Chapter 1649 Code Name: Stardust

This is a peaceful world, this is a world where spiritual power and magic exist, and magicians exist. This is a world where there are neighbors and mysterious life forms.

The responsibility of the magician is the human being who is responsible for such mysterious things and conducts research.

Yes, magicians are humans. At least in their eyes, they think so.

Their absolute criterion for themselves is “will not show the mystery to the world involuntarily.” Their main job is to destroy or protect the elves who came to this world from their neighbors. They usually conduct research on mysticism, alchemy, and Kabbalah.

Please pay attention to a few words, ‘I can’t help but say’. This also means that ordinary people know the existence of magicians.

So in the eyes of ordinary people, what are these people who specialize in weird things and who can see things they can’t see or touch at all?

In the Middle Ages, it was a witch. In modern times, it is a guinea pig.

Therefore, they were encircled and suppressed by the sent troops and eventually destroyed.

But it is the pure-blood magician who destroys, and there are still human beings called artificial magicians in this world.

Pureblood magicians can directly control magic power and perform magic tricks. But an artificial magician who only has the blood of a magician can only use tools to perform magic and show inhuman combat effectiveness.

Because of the extinction of the pure-blood wizard, no one can prevent the disaster called “Space Shock” that will occur when the neighboring elves arrive in advance. Because of the persecution of mankind, the remaining four pure-blood magicians also decided to revenge against mankind.

It is necessary to completely exterminate this ugly creature from this world.

With this idea, they concealed their identity and founded an electronics company called DEM (DeusExMachinaIndustry). On the surface, it is the development and manufacture of electronic parts, but in fact it is the technology and weapons that provide magic tools to countries all over the world.

But these two kinds of businesses are disguised by the four of them.

In fact, what they want to do is to use the enormous spiritual power that exists in this world to create a ‘strongest elf’ that is capable of exterminating human beings. For this, they need resources and manpower.

When human beings with extraordinary powers are rejected and persecuted by humans, so that they can take themselves out of the ranks of human beings and know how to forbear, the destructive power they can cause is beyond imagination.

Condensed the pure-blooded magician’s years of research on the world and Kabbalah, perfected and performed secret techniques that only exist in conjecture. Four people created gods.

The coming of the gods swallowed the lives of nearly 150 million people. People named this tragic disaster the ‘Eurasian Air Disaster’.

The Eurasian Air Disaster was just the beginning. In the next six months, devastating disasters no less than the ‘Eurasian Air Disaster’ occurred all over the world. The population of the world once dropped to an extremely dangerous level.

However, after the disaster known as the ‘Southern Kanto Air Disaster’, the disaster that had been named ‘Space Earthquake’ ceased.

For the following twenty-four years, the world was in peace and everything was busy with post-disaster restoration work.

Why is it twenty-four years?

Because in the twenty-fifth year, disaster has once again come to this world.

However, not because of space shocks, but because of meteorites outside the sky.


There was blood all over his body, and another fairy bean was smashed into his mouth. Xie Ming, who had been in the state of the Red Dragon Emperor for a long time, began to scold the Lord God space many times in his heart.

Throwing into the world, really TM puts people into it like a ball! ?

At this time, Xie Ming was in a state of running out of ammunition and food, and the fairy beans responsible for recovering physical strength and injuries still had two under his tongue. The power of creation from the apostles that was obtained in the continent of Arad has also been exhausted.

All the equipment on his body, except for the God Killing armor, melted at a temperature comparable to the sun. This resulted in Xie Ming having to hold a knife in one hand and defend himself with all his strength.If the armor in the Red Dragon Emperor state is lifted, then what will be seen is a man whose skin is carbonized and his whole body is blackened.

hair? Naturally, there is no more. It’s a pity that Xie Ming, who has restored the strong hairstyle again, feels not the coolness, but the blazing heat that melts all his bones.

But cursing and cursing, he invested in such a dangerous way, it is impossible for the Lord God to deliberately in order to retaliate.

So many generations are scolding, just fuck him? He Xie Ming is still not so ‘favored’ by the main god, and the main god is not stingy to such an extent.

