I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 117 Just because he can’t hurt me one bit

"Ah, this..."

Ishigami didn't expect that just a bowl of ordinary ramen could be involved in so many things.

Not only does it involve the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse but also the mutated beast that is about to become extinct due to his consumption. Is ramen so troublesome?

Ishigami sighed and touched Chika Fujiwara's head to try not to cry.

He is really a hopeless little glutton.

Does not being able to eat ramen make you feel so uncomfortable?

Why do I feel like you cry more tears for ramen than when I bully you?

Ishigami took out a napkin from the paper box at hand and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

But is Chika who is crying because she can't eat ramen so easy to coax? It will only arouse her rebellious psychology.

Just like a crying child who doesn't care about it, it stops after a while. But if you coax it, haha, it won’t end.

But after all, Ishigami has experienced this girl crying several times, and he has already prepared several sets of countermeasures in his heart.

Just follow her hair and find the main point of conflict.

Ishigami let her head rest on his shoulder, and rubbed his chin on Fujiwara Chika's head

"Touch your head, Senior Qianhua won't cry."

"At worst, I will accompany you to find this type of ramen shop in the future. We can eat at whichever one you want while walking around the streets."

Ishigami entered the command, and Xiao Ai directly marked the locations of these ramen shops. This includes those that have been recorded and some that have not yet been registered.

He glanced at it and said

"There are more than 7,000 ramen shops in Tokyo, and no one of them is irreplaceable. If we are still not satisfied with these 6,000 ramen shops, there are more than 54,000 in Neon."

“You’ll always find one that satisfies you.”


Chika Fujiwara, whose eyes were filled with tears, heard the words of Ishigami, and the sky cleared up in an instant.

The little face is exceptionally bright, brighter than the sun.

She started to count with her fingers seriously, mumbling something in her mouth.

Ishigami couldn't laugh or cry

Because Fujiwara Chika's head was very close to him, he could clearly hear what the girl was thinking.

"If there are two houses a day, there will be 60 houses in one month, 720 houses in one year, and 7,200 houses in ten years."

"Good guy, she has already counted it to ten years later."

"This is because you want to be with me every day."

Ishigami patted her little head

"Okay, okay, it's all up to you."

"By the way, Senka Qianhua."

"Do you still want to eat ramen?"

Ishigami asked, looking at the ramen in the bowl.

"If you don't want to eat, I'll take you home."

"After all, it's getting late and I have to go to school tomorrow."

When Chika Fujiwara heard that she was going to school, her cute little face fell instantly.

Visible loss and resistance.

Today, what she brought to her was more than just a small stimulation.

It is a double injury, both physical and mental.

One cannot, at least one should not

I didn't expect that the president's singing voice would be so difficult to hear. It felt like my ears had been stuffed into the guts of a sea cucumber.

So sticky and disgusting!

When I think of this


Chika Fujiwara, who looked ugly, retched.

"President, he might be a cosmic being."

How could a normal person sing that kind of voice?

It would be difficult for Chika Fujiwara to look at President Shirogane with the same eyes as before, if he continues to be like this.

The level that ordinary Blue Star people can sing normally may be a level that President Bai Yin cannot match in his entire life.

Chika Fujiwara has unilaterally sentenced Chairman Shirogane to death.

It’s hopeless, President.

This is just one of them. The guy next to her is the real problem for Chika Fujiwara.

Going to school used to be a happy thing, and you could play with everyone. (Or maybe playing Ishigami's game console was the real purpose.) But because Yujun wanted to catch her studying, these days of fun and fun disappeared immediately.

Go to school(X)



Life is not easy, Qianhua sighed.

But Chika Fujiwara quickly cheered up. How could she think about such bad things in front of ramen.

Although this bowl of clear soup ramen and soy sauce tonkotsu ramen are slightly different from tonkotsu, ramen with side dishes and ramen without side dishes are two different things.

"Youjun, I still want to eat!"


She didn't say the rest of the words, but looked at Ishigami with an embarrassed expression.

When Ishigami heard Senka Qianhua say that he still wanted to eat, he picked up the bowl and chopsticks again.

There was actually not much noodles left in the bowl. If he worked harder, he could finish eating the girl quickly. (feed)

But it’s still very interesting to see Qianhua-senpai’s rare tangled and coquettish look.

Ouch, you are still embarrassed.

Ishigami has always felt that Chika-senpai and the word "naughty" don't go together at all.

