Chapter 1648 Advanced Trial Begins

The last floor Xie Ming challenged successfully was the 79th floor of the Tower of Swordsmanship. The opponent is the strongest genius swordsman under the Great Master, Souji Okita.

This is the person who has had the greatest impact on Xie Ming’s swordsmanship at the moment. The birth of the Earthly Sword Art has her merits in it.

From the 80th to 98th floors after her, all of them are grandmaster-level existences. Each is a terrifying monster standing at the pinnacle in their own plane.

In front of them, Xie Ming couldn’t go up to more than a dozen floors a day like before. Because the existence of each layer is a powerful enemy that needs him to be 100% spirited and use his best to face.

Three days to go up one level every day was Xie Ming’s original goal, and he did accomplish this goal.

After all, after entering the realm of the Great Master, the enemies he faced were the kind of powerhouses who extremely tested his sword skills. This allowed him to quickly gain a foothold on the platform of the Grand Master.

In the Arad continent, the concepts of ghost swordsmanship and wave swordsmanship were incorporated, and the fourth-style constant was created, which brought the level of swordsmanship forward several steps. However, the contest between Skaha and the Kingdom of Shadows allowed him to completely stabilize his pace.

So in the early part of the great master class, although it is necessary for him to go all out, it is relatively simple to defeat them.

It is worth mentioning that on the 82nd floor, Xie Ming met someone he was very familiar with, and once followed him and asked him to teach his sword skills.

Seven Warlords of the Sea: Hawkeye · Mihawk.

Although Xie Ming knew that he had been climbing so far, sooner or later he would meet someone he had really met. But when I saw it, I was still quite emotional.

Obviously, Mihawk was slightly surprised when he saw himself.

He did teach Xie Ming at the beginning, but in his opinion, Xie Ming’s sword skills might stop at the boundary between the master and the great master.

The reason is simple, not enough talent. It was too difficult for Xie Ming to take that step to this state.

The top genius only needs to read the tricks once, and then they can display them directly. Then after a few attempts, the essence of the trick can be given to the Master.

If it is Xie Ming, he needs to study the techniques of swordsmanship hard, and then train and correct again and again, which consumes a lot of time. Even with so much effort, in the end he probably didn’t fully master the move.

So when he knew that Xie Ming didn’t systematically learn the genre of swordsmanship, but focused on his own actual combat swordsmanship, he still thought in his heart, ‘this man understands what suits him.’

Compared to taking care of and copying, he learned 60% to 70% in the end, it is better to let him create in the dark. In this way, it is better for him.

As a result, he actually actually came to this state? Moreover, he surpassed himself.

“The trick just now…what is it called…”

“The Earthly Sword Art, Min.”

“Meng…sunset style…” Holding a huge knife mark that almost cut his upper body away, Mihawk spit out a few mouthfuls of blood: “Really, an amazing man.”

“…Mr. Mihawk.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Ming raised the iron knife in his hand again: “You are the teacher who taught me the art of swordsmanship and took me through the hurdle of the master. Therefore, this knife is my gratitude to you.”

“The earthly swordsmanship, Heng.”


Seeing this ordinary cut, Mihawk laughed. It turns out that it feels like this when I see the people I have taught surpass myself.

not bad.

On the other hand, it is also very happy for Xie Ming to be able to use the way of fighting before the advanced trial to return to his past teachers. This made him feel his own progress and his own growth.

Efforts are rewarded by the naked eye, which is something to be proud of for anyone.

The rookie who tried his best to make Mihawk pull out the black knife without seriousness, has now become a swordsman that Mihawk can’t beat with all his strength.

Slightly, please be happy for yourself, no one should have an opinion.

——————————Half an hour before the advanced trial.

“It’s coming soon.” Xie Ming, who stretched his body on the lawn, couldn’t help sighing: “Obviously, I have experienced so many things, but now in retrospect, those things seem to have happened yesterday.”

“Dad, don’t you really need me to follow?”

Yui on the side asked worriedly: “I should be able to help Dad.”

