I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 126 I want to put on stockings for you


The door opened. I had finished all the complicated morning chores for the Shinomiya family, and Miss Kaguya, who was the most troublesome, had already gone to school.

Ai Hayasaka, who was temporarily relaxed, walked into her room and burst into laughter when she saw it.

"Really are"

"I'm so busy, why don't you just sleep here."

As soon as Hayasaka Ai came in, she saw Ishigami who was probably still a little sleepy after breakfast and was lying on her bed to take a nap.

She now had the illusion that she was like an office worker returning from work after a tiring day, and then seeing her well-raised little wife lying comfortably on the bed, she felt angry and funny.

"Xiao Ai, you are back."

In fact, Ishigami woke up from his sleep when he heard the sound of the door opening.

But he fell asleep again the next second, this was the murmur in his sleep. Because he has a very good nose, he knew it was Xiao Ai's smell as soon as he smelled it, so it was okay.

Hayasaka Ai sat on the edge of the bed and poked with his finger

"Get up soon, you will become a lazy pig if you go to sleep again."

Facing the girl's harassment, Ishigami directly covered his head with the quilt.

There was a muffled sound coming from the quilt

"No, let me sleep for a while."

When I have a girlfriend, I sleep with my girlfriend in my arms. When my girlfriend is not around, I sleep with my girlfriend on her quilt.

Anyway, I have to hold something.

A girlfriend's bed is much more comfortable to sleep on than a boy's own bed, both psychologically and practically. The quilt we spend time with day and night has been tainted with the girl's scent. In fact, hugging your girlfriend is no different from hugging your own girlfriend. .

Girls like soft mattresses, and the quilts are too soft. And some unscrupulous boys can sleep soundly on a camp bed without a mattress. After all, sleeping is not sleep.

"Isn't this a scam?"

When Hayasaka Ai saw the large white bun that had formed on her bed, she lost her temper even if she wanted to get angry.

She shook her head and ignored him.

If you think about it another way, this is just right.

If he falls asleep, Hayasaka Ai won't feel embarrassed.

She can continue to feel at ease

After all, Hayasaka Ai is still wearing a maid outfit now. She can't wear this again when she goes to school.

Hayasaka Ai needs to change her clothes

After she took off the school uniform and school skirt that had been ironed last night from the wall, she looked at the still intact white steamed buns.

Reassured, Hayasaka Ai lifted up her hands to untie her ribbon, and then slowly pulled down the zipper on her back.

He was awake before, but now he is asleep.

Even if he didn't look at Hayasaka Ai when he was awake, she would feel embarrassed, but she wouldn't have such concerns when she was asleep.

She could also continue to feel at ease and keep moving her hands. Change your professional attire into your daily school uniform.

Hayasaka Ai said "yeah" in front of the dressing mirror, and smiled when she looked at the hot girl with side ponytail in the mirror.

"Preparation for school is OK."

Nowadays, Hayasaka Ai has lost her solemn and simple maid uniform and put on the Shuchi Academy uniform. She is beautiful and lovely.

Under her modified skirt were long, fair and slender legs, and her calves were covered by black socks. The whole person is filled with the breath of youth

It's a sweet and delicious innocent girl!

"The only remaining problem is that big white steamed bun."

"I didn't know it before, but it turns out that I have the property of staying in bed."

Hayasaka Ai glanced at the current time. Thanks to an emergency that happened at Miss Kaguya's place just now, she could return to her room early.

But there wasn't much time left for her, and she would be late if she kept going.

So three, two, one

Hayasaka Ai Freedom attacks!



Shi Shang, who was sleeping peacefully, suddenly suffered a heavy blow. He could vaguely feel it through the quilt, as if a human-shaped object flew directly towards him after a run-up.

However, this effect is not very good for Ishigami who has full anti-strike effect.

It doesn't matter, this is just an appetizer.

The humanoid object that flew towards Ishigami just now was Hayasaka Ai, and she was now sitting astride the quilt.

Well, the position where she sat should be almost near her belly, so she was putting all her weight on him.

But it's not enough to wake him up

Hayasaka Ai pulled down the quilt covering Ishigami's head, exposing his head.