After all, she is a woman who does whatever she wants, does what she wants, does it neatly, and doesn't care about other people's eyes.

He encouraged with a curious tone

"If you want to say it, just say it, Senior Qianhua."

Nothing like you.

"No need to be polite to me."

Encouraged, Fujiwara Chika opened her mouth and said

"It's a bit monotonous if you just eat clear soup ramen."

She looked at Ishigami expectantly

"Can I add a little topping?"


Ishigami is a little confused

Fujiwara Chika nodded her head obediently, like a puppy looking forward to being fed.

She pointed with her finger to a special small box on the table.

"That's the one."

Ishigami saw the direction of her finger, with a playful expression on his face

So which school does Chika-senpai belong to?

It's really rare to see girls like this these days.

"Oh, okay, Chika-senpai."

"But don't eat too much."

"And in that case, you can only eat by yourself."

"Because I want to peel it off for you."


Chika Fujiwara took the bowls and chopsticks and nodded cheerfully, smiling so hard that she narrowed her eyes.

There seemed to be happy petals floating next to this girl, and she seemed to be looking forward to it.

"This is?"

Originally, Odajima Saburo and the manager of this ramen shop were having a lively conversation. Nothing could bring them closer to each other than their common hobby of "ramen".

They have already talked about introducing the store manager to the other "Four Heavenly Kings of Ramen", and they have made an appointment to visit a ramen shop together.

But suddenly they raised their heads in unison because there was a strange smell in the air.

This smell is very special, just like coriander. Some people love it to death, but some people absolutely cannot accept it.

"How can it be!"

Saburo Odajima and the store manager couldn't believe what they saw, and their mouths opened.

Cold sweat slipped from their foreheads

"That girl movie actually crossed the gap that a woman cannot cross!"

"It's unbelievable."

What Saburo Odajima and the store manager saw was Ishigami peeling garlic aside, while Chika Fujiwara was taking a mouthful of garlic cloves and ramen.

It was quite enjoyable to eat, and while she was smacking her lips, she put her other hand on her face so that the weight of her head was concentrated on her hand, showing her true expression of intoxication.

"She actually ate garlic!?"

The reason why these two people reacted strongly is that garlic is too controversial.

Totally annoying people

People who like to eat garlic can be divided into two groups

I can accept eating garlic, but I don't like the pungent garlic smell.

I can accept that I like to eat and like the spicy and pungent taste.

The reason for this serious differentiation is the peculiar pungent smell of garlic. What's even more outrageous is that as long as you eat garlic, the pungent smell will stay in your mouth for a long time.

Just open your mouth and you can smell it

If you communicate with a customer and the result is that your mouth smells like garlic, why don't you just tell them to leave?

Or imagine a kiss between a boyfriend and a girlfriend

A garlicky kiss?

It's a bit too heavy-handed.

And garlic is such a terrible thing.

But garlic and ramen are a perfect match

Isn’t that what people say anymore?

“Eating noodles without garlic is half as fun.”

According to Saburo Odajima and the store manager, an important dividing line between ramen gourmets is "eating garlic"!

If you are scared away by the smell of garlic, it means you are just a fake ramen gourmet.

It's a fake!

Chika Fujiwara did not fake anything while they were looking at her, and she ate the garlic completely.

Saburo Odajima was trembling all over, his eyes were bloodshot

In this case, it has to be admitted.

allow me to pay my respects

She is also one of the gourmets.

Ramen gourmet!

As for Ishigami, who was peeling garlic for Fujiwara Chika, he put a piece of white garlic clove into her ramen bowl.

"It snaps very quickly."

As soon as the garlic cloves came into contact with the bone broth, Fujiwara Chika took a mouthful of soup noodles and ate the garlic happily.

There was also a humming sound coming from his mouth.

"Really are."

Even Ishigami didn’t know that Qianhua-senpai was so lucky

Do you like girls who eat garlic?

As for Ishigami's own attitude towards garlic, I can only say that he doesn't hate it, nor can I say he likes it very much. Add another flavor to a tasteless dish.

It's a helpless move

"Senior Qianhua, I won't help you with the remaining half."

Ishigami put the untouched garlic cloves back into the garlic box.


"I'm okay."

Chika Fujiwara heard what Ishigami said and immediately responded.

Ishigami, who was clearly soft-hearted before, shook his head.

"No, Ramen-senpai."

"Not negotiable."

