Chapter 1625

“Yes, go traveling with you!”


Xie Ming looked at Amber Emerald and found that the twin girls also looked at him suspiciously. Then the three of them looked at the panting Rin at the same time: “What did you say?”

“I said, I want to go with you!”

“Do not…..”

Xie Ming said helplessly: “How did you arrive at this result? Didn’t you firmly oppose it yesterday?”

“My objection is for the sake of young Sakura. Now that the kid has agreed, I won’t say anything more.” At this point, Rin showed a mischievous expression: “But, I haven’t Express my opinion?”

“No, no, no, no…” Xie Ming’s head started to hurt: “What does this matter have to do with you?”

“How come it has nothing to do with me?”

Rin said with his hands on his hips, with a serious expression on his face, “Look, you are the brother of Little Sakura, and I am the sister of Little Sakura. You are older than me, so by this calculation, you are not my brother.”


“Now my lovely sister wants my brother to take it out for a while, should my brother refuse it cruelly?”

“Oni sauce~”

“Don’t don’t don’t don’t, please don’t do this.”

Hearing Lin’s cute voice, Xie Ming slapped all over his body and got goose bumps all over his body: “You have something to say, don’t be disgusting here and disgusting me.”


The corners of his eyes twitched a few times, and Rin strongly suppressed the urge to take out the gems. In front of a young girl who said she was disgusting, you really belonged to you.

However, it did disgust her herself just now. Seeing Xie Ming’s appearance, Rin had quite the idea of ​​simply going to die with him. But think about it, forget it.

If he was forced to run away, wouldn’t it be worth the loss?

But this hatred, Rin Tosaka took note of it. If there is a chance, I definitely have to return it.

“After all, why are you going with me.”

Xie Ming asked helplessly: “We have known each other for less than a week, and the situation is still the same when we first met. Don’t worry, I will find a place to sell you?”

“If you were that kind of person, it would be impossible for Sakura and the others to follow you.” Rin smiled, “In this regard, I still have 100% trust in you.”

“The only question is whether you will have a big trouble taking me there. If the trouble is not big, then you don’t mind.”

“…So, what’s the reason?”

He sighed helplessly. Xie Ming asked, “Want to learn something from Skaha?”

“If she can fancy me.” Rin shrugged: “The main reason is that you don’t want to waste this opportunity that is unlikely to appear in the future.”

“The difference between going and not going.”

“If I don’t go, I will maintain the same life as before, go to school, after school, specialize in magic, and go to the clock tower to study after graduating from high school.”

“But what if I go?”

“I may see scenery that I have never seen before. I have seen and heard. I have seen existences that only exist in legends. Can I learn something from the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows? This is just a brocade for me. It’s nothing more than to add goods.””What is really important is that I think if I go, I will be very happy!”

“Whether it is studying in school or becoming a magician, I do it because I am happy to do it. No one is forcing me, and there is no responsibility to force me.”

“I just did it because I felt very happy.”

“So, I want to do things that I feel happy and won’t regret. This is me, Rin Tosaka.”


Whether it was Xie Ming, the amber and emerald on the side, or Otinus and CC in the room, they were all silent.

Because, at this time, the girl named Tosaka Rin, when she said these words, her clear eyes were shining.

This is not a physical reason, but a psychological effect.

But it is true, Rin’s eyes are shining. The name of this light is freedom, dreams, and self.

The story named Fate tells the epic of heroes. The heroes here don’t just refer to the dead and summoned heroes. The same is true of the epic of mankind as the “Master”.

Absolute altruism who is immersed in unrealizable, naive and ridiculous ideals: Shiro Weigu.

Carrying a tragic fate, wanting to stand in the same position with his lover, but walking away from the madness: Matong Sakura.

Selfish, greedy for life and fear of death, Gilgamesh considered the king of clowns, the ultimate villain: Shinji Makiri.

