I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 146 The Little Guest in the Student Union Room

There is a premise that needs to be mentioned. The distance between Shuchiin Junior High School and Shuchiin High School is only a five-minute walk.

Because it is so close, many students from the secondary department usually come to the upper department to visit the upperclassmen.

The girl sitting side by side with Shinomiya Kaguya on the sofa, with her iconic snow-white long straight hair and dark blue and white headband, is President Shirogane's biological sister Kei Shirogane.

At the same time that is

In the eyes of Shinomiya Kaguya


This is the name given to one's husband's sister. A good relationship with her can often lead to a deeper relationship with her husband, and it is also conducive to family harmony.

Although Shinomiya Kaguya and Shirogane Kei's "sister-in-law" relationship has not yet been revealed, this does not affect her from regarding Shirogane Kei as her sister-in-law in advance.

In fact, Shinomiya Kaguya felt very kind to this little girl when she saw the same ferocious look in President Shirogane's eyes.

"Hello, I am the president of the Elementary School Student Council, Shirogane Kei."

When he learned that she was the sister of the person he liked,

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes lit up

"Yes, yes. The fierce look in his eyes especially looks like the president."

The favorability level for Bai Yingui immediately increased, and she immediately became a "sister-in-law" in her eyes, and was sublimated into a family-like existence.

As the saying goes, "Shoot the man first, shoot the horse first!"

Shinomiya Kaguya, who is well versed in this, knows that "if you want to capture a man's heart," you must first win over those around him. As long as you have a good relationship with the people close to him, you can even have more intimate communication.

So just when Ishigami was returning to the student union room from tutoring Fujiwara Chika in Mandarin in the library, Shinomiya Kaguya faced her biggest challenge so far.

That's how Shirogane Kei took the initiative to call himself "Sister Kaguya"!

But he can't be too enthusiastic to avoid Shirogane Kei thinking that he is a "bad sister". For this reason, Shinomiya Kaguya has used all his brain power.

It is important to achieve this goal.

So what Ishigami and Fujiwara Chika see now is Shinomiya Kaguya looking at Xiao Kei with "unkind intentions".

Sometimes Shinomiya-senpai is really easy to understand, and Ishigami understood this guy's intention instantly.

"Anyway, this awkward senior must have a naive mentality that as long as Xiaogui is dealt with, the president will be around."

Ishigami covered the mouth of Fujiwara Chika who was struggling and asked her to be quiet, and sighed helplessly.

"Shh, be quiet, Qianhua-senpai."

"Believe it or not, if you rush in now, the meager friendship between you and Shinomiya-senpai that only relies on past friendship will be shattered immediately."

Ishigami knew about the friendship between Fujiwara Chika and Xiao Kei. No, to put it another way, Xiao Kei actually had a good relationship with the three Fujiwara sisters who gave him a headache.

If he hadn't covered Senior Qianhua's mouth just now, the words "Xiaogui!" would have been shouted out.

Xiao Kei often went to Fujiwara's house to spend the night. To Fujiwara Chika, she was "Chika-san", and "Chika-san" was always on her lips.

Imagine letting the current Fujiwara Chika rush out and ruin Shinomiya-senpai's good deeds. Maybe Ishigami doesn't know how the angry Shinomiya-senpai will treat his good sister.

Originally, Shinomiya-senpai often looked at Chika-senpai with meaningful eyes, which, to put it harshly, was a look of death.

Ishigami conservatively estimates that if this continues, Shinomiya-senpai will only have two months to live before she kills Chika-senpai.

Life is so precious, but this guy really has no consciousness at all.

"Be good, Senior Qianhua."

Ishigami said very quietly to Fujiwara Chika

"We'll go in after a while and see what's going on first."

"If you be good, I will accompany you to a ramen shop tonight."

"If you agree, just nod."

Ishi looked at Fujiwara Chika at hand and gradually gave up her struggle, then nodded obediently.

Only then did he release his hand covering Chika Fujiwara.

Although Ishigami helped Shinomiya-senpai eliminate unstable factors, he also did not let the meager sisterhood between them break.

But to be honest, he had no idea

Can Shinomiya-senpai really have a good relationship with Xiaogui?

Presumably this is still unknown

"Senomiya-senpai, come on!"

"I've done everything I can to help you, and the rest is all up to you."

"But Senior Sister Shinomiya, can you please calm down the corners of your mouth that are so crazy? It scares Xiaogui a little bit."

Ishigami secretly turned on the recording while watching the two people inside paying attention to the next step.

After all, the master has worked so hard, wouldn't it be a waste not to share it with a certain maid to have fun together?

