I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 103 “Mindless” and Unhappy”

"Sigong, why don't you go in?"

President Shirogane came from the other end of the corridor with a large stack of materials. These are the tasks that the student union will deal with today.

He saw Shinomiya standing at the door from afar, not even going in, but looking inside.

That action looks like a habitual offender.


It was the same last time. Shirogane Miyuki really wanted to remind Shinomiya Kaguya that as the vice-president of the student union, her words and deeds can represent the student union. It is quite impolite to always sneak around and observe others in secret.

Shinomiya Kaguya heard the voice of President Shirogane and let out a "hum".

Then he glanced at him with a rather unhappy look and stopped looking at President Shirogane.

"What a useless man."

Shirogane Miyuki, who read this sentence from Shinomiya's eyes, felt confused. It seems that I didn't offend her much.

Shinomiya Kaguya sighed, pulled his sleeves and whispered

"President, you see for yourself"

Baiyin Yuxing came to the position where Si Gong was secretly observing just now and looked inside, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Those are Secretary Fujiwara and Ishigami!"

"Ah, when did those two people progress so fast?"

"If only Shinomiya and I could be like them."

Baiyin Yuxing's face turned red

"No no no, motor motor."

"It's too early."

He immediately shook his head to remove the fascinating thoughts from his mind, and crumpled the cover slightly with the hand holding the information.


Baiyin Yuxing suddenly seemed to understand

The reason why Shinomiya asked him to observe them

So he turned to look at Shinomiya, scratched his face with his other hand and said embarrassedly


"What do you mean by Shinomiya"

After hearing the president's words, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly thought of something, and immediately rushed to Shirogane Goyuki and retorted loudly and excitedly.


"I didn't mean what you thought."

"President, you are making groundless conjecture!"

"Fourth Palace..."

Baiyin Yuxing, who was about to say something, was interrupted. He opened or closed his mouth.

After saying these words at once, Shinomiya Kaguya gasped a little, and then she turned her back to President Shirogane to hide her panic.

"so far so good."

"It was a last minute reaction."

"Otherwise, it will look like I particularly hope that the president will do the same to me."

Shinomiya Kaguya grabbed her shoulder with a little force and looked at the figure of herself and the president reflected in the window.

Thinking very helplessly

"Ishigami-kun has a bad habit of being a philanderer."

"But it would be nice if the president showed Ishigami-kun three points and not one-tenth of his decisiveness."

"That way we won't be in the same situation as we are now."

"But of course I don't want the president to be like Ishigami-kun."

"After all, that's too much."

"Oh, annoying."

Some people can even open large piers, but some people can't even get on a boat. Really, drought will kill you, and floods will kill you.

Shinomiya Kaguya's mind flashed with the figure of her maid, putting her hands on the window sill to support her body.


She won't be like Fujiwara-san who was already raped by Ishigami, right?

Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't help but feel another pain in her heart

"Haasaka and Fujiwara-san"

"Speaking of which, the two of them have a pretty good relationship."

"I can catch these two good friends in one fell swoop."

"In this sense, Ishigami-kun is also quite powerful."

But Ishigami, who caused such a big reaction from Shinomiya Kaguya and Chairman Shirogane, actually didn't do anything. On the contrary, every move he made was in line with Ishigami's version of "sound" standards.

Not even A level is covered

If Ishigami knew that his behavior caused such a big reaction from the two of them,

He will definitely say

"They are really two innocent (cute) seniors."

The main reason for this phenomenon is that there are some subtle gaps between the love ABCs of Shirogane Goyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya and Ishigami.

A is holding hands B is hugging C is kissing

Last time, Shinomiya Kaguya thought that Hayasaka was going to become an adult if she didn't return home, so she was just assuming the worst.

So Hayasaka is still pure

Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief in every sense of the word

As for what happens after C, is that something they should consider now that they are not even boyfriend and girlfriend?

After talking about the useless version of playing house between Shinomiya Kaguya and Shirogane Miyako, what we talked about about Ishigami is something that is more mature as an adult.

in short

The end of both of them is just his starting point, the beginning!

This is the real answer

A is kiss B is getting started C is indescribable

Of course, if special circumstances arise, it is possible to do it in one step.

This is also the first time Shinomiya Kaguya and President Shirogane have seen the way Ishigami gets along with girls. For them who are still "small dishes", this is a hard (Hasikasi) mode.

It's just not on the same level.

Hearing the noise outside, Ishigami released his hold on Fujiwara Chika.

