I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 125 Crying children get candy

"What's for breakfast, Kaguya-sama?"

“Croque Madame paired with chocolate chaud.”

"No, change it."

"Miss Kaguya has been inconvenient for the past few days, so she needs to eat food that nourishes blood and qi."

"Yes! Miss Hayasaka."

"Also, this set of plates is not shiny enough. Please replace it with a set of tableware."

"Okay, Ms. Hayasaka."

"Have you wiped the sculpture at the front entrance? It's the first thing guests see when they come."

"The vegetation in the garden is a little dry. I'll contact the overseas companies I've been cooperating with and ask them to send podocarpus in the current season."

“Remember to ask for the best.”

"The garden is the face of the villa and a symbol of the majesty of the Shinomiya family. It must not be careless."

"The president of the St. Louis company has a birthday today. Do you have the cards and gifts with you?"

"Also, people from my family are coming in a few days."

It's now six-thirty in the morning, and Hayasaka Ai, dressed in a maid outfit, has already issued seven instructions. But this is just the beginning. After all, the most senior Hayasaka is responsible for the command of any servants here. She needs to supervise everyone's work in detail.

No one would be dissatisfied, the entire Shinigong mansion was kept in order by this girl.

She is like a precise instrument that cannot and will never make mistakes. Hayasaka Ai's brain is the core center. It was with her commanding the Shinomiya family servants that everything was in order and all the gears could work normally.

Every day before Miss Kaguya wakes up, Hayasaka Ai is so busy.

It may feel hard at first, but after more than ten years, I have become accustomed to it.

After talking for an unknown number of words, Hayasaka Ai remembered something. She took a sip of water to moisten her dry throat and said to the head chef at the beginning.

"Mr. Austin, please help me prepare breakfast in advance."

"Okay, Ms. Hayasaka."

The chef from country F asked

"Is that still a simple sandwich?"

In the past, Hayasaka Ai's breakfast had always been hasty, as simple as possible.

After all, after being busy with Kaguya-sama and all the morning affairs at the Shinomiya Residence, Hayasaka usually only has enough time to go to school without being late, which is just enough.

There is old American time there, where you can enjoy breakfast in a luxurious and slow manner.

Only when she was walking on the way to school would she eat some breakfast hastily and quickly stuff the sandwich into her stomach.

But that doesn't mean she can go to school leisurely. She still has to work during this time.

Because often some messy companies would want to curry favor with the Shinomiya family, so they would send all kinds of flattering things.

Therefore, in order not to lose the majesty of the Shinomiya family, it is also Hayasaka Ai's job to think about the content of replies and gifts to these companies. She would write drafts on her phone while heading to school.

In fact, Hayasaka Ai is a real time management master and a "workaholic" who really makes use of every minute and every second.

When we got to school, hehe, everyone knew how troublesome Miss Kaguya was. Even when Hayasaka Ai attends classes, she needs to pay attention to her master's movements and collect information from her classmates.

We must also be alert to all kinds of emergencies that may occur around Miss Kaguya, and take action to resolve them one by one.

So it's really a miracle that Hayasaka Ai still has time to fall in love with Ishigami.

Ishigami also knew this and understood how difficult it was for her. If you can take up less of her time, take up less of her time.

Alas, the only equity between the poor and the rich is time.

Everyone has 24 hours, no more and no less.

Not to mention this girl who wants to break one minute into five minutes.

During the day, Ishigami took up one minute of Hayasaka Ai's working time, and she had to spend an extra three or five minutes to make up for it at night. (If you are sleepy at night, you are in a bad state.)

Especially when I have to be disgusted in the middle of the night and do the things I hate the most.

In the past, I had to watch short decompression videos to fall asleep.

This kind of work intensity is simply not something a young girl can bear. There is no such word as "obeying laws and disciplines" in the Shinomiya clan's concept.

Hayasaka Ai's pitiful annual income of 10 million yen is more like the mental damage fee given to her by the Shinomiya family than salary.

After hearing the chef's question, Hayasaka Ai pondered for a moment.

"I'm a little hungry today, so prepare something a little richer for me."

She was worried and added at the end:

"By the way, the quantity is larger."

