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After saying that, Fang Yun handed the phone to Lu Mang who was standing by.

Fang Yun noticed that Lu Mang's hand was still trembling slightly after taking the phone. It seemed that she was still nervous, so she comforted him:"Don't be nervous. After today, they will only worship you when they see you! If anyone dares to mess with you, just take out your phone and show him the card you drew. It will be a critical hit in a minute!"

With Fang Yun's funny comfort, Lu Mang's nervous mood really improved a lot. He looked at the stone and the three amulets left on it. Lu Mang was ready to draw a single card to test the water first!

Select the activity pool (Okita Souji pool), click [Summon once], and a fast-spinning card appears in the middle of the screen, and there is a golden light below!

Gold is out!!




At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room is composed of question marks and exclamation marks!

"What the hell? The first single draw of the new account paid gold?"

Fang Yun was also stunned. Although Lu Mang had shown him what it meant to be a lucky guy in the previous test, it was not exaggerated to this extent. Now Fang Yun even suspected that there was a problem with the game's card pool!

The spinning card slowly stopped, and a card back with a sword appeared in front of everyone!

The card slowly turned over.----【Okita Souji】!

"What the hell?!"

"Oh shit!"

"5555I won’t live anymore!"

"Is this still a human?"

Some players originally thought that this was just a four-star card, because four stars would also emit golden light when rotating, but they didn't expect... one shot to hit the soul!

Lu Mang was also stunned. She didn't expect this result.

"It seems that today's luck is better than usual!"

At this time, Fang Yun spoke:"Did you see it? I tell you, this trick is very famous in the world, and its name is: single draw to get a miracle!"

Lu Mang continued to single-draw the remaining two amulets and 9 stones. Although no five-stars were produced this time, a four-star sword rank and a five-star gift: Gemstone! Those who are familiar with the game know that Gemstone is《FGO》One of the most powerful costumes in the game. In the early stage of the game, you even have to remove the word"one of"!


"I'm speechless……"

The players watching the live broadcast were all speechless. Six single draws, one General, one four-star, and one Gemstone. Is there any chance for survival?

Lu Mang didn't read the comments. She just focused on the card:

"Next is everyone's favorite ten-draw segment!"

Fang Yun explained as he watched Lu Mang's movements.

Lu Mang's little hand gently tapped [Ten-draw Summon].

The first card was very ordinary, a three-star card, the second was also a three-star gift set, and the third... unexpectedly emitted a golden light!

The card slowly turned over: [Altria Pendragon]!

Then came the fourth card: another golden light!

【Okita Souji]!

Then there is another five-star gift, but this time the gift is not very good, it only has a collection value.

The remaining things in the ten-game series are some three-star cards or gifts.

"Double...double five stars?"

"Double yellow? No, triple yellow!"

"? Are there really such people in this world?"

"I'm dying!"

The result of the second ten-draw came out soon. This time there was nothing good, just a four-star card (a guaranteed four-star card). Just when the players breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the air around them was much fresher, the third ten-draw came out with a golden light again!

It was still [Okita Souji]!

Then, the fourth ten-draw gave two Gemstones, the fifth ten-draw gave nothing, the sixth ten-draw gave Kong Ming, the seventh, eighth, and ninth ten-draw were all three-star garbage, and the tenth ten-draw: [Orion] and [Tamamonomae (C Fox)] and [Attila]】!


Liu Xin, who was watching from the side, sprayed out the water he had just taken.

"Double yellow is ridiculous enough, how can this game have triple yellow? ? Am I playing a fake game?"

"Mom, come and see God!"

"Could this be a European?"

"I originally thought that I was lucky to get a five-star for a single item, but I didn't expect that? ?……"

The next three ten-draw draws only produced a Gemstone and a five-star costume. At this time, there were only the last thirty stones left on the account!

Lu Mang took a deep breath, rubbed his hands, and clicked [Ten-draw Summon]!

Golden light [Okita Souji]; Golden light [Okita Souji]; Golden light [Francis Drake (Captain)]; three stars; four-star sword class; three stars; four-star sword class; five-star costume; three stars; three stars

"??? Three SSRSRs and one five-star costume?"

"Damn, compared to her, I look like a European peasant.……"

"Am I dreaming?"

"Damn, my eyes are going to be blinded!"

"Why should I watch the live broadcast? Isn't this just making myself uncomfortable?"

"I... I want to ask for this cute girl's contact information. Can you help me draw? I'll pay!"

"Hey, hey, girl, please help me draw a card! I drew an SSR card worth 50!"

"I'll give you 100! Please help me draw!"

Ignoring the noisy comments, Fang Yun did a quick count and said:

"A total of 429 stones + amulets, or 146 card draws, all from the event pool, a total of 10 SSRs, 5 SRs, 4 Gemstones, and 3 other five-star gifts! Among them, [Okita Souji] successfully drew all five cards!"

"Players in the live broadcast room, did you see this? This is the European Emperor, so don't say that those people who posted cards online are my agents! And you also saw that I added a lot of SSRs to the pool. It's just that you didn't draw them. Africans should recognize themselves well and don't blame others!"

"In addition, here are some suggestions for players to draw cards: If you can't get anything after ten consecutive draws, you might as well try a single draw. After all, a single draw can bring miracles. Didn't the European emperor I invited just now prove this point? Also, washing your hands and praying to Guan Gong before drawing may not be helpful, but at least it can provide some psychological comfort, right?"

"And all Africans, as an ordinary Asian, I can only advise you one thing, don't compete with the European emperor, you will only become more and more inferior!

Finally, I will hold an event in this live broadcast room, and I will start a lottery.

The prize is the account just drawn, which is an account with the aura of the European emperor!

And the fully broken General, plus Kong Ming, Captain, Dai Mao, Luna, and single-target light cannon + are all available.

As long as the training level can be improved, this will definitely be a powerful account!

"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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