Wait for the little Sakura to finish preparing, and then conduct the instructional battle again. Amber and emerald boil the bath water and prepare breakfast at this time.

It’s been three or four years since I got a thousand souls practice. He doesn’t have too many problems with Hundred Hammer’s little Zhou Tian, ​​but this exercise method is really complete, it is a big Zhou Tian that completes a thousand hammers at once.

Until now, Xie Ming’s highest record is 700 hammers. This highest record was broken in the Demon Realm on the plane of Arad after defeating Kahn. At that time, after completing the seven hundredth hammer, Panasonic’s breath almost made him pass out directly.

When to challenge the eight hundred hammers, it is estimated that he will have to wait until he gets used to the 700 hammers.

From the result, the mental power training method of Thousands of Souls is very strong. The 700 hammer realm has already allowed Xie Ming to realize the substantive spiritual power. The mental power flowing in his mind is already countless small solid particles.

Before practicing, mental power was mist. Before 500 hammers, it was liquid. After 500 hammers, the liquid began to solidify slowly. With 700 hammers, all liquid mental power has been transformed into small solid particles.

Thousand Hammers, I am afraid that all the small particles will be cast into the core of spiritual power and become the real gold of a thousand alchemy.

By then, how much will his mental power reach? Can you reach the point of… the King of Sprites?

The feedback visible to the naked eye, and this extremely high upper limit, is the main reason why Xie Ming has been able to adhere to this damn and truly fragrant exercise until now.

It’s just that this exercise is really scary. That’s why Xie Ming specially wakes up early, setting aside time for his own exercises to prevent others from discovering. However, he did not expect that this secret that he had specially hidden would be discovered on the same day.

After all, Xie Ming didn’t have any extra energy to pay attention to the movements of his body when he was running this exercise. CC was sleeping, but Otinus was affected by Xie Ming’s state and couldn’t help watching.

So, Sakura witnessed the situation of Xie Ming sitting cross-legged in the kendo training ground.

Sweat is like raindrops, loose clothes seem to be ignited by the heat from the body, and the blue veins of the arms and backs of the hands are raised, as if they are about to crush their knees.

Depressed to Ultimate’s low growl, pale face and closed eyes.

Almost, Sakura was about to rush in. It was just the voice from the bottom of my heart that stopped her.

“Little Sakura, don’t go in, that man is fine.”


“What a crazy human…”

The voice in his heart was slightly shocked: “He is beating his own spirit, using the most brutal way to get rid of impurities in the spirit. Since ancient times, no human being has dared to use such a messy method.”

“Even those demigods, I am afraid they can’t endure this inhuman pain.”

“You mean, Xie Ming… is exercising his mental power now?”

“It might be more appropriate to describe it in terms of casting.” The voice slowly calmed down: “He got up so early, I’m afraid it is to prevent you from seeing him like this.””What on earth is he willing to use such a terrifying exercise method…”


Because without power, nothing can be done.

There is no way to escape from the wormhole, there is no way to walk side by side with him, and there is no way to help him…without power, nothing can be done.

If the Holy Grail War ten years ago planted the seeds in Sakura’s heart. Let her persist through gritted teeth for ten years, and strive to become stronger. Well, seeing Xie Ming’s inhuman training method with his own eyes is a sign that the seeds have germinated.

I haven’t worked hard enough.

He is already very strong, and he still needs to use this method to oppress himself and make himself stronger. So, who will his enemy be? How strong will his enemy be? Again, let him face the powerful enemy alone?

The eyes that were originally clear and blue have now become dazzling as bright as a starry sky. As if in the pupil, there is the whole universe.

“Little Sakura, you…”

The voice seemed to want to say something to stop it, but then fell silent again.

She knew that the girl would not listen to her advice on this matter.

To be precise, the girl would not listen to anyone’s advice on this matter. Even if it was the human being in the kendo hall that persuaded her, the result would probably be the same.


“I’m out~”

“Be careful all the way~”

Watching the departure of Karen and Sakura with Humber and Jade, Xie Ming stretched his waist and said, “Okay, I’m going to leave, too. CC, Otinus, I’ll beg of you at home.”


“If you have any questions, please feel free to say.”


Looking at CC and Otinus who lazily poked their heads out of the living room, Xie Ming smiled helplessly, and then looked at Amber and Jade.

“Then, I’m going out too.”

“Well, Brother Xie Ming, be careful all the way.”

“come back earlier.”


“and many more!!!!!!”

At this moment, a black-haired girl with two ponytails carrying a big backpack ran from a distance, shouting loudly as she ran. You can even see that her legs are being blessed by magic.


Xie Ming’s movements paused, and he looked at this Tosaka family head dumbfounded.

“You… are you going to travel to Europe on your own?”

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