If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 57 You can consider me! [Please read on! ]

Then, Elder Fan looked at Su Chen and continued:

"This time you killed two dark creatures and made a great contribution to the sect. I will definitely report to the sect master later and ask for credit for you."

"Although it's hard to say the specific rewards yet, one thing I can assure you is that you can choose any of the low-level earth-level exercises and martial arts in the Sutra Pavilion!"

"I know that you have learned three earth-level exercises and martial arts from the mysterious stone tablet, but as the saying goes, the more skills you have, the more you know. The more skills you have, the more means you can save your life."

A low-grade technique from the ground level!

As soon as these words came out.

The faces of many Taixuan Sect disciples next to him showed envy, and everyone's breathing quickened a lot.

Regardless of whether it is a martial art or a martial art, as long as it is tinged with the word "ground level", it is of extraordinary value!

Put in the outside world, it can cause a bloody storm and lead to countless monks fighting.

Every disciple of Taixuan Sect can only choose a low-level martial arts technique and martial arts when he is promoted to a core disciple.

Attention, it is one!

In other words, once you have acquired the skills, you cannot use the martial arts. Once you have acquired the martial arts, you cannot use the skills.

If you want to get more than one, you have to make a contribution to the sect.

And this contribution cannot be an ordinary contribution, it must be an event that can affect the future of the sect.

If you want to rely on sect missions to exchange for an earth-level skill, it will take at least one or two hundred years.

And now.

Su Chen just killed two dark creatures in exchange for an earth-level skill.

When he becomes a core disciple, he can choose another one!

In other words, Su Chen only used a short day's work to save others a hundred years of time.

How can one not be envious of this?


To be precise, Su Chen saved others four hundred years of time in less than a day!

In addition to the three earth-level skills and martial arts he learned from the mysterious stone tablet, it is equivalent to having four earth-level skills and martial arts at this moment!

It took less than half an hour to understand the technique from the mysterious stone tablet.

It didn't take long to kill the two dark creatures.


at this time.

Mu Qingxue suddenly walked out of the crowd.

She glanced at Su Chen with her cold eyes, and then said softly:

"Junior Brother Su Chen killed not two dark creatures, but three!"

Others may have forgotten, but not her.

She remembered it very clearly.

When Su Chen appeared, he appeared with the head of a third dark creature.

That is to say.

Before Su Chen came, he had already killed the third dark creature!

at the moment.

No one spoke about it.

She, Mu Qingxue, would naturally be the first to stand up and report this matter to the elders.

Nothing else.

Mainly because Su Chen came to the rescue, Su Chen deserved all this.

If she didn't stand up and speak for Su Chen, I'm afraid her Taoist heart would be damaged in the future.

Compared with the life-saving grace, this little thing seems a bit insignificant.


Hearing Mu Qingxue's words, Elder Fan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Su Chen with even more satisfaction.

He knew Mu Qingxue, so he had no doubts about her words.

There is no need to doubt it at all, because Su Chen's strength lies here.

Looking at the many disciples who participated in the inner sect assessment this time, only Su Chen had the strength to kill dark creatures.

Elder Fan looked at Su Chen and nodded gently.

He is worthy of being a peerless evildoer who has stepped into the taboo realm in the Qi Gathering Realm.

Not arrogant, not impetuous, not greedy for merit at all, this quality is quite rare in the entire cultivation world.

Although he had never personally witnessed Su Chen's performance in the outer sect trial.

But judging from Su Chen's performance today, Elder Fan is almost certain that Su Chen's achievements in the future will be extremely extraordinary.

"I never thought that a real dragon would appear in our Taixuan Sect. Practice well. The future of this Taixuan Sect depends on you!"

Elder Fan looked serious and said in a very solemn tone.

"The elder is full of praise."

Su Chen replied humbly.

His mind was not here at the moment, but he was thinking about the storage bracelet of the dark creature from before.

Even if he just said about killing the third dark creature, it was Mu Qingxue who came forward to help him.

"After you become a core disciple, if you want to become a disciple, you can consider me."

Elder Fan said with a smile.

After Taixuanzong disciples become core disciples, they can find a master to become their disciples.


Not everyone can find a master.

After all, there are some core disciples who have made it through age and their qualifications are not very good.

Even if such a disciple is promoted to a core disciple, no elder will accept him as a disciple.

But Su Chen was different from them.

With what Elder Fan said today, when Su Chen becomes a core disciple in the future, he will have already reserved a master in advance.


Do you want to become a disciple? Who to choose as his master depends on Su Chen's personal wishes.

Even Elder Fan did not force him.

This can be regarded as preferential treatment for geniuses.

Others can't find a master, but Su Chen can choose one.

"You too, after becoming a core disciple, if you want to become a disciple, you can consider me."

Elder Fan looked at Mu Qingxue again and said.

Mu Qingxue's performance in the outer sect trial was also amazing, after all, she had a super-class talent.

It is difficult to find a few such geniuses in the Eastern Wilderness.

If he could not accept Su Chen as his disciple, it would be his good fortune to accept Mu Qingxue as his disciple.


Without waiting for Su Chen and Mu Qingxue to answer, to avoid the embarrassment of being rejected on the spot by the two, Elder Fan changed the subject and looked at the inner sect disciples around him and ordered:

"You guys go down the mountain to find out if there are other inner sect disciples wandering outside, bring them all back, and I will take you back to Taixuan Sect!"


The disciples who received the order were all at the Qi Hai realm, and their injuries were very minor.

After hearing Elder Fan's words, they quickly flew away on their swords and looked for other inner sect disciples at the foot of the mountain.

"Elder, I have something to deal with here, so I need to leave for a while."

Su Chen saw that the time was almost right, and he spoke quickly.

At this moment, he was thinking about it, and wanted to quickly run to the body of the dark creature to find the black bracelet.

"Okay, be careful."

Elder Fan smiled and nodded when he heard it.

For a genius like Su Chen, he should be given some special treatment.

Mu Qingxue looked at Su Chen deeply.

If she guessed correctly, Su Chen should have gone to collect the storage bracelet of another dark creature.

"Concentrate your mind, your state of mind cannot fluctuate again today."

At this moment, the old female voice came from her mind, and the tone was very solemn.

Hearing this, Mu Qingxue nodded quickly, concentrated her mind, and stood not far away with her eyes closed to rest.


PS: Hehe, you didn't expect me to sneak attack in the middle of the night!

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