Now she has stopped crying and is as obedient as a quail, curling up on the sofa with her legs in her arms.

He stood up and took out the red striped hat that Chika Fujiwara had hidden in the student union room from the cabinet, dusted it, and then placed it directly on her little head.

This detective hat can only be controlled by Chika Fujiwara. Ordinary people will become stupid if they wear it.

"Cheer up, Miss Detective."

Ishigami also thoughtfully helped to remove the black bow headdress from her head, because it would get stuck if she wore a hat.

He waved the headdress he took off in front of Chika Fujiwara and joked:

"If even Chika-senpai, who has an IQ of 130, can't cheer up."

"Then who will save the earth?"

Ishigami himself found this statement funny even when he said it. If Cancer of the Earth goes to save the world, wouldn’t that be a disservice? (When Chika Fujiwara wished for world peace, she said it directly and loudly. But the wish does not work when she says it, even if she understands it.)

"I got it!"

Fujiwara Chika snatched her bow from Ishigami's hand, puffed up her face and said angrily

"Hmph! Yu-kun, you are an idiot!"

"I don't understand other people's feelings at all."

"Cold-blooded creature!"



She straightened her hat and put her hands on her shoulders. If this guy's earlobes weren't so red, it would have given the impression that he was really angry.

Chika Fujiwara half-opened one of her eyes and turned her head to look at the guy who made her angry.

I can't believe that this person just hugged her very forcefully!

Even if she wants to break away, she won't let go

Normally, shouldn't you first say a few nice words to comfort others?

The boy wiped the girl's tears while looking into her eyes.

Comfort the girl with a gentle tone

Words like "Chihua-senpai is the cutest in the world" and "Chihua-senpai, I will always protect you."

Praise me more or something.

But not too much

After all, I'm thin-skinned and I won't be able to stand it if I listen to it too much, hehehe.

I should only be able to listen to a few dozen sentences and that’s about it.

Sprinkle some water

Then the atmosphere increased, and the boy took the initiative to hug the girl who looked touched.

Everything is so natural

Just right

That's what it says in comic books

Although the content of the comic book is artistically processed, I can’t help but it looks good.

But this guy doesn't play by the rules at all.

Didn't even eat the appetizers

Who can bear to serve the main course directly?

Can't even coax girls



Ishigami looked at Fujiwara Chika who had regained her vitality. He stepped forward and scratched her delicate and cute little nose. But it caused the latter to back away repeatedly, waving his hands and showing great resistance.

Facing this troublesome hand

The girl said coquettishly

"Oh, you are so annoying!"

She said it was annoying, but there was no hint of impatience on Fujiwara Chika's face. She seemed to enjoy it a little, and she didn't resist such a slightly tough tone.

But suddenly the target of Shi Shang's hand changed, and the slingshot formed by his index finger and thumb gently hit the girl's fair forehead.


Fujiwara Chika, who was caught off guard and successfully attacked, covered her forehead.

She looked in disbelief

I said I would only pinch my nose, but why did I change it to flicking my forehead?

Ishigami smiled happily when he successfully left his own mark on Senior Qianhua's forehead, and he sat next to Senior.

This is a chance for the girl to take revenge

It won't work if I accidentally suffocate Qianhua-senpai.

Fujiwara Chika took out her mobile phone and called up the camera, and saw the clearly visible red mark on her head.

"Ishigami Yu!"

His tone of voice was trembling when he spoke.

Chika Fujiwara stretched out her hands and clenched them into fists, hitting Ishigami's shoulders repeatedly.

It seems to be very frequent

But the girl's weak strength didn't look like she was hitting someone at all.

It's almost the same as coquettishness between lovers.

Ishigami crossed his arms to protect his head, pretending to be helpless.

"I can not make it"

"forgive me."

"Senior Chika..."

But Chika Fujiwara didn't listen to his plea for mercy. When her fists were tired, she just picked up the pillow next to her.

hit on stone's shoulder

She said in a vicious tone

"I won't listen. Either you will die today or I will die from exhaustion!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Just when the battle situation is about to escalate

"Cough!" X2

The two people outside the door heard the movement inside and pushed the door open directly.

Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane occupy one side of the student union gate.

They admired such a scene

In the student union, Chika Fujiwara almost pressed against Ishigami. She could only kneel on the sofa where she could lie down alone. With your head lowered on the stone, you can face the greatness filled with murderous intent.

Sometimes, if Fujiwara Chika's movement range is large, Ishigami can feel the amazing softness.

