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Fang Yun wanted to die after hearing this probability...

If it weren't for Zhang Xin and Wang Yu proving that there was nothing wrong with the delivery rate he set, he would have even gone back to check the game's card drawing system... It's not like

Fang Yun hasn't seen a European emperor before, but this is the first time he's seen such a European emperor.

When the game was launched, Fang Yun directly invested 20 orders in preparation for"testing his bloodline". After testing, Fang Yun still sadly discovered that it seemed that"bloodline" was bound to"soul", and he was still that Asian guy who was neither good nor bad...

In other words, Fang Yun's delivery rate is about two orders. When he's lucky, he can get an SSR in one order. When he's unlucky, he can get one in three orders. Compared with a big chief like Wang Yu, it is undoubtedly much stronger, but compared with an evil European like Lu Mang... there is simply no comparison!

The new event is online. With the level breakthrough of [Okita Souji] and the change of the card face, more and more players are joining in!

On the AppStore,《FOG》The rating is also above 8.5 points!

Although there are many people who scold it, their bodies are still very honest.

What about you two, have you played?

Fang Yun looked at Lin Han and the other two.

"I played it, but I wasn't that interested, so I didn't spend much money, I just logged in every day to get the login rewards and so on."

"Sister Han and I are similar."

They said.

Fang Yun nodded. Although the two of them were not very interested now, they still stayed. At least they kept the"spark". When new cards appear in the future, it is inevitable that they will be interested in the cards, and then krypton gold will be inevitable.

With a group of players like Lin Han, Fang Yun's game is successful! Regardless of whether they are interested in the game or not, most people will choose to stay after playing. Some people will krypton gold on the spot, while others will choose to wait and see (free). As long as those who choose to wait and see do not give up the game, sooner or later they will not be able to bear to krypton a little. When the gate of krypton gold is opened, it will not be so easy to close!

This is the charm (pitfall) of card games!

The success of Fang Yun's game has attracted many peers to follow suit. Players don't know that a large part of mobile game designers are eyeing their wallets... They are still staying up late to participate in activities……

"Ever since I played《FGO》My family thought I was on drugs, but when they found out I was《FGO》When I was in the middle of a storm, they advised me to take drugs.……"

"Fang Yun, are you really that cruel? Are there no guaranteed rewards in these pools? I have sunk ten orders in the General Manager pool! Ten orders!"

"Fang Yun《FGO》This is such a rip-off. I used to think he was a conscientious designer because the prices of several games he launched were so cheap. Now it seems that I was totally wrong. His conscience has been eaten by dogs!"

"I suspect that this game doesn't have SSR at all. Those people who posted cards are all hired by Fang Yun!"

Fang Yun saw these comments, his eyes turned, and he came up with a plan!

He found Liu Xin who was broadcasting live on the second floor of Fang Yun's store, and Fang Yun said:

"Can I borrow a room tomorrow? I want to invite Lu Mang to live broadcast the card drawing. I can tolerate these players saying that my conscience has been eaten by a dog, but they actually dared to say that those who posted the cards were hired by me. I can’t tolerate this!"

"Boss Fang, you finally admitted that your conscience has been eaten by a dog!!! Damn it! Do you know how much I spent on"FGO"?! Give me back my hard-earned money!!!"

"In a word, I'll lend it to you or not. If you don't, don't broadcast live here."

"Borrow! You are my big brother!"

The matter was settled, and then Fang Yun contacted Lu Mang again. Lu Mang was a little shy at first, but he agreed after being persuaded by everyone.

Then Fang Yun began to edit Weibo:

【It's time for you to see the real European emperor! 】

Tomorrow at 4 pm, Xianyu Live, I personally invited a European emperor to live draw cards. Those who said I didn't add SSR to the card pool should pay attention. It's not that I didn't add it, it's that you are too stubborn!

Live room: 325345. Please pay attention.


"Fang Yun is going to live broadcast the card drawing?"

"No, it was Fang Yun who invited someone to live broadcast the card drawing?"

"Does this mean Fang Yun is also an African?"

"What the elder brother said makes sense, otherwise why wouldn’t Fang Yun go on stage himself!"

"I want to see if Fang Yun really adds SSR to the card pool!"

A Weibo post sparked another discussion, and time soon came to the afternoon of the next day.

The number of people in Liu Xin's live broadcast room had exceeded 6 million!

"Damn, are they all here to watch Boss Fang draw cards? Is Lu Mang reliable? What if it sinks in a while, won’t the rhythm explode?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen. We have tested it many times. Lu Mang is really a European emperor!

Fang Yun smiled confidently.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Xin started the live broadcast on time. This time, Liu Xin also turned on the camera for the first time in a long time!

Fang Yun sat in the middle, while Liu Xin and Lu Mang sat on the left and right sides of Fang Yun respectively.

"Hello everyone, I am Fang Yun, today I will show you《FGO》How do the European emperors draw cards (for free)!"

"In order to ensure fairness, justice and openness, we use a brand new phone!"

Fang Yun picked up the phone box on the table, unpacked it in front of all the viewers in the live broadcast room, took out the phone inside, turned it on, and downloaded《FGO》The wireless network in Fang Yun's store was very fast.

Although the game was more than one GB, it was downloaded in just three minutes. Then Fang Yun registered a new account in front of the audience and logged in.

After completing the previous introductory chapter, Fang Yun opened the store interface:

"Please see, this is an account that has never been recharged. To prove it to you, I will only recharge the first recharges of various price levels!"

The total number of Saint Quartz for the first recharge of several levels is 406! That is, the number of stones for a little more than two orders, plus the few stones I just played the tutorial chapter and the first day of signing in and the event, the total is exactly 429!

"I know that to some of you, these stones are just a bunch of three-star character cards, but the one next to me is different. She is a European queen!"

"Let you see what it means to draw a card! Next is the moment to witness the miracle!"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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