There must be a reason for what happened.

After recalling what the Lord God told him before, the answer was already out.

The main god space has disconnected the communication channel with the date battle plane that has the tenth point of creation, which also shows that the main god space can’t communicate with the date battle plane in any way.

Among them, naturally includes the dispatch of substitutes.

But now Xie Ming wants to sublimate his life, he must come to this plane that is only under observation. Then, you can only’invest’ in such a rough way.

As for not being protected by the main god space, it is probably because that plane is also under the observation of the Sprite Clan. If the power of the main god space was observed by the Sprite Clan, it would definitely not sit idly by.

I’m afraid the two sides have always been in this state of balance. You don’t move and I don’t move.

Therefore, if Xie Ming wanted to enter, he could only disguise himself in the form of a meteorite. Regarding personnel input, the main god space is still more experienced than the sprites.

Don’t worry about accuracy, don’t worry about being threatened by Sprites in the middle. It can be considered as a ‘safe and reliable’ way?

It’s just a rider, he will enjoy the treatment of a certain monkey in the alchemy furnace.

Isn’t that still a ‘golden pill’ in your mouth?

Having said that, the one who should be scolded is still to be scolded. Can’t we talk about this kind of thing earlier? If he said it earlier, he would be better prepared! It won’t be as embarrassing and painful as it is now.

“Xie Ming, it’s coming soon, get ready.”

Otinus’ weak voice sounded from the bottom of Xie Ming’s heart. After all, her life was directly linked to Xie Ming’s energy. The exhaustion of Xie Ming’s energy also means that Otinus’ life is dying.

In order to prevent Xie Ming from leaving too much energy to her in such a dangerous time, Otinus has consciously become Xie Ming’s energy regulator.

The basic energy is left to maintain his life, and the rest is used in Xie Ming’s defensive cover.

Just in this way, the mental drain on Otinus is also great. After the crisis passed, I’m afraid she will have to sleep for a while.

“It’s finally here…”

If Otinus is not in good condition, it does not mean that Xie Ming is getting better. To be honest, Xie Ming now has a paste in his head, only the fighting instinct is left, and the two things that are stamped on the bottom of his heart.

The first is that the battle plane is in a high-tech plane, and there must be a means to shoot down meteorites outside of the earth. So, be prepared to protect yourself.

At this point, it is necessary to rely on Justissa, who has been under Xie Ming’s protection. Whether it is vector control, non-element matter, or super-electromagnetic force, it can help oneself survive the attack during the time when it entered the earth.

It’s just that Justissa may be seriously injured because of this, but there is no other way.

Whether it is intercepted or just falls down, everyone is a dead end.

The second thing is restraint.

Before he returns to normal, he must not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Unless, the other party first showed killing intent.

As for how to survive, he doesn’t have to worry about this. If there is enough time, he will be able to recover in about half a month. If you kill the enemy in the process, the recovery will be faster.

Hearing Otinus’ reminder, Xie Ming used his thumb to forcefully push the pure flames of the sky out of the scabbard.

“Please, Justissa…”


The extreme high temperature made Justissa’s figure extremely transparent, but there was still no expression on her face. With the strength that Xie Ming separated, he did three things.

The first one is to wrap Xie Ming into a ball with non-yuan substances.

The second thing is to maintain a layer of “rebound” film on the surface of the non-element material.

The third piece is to use electromagnetic force to manipulate the various substances collected along the way, and then wrap a layer on the sphere.

After finishing these three things, Justissa reverted to the pure flames of the sky and fell into the scabbard. She also fell asleep.

Then came shelling from the earth.

It was an ultra-high-density psychic bombardment, and its power was no less than a dozen nuclear bombs all together and superimposed to explode. You know, this is where the mass point is, the over-evolved plane.

“Earth…. Knife Jue…”

The demon sword came out of its sheath slightly, and the danger of this shelling had awakened Xie Ming’s sleepy trace of reason. Just relying on the defense built by Justissa was unstoppable.

Biting the last fairy bean in his mouth, the demon sword pulled out under the arm with only a layer of muscle left.