Shinomiya Kaguya calmed down her excitement and sat next to Xiaogui.

She noticed that Xiao Gui was looking around, thinking that this cute child was looking for her brother.

As everyone knows, for Xiaogui

She came to the high school from the middle school specifically to visit her troublesome brother.

"I am the only one in the student union room now. If you want to find the president, he is holding a joint club meeting."

Ishigami remembered that the president had said last time that a joint club meeting was going to be held recently.

If he had known earlier, he would have accompanied the president. Ishigami has never attended such a meeting.

Shinomiya Kaguya continued

"I won't be able to come back for a while."

"So, what can I do for you?"

When Xiaogui heard this dignified senior sister say that she was the only one in the student union room, Xiaogui sighed, and the look on his face suddenly became visibly disappointed.

"It turns out he's not here."

But Xiaogui was still a little worried when he heard that the stupid old man went to attend the joint budget meeting of the society with a far-reaching statement.

Xiaogui's tone was a little tangled, and she said

"Senior, I would like to ask, is the club joint meeting my brother attended the one in the rumors?"

"It means that a student union president who was admitted to another college stabbed Lou Zi, and he couldn't live in Neon after that."

Ishigami nodded, that thing was indeed not a rumor. It’s just that there are a lot of versions. Some say that the student council president’s family dug potatoes in Siberia, and some say they farmed in J’s village. Anyway, there are all kinds of weird situations.

But Shinomiya-senpai shook her head and smiled politely.

"No, the rumors are really exaggerated."

There is a lot of worry on Xiaogui's face

"Is this story false?"

Shinomiya Kaguya explained

"The father of the student council president was transferred to a relatively distant country due to work reasons."

This is completely derogatory, right?

Ishigami and Xiaogui both sighed at Kaguya Shinomiya's words.

Isn't that bad?

But Shinomiya Kaguya was worried. After finishing the previous sentence, she added another sentence:

"I don't know if their family has gotten used to such thin air after so many years."

Ishigami wiped the sweat from his head

"It turns out that these seemingly friendly seniors and seniors are so ruthless."

"What did this unlucky kid do? He moved his whole family and at the same time he also wanted to move up to a higher altitude. A "plateau house"."

It's okay that Shinomiya-senpai didn't explain. Xiao Kei was scared when she didn't bother him at first.

she said in a low tone

"Brother, is he okay?"

But Xiaogui suddenly thought of something, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"Senior sister, may I ask my brother if he went alone?"

"There are no other seniors, no, senior will go with him."

What Xiaogui thinks is that if Brother You is here, he will be fine.

But not knowing what Xiaogui was worried about, the inconsiderate Shinomiya Kaguya mercilessly attacked Xiaogui.

"No, as for the president, he went alone."

Senior sister’s words broke Xiaogui’s fantasy

"Then, this stupid old man is definitely hopeless."

She had very low requirements, just that her family should not change from a "subtropical maritime monsoon climate" to a "subarctic coniferous forest climate".

Xiaogui breathed heavily, seeming to cherish the air. After all, I won’t be able to breathe anymore.

Seeing Xiaogui's worry, Shinomiya Kaguya immediately felt that the opportunity to express herself had come.

She said immediately

"It's okay, I swear on the name of my fourth house."

"No matter what happens, I will protect the president."

Xiaogui murmured


Shinomiya Kaguya nodded handsomely

"It's okay, it's all on me."

In fact, Ishigami looked at Xiao Guina's worried look before, and his fingers unconsciously left a shallow mark on the door.

If he hadn't suddenly discovered his gaffe, he could have crushed the door.

The bromance almost went sour

Just when Ishigami's aura became more and more frightening, Chika Fujiwara finally couldn't help but opened the door and rushed in.

"Wow wow wow, that's scary."

Fujiwara Chika rushed up and hugged Xiao Kei's neck with both hands, and rubbed her cheek crazily with a sad face.

Talking while rubbing

"Xiaogui, Ishigami-kun is so scary."


Shinomiya Kaguya stared stiffly at Fujiwara Chika who suddenly appeared, her hands still hanging in the air.

Originally, what Shinomiya Kaguya wanted was to take advantage of Xiao Kei's absence and put her arm around her shoulders. Let Xiao Gui naturally lean on his shoulder for comfort, allowing the child to more intuitively feel her care as a sister.

What she wants is

"Xiaogui, don't be afraid. I'm in charge of everything. My sister is here."

Xiaogui buried herself in Shinomiya Kaguya's chest and said coquettishly

"It's great to have you, Sister Kaguya"

Wouldn't it be natural to call her sister?

