I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 102 The dragon that was supposed to be a mouse

Time goes back to last night, just four hours after Long Kui and Wu Bei completely lost contact with the organization.

There is an unknown large underground warehouse in Tokyo. It can be said that the warehouse is a bit like an underground boxing gym. Even though it was already late at night, there were still dozens of strong men wearing standard Nanquan uniforms punching in unison, looking quite impressive.

On the ring in the center of the warehouse, two people were "fighting".


To be precise, it should be a joke!

One of the two people fighting on the field did not fight seriously at all, and did not even look at each other.

Because the guy was busy answering the phone, he only used one hand to resist.

But whether it's a heavy blow, kick, or elbow from the opponent, this kind of attack is like a bombardment. He used his other hand to block it quite casually, just like picking up vegetables when eating.

And he’s still commenting on it

This dish is too salty for my liking.

When he reached this level, he didn't even need to look at it. Just by hearing the sound of the fist wind, he could tell that the movements were irregular. He just glanced at it and verified his idea, using a tone that was a bit hateful that iron cannot be transformed into steel.


"Your punch speed is slow!"

"How many times have I told you?"

"You should use your waist to perform this movement, right? Is this how I usually teach you?"

"Yes, master!"

Aaron's face turned red after hearing this, and he waved his fist and hit his master harder.

But this only made the master more disappointed

"Stop shaving, stop shaving"

"You are really completely incompetent."

"Lord Xia Ji?"

I heard a continuous beating sound coming from the other end, and a hesitant voice came from the phone.

"Huh? I'm not talking about you..."

"Here you go, continue..."

It was a man with rough blond hair, about 1.99 meters tall, wearing a red Jiuzhou boxing costume that exposed his rather strong arms. He yawned lazily and straightened his hat.

The voice on the phone paused for a moment, but then changed to a respectful tone and continued the report.

"Lord Xia Ji"

"About the disappearance of two superior soldiers."

"Oh, you can take care of this yourself."

"Just keep your hands and feet clean."

"Now is not the time to be exposed."

Xia Ji shook his head indifferently and hung up the phone.

I have to bother him with even this little thing.

I don’t know, but I’m very busy

Losing contact is nothing more than being killed by others due to lack of strength, so what's the fuss?

As for the option of their betrayal, Xia Ji never considered it at all. The price of betraying the organization is not something that a mere superior soldier can afford.

The framework of their organization is also structured in a pyramid shape.

The top is the leader

The bottom of the lower level is composed of a considerable number of lower-class soldiers, middle-class soldiers, upper-class soldiers, cadres, and directly subordinate soldiers at the same level as the cadres.

The number of people decreases from bottom to top, and everyone who becomes a superior soldier is one of a thousand.

It requires not only great achievements but also strength, which means that the rank and file is already the mainstay of the organization.

Yet he was able to look down on the superior soldier with disdain.

But Xia Ji does have the capital

Because he is the direct leader of Long Kui and Wu Bei, and one of the top cadres in the organization. On the surface, he is a master of this Jiuzhou martial arts boxing gym, but behind the scenes, he is a senior cadre of the organization to which Long Kui and Wu Bei belong, and is the branch director of the far east branch of the organization in Neon.

"Oh, private"

"If one dies, two are nothing."

Xia Ji glanced at the disciples who were practicing hard in the audience and smiled.


"Who here is not a first-class soldier?"

Besides, he really pretended that he didn’t know the identities of the two dead guys.

Those two people were all senior cadres independent of the organization who had no dealings with Xia Ji and were sent to disgust him.

To put it simply, he is the senior partner of the organization.

Wu Bei is a spy of the "Zhengxi Sect", and the other Long Kui is the "Two Tigers". The leaders of these two factions are not the same as Xia Ji, and they will chat to death with just a few words.

no common language

Xia Ji felt that the two of them had developed muscles in their brains. There were several times when he didn't say anything, and they would grab him in their hands and start fighting if they disagreed.

"Obviously I am also a senior cadre."

Don't I want to lose face?

Of course, what Xia Ji didn't know was that this was just his wishful thinking. Because these two people didn't take Xia Ji seriously at all, they were just clowns.

Xia Ji, who put his cell phone in his trouser pocket, successfully freed his hands, but when he wanted to seriously instruct (beat) Aaron

The phone rang again.