“No, Yui, you continue to help CC.” Xie Ming smiled and touched Yui’s head: “CC is about to face this level, and your task is to help her overcome this difficulty.”

“I don’t know, how are you preparing.”

“You don’t have to worry about it.” CC turned Byakugan: “All you need to do is to come back well. Even if it fails, Otinus and I can take care of you.”

“Really reassuring reply.”

Xie Ming said helplessly: “Don’t worry, I will be back.”

In an advanced way.

It’s not that he is too arrogant, he must complete the advanced trial in the strongest and best way. However, since he had this opportunity, he didn’t want to miss it.

There is a sentence to describe the heroes in Marvel: the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on upgraded.

It is appropriate to change this sentence and put it on Xie Ming.

Genius relies on sentiment, mortal relies on desperation.

But whether you are a genius or a mortal, you still need to rely on one thing: opportunity.

If he doesn’t want to encounter a moment when he can’t do anything in the future, then he must seize every opportunity now and desperately.

Obviously, whether it was CC, Yui or Otinus, he heard the second half of the sentence that he didn’t say. I also understand that no matter what I say, the other party will not change his mind.

Also, if I change to myself, I won’t give up either.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Otinus said lightly: “I will drag him back when he is about to die.”

“Then please.”

“Sister Otinus, I really leave it to you.”


“Yeah blanket blanket Yeah, I’m bound to fail have a look.”

If Xie Ming feels nervous, it must be. Even if you are a great master, you will still be nervous when you should be nervous. It’s just that this tension will be adjusted to their own motivation by them.

Besides, Xie Ming has gone too much time to be nervous.

I was nervous when I met Kotori and others, when I confessed to Asuna, nervous when the plan was almost discovered by Herder, and when I found out that little Sakura became a beast.

I get used to it when I get more nervous.

In everyone’s chat, time passed by every minute. Finally, I waited until the long-lost mechanical sound rang in my mind.

“It is detected that the surrogate attribute reaches 300 points, and the next mission world will be transformed into an advanced mission.”

“It has been detected that all five attributes of the surrogate have reached 300 points. Whether the surrogate has started the advanced mission (desperate level).”

“Turn on.”

Under everyone’s gaze, Xie Ming said calmly.


“It is detected that the surrogate has started the third-level advanced mission (desperate level), please choose your own life sublimation path.”

At this moment, Xie Ming appeared in several rows of lights around his body. Each light column represents the path that can promote Xie Ming to the fourth rank and the sublimation of life.

Time and Space Control, Cage Hand of the Scarlet Dragon Emperor, Spartan Fury, Wave of Killing Intent, Ghost Sword Technique, Wave…

But in the middle, the biggest and brightest is still this.

Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue.

The second is Spartan’s Wrath. Below is the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor and the control of time and space.

Gently clicked on the emerald green light column that represents the Kabbalah tree of life, which looked like a small tree, and chose OK in the next pop-up selection.

“On behalf of 23333 has chosen its own sublimation path…”

“Every time I see this code name, I can’t help but feel the urge to complain.”

“Don’t worry, the code name will change after you advance to Tier 4.”

“…Lord God?”


The cold female voice said calmly: “In your understanding, I am the Lord God. But in fact, my creator gave me the title: Plane Resource Management Organization. The real task is to maintain the perfect inter-planetary relationship. balance.”

“Explain in words you can understand, that’s it.”

“Tsk, it’s really a lofty attitude.” Xie Ming smiled: “Is this a personality you simulated, suitable for communicating with me?”

“Waiting for you to enter Tier 4 will know.”

Regarding this matter, the main god does not seem to want to explain too much: “Because you have chosen this path of creation, and your adaptation rate has reached the highest rate in history. Therefore, this special case has occurred.”

“The general situation TM (type-moon) world consciousness has already explained to you, but according to my duty, I need to tell you something else it doesn’t know.”

“The plane where the ten mass points are located is not under my jurisdiction.”


“Acceptance speed is okay, then I will continue to explain.”