The monster who has lived for hundreds of years, whether it is ideals, aspirations or humanity, has been washed away by time: Jian Tong dirty inkstone.

Awakened by love, he spent half his life immersed in hell, creating a decadent murderer in hell: Soichiro Gemu.

From the moment of birth, it was decided to end in tragedy, the distorted snow elf: Ilias Phil von Einzbern.

Not a villain but a bad person, not cruel but evil. Because of a natural defect, he has gone to the evil road, looking forward to the birth of a priest of the same kind: Yanfeng Qili.

And finally, the truly powerful human: Rin Tosaka.

To describe human beings as powerful is quite contradictory. Because human beings are too weak.

But the strength of a person never lies in the body and strength, but in the spirit and belief.

This is the real power that Rin possesses.

She is a very ego, arrogant and rude girl. As it is now, she didn’t care about other people’s feelings at all, just because she felt that this would be very happy and that she would not regret it, so she did it.

However, this is also her shining point. Because she will not deceive herself, she always lives in the present, walking on the road she wants to go, and she firmly believes.

This belief is not lost to any hero in the myth.

Even if she is in hell, she will rely on her beliefs and use all her means to walk out of hell gracefully and gracefully.

She is her own seeker, and the leader of those who are deep in hell. The light she emits is dazzling and strong, so that people with low self-esteem can’t look directly at it. Because people with low self-esteem will be afraid that this dazzling light will burn their eyes.

However, when you give up your inferiority complex and look at this light again, you will be surprised to find out. This light is dazzling, strong, but extremely gentle.

As we all know, people’s future will change due to different experiences. But Rin Tosaka is not the case. The strength and self-confidence that she exudes from the inside out determines that there will be no deviations in her future path.

Even if Tosaka Time is not dead (FA), even if Shiro Eimiya chooses Saber (Fate), chooses Sakura (HF), or chooses her (UBW), she will still go to the clock tower to study and become a great Magician.

She is not a changed role. She is changing the role of others.

From this point of view, Rin Tosaka may be the real protagonist.

Xie Ming still didn’t understand why Tosaka Rin and Luvia Celineta Edfelt were so incompatible. Now he understands.

Because the two are so similar.

They are people with unshakable self-confidence, and they are also people who desire victory. However, what they want is not victory, but the wonderful and unforgettable scenery along the way to victory.

Fate is around the omnipotent wishing machine: the story that began with the Holy Grail. Even the legendary heroes fight each other for this omnipotent wish machine.

But Rin Too Saka didn’t have much desire for the Holy Grail. The reason why she participated in the Fifth Holy Grail War was only to prove herself and the Tosaka family.

Xie Ming didn’t understand these four words until he returned to the world of Rewrite and reunited with Xiaoniao. CC, who has lived for hundreds of years, and Otinus, who has lived for endless years, finally understood it when he met Xie Ming.

However, the girl named Rin Tosaka has already achieved this at the age of 17.

She is perfect because she is not perfect.

That’s why what she said touched the hearts of Xie Ming, CC and Otinus at the same time.


Xie Ming sighed deeply: “The last question, what if little Sakura gets jealous?”

“Ah, this…”

In an instant, Rin looked forward and looked back. To say that her only weakness is her mother Tosaka Aoi and sister Sakura. However, the family will not become her bondage, instead she will try her best to persuade her family.

“If I’m really jealous, I will apologize to her when I come back!”


Looking at the girl who was obviously doing her best, Xie Ming didn’t bother to point it. He turned to look at Amber and Jade: “If you bring one, you also bring a group. Or else, Amber and Jade, you take Sakura, Fujino, and Karen. Take it, everyone can go together.”

“No…our words…”

“Let’s stay at home.”

Amber smiled: “Brother Xie Ming, the ideal of Jade and I is to prepare a home for everyone to come back at any time. Little Sakura and Fujino, I shouldn’t want to cause you trouble.”

“As for the kid Karen…I shouldn’t be interested in traveling.”


