Moreover, Fang Yun is not planning to launch Prototype 2 in the near future (in the next few years), because the original plot is so bad. If it is to be launched, it will take a lot of effort to set up a new plot. Fang Yun plans to polish himself and then launch the second part.

As for now, let Alex's last departing back stay in the hearts of the players.

In addition, Fang Yun actually has a general idea for the next mowing game: the [Musou] series! As for what kind of Musou, Fang Yun has not yet decided, and it is enough to launch such a game this year.

After the game was launched, although the media's evaluation was not particularly high, it was highly evaluated among players, because most players would not seriously think about the plot of such a mowing game, as long as it is smooth and fun to play.

Now many players, after drawing cards and crashing (fgo), hand-washing too much (girl scroll), dizzy shooting (Borderlands), and slaves for a day (Ark: Survival Evolved), will get into the game cabin if they have the conditions, open Prototype, and rush around in it to dominate.

The fatigue caused by other overly hard games is diluted by this game


However, after the game was launched, Fang Yun, who only briefly read the comments, stopped paying attention to these things, because it was time for the annual WCG again!

And this year's project has been increased by three items, which means that this year's workload is much greater than last year!

Fang Yun also released the latest rules, and the most important one added is: each player can only choose one project to participate.

Because the selection of these game projects will start at the same time, if there are too many registered projects, it will inevitably cause time conflicts. When grouping, the entire competition time will not be disrupted because of one player.

So Fang Yun directly stated this limitation: you can participate, just choose the one you are best at.

And this year, many sponsors came to Fang Yun and wanted to title Fang Yun's WCG, but all those who wanted to title were rejected. Fang Yun's policy is: sponsorship and advertising are OK, but title is not! And advertising is also limited. For example, although these advertisements will appear in the final venue at that time, the theme is still the game, and the advertisements are just accessories such as scraps.

When Fang Yun made this request, many companies backed off, because Fang Yun's request clearly meant that he didn't want these advertisers to take the lead.

However, some companies still chose to cooperate with Fang Yun, and they thought long-term: this was Fang Yun's first time cooperating with sponsors, and if a good foundation for cooperation was laid this time, the possibility of cooperation again in the future would be greater, and Fang Yun might even give them some preferential treatment because they were acquaintances.

It is worth mentioning that three of the WCG events this time:"Warcraft","Starcraft" and"PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" are all called XXWCG Grand Prix, and《DOTA》Not only is it called the dota WCG Grand Prix, Fang Yun has also called it TI many times!

This is of course the English abbreviation, and the full name is: the international dot championships! (dota International Invitational!)

This is of course Fang Yun's preparation and warm-up for the future!

This time, the number of registered players is more than doubled compared to last time! Although the number of registered players for the"StarCraft" project is much less than last year, one is that as both are RTS projects,"StarCraft" has taken away a lot of people from"Warcraft", and the other is because《DOTA》With the emergence of , some of these players have transformed into Dao Silin.

In addition, this project has FPS games, so the participation of FPS players has also greatly increased the overall number of participants.

In addition, various professional teams have been formed, and they have players in related projects, just waiting for this WCG to help their teams become famous in the world.


Before the middle of the year, Fang Yun was not going to make large-scale games, but he could still launch a small game. Since the previous"Prototype" had helped players heal some wounded hearts, if he launched a"healing" puzzle game next, players would probably like it, right?!

Then, Fang Yun picked a game that was very familiar from the name, and started to work hard to launch it before the offline competition of WCG!

The registration was soon over, and then it was time for the auditions.

In the past two years, Fang Yun was still planning to organize it himself.

In a few years, when there are more projects, if he organizes them all, he may be exhausted.

At that time, he will have to find some"agents" in various regions to help him organize the auditions.

This year, some"agents" came to him and wanted Fang Yun to authorize related things, but this year can be said to be a year of rapid development of WCG, so Fang Feng refused, but he didn't say it for sure.

This year, due to the increase in events, Fang Yun did not do anything weird like he did last year, but the opening and closing ceremonies were definitely better prepared than last year, after all, there were more events and more people.

Of course, the referees were still loaned from the World Professional Competition Committee. Among them, the referees of StarCraft, Warcraft, and Dota had the easiest job, because they only needed to focus on the final victory or defeat. The winners advanced and the losers went home. However, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds was different.

《The auditions for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds use a points system.

Each team must play five games, and the chicken-eating competition is divided into three types: individual competition/double competition/four-person competition.

Of course, each person can only choose one of them to sign up.

After playing five games, the total points of the individual/team are calculated, and then the ranking is made.

The lower ranked will naturally be eliminated, and the top ranked will advance to the next round.

There are four rounds of auditions for the entire PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

In the end, 98 individuals, 48 two-person teams and 24 four-person teams will be selected to participate in the final offline competition, and there is no such thing as elimination in the offline competition.

It means playing a BO5 every day, calculating the points, and the team/individual with the highest points in the end is the final champion!

PS: Let me explain, due to the slow review recently, some chapters cannot be read by everyone, so there will be no more updates for the time being. Let's see the situation in two days, and update once it stabilizes! Until now, I still can't read the two chapters in the early morning... It's too annoying....

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