I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 144 A sandbag who was manipulated and passively beaten

When Rito's "Razor's Edge" cut through the rain and fell, the boxing club members and Yoshitake Keiro who were all supporting Rito in the stands all smiled in unison.


They had already envisioned the scene in which the Ten Demon Snake King Horse would be torn apart by the blade that tore everything apart.

Especially Yoshitake Keiro, he was so excited that he was shaking. He didn't expect that victory would come so easily.

"So what if Quan Yuan meets the "Four Dragons"? It won't be a stepping stone on my way to success!"


But how beautiful the imagination is, how cruel the reality is.

The result was beyond the expectations of these guys


"Why wasn't it cut?"

The bloody stumps, severed limbs, and human-shaped blood fountains that I imagined did not appear. As for their expectation that the "razor's edge" of Li Ren would turn the Ten Ghosts, Snake King and Horse into pieces, that is even more nonsense.

They couldn't understand why nothing happened in a situation that was supposed to be a sure win.

If I hadn't seen Li Ren himself looking very surprised, I would have almost suspected that this guy was fake.

But Yu Ishigami, who was playing all ten ghosts, snake kings and horses, looked very indifferent when he saw the picture on the screen.

"Good judgment."

So what made the members of the Fist Club, who had a chance to win, so shocked that their jaws dropped.

Because the two combatants on the field looked like they were fighting to the death just now, but now their hands were firmly attached to each other in a friendly manner.

The five fingers that fit together are inseparable.

If it were a normal relationship between a man and a woman, this behavior might seem ambiguous, but if it were two muscular men doing this, it would just make people shake their heads.

The most outrageous thing is that the two hands seem to be a natural match. No matter how angry Rihito moves his hand, he can't break away from Ouma's hand.

"What the hell did you bastard do?"

When Xiaobo saw this scene, he always felt that it seemed familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Until she saw that her hands were intertwined with Xiaoyou's fingers and held tightly together.

Xiaobo finally remembered

The evil-smiling Ouma currently on the screen is "Yuu", while the angry-looking Rito is "Yaiko".

When Xiao Yazi and Xiao Yu were fighting before, her hands were controlled (played with) by Xiao Yu in this way.

The incompetent rage on the manager's face was exactly the same as that of Xiao Mizi at that time. I wish I could bite off a piece of meat, but I can't do anything.

It makes your teeth itch

Ishigami didn't notice Xiaobo's rich expression and explained calmly.

"The grip of Li Ren is indeed very powerful."

"But use the smallest movement to cut through the enemy,"

"The strength of the fingers and the short acceleration distance are essential."

Ishigami smiled and said

"In other words, if you don't give him the distance to accelerate, then the Razor Blade will be useless."

"I can't even cut the tofu."

When the enemy holds a powerful weapon, most people choose to stay away. But it's different for a master who is a master of art and a bold master, and he just steps forward to surrender.

"Ouma's move was to successfully seal Rito's razor at the small cost of one hand."

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma's fighting awareness is still good, and he found his opponent's flaw in a blink of an eye. Liren's strongest weapons have been disarmed. There is no suspense about this fight. He is the winner.

But Li Ren, who has not yet figured out the current situation, wants to use the "razor blade" with his other hand to reverse the situation.

The Ten Ghost Snake King Ma made a prejudgment and struck the Rito on the wrist with a knife to stop the attack.

The current position is that the two of them are standing face to face, with the palm of one hand facing the palm and the knife of the other hand facing the wrist.

Li Ren was completely controlled by Ouma.

This guy with a bad personality also didn't forget to tease others with a smile, he said

"So, what do you do?"

"Human, Mr. Nakata Ichiro!"

There is nothing more insulting than this to a "superhuman" manager who claims to be beyond human beings.

The extremely angry Li Ren, his roar came through the stereo and caused little ripples in the inside of the water glass on the coffee table. Ishigami frowned and directly lowered the volume of the speaker.

Li Ren gritted his teeth, and the well-developed muscles on his back were bulging, and he wanted to use his already huge strength to defeat him ten times at a time.

He was still shouting in his mouth, refusing to admit defeat.


Li Ren pushed the king's horse with both hands, trying to overturn it in one fell swoop. But this is still in vain. Is it useful to shout slogans again and again?

