Chapter 1650

In the daze, Xie Ming vaguely heard the nagging voice of a young girl. It seems that I am constantly apologizing to someone.

“I’m so embarrassed, editor…I’m here… um, sorry, I’m afraid it’s going to be cut…time? Yeah, I don’t know… Really!? Great! Thanks for editing!!!”

Along with the hang-up sound, it was the sound of the phone being thrown aside at random, and the ‘plop’ of the girl lying on the bed.

“Ah~~ AST must be eavesdropping on the call just now. But I can’t help it. The cartoonist is my chief job. I have stopped the publication for no reason. If I don’t notify the editor, it would be too unprofessional.”


Sanity is gradually returning, and the pain nerves that have been closed because of the coma are gradually opening up.

Then, what followed was an unimaginable pain.


“Ah, Mr. Redeemer, are you awake?”

The humming that couldn’t help but caught the girl’s attention. Slowly walking to Xie Ming’s side, the girl whispered: “Can you communicate? What do I need to do?”



The girl leaned close to Xie Ming’s mouth: “What are you talking about?”

“You…Run away…”


Upon hearing these three words, the girl’s expression became extremely complicated. She really did not expect that the first sentence of a person who was so seriously injured was actually caring for herself.

But this is indeed what Xie Ming wants to say to him. Although all the energy in the body has been used for body repair through energy conversion, a drop of water has just been collected in the spirit sea.

But the sense of crisis from instinct has nothing to do with energy and spirit, it is a natural reaction of the body. This reaction was warning him that dozens of hostility were slowly approaching this room.

This hostility was directed at me and also at the girl in front of me.

“Ah~Mr. Redeemer, you really are, do you know what your situation is now?”

Picking up the simmered rice porridge from the kitchen not far away, the girl sat next to Xie Ming again, took a spoon and sips it to Xie Ming’s mouth.

Although the outside of the body looked miserable, the various organs in Xie Ming’s body were relatively well protected by him. The energy to repair the body is mainly used internally by him.

Therefore, there is no problem with what to eat. Rather, the more energy added, the faster his repair speed.

Just doing the overclocking conversion in this way is also a kind of real damage to the internal organs. Before it was a last resort, Xie Ming still wanted to treat his internal organs better.

“There is no good skin on the whole body, and some even burned bones have emerged. If it weren’t for you to breathe slightly, I would have prepared for your funeral.”

“So compared to me, should you care about yourself first?”

“…There are enemies outside.”

“Ok, I know.”

“They are here to find us.”


“You are fully capable of getting out, but because of me, you can only be surrounded like this.”

“This is wrong.” Honjo Erya smiled: “I will be caught by them sooner or later, whether I have you or not. They have been chasing me for many years, and all my methods are familiar to them and see through. ”

“But you are different, depending on how you look now, as long as you bury you in a random place, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to treat you as a living person. Moreover, you don’t have the spiritual power of the elves in your body.”

“So you have more hope of escape than me.””…”

“I have found the place to bury you. There is an undeveloped forest. I have already stuffed it into the coffin, such as ventilation and food.”

“After a short rest, I will take you out and put you inside. As for what I will do next, it is all up to you, Mr. Redeemer. There is nothing I can do for you.”



“Even if I am down, I can’t watch the savior fall into the enemy’s hands because of me.”

Although the voice was extremely weak, there was an unshakable will in it.

According to the girl in front of her, if she didn’t have her, she would definitely be captured by the enemy for research after she landed. Even though I was on the verge of death at that time, it definitely made them unable to eat Kabuto.

Although the more people he killed, the faster he recovered from his injuries. But that would do harm to his subsequent actions, but no benefit.

With the return of consciousness, Xie Ming has been able to slowly analyze the current situation.

First of all, the enemy must be AST (AntiSpiritTeam), an artificial magician force specially used to fight against elves. The person behind it must be DEM.

Regardless of the hostility that AST is showing to him now, in order to communicate with the elves in the future, he will definitely not be able to kill the members of AST.

Killing a member of AST, he will be labelled ‘cruel and cruel’ by the whole world. No matter it was his later contact with the elves, or cooperation with other people, it was of no benefit.

If there is no way to guarantee his own life without killing, then he will certainly not be merciful. But now, since his consciousness has been awakened, other options are naturally born.

“Do you have high-energy food at home?”

“Chocolate and the refreshing drink I drank when I was on the line…”

“Take them all.” “Yes…”

“Tsk, hurry up!” Xie Ming said impatiently, “I understand my physical condition!”

“This is your attitude when talking to a savior…”

Honjo Erya muttered, but obediently took out a box of chocolates from the drawer, and then two bottles of refreshing drinks from the refrigerator.

“This is the first aid food when I rush to the death line…”

Xie Ming was almost helpless, and in such a crisis, she could still speak so unhurriedly.

Really, he doesn’t need time to digest food?

“Convinced.” Enduring the severe pain, Xie Ming reluctantly stood up. The originally healed skin cracked again, and the bandage was instantly dyed red.

“Hey! You!”

“Shut up, stupid woman.”

Although he was a lifesaver, Xie Ming really had no way to show respect to this woman who didn’t know her importance. Rudely grabbed the chocolate from Honjo Erya’s hand and flicked his finger.

Several small knife gas directly smashed all the chocolate packaging in the box, and then directly grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Hey! I’ve said you are now!”

“You go out now to attract firepower for me. Hold on for three minutes.”

“That…that…” “Do you want to be caught? After being caught by that group of people, do all kinds of inhumane experiments on your body? Do you want to experience that kind of pain?”

Xie Ming swallowed the chocolate in his mouth and said calmly: “If you have this habit, then I will turn around and leave.”