The head chef nodded.

"Are you going to send someone else to your room?"

Hayasaka Ai shook her head

"When it's done, leave it there and I'll do it myself."

Without questioning why Hayasaka's day was different from the previous days, the head chef nodded in agreement.

Hayasaka Ai told her and left to do other things. There are too many things in the morning, all compressed together.

This is just a small episode.

Ishigami heard those three knocks interspersed with two, which was the secret code agreed upon by the two.

This is what Ai Jiang means

Although no one could enter her room except herself, a password was set up out of caution.

As for Ishigami leaping from the ground into Hayasaka Ai's room, she has already confirmed whether or not he was monitored on the outer wall.

Of course not

Hayasaka Ai took the time to use her mobile phone to connect to the terminal and check the surveillance. No matter whether it was played backwards or forward, her brother-kun did not appear after watching it several times.

she smiled

"Really, it's all on me."

No need to think about it, everyone knows that it must be the younger brother.

There was no trace of a trigger on the firewall, and it would be a lie to say there was no frustration.

After all, Hayasaka Ai is also responsible for the network security work at the Shinomiya Residence. She is versatile and has quite high attainments in computers. (Delete the skills that Miss Kaguya’s little black guys were forced to practice on the Internet)

He and Hayasaka Ai were right. Whatever Ishigami decided to do, it must always be watertight. He openly smashed Hayasaka Ai's window with pebbles in front of the surveillance camera, and even climbed directly into the girl's room.

In the end, he hacked the firewall built by Hayasaka Ai and deleted all his incriminating evidence.

The broken Ishigami opened the door to Hayasaka Ai's room, and outside the door was the helpless little Ai holding a dinner plate in both hands.

Ishigami took the thing from the girl's hand, looked down at it and praised

"Wow, it's so rich."

Isn't that right? Rich people's breakfasts and even work meals are of a high standard, so they don't lack this kind of treatment.

He had eaten some ramen last night and was disturbed. Xiao Ai, who came to see her early in the morning, was already very hungry.

Ishigami took a bite of the fluffy sandwich and looked at Hayasaka Ai who was just holding his head with his hands and looking at him with a smile and asked.

"Xiao Ai, don't you want to eat?"

Hayasaka Ai shook her head, she took out her phone and looked at the time

"This is just for you to eat. I'm not very hungry yet."

After saying this, she stood up

"I'm leaving first. Miss Kaguya is getting up soon."

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Hayasaka Ai's voice was a little panicked, and she made a cute little hum.

"It's so annoying. I have to go to work."

"Oops, my clothes are getting wrinkled again!"


Ishigami became a little tougher and grabbed her wrist, directly pressing Hayasaka Ai onto his thigh.

Feeling the girl's struggle, Ishigami said dissatisfiedly in her ear

"Since you like to call me brother-kun, then it shouldn't be too much for me to call you "Oh Nie Sangma" (sister-sama)."


Hayasaka Ai called her sister from her brother Jun's mouth, and her brain was a little frozen for a while.

Onee-sama, onee-sama

What a name for Sbarasi.

Although it was just a different title, the intimate tone contained in it made Hayasaka Ai feel the feeling of getting along with family members.

In fact, like Miss Kaguya, she is a child who lacks love.

Hayasaka Ai listened to her two friends complaining about their parents, always telling them that their skirts were too short, their makeup was too heavy, their manicure was too flashy, etc., she felt very envious that they still had their parents in charge.

These are things she has never experienced.

So Hayasaka Ai dresses up like a hot girl, and besides being a disguise, she also has this intention.

She wanted to know that her parents, who were high-ranking officials of the Shinomiya family, saw their daughter wearing short skirts and dressed up in fancy clothes.

Will she simply scold her like ordinary people?

But they didn't

Ai Hayasaka used to be a decent little lady in the elementary school, but now she has been playing the contrasting hot girl for almost two years, and she has not received any dissatisfaction from her parents.

But compared to the cold atmosphere of the Shinomiya family, her parents could still give her a lot of warmth.

So Ai Hayasaka is especially attached to her mother.

Sometimes she also thinks about how it would be nice to have younger siblings or something.