Ouma noticed Li Ren's small movements, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised as if he had everything under control.


The Ten Demon Snake Ouma only exerted a little force with one hand, and Rito, who was already exerting all his strength, actually knelt down on one knee with his legs weak.

There was no blood splash just now, and the water splash now is quite beautiful.

While waiting for "Rito" to struggle to stand up again, Ten Ghost Snake King Ma twisted his body and exerted force on his waist, hitting Rito in the face with his hard knee.

Riren, who was already half-crouching, suffered such an attack. He was knocked out of the blood mist and his whole body tilted back uncontrollably.

Daniel gritted his teeth and held on without losing consciousness. His hind legs supported his swaying body, and instead, taking advantage of Ouma's kick, the hand that originally stopped his attack with the sword was moved away.

Rito seized this opportunity and immediately used "Razor's Edge", his right hand became claw-like and he grabbed it hard.

But this was just a fake move by Ouma, who had already predicted Li Ren's next move.

He made a fist with one hand and struck Li Ren on the chin at a very fast speed.


You don't need to think about it to know what kind of damage that fist packed with huge power can cause. Li Ren's mandible even cracked under this blow.

Rihito, who was hit by the uppercut, was supposed to fly backwards along the inertia, but Ouma, who was not satisfied yet, used his own legs and ankles to hook him this time. While bringing him back, he punched Riren in the stomach with another straight punch.

In just two or three seconds, the poor Rito suffered several attacks from Ouma.

This is also quite frustrating

And even though Rito suffered these attacks, their left hands were still connected together like good friends who refused to be separated even for a short time.

This battle may not be understood by those with a certain level of vision.

Some people asked the question "Why can't the manager's sharp blade cut Ouma's finger?" Before they could figure it out, the next question came one after another.

The next question made the members of the Boxing Club who were watching the whole process of Li Ren's beating look puzzled. They were also old spectators who had witnessed countless scenes of fighters fighting to the death.

But I really can’t understand

"Why does it seem that Li Ren is the one who has the initiative and the right to attack, but he hits a wall at every turn?"

"On the contrary, the king's horse pushed him back and hit him, leaving him powerless to resist."

"I can only be beaten by it continuously."

This was quite unusual, and the answer to this question was understood by only a few people present.

"The secret lies in the palms of their hands that are still tightly connected at this moment."

Ishigami, who had already seen through the tricks of the Ten Ghost Snake King, shook his head.

"Erhu Liu-Cao Liu."

That's a move to control the opponent's strength, and it's a very practical little skill. There are no shortcomings except that the requirements for the operator are a bit high.

This move requires the caster to be highly proficient in the control of power. It only adds a few grams of power to the opponent's original power and re-applies it to the opponent.

Just a few millimeters off

It can achieve the effect of completely confusing the opponent's power and even going berserk.

This resulted in the fact that no matter how hard the manager struggled, he could not escape from Ouma's control.

He is still at the mercy of his opponent, completely reduced to Ouma's puppet.

Only Li Ren himself knows how uncomfortable it feels to be unable to control yourself.

Ishigami patted Xiaobo's head

"The game is over."

Hearing what Ishigami said, Xiaobo was stunned.

"Aren't they still messing around?"

In her eyes, although Riren was beaten twice by Ouma from time to time, he was still jumping around happily like the "strong brother" who couldn't be beaten to death.

And if Xiaoyou hadn't lowered his voice a few degrees, that guy's noisy voice would have annoyed Xiaobo to death. There is no way that such a energetic and durable punching bag will die now.

"Xiaobo has actually lost when the initiative of the game is in the opponent's hands."

"The reason you see Li Ren is still alive and well is because of his opponent's kindness."

Ishigami once again glanced at Rihito who was being beaten by Ouma.

"He can only struggle for a while."

Although Ouma's aura is still the same, it can be seen on the stone. The damage he caused to Ouma went through the battle with Rito, and it was actually more or less unbearable.

The old injuries were settled together with the new ones, forcing Ouma to no longer be able to continue playing.

"Look, the game is over."

Ishigami smiled with relief when he saw the picture on the screen.

"These two nagging guys finally stopped procrastinating."

The calmness of Ten Ghost Snake King Ma is in sharp contrast with Li Ren's anger. Li Ren had a methodical fighting style from the beginning, but now he just fights randomly without any method.