“But if you don’t, you want to continue to live peacefully and draw comics you like to draw…”

“Now, just follow what I said and do it!”

“…I…I get it.”


Hearing this somewhat shy voice, Xie Ming stopped the movements of his hands, looked at Benjo Erya, who was blushing, and his eyes widened.

This woman, I’m afraid it’s not really sick.


“Captain Ailian, found a spiritual response. The wavelength of the spiritual power corresponds to the’nun’.”

“I can’t bear it anymore? Have you solved your own problems?”

Using a weapon called CR-UNIT (Combat Realizer Unit, Tactical Display Unit) floating in the air, AST team members surrounded the apartment.

The surrounding crowds have all been dispersed, so there is no need to worry about casualties of ordinary people.

As for the destruction of roads and houses, it can be solved within a day by relying on the display device. The capture of elves is not a problem.

Because the captain who leads the troop is the strongest magician in the world.

It’s not that the ‘nun’ has not fought with them before, but the opponent is obviously not the kind of elves who are good at fighting, and tries to avoid fighting every time.

If you rely on them alone, you may not be able to complete the capture. But with Captain Ailian here, it must be foolproof.

At this moment, a broken window sounded, and Honjo Erya, who had changed into a spiritual outfit, rushed into the distance. But the next moment, several spiritual light bullets appeared in front of her flight path.

However, Erya in this article changed his flight trajectory in an instant as if he had known the opponent’s attack in advance. But on that route, hundreds of small missiles were waiting for her.


The book with the golden cross on the cover appeared in the girl’s hand, picked up the pen on the veil and quickly wrote a line on the blank page.

[Missiles that attacked the second Asia of this article automatically exploded. 】


At the moment below the full stop, the missile originally used for interception clearly exploded without hitting it. But inside the missile is not spiritual power or gunpowder, but power grid.


[The power grid in front of the second Asia in this article is automatically burned. 】


The inexplicable flame burned the power grid directly into waste. But the AST team members never thought of stopping the elves by this.

They are just to buy time for the real main force.


The light sword of spiritual power burned a red line in the air, but it was blocked by the black book. But Honjo Erya was also lowered by the blonde woman.

“Give up resistance, sister.”

Seeing Erya who clenched his teeth, Ailian said indifferently: “I know, you want to escape to fight for Stardust (Stardust).”

“So, only I will fight you here. The other subordinates have rushed into your room to arrest her.”

“You can rest assured… your subordinates?”

“Of course.” Ailian smiled coldly: “Your various behaviors all show that the state of the stardust is very bad. They may not be useful to the elves in the heyday.”

“But the badly wounded elves who don’t have much combat power are more than enough to capture.”

As he said, his arms tried harder again. The light blade of spiritual power has been cut into the book cover.

“Really…. I obviously only want to draw cartoons safely, without causing any harm to society. Why… do you want to press me so everywhere?”

“Because Izhak needs you. For humans, elves are also very worthy of research.”

“It’s better to say, why do you still resist?”

“what?””If you really have a sense of belonging to humans, you should dedicate yourself and use yourself as a research material for us to study. In this way, humans can better deal with disasters born due to elves in the future.”

“Secretly change the concept.”

Honjo Erya smiled bitterly and shook his head: “I said, I just want to draw manga well. The premise of all this is that I must live well.”

“After being used as experimental material, can I still live?”

“You should trust your elven power.”

“Ha ha ha ha.” Erya of this article was directly grinned: “This is how your AST and DEM companies work?”

“Do not.”

Ailian said calmly: “This is the way I work when I do things for Aizhak.”

“You guys… what a bunch of bastards… Ratziel!!!”

The book suddenly unfolded, and the burst of spiritual power shook Ai-Lian back. Honjo Erya quickly stretched out his left hand, wanting to write something on the book.

But an extremely fast track of light slashed towards her left hand. It seemed that he wanted to cut off her left arm to prevent her from using her spiritual outfit ability.

But the speed, strength, and combat experience are not as good as Erya’s Honjo, and can only watch it happen.

But there is one person who will not let it happen.

A popping sound exploded the wall, turning into a streamer and rushing towards Ailian. That is a sharp blade out of the sheath.

If Ellen does not accept the move, the blade will penetrate her head.


The strongest magician with arrogance, naturally wouldn’t want to exchange his life for the hand of the elf in front of him. So I can only take back the slash and make a relief attack.

This is the right choice. If she chooses to attack or block with a horizontal knife, the knife will directly destroy her weapon, as it penetrates her head.



The terrifying power directly shattered her weapon and the bones of her hands. At the cost of this, the trajectory of the long sword was deflected, and it didn’t hit Ailian’s body.

As the space fluctuated, Xie Ming, with a bandage all over his body, appeared beside the trajectory of the long knife and grabbed the handle of the knife casually.


After coughing up a small mouthful of blood, Xie Ming’s whole body was bursting with blood, emitting steam.

This steam is after he vaporized his blood, and the organs in his body are working at full capacity, replenishing energy substances to all parts of the body.

“Star dust……”

“Star dust?”

The face under the bandage frowned slightly, and Xie Ming said indifferently, “This is the identification code you gave me? Forget it, these things don’t matter, you are gone.”


“I don’t want to kill people, so don’t be boring. Those children were just knocked unconscious by me.”

“As for you, it’s not time to pack you, take your subordinates back.”

“Ha…Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!”

Ailian suddenly laughed, and her twisted arms recovered at this moment. With a quick move, another lightsaber of spiritual power appeared in her hand.

“Do you think this will scare me off? Stardust?”

“In front of you is the strongest magician in the world! And you are just an unknown elf who is seriously injured and just barely supporting!”

“Today, whether it’s you or a nun, don’t even want to leave!”

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