This scene may have never been so immoral in the hundreds of years of Shuchiin's student council room history.

Then Kaguya Shinomiya, who looked helpless, came over and took Chika Fujiwara's hand and pulled it away, ending the relationship between the two.

Chika Fujiwara, who was pulled away, was still unconvinced and wanted to break free.

"Kaguya-san, let me go."

"I'm still teaching a disobedient little boy."

Please end your free behavior immediately!

The corners of Shinomiya Kaguya's mouth twitched

Which country's education is this?

With your education, everyone just posted it.

If I change the place, I'm afraid it will become a "whipping of love" later.

Do you understand or not?

I'm saving you


Shinomiya Kaguya said politely

"Fujiwara-kun, girls should behave more appropriately."

"You can't do this."

Fujiwara Chika is not conscious at all

In fact, her relationship with Ishigami has exceeded the boundaries of friends. Ambiguous substantive changes have occurred.

But how could she know this when she was experiencing this for the first time. The very nervous Fujiwara Chika just thought that her actions were a lesson to this junior who had no respect for his seniors at all.

But when I beat Yu-kun hard, it just felt like a pleasure.

After hearing Kaguya-san’s words, Fujiwara Chika still held a pillow in her hand

She sounded a little disappointed


President Shirogane stopped Shinomiya Kaguya from continuing with his eyes. Let me do it next.


Shinomiya Kaguya nodded.

President Baiyin said calmly

"Secretary Fujiwara"

"If you want to have fun"

"Please leave it after school"

President Shirogane, who had already tasted dog food for the first time, did not want to experience the same feeling again.

"Thank you, I'm so sick of it."

President Bai Yin shook his head and placed today's work materials on the table.

"Boom" sound

The heavy sound startled Chika Fujiwara.

Seeing Chika Fujiwara’s reaction, President Shirogane said

"Secretary Fujiwara, don't forget that today's work hasn't started yet."

"You've come this far."

Now that the words have been spoken, what else can Fujiwara Chika do?

She pouted her little mouth

"Oh well"

Ishigami felt a little regretful when he saw Fujiwara Chika had stopped.

But today's work is not finished yet, and it really won't work if you are still fishing.

Chika Fujiwara received her work from the president, and she sat next to Ishigami angrily.

He took out his pen and started writing on the coffee table.

After all, she also has to be the secretary of the student union, so she still has this sense of collectiveness.

Ishigami turned on the computer and pulled up the document.

President Bai Yin has just sent today's work via file to his mailbox.

Although he was moving quickly on the keyboard, his peripheral vision was still focused on the girl next to him.

"Senior Qianhua, you are really easy to understand."

Fujiwara Chika's expression is very real, and it is reflected directly on her face.

For example, right now, her expression is very distressed

Because she came across a file that she couldn't handle

I wanted to ask Yujun out of habit

But he has made himself angry so many times today

Humph, only a devil can care about him!

But just because she didn't speak, it didn't mean that Ishigami wouldn't speak.

First, he calmly tore open a pack of snacks from his schoolbag with the tiniest voice to prevent her from noticing.

Chika Fujiwara, who originally wanted to study this document alone, suddenly smelled a pleasant fragrance in her small nose.

Open your mouth subconsciously

Ishigami smiled and obeyed her, feeding it directly into the girl's mouth.

It wasn't until Ishigami's snack reached Chika Fujiwara's mouth that she realized it.

Staring at him with glaring eyes


"What's wrong with you?"

"If you really hate it, don't eat it."

Ishigami rolled his eyes at Qianhua-senpai and saw that she had finished eating and continued to feed this guy.

Although I am angry, I still have to eat snacks

Chika Fujiwara has always kept things separate

Although Youjun was angry with her, she opened all the snacks

If you don’t eat it, it’s a waste

And this is her favorite cookie

Ishigami knew that she liked this the most, so he fed it to her.

He leaned over and glanced at the document in Fujiwara Chika's hand

"Senior Qianhua, this is how it should be written here."


Fujiwara Chika, who ate his snacks, was still very honest. She listened to Ishigami explaining to herself and made answers based on his answers.

Shinomiya Kaguya and President Shirogane breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the harmonious two people now.

He also continued to write these documents.

Suddenly, the student union room of Nottingham University was filled with the sounds of girls and boys discussing, and the sound of the pen tip touching paper.

The "brainless" Fujiwara Chika is a genius with an IQ of 130, which is higher than Shinomiya Kaguya's IQ.

"Tiger's Weapon" will be on the scene in a few days

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