As if seeing Xie Ming’s inexhaustible expression, the main god said lightly: “Because of the existence of ten mass points, that plane is gradually expanding, and it wants to become a new thousands of planes.”

“The evidence is that subsidiary worlds have appeared centered on that plane. The appearance of these subsidiary planes has broken the channel connecting the plane and me.”

“When sending agents to the major planes, they are all transported and returned through this channel. The channel is also used for communication between me and the plane consciousness, as well as the exchange of resources between each plane and me.”

“The planes that do not have plane consciousness are managed by me for the time being.”

“However, the plane with the broken channel will lose my resource supply and resource adjustment. The evolution of the plane is therefore out of control, like a baby who does not know how to control himself, greedily devouring everything that is fed to it.”

“As a result, it was blown up.”

“Because that plane is getting more and more swelling, it’supports’ broken my passage. Therefore, I also lost the right to manage that world.”

“As far as the result is concerned, if you go to that world, you won’t be able to get any support from me.”

“Personal space, uncontrollable skills, tablet data, etc…”

“I will only send you into that plane, and everything that follows is up to you.”

“…Then how do I get back?”

“It’s very simple.”

The main god said faintly: “Matter is nourishment, a threat, and also a stabilizer. After you collect ten mass points, the world will explode because of the loss of the stabilizer. But in terms of your experience and personality, you will give this The world’s new stabilizer.”

“world Tree.”

“When your world plunges into this plane, the excess nutrients will have a catharsis. Not only can it fill the nutrients needed by the world tree, but it also allows me to re-incorporate that plane into the scope of management.””At that time, you will be able to return to the main god space again.”

“But that plane is also within the observation range of the Sprites.”


Xie Ming’s head started to hurt, and the bad news really spread out in bursts.

“After the ten particles are contained by you, you will enter the stage of life sublimation. And the Sprites will also observe the disappearance of ten particles. What you face will be the full siege of the remaining gods.”

“Under the siege, until the World Tree takes root and until I send reinforcements, this is your biggest challenge.”

“Also, please remember.”

“Don’t let the creation catalogue fall into the hands of the Sprite Clan.”

“You are really the main god…” Xie Ming said with his face covered in his heart: “I have never seen a main god who is so forcing people and not helping people.”

“Lord God, just your understanding. I am not an omnipotent existence, I am only responsible for the management of thousands of planes and the exchange of resources.”

The main god said lightly: “You are the intermediary between me and thousands of planes.”

“Really popular.”

“I have told everything that I should tell, and I wish my substitute Xie Ming a success to advance to the fourth level.”

After all, the sound was switched to mechanical sound again.

“A substitute is selected to advance to the world, date battle (no support).”

“Reminder, this plane is not under management. Please take out what you need in advance and take it with you before entering this plane.”

“There is still 1 minute for the surrogate to enter the advanced world, please prepare for the surrogate.”

“Advanced Trial: Date Fight (??)”

“Mission difficulty:???”

“Execution number: 1”

“Number of main lines: 1”

“Main Mission: Life Ascension”

“Task completion rewards will be issued in the settlement space after the task ends”

“I really hope you told me this sooner.”

All the equipment on the body was taken out, the blue rose was inserted into the coat, the sky flame and the demon sword nightmare hung on the side waist, and the bottle containing the fairy bean was put into the pants Kabuto. Otinus also got into Xie Ming’s body to prevent accidents.

“There are still ten seconds before the delegates put in.”


When the countdown reached 1, another new reminder appeared in front of Xie Ming.

“Friendly reminder, the investment process is rough, please be prepared for the agent.”


As soon as such a sound was made, Xie Ming’s body turned into a stream of light in front of CC and Yui, rising into the sky at an unimaginable speed.

At this time, Xie Ming had only one thought in his mind.

This guy who is called the Lord God by everyone is definitely a stingy black belly! This reminder is definitely something she deliberately put at the end!

reason? Still need to ask?

In order to retaliate with herself, she just complained that she was useless.

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