Ishigami tapped his finger on the girl's forehead.

It’s true, Qianhua-senpai is very late at night now.

"Eating too much garlic during this period is not good for your health. It will irritate the gastric mucosa, which is not conducive to sleep and is more likely to cause digestive difficulties and trigger emotional anxiety."

"Just eat a little bit."

Waiting to eat later means worrying about waiting later

But if you don’t let me eat now, then I will be anxious now.

"Is it really not possible?"

Fujiwara Chika finally struggled again

"No need to discuss?"


Chika Fujiwara felt that eating this was just an appetizer, and she snorted.

Then pick up the bowl directly


It was this move that made the heart of Saburo Odajima, who had been convinced just now, start beating rapidly again.

His glasses had slipped down to the tip of his nose, and the two of them looked at each other. They all saw each other's immediate shock.

"Do you mean you even need soup?"

"Stop it, the salt content is too high."

“And it’s soaked in garlic!”

However, in the midst of their attention, Chika Fujiwara picked up the bowl and started drinking.

"Coo, coo, coo,"

Quite rhythmic

Odajima Saburo's eyes were wet

Looking at the girl's figure in the mirror, it was like seeing his former self.

Once upon a time, he was also a teenager

The same innocence and youthfulness

"The days of two bowls of noodles and bad friends."

But now I have become an adult who has been colored by society, and I have become no longer pure.

"That's right, hurry up."

Saburo Odajima's emotions seemed to be infected by Chika Fujiwara, and his inner impulses directly made his voice rush out.

"This is how you have to eat ramen!"

Your youth is the glory that I have lost


Saburo Odajima wiped the tears under his lenses and cheered silently.

Looking at Chika Fujiwara drinking soup, he seemed to be replaying the first half of his life again.


That was the sound of the girl putting the bowl on the table with a satisfied look!

At this moment, the smile on the girl's face was as heart-warming as the warm winter sun, exuding dazzling light.

"I'm stuffed!"

"Nice job."

Odajima Saburo turned his head to prevent the two people opposite him from seeing his expression.

Now he couldn't stop his tears from flowing down.

He spoke choked with sobs

"little sister"


Chika Fujiwara, who was packing her things and preparing to walk out with Ishigami, raised her head.

She saw the other two uncles in the store giving her thumbs up.


Chika Fujiwara was confused, but gave her own thumbs up in response.

And when Ishigami put the money for these bowls of ramen on the bar, the store manager, whose eyes were also red, said

"You have already given me the reward."

"You don't need to give me any more."

Ishigami nodded to express his thanks, and after he asked Fujiwara Chika to put on his coat again, the two of them walked out of the store.

Chika Fujiwara said in confusion.

"Youjun, what is going on with those two uncles?"

"Do not ask."

Ishigami's expression is quite complicated

He doesn't even know where to start.

From now on, Ishigami had been paying close attention to the two uncles' dramatic face-changing skills, and Ishigami felt that ramen was really a scary thing.

"Looking at you drinking soup actually made these two uncles cry."

Although Ishigami was also puzzled, it did not affect his fear.

He is afraid that Chika Fujiwara will become like that in the future.

unexplained fear

Sure enough, let her eat less ramen.

How ridiculous are people who eat too much ramen?

You will become an idiot!

Those two uncles are good examples.

The moon has been hanging high in the sky for a long time. This small alley is not big but can accommodate three people.


Ishigami protected Chika Fujiwara behind him and couldn't help but sigh.

He had discovered that someone had been following him just now, so he led him here.

Now it seems that it is indeed this guy.

There was a hint of anger in Ishigami's helpless tone.

"You guys don't want to fight with me"

"Can't you sleep tonight?"

"Uncle Kelphead."

The man who stood in the way

It’s the one who easily hunted mutated beasts in the store manager’s story

Ten Ghost Snake King Horse

He grinned and looked at the two of them

"Yu-kun, why don't we run away."

Chika Fujiwara pulled Ishigami's sleeves very uneasily.


Ishigami gently rubbed her little head, and with a confident smile on his face, he stared at Qianhua's somewhat frightened eyes.

"You have to have some faith in me, Senior Qianhua."

"Don't worry."

"He can't even hurt me at all."

But the girl still looked worried

Ishigami patted her shoulder

"It's okay, Qianhua-senpai."

"Just hide a little away and watch me beat the bad guys away."

"It'll be fine soon."

"After all, that guy is very weak."

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