Thinking of Karen’s indifferent expression when she said this last night, Xie Ming shrugged: “So, Humber, please help me and Sakura and the others.”

“We set off.”


Rin raised his right hand very cooperatively and shouted.

“You two will be careful all the way and come back early.”


The words fell, Xie Ming and Lin, who was carrying a travel bag, disappeared in front of the gate.


“here it is?”

“Somewhere in Russia.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Look for the holy spear.”

“Holy Gun?”Looking at the somewhat puzzled Rin, Xie Ming explained to her about the Holy Spear and the planet. After listening, he said thoughtfully: “In other words, we have to use the holy spear to cross the surface of the planet and enter the inner sea of ​​the star.”

“But, how do we go from the inner sea of ​​the stars to the outside of the world?”

“This has to mention the root cause.”

Xie Ming thought for a while, and asked Lin a question: “The life purpose of magicians is to reach the root. So, what is the shape of the root in your theory?”

“The shape of the root?” Rin said in a daze: “The root is the cause of everything, the beginning of everything, all the vertices, and it is something that humans cannot understand. It shouldn’t have the so-called shape. ”


Xie Ming smiled and projected a stick casually. He drew on the ground and said: “Humans cannot fully understand the root cause, but humans can interpret it with their own understanding, and then continue to overthrow and repeat. , So it will be Master little by little.”

“At present, the most suitable word to describe the root cause is the vortex.”


“Yes, the vortex of roots.”

Xie Ming points out a point on the ground, and then starts to draw a vortex with this point as the center.

“The root is the apex and origin of all things. From this point, it continuously rotates and diverges to the outside, thus giving birth to today’s world (plane). This is the vortex of root.”

“But the root is also the Akashic record. It records the cause, process, and end of everything. In other words, it is both the beginning and the end.”

After drawing a circle on the right side of Uzumaki to represent the earth, Xie Ming drew a vortex centered on a point on the right side of the circle.

However, unlike the vortex on the left, the vortex on the right is converging.

“The end of all things in the world will also return to the root. Therefore, the point of the root continues to rotate and diverge to the outside, and it continues to condense everything. These two states exist at the same time.”

“If you put it into the planet Earth, the deepest part of the sea within the stars is the root, and the outside of the world is also the root.”


Looking at Rin’s somewhat thoughtful expression, after she had digested these things, she continued: “Our planet is just a point in these spirals in the process of the spreading and converging of roots.”

“But our point, or all points, has lines that lead directly to the root cause. The root cause and the place where these lines are located are what we call the outside of the world in different dimensions.”

“And the place where the planet named Earth connects with the line is in the deepest part of the sea within the star. This is why we want to go to the sea within the star.”

“Go to the inner sea of ​​the stars and find this point. Then take the line at the junction of the point and the line to successfully reach the outside of the world. Then pass the coordinates and enter the kingdom of shadows.”

“I see.”

Rin nodded slightly: “It’s like 1+1=2. We don’t understand why 1+1 is equal to 2. However, we know that this is the correct result. Then we can use the correct result directly.”

“The magician’s research is to explore why 1+1 is equal to 2.”


Xie Ming said with a smile: “The real task of a magician is actually research. The process of research is what is really important. However, most magicians now want to abandon the process and reach the result. In order to get to the root cause, they do nothing. Extremely.”

“This is actually out of the essence of a magician.”

“It is absolutely wrong to abandon the process in order to pursue the purpose. Even if it is the root cause, there is a process from divergence to convergence. Humans want to go directly from the beginning to the end. Isn’t this a bit too arrogant?”

“I always think you care about something.”

“Be confident and get rid of the feeling. I’m just mocking the current magician.” Xie Ming smiled: “Okay, that’s the end of it. I have found the location of the holy gun, and I can go straight to it now.”

“But before that, I need to give you some protection.”

With that, Xie Ming stretched his hand into the portable space.

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