But forget about the "sister" thing, after all, Miss Kaguya has already made Hayasaka Ai one and two older.

Originally, it was just Hayasaka Ai hiding her thoughts about him in her heart and secretly calling him brother-kun.

But it is undeniable that she has always wanted a brother.

Seeing her stupid look, Ishigami's originally angry tone became louder.

"Sister Ai, it's not that I can't understand your work."

"But I want to say, are you doting on Sister Shinomiya too much?"

"Senomiya-senpai is so old, and now she still needs you to help her get up."

Smelling the delicious aroma, Ishigami played with Hayasaka Ai's hair and sighed.

He feels that Shinomiya-senpai's current character is so troublesome, except for the distorted educational influence of the Shinomiya family.

This guy's pampering and pampering of her must have played an important role.

How can such an old person still need help to get up? Children in the kindergarten class can dress themselves.

"I'm even wondering if I'm not as good as Shinomiya-senpai in your heart?"

The more I think about it, the more I understand.


"The reason why you don't want to leave with me is because of Senior Sister Shinomiya!"


Hayasaka Ai looked at her younger brother Jun who was getting more and more angry as he spoke, and laughed out loud.

No wonder the vinegar smell here is so strong

It turned out that some "small-minded" man's vinegar bottle overturned and spread all over the floor.

Hayasaka Ai rolled her eyes at him

Then he hugged Shi Shang's neck and gave him a few helpless kisses on the face.

Crying children have sweets to eat, and it applies to any field to a greater or lesser extent.

With each kiss, the haze on Ishigami's face dissipated a little.

Hayasaka Ai found some feeling of being a sister,

"Brother-kun, you."

"You're actually even jealous of Miss Kaguya. I'm really convinced by you."

"Is it ok now?"

Ishigami exhaled air heavily through his nose and pointed to his lips

"Sister, you should be sending the kids away."

"Here, here!"

"do you understand!"

"My little loving sister..."

"Your brother Jun is really"

Hayasaka Ai originally didn't want to deal with her pushy brother-kun, but if she was rubbed off by him.

It's really too late

A certain "sister" who is ten times more troublesome than Brother-kun is about to wake up!

She closed her eyes, then held her brother Jun's head with both hands and was about to kiss her gently.

A finger pressed against Hayasaka Ai's warm lips to stop her next move.

She opened her eyes, very dissatisfied

Let him explain as soon as possible or face the consequences.

"What's wrong?"

I've already done what you asked, so why are you still dissatisfied?

Ishigami indicated with his eyes that there was a thumb cake and a small pine cone on the dinner plate.

He didn't make a sound, he just made an outline with his mouth.

Hayasaka Ai read two words from the lip reading

"feed me!"

The feeding here, of course, cannot simply be done by hand.

After all, that was too perfunctory, and it didn't mean anything to them who were just on the verge of getting there.

"Really, it will trouble me."

"But who makes me the sister?"

After complaining softly, Hayasaka picked up a piece of cake with her hands and stuffed it into her mouth.

She originally wanted to put her mouth there, but Ishigami shook his head and said

"No, sister."

"This time it's me"

He changed his posture so that the girl's head could rest on his arm, and held her tightly with both hands to prevent her from falling from Shishang's arms.

Then the two people acted like two rabbits eating a piece of grass.

Ishigami gnawed quickly, and soon one end of the thumb cake had been eaten.

What comes next is the highlight

There was no pause in his movements

Going down the mountain with the momentum of a tiger is like trying to eat a rabbit in one bite.

Seeing him approach slowly and quickly, Hayasaka Ai's heartbeat began to speed up inexplicably.

She closed her eyes uneasily and let him move.

Will be clever!

How could Ishigami let her succeed?

Besides, his original intention was not to put the remaining piece of thumb cake in her mouth.

Drunk warmth does not mean wine

"Haasaka, you are so slow today!"

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was sitting on the bed with disheveled hair, looked at the belated attendant.

There was a trace of anger in her bright red pupils, but also mixed with a little doubt.

"Haysaka, are you feeling uncomfortable today?"

"Why is your face so red?"

I'm really sleepy. I can't stand it any longer. I'll leave now. Good night.

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