I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 116 Only by killing can one survive

"That Ouma guy did say just now that this is the last delivery, and there will be no more after that."

The store manager sighed

"In that case, I'll close it next month."

Hearing his voice, Fujiwara Chika suddenly became nervous. Even the ramen that Ishigami brought to her mouth was ignored, and she immediately felt like jumping on her feet.

Her face was full of disbelief


This ramen shop ranks among the top three ramen shops Chika Fujiwara has visited over the years.

If you can't say it, it won't be opened. Where can she eat such delicious ramen?

"Thank you very much though."

"Little sister can like my ramen."

The store manager shook his head helplessly

"But in recent years, it has been difficult to do business in the physical industry, and my store is rarely visited by young people."

"Turnover is dismal."

He pointed at Fujiwara Chika’s ramen

"Besides, I won't be able to make this flavor next month."

"After all, the lack of materials cannot be made up by relying on craftsmanship."

The store manager's face was filled with emotion. He took off his turban and sat on the bar. In this way, the four of them sat in rows as if chatting.

He didn't need to think about it, the past events were playing before his eyes like a slideshow.

"That was when I first started practicing ramen. I didn't know anything. I was just a person with nothing but passion."

"I plunged into the deep mountains and forests, looking for anything that could enhance the deliciousness of ramen."

"Although it was indeed found, it was at a heavy price."

"that day"

"I met a ghost"

The store manager took a deep breath and pulled up his trouser legs. Ishigami saw the bite marks that he judged to be the bite marks of a large beast. It looked like a whole piece of meat on the calf had been bitten off by sharp teeth and then torn directly. break.

"The wound was 30 centimeters long and required more than 130 stitches."

The densely packed stitches made the wound look as twisted as a centipede. Even if a long time had passed, as long as the owner thought about it, this heart-wrenching feeling would still hit him like a tsunami.


"This foot was comminuted and fractured, and a steel plate was nailed at the time."

The store manager showed the wound and lowered his trousers again, seeming to regret the decision he made back then.

He pondered for a moment and continued to speak.

“In fact, there are local legends about ghosts.”

"There are man-eating monsters and something like that in the deepest part of the mountain."

"They were quite large, some even bigger than a buffalo."

"Green face, blood-red eyes, huge sharp fangs flashing with sharp edges."

"The beast's roar is as shrill as a child's cry. It is a terrifying and mysterious existence."

Liao Liao's few words had already aroused everyone's emotions.

The store manager sighed

"But I don't believe in evil. I heard this legend and walked deep into those mountains."

"But I have to say that there are indeed many high-end and rare ingredients in places that few people have visited."

“While I was picking some precious fungi, my foot slipped in the cold and humid environment and I suddenly rolled down the mountain into the dark canyon below.

"When I opened my eyes after falling to pieces, it was already dark."

"But I was still shocked because there were countless pale bones on the ground surrounding me in the dim environment."

"This is the smell of the bones of creatures that have been dead for a long time. The miasma and various disgusting smells are intertwined and make me unable to breathe."

"My only thought at the time was to escape. I had to escape!"

"This must be a feeding ground for some unknown creature."

"When it comes back, something bad will definitely happen."

"Just when I stumbled out and climbed out, only 300 meters away, I suddenly heard a creepy sound that I will never forget in my life."

The store manager's voice was trembling, as if he was about to cry, and he hugged himself.

Only in this way can he bring himself a sense of warmth and security

"It was a beast's roar like "the most miserable high-pitched cry", which can freeze the human soul."

"That's right, just like the "mountain ghost" in local legend."

"The problem is that the voice is very close to me!"

"Or right behind me..."


The store manager took the water glass from Ishigami's hand, and after taking a sip of water, he seemed to finally calm down a little.

He lowered his head and held the water glass in both hands

chuckled lightly

"It's really embarrassing to say that I don't even have the courage to take a look at that unknown monster."

"At that time, I just ran away and didn't care what he did."

"Just run anyway."

"Because I'm afraid that if I turn around and see something scary, my legs will give out and I won't be able to run."

But when the damn thing behind him saw me running away, he immediately ran over in a rampage.

"My efforts were ultimately in vain."

"After all, I already have an injured leg, so how can I outrun a monster that's still in full condition?"

"It only took a few seconds before I was caught up."

"An unmatched force hit me from my back and knocked me over. I was thrown hard and hit the nearby stone wall."

"I thought I was dead."

"When I came back to my half-conscious state, I felt like I was being dragged along."

"That damn monster actually dragged me back to its lair."

"I'm actually quite particular about it. I know I can't dine in."

"Maybe soon, I will become like those bones."

"I tried to open my puffy eyes to see what it was."

"But what I saw was a pitch-black back and a pair of cruel, pitch-black eyes full of playful scarlet eyes."

"I started struggling, but it was unwise."

"Because that ghost thing noticed that I was awake, so it held my calf in its mouth and bit down hard."

The store manager shook his head and seemed helpless. He also made a joke.

"It turns out that the sound of human bones breaking is quite pleasant and moving." (Guangshi Muishi expressed his praise)

"Really crunchy."

"Under the monster's terrifying bite force, my bones might just be a chocolate bar."

"As for what happened after that, I don't remember much."

"Because the severe pain has overwhelmed me, I am so palpitated that I can't breathe."

“But in the end it took a turn for the worse.”

"When I opened my eyes again, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling."

"And the smell of disinfectant in the hospital is in my nose. It's really magical."

"A life-and-death crisis is nothing more than a dream gone awry."

"It's like a lifetime ago."

"And the foot is wrapped in a plaster and hung up high, and the pain coming from it is so real."

"I asked the nurse and they said that local villagers on the other side of the mountain drove me here."

