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"Shit, 100,000 people have signed up? Wow!"

Lu Ziming leaned over to Fang Yun's screen and took a look at the number of people that was currently showing 105,698 and still growing, and took a breath.

"100,000? Damn……"

Liu Xin was also shocked when he heard Lu Ziming's words.

"Who would have thought that someone with 1800 points would also sign up? Isn't this just a joke? What's going on between you two?"

"Well, you are hosting WCG, so we must have signed up!……"

"Want to use my backdoor? That's impossible. No matter who you are, you have to start from the audition!"

"No, Boss Fang, can you please give us some more guidance? After all, we are still your disciples!"

"Tips? What can I give you now? Many tactics have been developed, you know them. As for the operation, it is not that I can improve your operation by just saying a few words. If it were me, you just need to practice well. Playing more in the ladder will always improve you."


Liu Xin and Lu Ziming could only return home with a defeat from Fang Yun. It was not that Fang Yun did not want to teach them, but now many of the tactics that were well-known in the previous life have been developed by current professional players.

Although some of the vulgar tactics have not been fully developed, Fang Yun believes that such tactics are like the Nine Yang Magic Skills and the Dugu Nine Swords. These are peerless martial arts. How could they be easily passed on to two registered disciples?

If this is some kind of Sunflower Manual, Fang Yun said he would pass it on. Anyway, if they want to learn it, they should first learn it in their own palace. But the problem is, isn't it!


The auditions will begin on April 15th, which is about ten days away. Judging from the current registration rate, the number of people who actually participate may reach around 700,000 or 800,000!

"How many rounds will this take? There must be a limit on next year's competition. Fortunately, there is only one game, StarCraft, this year. If there are more games next year and there are still so many people, I will be killed!"

At this time, Emperor Penguin Entertainment's Sword of the Sky has been officially launched!

On the day of its launch, the number of downloads began to soar! It directly occupied the top spot in the number of downloads that day!

At this time, many people began to worry about Fang Yun's《FGO》Many designers were ready to watch Fang Yun's show.

But things didn't seem to go as they wished. In the first three days after the release of"Sky Sword", it has been the top of the download list, but the game's score is only 6.9 points!

And there are many comments below:

"I downloaded it and played it for two days. Now I want to evaluate the overall mechanism and gameplay of the game.《FGO》It's almost the same, but I don't know why, I don't want to play this game after two days."

"I have absolutely no desire to spend money, I'd better go back to lick my wife Souji!"

"Although it is beautifully made, it is a heart-wrenching feeling"

"Bullshit, how can you be moved by all the monsters? Frozen is better!

The game has only been online for four days, and the number of online users has dropped significantly, and Fang Yun's《FGO》Well, it was only on the day when"Sky Sword" was launched that the number of online users was affected to a certain extent. In the following few days, only the"average online time per person" was slightly affected, but it slowly recovered over time!

This short time even exceeded Fang Yun's previous estimation. A week later, Fang Yun looked at the data of"Sky Sword", and the overall situation was similar to his estimation. There were people playing, but compared《FGO》There is no comparison. There are people who spend money on the game, but not many.

However, Fang Yun estimates that the overall revenue of"Sword of the Sky" can reach at least 80 to 90 million yuan in a month. For a mobile game, 80 to 90 million yuan is already a lot!

What's more, this is the work of a big company, and they have purchased a well-known IP. Even if they don't understand the essence of card games, they are the second person to try it out, and they can still get two crab legs.

Next, card games emerged like mushrooms after a spring rain!

However, the performance of these games is far inferior to that of the previous one.《FGO》Compared with"Sword of the Sky", the graphics are not comparable, and these games also have no"soul", and the IP is much worse than"Sword of the Sky".

Although the results cannot be said to be a flop, it is definitely not what a first-line card game should be.

In recent days, Fang Yun took advantage of the little free time before the competition and conducted another round of interviews with Qu Xiaoyi and Guan Tao, and finally recruited three designers: Zhu Han; Lu Hongyi; Lian Ruicheng.

The resumes of the three are similar to Guan Tao. They all specialized in PC mini-games before, but the types they involved are different from Guan Tao, but they are all more casual.

Once everyone was gathered, Fang Yun held a meeting to give them tasks:

"《Don't Starve, do you all understand it?"

Fang Yun asked the three newcomers.

The three nodded, indicating that they understood.

"How is Don't Starve developing among players now? Can you tell us about it?"

Fang Yun asked

"There are many videos online now about Don't Starve survival skills, and some advanced videos are about building a home in Don't Starve, which are very popular."

Zhu Han first said

"That's right, the development of Don't Starve has now transitioned from the stage of survival to the stage of enjoyment. Basic survival is now possible for most players, of course, with the exception of some people."

Speaking of this, Fang Yun couldn't help but glance at Qu Xiaoyi: This silly girl has not yet learned how to survive in Don't Starve, this qualification... is really unique!

""Boss, stop looking at me. I'm almost depressed!"

Qu Xiaoyi said depressedly.

"Let's talk business. Let me ask you, if a construction sandbox game is launched now, do you think it will be popular?

Fang Yun officially started today's topic.

"Construction? Do you mean the kind in Don't Starve? Gathering various materials and making construction tools? If it is such a game, judging by the current Don't Starve, it should be more popular, right?"

Lu Hongyi said

"It's somewhat similar, but different. It's going to be on a VR platform, so it has to be more"realistic", and the monsters are all large beasts."

""Huh? Isn't this a bit similar to my previous design?"

Guan Tao asked

"Yes, it is similar to yours. It is about a group of people on a mysterious beach. In order to survive, they explore the ancient open world. Players need to cooperate/compete to obtain the necessities of life. Humans need to hunt, harvest, research technology, and even build shelters according to dynamic weather changes (hot days, cold nights), and dangerous ancient animals will randomly appear to threaten human survival."

"You mean……"

Hearing this, Guan Tao seemed to understand a little.

PS: I want to watch S9 tonight... I will update it tomorrow! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Xiao

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