But at most it will be a waste of effort and more pain, and it will only cost the opponent a little physical strength.

The ten ghosts, snakes, kings and horses on the screen use Erhu style - Cao Liu. He increased the strength on his opponent's hand by a few grams and did not hold back any more.

Forcing him to completely fall back and destroying his center of gravity, the exhausted Li Ren could no longer resist.

After a moment of spinning, the bruised man could only be hit heavily in the blood and water mixture, unable to move and could only lie on the ground.

His employer was shouting angrily over there, and the manager could no longer control him.

"What are you doing?"

"Stand up! Take care of people."

All Li Ren could do was to widen his eyes and watch the trampling getting closer and closer.

sighing silently

"Is this the end of my five-game winning streak?"

"That's not a human move."

With a loud rumbling sound, Li Ren's consciousness entered the incomparable darkness.

The referee announced

"The winner - Ten Ghost Snake King Horse!"

Xiaobo looked at the miserable situation of Li Ren on the screen and swallowed.

The moves the two of them had just played up to now were not as expressive as the last blow.

The opposite side around Riren's head had collapsed, and cracks like an earthquake appeared under that level of attack. This was the final blow of Ten Ghost Snake King Ma who trampled on Ri Ren without any courtesy.

It not only differentiates between superior and inferior, but also determines life and death.

In the close-up of Li Ren on the screen, half of his face had been distorted by external forces, his eyes were dull and he had lost consciousness.

The loser is so embarrassed and ignored

"Xiaobo, let's go."

Ishigami noticed that some members were already leaving the competition venue one after another. This unfinished building only had one exit repaired to facilitate traffic.

If we don't leave, we will be crowded with people.

Moji is really not good.

Xiaobo pulled Shi Shang's sleeves, looking a little worried.

"Xiaoyou, we'd better leave later."

"I'm afraid that kelp leader is waiting for us downstairs. That guy is really scary."

"Just stepping on it, it felt like the ground was hit with a pile driver."

When Ishigami heard Xiaobo's words, he immediately felt dumbfounded.

"I didn't expect that letting Xiaobo watch a boxing competition would cast a shadow on Ouma."

"It's all my fault for making some noise. We were targeted."

When Xiaobo thought about it, such a terrifying guy actually targeted Xiaoyou.

She felt very uneasy

Ishigami held up Xiaobo's small fists that were clenched due to self-recrimination with both hands, and then untied them one by one.

"Don't be such a bastard, take it easy."

"I will protect you, just hold my hand."

"No one can hurt you, I promise."

Shishang heard Xiaobo's words and comforted him.

"Besides, that's just the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse."

"Xiao Bo, guess why that guy looked so excited when he saw me."

Ishigami leaned close to Xiaobo's ear, looked at the white and red earlobes, and continued.

"Because that guy is my defeated enemy"

"He couldn't accept the fact that he was knocked down by one blow, so he wanted to come back and regain his place."

"You, one blow?"

If Xiaobo had never seen Ouma take action, he might still believe it.

But having seen the power of Ouma, Xiaobo still couldn't help but have a trace of doubt.

Ishigami heard the hesitation in Xiaobo's tone and smiled.

"I'm so sad, Xiaobo."

"This is really true. To be honest, no one listened to it."

He lifted up his sleeve, revealing his strong right arm

"Let me demonstrate it to you, Xiaobo."

"In my opinion, your concerns are pointless."

Ishigami Yu took a deep breath, tensed his muscles, and gathered all his current strength into one point.

The last breath is released.

"Breaking core!"

Originally, some members of the Boxing Club were walking down the stairs, sighing about today's competition, and were leaving this unfinished building while talking and laughing.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, followed by a violent shaking sound.

Debris is falling off the walls

Unsure of what was going on, they looked at each other with horrified expressions after experiencing the initial aftermath.

"Is this an earthquake?"

The center point of the shock wave is the area where Ishigami and Xiaobo are.

Xiaobo watched nearly half of the third floor collapse to the second floor, and even the competition venue was completely buried. It was like a natural disaster, and he was speechless for a long time.

"Xiaobo, now you understand."

"Who should be afraid?"

"And whose fist is so weak?"

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