Xia Ji cursed and took out his phone again

“There are so many phone calls tonight”

"Let me see which bastard made the call."

"I can't beat you to death"

He didn't even look at the screen and pressed answer directly.

in a rather impatient tone

"Hey, little Yakuza"

"Why are you looking for your father?"

The person on the other end of the phone probably didn't expect to hear such words and chuckled, then said in a threatening tone.

"Xia Ji, are you tired of living..."

"When we meet next time, I can help you move your head and body for free."

Xia Ji froze when he heard this voice, broke into a cold sweat and quickly explained

"Didn't I know it was you?"

Now he doesn't look as heroic and ambitious as the branch leader just now, and has become very humble.

Even the tone is flattering

Xia Ji looked at the surrounding environment and jumped off the ring, then jumped to his room on the second floor.

He is relaxed in his room

Xia Ji knelt down directly in front of the phone and slapped himself hard.

Knowing current affairs (from the heart) is his advantage

He has always been a bully.

If you do something wrong, you will be beaten.


Xia Ji didn't hold back at all. The loud slap echoed in the room and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. But this was just the beginning, when he slapped himself for the tenth time.

The phone that had been silent for a long time, the voice inside rang again


"I don't have time to waste my time with you."

Said in an interrogating tone

"How are you doing with your affairs?"

Xia Ji wiped the corners of his mouth and said respectfully

"It's just that if there's one person missing at the end, it won't affect it at all."

"As for "Wedge", it has completely penetrated into the depths of the Boxing Club."

The person on the phone pondered for a while.

"here you go"

Xia Ji nodded and knelt down on one knee

"what I should do."

“It’s all about the Connectors.”

"No one can escape the clutches of the Connector, ever."

The person on the phone answered in a cold and emotionless manner.

"Well, as long as you understand."

"By the way, Xia Ji will count the number of people on hand."

The organization asked him to organize manpower. Xia Ji was stunned and a little confused.

Actions against the Boxing Association

He knows

So I have been preparing

But it looks like the organization is about to launch new activities.

Xia Ji asked

"what happened?."

He said with murderous intent on the phone

"War is coming"

"The prelude to destruction begins"

"Total war is coming!"

Hearing this very untrue news, Xia Ji sounded a little excited

"with who?"

Which lucky guy is it?

The other end of the phone replied coldly

"Of course he is our old friend"

"The Shinomiya family is here."

After finalizing the general strategy, Xia Ji was hung up unilaterally.

Listening to the busy signal in his ears, Xia Ji took a deep breath while holding the phone in his hand.

Only he himself knows how unwilling he is, he is such a proud person.

Now I'm all groveling

Xia Ji directly smashed the phone against the wall viciously. Under the influence of his super strength, even the specially made mobile phone immediately turned into a pile of fragments.


"I want my people to be cannon fodder"

"It's a beautiful thought..."

Xia Mi said fiercely

"nnd, one by one you all look down on me."

"Fight, fight"

“It’s not certain who will laugh last.”


"I will definitely be the helmsman of the future organization."

The empty room was filled with Xia Ji's crazy laughter.

Inside the student union

"So, Ishigami-kun, what did you do to Fujiwara-san?"

Shinomiya Kaguya, who had no idea that her family had been taken care of by a group of crazy lunatics as early as midnight, was helplessly stroking her hair that had just been messed up by Fujiwara-san.

The culprit, Fujiwara Chika, was sitting next to her and hugging her good sister's arm tightly. She was still yelling

"Kaguya-kun, Ishigami-kun has gone too far!"

"You must talk about him well!"

Maybe this is because you are in danger without knowing it.

Ishigami looked at Fujiwara Chika who was talking in general terms, and felt this way inexplicably.

"The most dangerous guy on the field right now."

"I am not the one being interrogated"

"It's you sitting next to Shinomiya-senpai!"

"Fujiwara Chika!"

Ishigami was sitting alone in front of the two of them, so he knew.

"You can't hide the look in someone's eyes."

In just the past few minutes, he had seen Shinomiya-senpai looking at Chika Fujiwara with dangerous eyes more than once.

The look in his eyes was undoubtedly that of slaughtering pigs and sheep, and he was already considering where to strike.

At this rate, Qianhua-senpai may not survive more than two months before being framed in a black and white photo.