A small theater in Shinomiya Kaguya's fantasy

"Sister Kaguya, you have helped our family so much."

"To repay you, would you like to come to my house for dinner?"

Shinomiya Kaguya had dinner with the president’s family, and everyone was enjoying themselves at the table

Baiyin's father spoke

"You have such a good relationship, like sisters."

Xiaogui holds Shinomiya Kaguya's arm

"That's what it is, right, Sister Kaguya."


Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes filled with tears just by imagining it. She lacks the care of her family, and especially longs for this kind of love between families.

But all of this was ruined, and Shinomiya Kaguya became stupid.

Similarly, Xiao Kei was slapped by Chika Fujiwara, but he only heard this sentence.


After getting the keyword, Xiao Kei pulled away Chika Fujiwara who was hugging him, and immediately took care of his hair as quickly as possible.

Although she is already very beautiful in her own right, her slightly messy hair only adds a touch of charm. (Unfortunately, Xiaogui’s biggest problem is that the punishment is too harsh.) We still have to wait a few years.

Feeling that she was all-round decent and without losing any etiquette, she stood up and looked around. When she saw the stone still standing on the doorway,

A happy smile immediately appeared on Xiaogui's face. She left the sofa and walked quickly to Ishigami.

"Brother Yu, you're here!"

When he saw the pretty Xiaogui standing in front of him in the middle school uniform, Ishigami touched her little head.

said laughingly

"Well, let me tell you, I have a feeling something good will happen today."

"Now it seems that something good has happened. I didn't expect Xiaogui to be here today."

Xiaogui, whose head was touched by Ishigami, showed a shy smile and said angrily.

"It's true, Brother Yu."

"You touch my head every time, don't you know I'm already big?"

But although she was complaining, her body was very honest. Because Xiaogui rubbed Shishang's palm like a kitten.

Ishigami smiled, and finally just patted Xiaogui's head lightly.

"ok, I get it."

He pretended to be heartbroken and took back his hand

"Our Xiaogui has indeed turned into a great beauty, so I am the one who was offended."

"Sorry, Xiaogui."

Xiaogui was so anxious that he didn’t even know what to say.

"No, I mean, no"

But when Xiaogui noticed the faint smile on Ishigami's face, he immediately understood. She hit the stone with her fist.

"Brother You, you are really teasing me like this again, it's so bad for you."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Listening to the laughter at the door, Shinomiya Kaguya, who was still sitting on the sofa, turned into a "sculpture".

"Brother Yu?"

When did Ishigami-kun unknowingly have such a good relationship with the president's sister? It's not like he also wants to "shoot the man first and the horse first".

But as soon as the thought came to his mind, Shinomiya Kaguya immediately cursed himself.

"Kaguya, Kaguya, why did you learn so badly from Fujiwara-san?"

"It's impossible for Master Shi and President Shirogane to do so."

Shinomiya Kaguya felt much better after thinking this way, and thought her idea was funny.

How could she be jealous of Ishigami-kun?

Sure enough, for a woman in love, the guess of the imaginary enemy is quite terrifying.

Ishigami suddenly felt the chill that enveloped him disappear.

He looked back at Kaguya Shinomiya, who had a smile on her face, and felt that it was better not to irritate her.

"Xiaogui, why are you free to come here today?"

Xiaogui has finished her "business", and now she will be busy with "trivial matters".

She took Ishigami's hand and came to sit on the sofa opposite Shinomiya Kaguya.

Shinomiya Kaguya wanted to remind them that there was still room beside her where they could sit underground, but she swallowed the words hard.

Ishigami, aware of her embarrassment, smiled apologetically at Shinomiya-senpai.

Xiaogui picked up a document from his hand and said to Ishigami

"Brother Yu, please help me take a look."

"This is a document requested by the Student Affairs Bureau. Are there any mistakes?"

Ishigami took the document from Xiaogui's hand and looked at it carefully.

And Xiaogui was sitting next to Ishigami with his head in his hands, not knowing whether he was looking at the document or Ishigami.

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the harmonious atmosphere there and smiled very generously.

"Ishigami-kun, Brother Xiaogui's position is yours."

"I can't take it away, and I don't envy it."

"But Sister Xiaogui's position."

"I am Shinomiya Kaguya."

"Aim to win!"

But Shinomiya Kaguya seems to have ignored the current student council room. In fact, there is not only

Kaguya, Ishigami, Xiaogui, three people.

She also missed her good sisters

"Fujiwara Chika"!

The biggest variable

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