He was ready to use Yao with all his strength to shatter everything around him. How the earth is and how the humans on the earth are, is no longer within his scope of consideration.

I’m almost belching, who can care so much.

But at this moment, a voice came to Xie Ming’s ears.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Rescuer. Shelling can’t hurt you. Please trust me and leave it to me.”

“You are…..”

“My name is Honjo Erya, Chhokmah (wisdom).”


The demon sword fell into the sheath, Xie Ming’s consciousness plunged into darkness.

And on the ground, a girl with short gray hair in a translucent nun’s suit patted her barren chest and let out a sigh of relief: “It’s great, great, otherwise the world will really be destroyed.”

“Show it, [嗫告篇帙] (Ratziel).”

The book with the golden cross on the cover appeared in front of him, and he took off the pen from the veil. The girl named Honjo Niya wrote this paragraph under the blank paper.

[Spiritual shelling deviated and did not directly hit the meteorite, but successfully reduced the damage of the meteorite. The savior inside the meteorite successfully landed in front of Honjo Erya. 】

When the period was on the book, the spiritual bombardment also hit the meteorite that stained the sky with blood red.

The meteorite split into countless fragments, one by one disappeared due to the friction of the atmosphere. And the biggest piece was quickly enlarged in the girl’s pupils, and finally hit the wasteland in front of her.


The outer shell fell, and a man in bright red armor appeared in front of Honjo Erya.

Holding a knife in each hand, he thrust it into the ground fiercely to stabilize his figure. After a while, the armor that was already full of cracks dissipated, and the man fell to the ground.

“Ahaha, this is really… Although they are a little older, they are indeed girls~”

Pretending to be shy, he covered his eyes, but then put down his hands boringly and walked towards Xie Ming. The burning smell made her frown. But he still squatted down and carried Xie Ming on his back.

“It’s really tragic…. You can still live even like this, Mr. Savior, are you really still a human?”

“Hey, there is no way, I can only take you to find a place to hide first.”

“After all, Miss Sister, I am a little hard to protect myself now…”

Looking at the new content that appeared in the book floating beside him, Ben Tiao Erya ran into the distance with Xie Ming on his back.

Not long after, a group of young girls armed with mechanical aircraft arrived here. The leader is a purple pupil woman with long golden hair. She frowned and looked at the crater, and then at the instrument in her hand.

“Aizak, the target has escaped again. Moreover, it seems to be carrying life forms from the meteorite.”

“Um… life in a meteorite…”

The man in the communicator chuckled: “Interestingly, with the cautious character of the’sister’, he is willing to risk such a danger to save the life in this meteorite.”

“This is interesting.”

“What should I do?”

The woman asked calmly.

“Don’t worry, as long as you catch the’nun’, the life in the meteorite will naturally fall into our hands, just follow the old method.”

The man’s voice was frivolous and casual, but his words were extremely cruel.

“With the place where the spiritual power last disappeared as the center, wipe out all within a radius of 100 kilometers.”


“Oh, it’s just a joke, don’t be angry, Ailian.”

The man in the communicator chuckled and said, “Just build an encirclement and slowly shrink it.”


Ellen turned off the communicator and looked at the team members behind: “Everyone has heard it, and the mission objectives have increased. Capture the elves ‘nun’ and the life in the meteorite. The life in the meteorite is very likely to be the elves outside the earth.”

“Therefore, the code name is named: Stardust.”

“Notify the local AST branch to establish an encirclement network.”

“Yes, Captain!”

The girls saluted, and then dispersed in all directions. Ai Lian crouched down and picked up a broken piece of shape from the ground.

As the fingers rubbed, the charred fragments quickly became dust. Then she looked at the center of the crater.

There are two deep holes where the scabbard is inserted into the ground.

“Knife? Stick? Stick?”

“Stardust…extraplanetary life…Are you an elf or…”

“But no matter who you are, your ending is as destined as a nun.”

“Lost in the hands of the strongest magician in the world, Elaine Mira Meses.”

“There will be no accidents.”

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