If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 58: Cultivation is not about fighting and killing, but about the ways of the world! [Please

Su Chen left not long ago.

Elder Fan then came to the dilapidated corpses of the two dark creatures, and looked at the two dark creatures up and down, with a brilliance blooming in his eyes.

"What a good baby!"

"The body is so tough. If it is used to refine weapons, it may be possible to refine several high-quality magic weapons!"

Elder Fan clicked his tongue.

Weapons in the world of cultivation can be roughly divided into two levels: ordinary weapons, magic weapons, spiritual weapons, Tao weapons, holy weapons, and imperial weapons.

Lingbao can already be regarded as a treasure in the middle and upper reaches. Generally, it is only owned by the elders of the inner sect of Taixuan Sect, and the grade is generally not very high.

Generally, high-grade magic weapons are used by the elders of the outer sect of Taixuan Sect.

At present, if the bodies of these dark creatures can be refined into high-grade magic weapons, the sect's strength will also be slightly improved.


The main reason is that Elder Fan happened to know some weapon refining techniques. When he saw the corpses of these dark creatures, he was inevitably a little itchy and wanted to use them to practice his skills.


These two dark creatures were not killed by him, and he could not forcefully put them away.

"When Junior Nephew Su Chen comes back, I'll ask him if he still wants the corpses of these two dark creatures. If he doesn't want them, I can buy them for a big price!"

Shortly after.

Su Chen flew from a distance with Lu Zhen on his back.

When Su Chen found the third storage bracelet, he discovered Lu Zhen hiding not far away.

The other party's injuries are still very serious, and even walking is a problem.

Su Chen simply carried it back.

Lu Zhen lay on Su Chen's shoulder and closed his eyes to rest.

In the field.

After seeing Lu Zhen, many of the female disciples had complex expressions on their faces, wishing they were the ones being carried behind them.

He wished that his injuries were more serious than Lu Zhen's.

Back to the mountain again.

Su Chen randomly found a clean stone and put Lu Zhen down, then glanced around, and finally set his sights on Elder Fan next to the corpses of the two dark creatures.

Arriving not far behind Elder Fan, Su Chen said:

"Does the elder like the corpses of these two dark creatures?"

"You're back?"

After hearing this, Elder Fan came back to his senses, glanced at Su Chen, and said with a smile: "Dark creatures have not appeared for many years, and every corpse is worth a lot of money."

"I'm quite right, I don't know..."

Elder Fan considered it in his heart.

What price should I pay to let Su Chen give up his love?

"Since the elder likes it, I will give it to the elder."

Su Chenyun said calmly.

To him, the corpses of these two dark creatures were of no use.

He doesn't know how to refine weapons, so keeping it in his hands will just take up space in vain.

Since Elder Fan needs it, give it to him. After he refines it into a weapon, he will definitely not miss it.

"Give it to me?"

When Elder Fan heard this, his eyes twitched, he looked at Su Chen in disbelief, and said in a deep voice:

"Do you know the value of the corpse of this dark creature?"

"Their world is different from ours. Dark creatures have been tempering their bodies since the beginning of their cultivation. It can be said that their corpses are the most precious wealth! Their value is even more precious than the demon pills of the demon clan."

Demon pills are very precious in this world.

After all, it is the essence of the demon clan's life.

But compared with the corpses of dark creatures, they are still inferior.

There are many monsters in this world, but there is not a single dark creature!

Comparing the two, it is clear at a glance which value is higher and which one is lower.

"They are just dark creatures in the Qi Sea Realm. If left in the hands of this junior, they are just dead objects."

"Since Elder Fan wants it, I will give it to you so that I can make the best use of it."

Su Chen said slowly, with a very calm expression, as if he was telling a very simple thing.

Elder Fan did not reply immediately.

He pondered for a moment, then a jade pendant appeared in his palm, handed it to Su Chen, and said solemnly:

"The corpse of a dark creature is of extraordinary value. Since you want to give it to me, I can't do anything about it."

"When you return to Taixuan Sect, you can take this jade pendant of mine to the Sutra Pavilion to pick out a middle-grade Kung Fu or martial art. If anyone asks, just say it was me!"

"Disciple thanks the elder!"

Su Chen took the jade token and said in surprise.

Every time the earth-level technique rises to a small level, its value will more than multiply several times.

The corpses of two dark creatures were exchanged for a mid-level earth-level skill and martial skill.

No matter how you look at it, this is a sure-profit deal.

"I should be thanking you. In terms of rarity, dark creatures are much rarer than earth-level skills and martial arts."

Elder Fan waved his hand and said softly.

"By the way, what kind of weapon do you like?"

Elder Fan asked again after seeing Su Chen accept the jade pendant.

"This disciple is good at swordsmanship!"

Su Chen's heart moved and he quickly responded.

His long sword has gradually been unable to keep up with his footsteps. If he uses the Shattering Star Sword Technique a few more times, he is afraid that it will break instantly.

Elder Fan's words clearly meant that he wanted to refine a weapon for himself!

Elder Fan nodded when he heard this and continued:

"I know it, and I owe you a favor today."


Elder Fan seemed to remember something, looked at Su Chen and said:

"The Earth Level Kung Fu is just one of the rewards. After you return to the sect, there should be other rewards. When the time comes, I will arrange for someone to deliver them to you."


When Su Chen heard this, his eyes lit up.

He knew that this was the effect of his gift of the body of the dark creature just now.

If he hadn't done what he did just now, he probably would have had to receive it himself even if there were other rewards.

But things are different now. Elder Fan directly arranges for someone to deliver the goods to his door!

It seems...

Cultivation is not about fighting and killing, but about being human and being wise!

Su Chen thanked him.

Elder Fan nodded lightly and said nothing more.

He waved his sleeves and put away all the corpses of the two dark creatures on the ground.

Then he looked at the remaining inner disciples, and a hint of gloom flashed deep in his eyes.

More than a thousand inner disciples came out.

As a result, when I returned home, I only had a little over 500 yuan at all costs!

More than half of the inner disciples were directly lost here, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to Taixuan Sect.

"Golden Lion!"

Elder Fan shouted loudly.

Above the sky.

The huge golden lion roared loudly, as if it had heard some instructions.

The body that was already more than ten meters tall suddenly grew like a mountain, exuding an attractive aura.

Elder Fan waved his sleeves lightly, and a breeze blew by, lifting all the inner disciples to sit on the backs of golden lions.

After everyone sat down, the golden lion turned into a golden light and quickly flew towards Taixuanzong.

ps: Influenza A recurred today, and I had a fever of 40 degrees for a whole day...

I forced myself to write this chapter. There is no third update. I hope it will be fine tomorrow.

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