Looking at Ishigami who still had his eyes closed, she shook her head helplessly.

"What a dead pig, but he can still sleep."

"I don't believe it. It can't be cured."

Hayasaka Ai stretched out her hand and gently touched his face.

Ishigami felt the disturbing hands and his head shook slightly in dissatisfaction.

But Hayasaka Ai's hand was not easy to break free from. She stretched out her hand just to prevent him from moving.

After finding the right moment, she pinched his nose with one of her hands.

Looking at his struggling appearance, Hayasaka Ai smiled.

Not over yet

Because one hand is used to pinch his nose, and the other hand is used to control his head from shaking.

Hayasaka Ai, who was temporarily unable to move, had no choice but to lean down and slowly approach Ishigami's mouth.

This was her basis. The guy's breath clearly hit her face to confirm whether he was breathing completely through his mouth.

After all, Hayasaka Ai had already used a lot of strength to pinch his nose.

It was really uncertain whether there was still a gap left to breathe despite her efforts.

"It's really ridiculously hard."

Even the flesh on both sides of the nose is too tough to bend.

However, it is not difficult to suspect that such a thing will happen.

"It's so unkind to have your nose crooked."

"Not cool at all."

The most vulnerable part of the human body to fracture is the nose. Because it is rich in cartilage and nerves, it is easy to be injured. It also causes pain to be transmitted very quickly once it is hit.

Faced with such an obvious weakness, Ishigami certainly tried his best to overcome it. The "Breath of the Rock" he runs every day plays a good role in strengthening the skin and bones.

Make up for all the weaknesses one by one.

Hayasaka Ai's hand, which was already a little painful after just squeezing it for a while, did not delay any further.

Her starting point is actually very simple.

That would make Ishigami unable to breathe

If he couldn't breathe, would he be able to continue sleeping no matter what?

Indignation appeared on Hayasaka Ai's face

"You actually made me embarrassed in front of Miss Kaguya."

"I want to pay it back bit by bit!"

Previously, Hayasaka Ai discovered something unusual when she was helping Shinomiya Kaguya get up.

As a result, Hayasaka Ai had to lie again, making up an excuse that she had caught a cold because she didn't close the window last night.

The naive Shinomiya Kaguya really thought that her good sister had caught a cold.

Her tone was a little accusatory

"Haasaka, how old are you?"

"I still don't know why you should close the window before going to bed."

"What if a bad guy comes in through the window while you are sleeping!"


"I understand, Miss Kaguya."

Regarding all this, Hayasaka Ai, who knew she was in the wrong, could only accept it.

She really wanted to say

"Miss Kaguya, actually this has nothing to do with whether the window is closed or not."

"It's just a matter of whether you want it or not."

"A bad guy who only knows how to bully has entered our home."

No matter how hard she thought, Shinomiya Kaguya could not imagine that Hayasaka Ai, who she regarded as a decent lady, actually had a man hiding in her room.

Moreover, when Hayasaka came to serve, he was more than ten minutes late because he was kissing you and me as his junior (so big).

If Kaguya Shinomiya knew about it, what might happen would happen.

So Hayasaka Ai was actually very angry at first and said, I think it’s enough for you to just have breakfast.

I didn’t expect that giving you breakfast was not enough, I had to add food myself.

I didn’t let you eat me!

So men really can’t

Eat what's in the bowl, look at what's on the plate, and think about what's in the pot.

Really outrageous.

Hayasaka Ai realized that it is better to take the initiative than to be beaten passively.

It was the result of always being submissive and that was why he kept bullying me.

Even my own bed was occupied

Hayasaka Ai thought she must bully her back

This time is a good opportunity.

She couldn't spare her hands and wanted to make him unable to breathe. Then you can only block his lips firmly with your own lips.

This is an endurance race, and the cheating party, Hayasaka Ai, still has her nose to breathe.

But all the places where Shi Shang could breathe were blocked. No matter how strong his lung capacity was, it would eventually run out.

"Haasaka Ai's goal has been achieved."

"But is the beast she forcibly awakened so easy to provoke?"

Ishigami, who was forced to turn on his phone, opened his eyes and felt breathless.