"I was confused at the time, recovered from my illness, and went there again, but this time I didn't go into the mountains to die, but to thank my saviors."

“I brought a lot of wine and some novelty gadgets, and it was easy to mingle with the locals.”

"When everyone was a little drunk, I finally couldn't wait to ask them the question that had been bothering me for a long time."

"How on earth did you rescue me from the "mountain ghost" deep in the mountains?"

The store manager sighed

"But they said: That's a lie to children. You won't believe it. Then they enthusiastically hugged my shoulders and said to celebrate my escape from the wolf's mouth, cheers!"


"I know very well that the monster is definitely not a wolf. A wolf cannot have that size."

"Then these villagers weren't the ones who saved me from that monster's mouth, but I'm equally grateful they didn't take me to the hospital. I probably would have bled out too much."

"Then there is an unknown mysterious person who is my real target, and this guy is not a villager but an outsider."


"The next day I found an old man, gave him a pack of cigarettes, and asked him if there were any immigrants who had moved in nearby."

"In the end, the old man took two puffs of his cigarette and threw it back. I asked him questions and never replied."

"It seems quite taboo."

"I found other people, and they had similar reactions."

"But this aroused my curiosity. What is the origin of this guy that makes the whole village so taboo."

"But after all, everyone is not the same. There is always a breakthrough."

"I got all the information I wanted from a street kid, that is the "Son of Shura." "No one knows where he comes from. They only know that it will be unfortunate to have a relationship with him. "

"I followed the directions and came to a ruined apartment 10 kilometers away from the mountain village."

The store manager sighed

"The apartment is quite rundown and has been completely covered in lush vegetation."

"And even without smelling it, I can smell the strange meaty aroma inside when I stand at the door."

"I plucked up the courage and called out, 'Is there anyone there?'"

The store manager swallowed

"Then I saw something I shouldn't have seen."

"I actually saw something in this house that had caused a huge psychological shadow on me before, which was the thing that bit my calf into pieces that day."

"That thing turned out to be something similar to a wild boar, but it was larger than an ordinary wild boar and the fangs on its mouth were sharper."

"The green-faced fangs really look quite scary."

"And now the monster with wide eyes, those scarlet eyes are facing me. But it's obvious that the thing has been dead for a long time, because the thing fell to the ground."

"The blood on the ground has long since dried up."

"And there were many cutting marks on its body, as if someone had cut off its flesh one by one with a knife."

The store manager smiled

"I even touched that guy's head with my hand. I also have the fangs of that thing."

The store manager stood up and went back to the back room

He took out a one-meter-four-meter-long pitch black fang with both hands. Ishigami saw it and helped him put it on the table.

"Oh oh..."

Fujiwara Chika curiously looked at the fangs that shone with a deep light under the light. It was difficult for her to imagine what kind of thing could be called a monster before.

now she understands

The original owner of this thing was definitely a real monster, with tusks measuring 1.4 meters. This mutated wild boar was at least three meters long.

Ishigami stroked the fang and said that it was indeed a tooth. Teeth are generally the hardest things in living things. He estimated that the hardness of this fang was about the same as that of an average hard rock.

The store manager said

"That's when I met Ouma, and he heard my voice and came out."

"But I was really shocked."

"Because the man was covered in blood and looked like he was seriously injured."

"But the bronzed muscles of a Greek statue looked like a Spartan warrior when soaked in blood."

"But when I contacted the monster that I saw lying on the ground bleeding, I understood."

"This guy is the one who saved me."

"But that guy actually said it seriously"

"Are you here to fight me?"

The store manager said helplessly

"Then I must say I'm not."

"I said I came to you out of gratitude for your help in saving my life."

The store manager imitated Ouma's tone


"A life-saving grace?"

"Oh, I remembered."

"You are the unlucky one."

The number of mutated wild boars around here is already relatively small, because they are almost eaten by the seaweed heads.

Ouma smiled

"You are really weak, you can't beat this thing."

The store manager shrugged

"I'm really curious about what he was thinking."

"I'm just a ramen chef, as strong as I can be."

"The master there is both a warrior and a cook."

The store manager smiled

"There are even more outrageous ones."

"That house is actually the same as the monster lair I talked about before. It is full of mutated wild boar bones. There are many wild boar skulls layered on top of each other."

"It can be seen that many mutated wild boars have been killed over the years."

"I asked him why you killed so many of these mutated wild boars. Was it to protect the surrounding villagers?"

"In the end, the guy replied in a rather nonchalant tone."

A look of disdain

"Who cares about them? If I don't kill them, what will I eat?"

Ouma looked serious

"The only way to survive is to kill!"

The store manager touched his head

"What I was thinking at that time was"

"What a concise and clear answer."

"It is true that people can only survive by killing."

"As a chef, I understand this even more."

"No matter how advanced civilization is"

"Human nature never changes!"

"The meat we enjoy now is a finished product."

"But I didn't realize that there is actually a series of processes behind the meat that is readily available."

“Raising of livestock to slaughter.”

"We just kill and eat at the same time. Just like him!"

"This answer is really concise and clear!"

The store manager nodded and expressed heartfelt emotion.

"Ten Ghost Snake King Ma is really a self-sufficient man!"

"But it was that sentence that really led to my cooperation with him."

What Ouma said

"do you want to eat?"

"That's it."

"I discovered that the meat of mutated wild boar is actually very delicious, very tender and doesn't have the fishy smell of ordinary wild boars."

"It's the ultimate delicacy."

The store manager smiled

"It also led to the current tonkotsu ramen."

"And the soup base is made from fresh mutated wild boar bones, which are boiled for twelve hours every day."

"So this is a bowl of clear soup ramen."

The store manager said meaningfully

"Actually, it's essentially killing ramen."

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