However, Fujiwara Chika herself does not have this self-awareness. Kaguya-classmate has been her good friend for many years. Who can help her if she doesn't help her?

"Juniors should act like juniors."

Realizing that someone was supporting her, she raised her neck like a proud swan.

"Respecting senior sister is what you should do!"

Then Chika Fujiwara burst into tears and kept accusing Ishigami of his crimes in front of Kaguya-san!

It was as if Shi Shang had become some kind of evil leader who had committed a heinous crime.

Just saying yes is not enough to accuse Fujiwara Chika of dissatisfaction.

She took out a drawing board and started scribbling. After a while, Chika Fujiwara's indictment against Yu Ishigami was written.

The paper is full of nonsense, and it brings tears to my heart!

Ishigami and Shinomiya-senpai came over.

I can’t laugh or cry looking at this chart.

Her caption was "Ishigami-kun doesn't do these things!"

There are a lot of exclamation marks around!


"It's too much!"

red emphasis bold symbol

"Narrow-minded, always looking for faults!"

"Always saying hurtful things to me."

“There’s no sense of respect for the seniors at all.”

"Sometimes he shows his sincere expression of looking down on me!"

"The trauma he caused is very difficult to heal from."

Shinomiya Kaguya saw what Chika Fujiwara wrote and thought of her usual appearance, and suddenly felt that Ishigami-kun was right.

It would be better to say that he is too gentle towards Chika Fujiwara.

We should increase the firepower!

Kaguya Shinomiya, who supervises the team

I desperately want Ishigami-kun to persecute Chika Fujiwara!

She paused slightly

After thinking for a moment, I reminded him in a slightly more tactful tone.


"Although Ishigami-kun's shortcomings are indeed excessive."

"But is it possible that you have a little problem yourself?"

Chika Fujiwara, who was originally waiting for Shinomiya Kaguya to help her surprise, waited happily.

After waiting for a long time, this is what I got!

Chika Fujiwara turned her head stiffly like a robot and said to Kaguya-san

"Kaguya-kun, I'm sorry..."

"I may not understand what you are saying."

Shinomiya Kaguya thought that she had not explained clearly enough, so she continued to explain to Chika Fujiwara again.

"how to say"

"After all, Ishigami-kun is in front of me."

“The attitude is quite common sense.”

"Look at Ishigami-kun"

"He usually treats me with the respect of a junior to a senior."

Ishigami looked away after hearing Shinomiya Kaguya's words.

He would not say: "That's because I see that you have a natural sense of fear..."

Because I feel like if I say something like this,

He will definitely be killed by Shinomiya-senpai with a smile on his face.

Shinomiya Kaguya looked into Fujiwara Chika's eyes and said very seriously

"So Fujiwara-kun."

"Do you want to think about your own problems?"


"It's too much..."

Big tears were already rolling in Fujiwara Chika's eyes, and she tried not to cry.


Aren't we friends?

Chika Fujiwara just wants an attitude!

But why did Kaguya-san...


Then how could you not stand on my side, but instead side with the evil Yu-kun!

Fujiwara Chika looked like she was crying, making Shinomiya Kaguya unable to resist.

Chika Fujiwara choked up and said with difficulty

"So Kaguya-kun, what do you mean?"

"Ishigami-kun would do this to me"

"Is it entirely my fault?"

"Because I have no common sense"

Fujiwara Chika yelled out the last sentence. It was spicy.

"So Ishigami-kun has always been a good boy in front of you."

"The only person who treats me with such a bad attitude is in front of me."

"No, I didn't think so..."

Shinomiya Kaguya quickly shook her hand

"I did not mean that."

But facing Kaguya’s counter-comfort, Chika Fujiwara felt particularly aggrieved.



Shinomiya Kaguya was in a panic when facing the crying Fujiwara Chika.

She glared at Ishigami and used her eyes to convey the message

"Think of a solution quickly!"


After receiving Shinomiya-senpai's signal, Ishigami scratched his head in annoyance.

"This is really difficult to handle."

He walked up to Shinomiya-senpai and whispered for a while, and then Shinomiya Kaguya sighed.

She got up and left the student union room

Closed the door again.

Then in the student council room, only the crying girl and the helpless boy were left.

Xia Ji's evaluation is "a dragon that should have become a mouse."

This person is also quite interesting. He is either being beaten or on the way to be beaten.

If you can't fight, just run away, that's very sensible.

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