"Good guy, you are waking me up."


Ishigami judged that the current situation was that both of his air intakes were blocked by this little girl.

"Are you sure you're not here to see me off?"

He responded immediately.

First, he raised his hand and held Hayasaka Ai's slender waist with both hands.

There is a switch here, which is a particularly sensitive place for her.

Then he used his fingers to gently tease her. Make a scratching gesture, this is the ticklish meat.

Hayasaka Ai was so frightened by Ishigami's sudden attack that her teeth almost closed.

But Ishigami was not so lucky.

"It hurts..."

Ishigami wiped the tears that appeared in the corners of his eyes.

It should be said that the waist was suddenly held

The impact on the girl can be imagined, no less than a comet hitting the earth.

I can't control myself at all

"It's okay, Yuuchika."

Hayasaka Ai lay on the quilt and asked nervously

"I'm fine."

Ishigami covered his mouth and replied

But is Ishigami so easy to get rid of after being tortured like this twice by a girl?

"Please prepare yourself for me!"

"Yeah, don't!"

I never thought I could be pushed out in this life.

This is only the first step

Ishigami caught this ungrateful girl with a quilt, and then wrapped her up directly.

Then he got out of the bed, switched to the side with Hayasaka Ai and got in directly.

Originally, her quilt was a double quilt, which was just right for two people.

This can be regarded as sleeping in the same bed in advance, after all, they are under the same bed.

Covered with quilts, I didn't know what the two of them were doing.

All I saw was that the quilt was moving, accompanied by the sound of Hayasaka Ai's struggle.

"No, I know it was wrong."

There was also a slightly rapid breathing sound

"Don't touch anywhere."

"Oops, we're going to be late for school."


"I really won't dare to do it next time."

After Shi Shang had had enough trouble, he let her crawl out of bed.

The current Hayasaka Ai is no longer as majestic as before.

Her pure white face had been given a nice blush, and her whole body looked white and pink.

The side ponytail turned directly into a shawl. Three of the buttons on her collar were undone, and one of the black silk socks that originally wrapped her calf was missing. Although the other sock was still there, it was torn, and one of her toes was exposed. .

The skirt is also wrinkled

Hayasaka loves to cry with a sad face, mumbling

"Why do you always bully me?"

So miserable, like a lonely phoenix.

On the other hand, Ishigami's clothes were brand new except for a little wrinkle in his clothes, and he looked refreshed.

"That's not because you're easy to bully."

Ishigami replied with a smile.

He patted Hayasaka Ai's little head

"Be good, take care of it quickly."

"Otherwise we'll be late for school."


"You still know how to go to school!"

The aggrieved Hayasaka Ai pouted her little mouth and dared to get angry but did not dare to speak.

He picked up a comb from the jewelry table and took care of her hair that had been messed up just now.

Then he combed her hair back to its original appearance, while Hayasaka Ai lowered his head to fix the wrinkles on his clothes.

“Where do you usually keep your socks?”

Hayasaka Ai didn't want to speak and pointed to the drawer.

He walked forward, pulled it open, and picked out a pair he liked.

They are also black calf socks, but these socks have a little pattern.

Ishigami came to squat in front of Hayasaka Ai, waved and signaled to her.

Hayasaka Ai, who had been silent since coming out of bed just now, finally spoke.

With a swish, she retracted her two little feet into the quilt.

"This, I can do it myself."

Ishigami Yisheng refused. He even picked a pair of socks that he liked. How could he not even feel a sense of participation?


His hand grabbed the little feet that were running around, and first took off the socks that had holes in them.

"Don't move, it will be over soon."

"It's okay, it doesn't smell, so don't panic."

Hearing the words that came out of his mouth, Hayasaka Ai's face turned green and red for a while.

"What are you talking about, really."

"How can you even say such a thing?"

Thanks to Jue Jiyuan for the reward and monthly pass

Thanks to Lightning Silver Wolf for your monthly pass

Thanks to book friend 130813235638420 for your monthly ticket

Thanks to Death \u0026amp;amp;amp; Chaser for your monthly pass

Thanks to Serehild for your monthly vote

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