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"What I mean is to make such a mode into a survival and construction game, and it is VR! Do you think it will be popular? Of course, many other things need to be added to it. After all, it is a sandbox game, and the emphasis is on the freedom of the players!"

"Players also need to use strategies and tactics to tame the various dinosaurs and other primitive creatures that appear in the game, and use them to cross the sea, land, air, and even enter the underground world. Players can use the in-depth role-playing system in this game to fully build the strengths of their characters and obtain various items and pets. Players will also compete for survival with hundreds of other player tribes and eventually find a certain ultimate goal."

"What do you think of such a game?"

When saying this, Fang Yun remembered the classic line of a certain adult,"Yuan Fang, what do you think?"

However, there is no such a joke in this world, and several people did not get the point of this sentence, so they were thinking seriously about what Fang Yun had just described.

For a long time, Lian Ruicheng, who had been silent, spoke up:"I think it's okay. After all, as can be seen from"Don't Starve", players like the construction and survival modules very much. If this game goes online, it should be popular, and it's VR! Being close to reality is also a big advantage of the VR side!"

The others nodded repeatedly

"Then I will divide the tasks among you. The five of you will have the latest task to perfect this concept. This can also be regarded as a test for the three of you, Zhu Han. When Guan Tao came in, Don't Starve was a test for him. This time, this is a test for you. Give me the results in one month, around the time of the WCG finals, okay?"

Fang Yun made the decision directly.


Everyone agreed.

Fang Yun's first VR game was assigned. Although Fang Yun had a complete idea in his mind, he still had to train his own people. The main thing was to let them learn Fang Yun's thinking mode, so that they could keep up with Fang Yun's rhythm, and the final game would not embarrass Fang Yun. After all, they were now Fang Yun's"direct line" designers!

Training was necessary!


After finishing all these, Fang Yun put all his energy on the upcoming WCG auditions!

On April 15th, at 5 pm, the auditions in Country Z started on time!

Considering the time difference between countries, the auditions all started at 5 pm in each country. Although this was convenient for the players, it was hard for the referees.

There was no other way. There was only one way to deal with so many people. Give more bonuses to the referees who"stayed up late"!

As of the end of registration on April 14, a total of 91,247 people participated in the registration!

Among them, there were 521,364 players from Country Z! This made Fang Yun have to sigh that having more people may not necessarily have any benefits...

Country Z also started the auditions first. In the first round of the competition, Country Z needed to eliminate as many as 260,000 people!

Fang Yun used his [Battlenet] authority to randomly OB several ongoing games. I don’t know if there are too few masters in Country Z or too many players who"focus on participation". These games look like... chickens fighting each other!

There is no master among them!


Fang Yun felt that if he continued to watch, his eyes might not be able to bear it (it was too spicy), so he stopped watching.

There were three rounds of matches on the first day of the auditions, and each round was a BO1. With such a large player base, it was actually quite a matter of luck in the early stages. Even if you were very strong, as long as your strength was not top-notch, if you were unlucky enough to meet an opponent who was stronger than you, you might be eliminated in the first round.

Lu Ziming is such an example!

In the first round, he directly met an active professional player!

Although that professional player was not very famous, it was more than enough to hang him up and beat him.

So, Lu Ziming became the"baby shark" that Fang Yun knew died in the first round of the auditions. He was qualified to struggle for a few more rounds, but because of bad luck, he was beaten to death in the first round.……

《The duration of a StarCraft match can be long or short. It can be as fast as ten minutes or as slow as more than an hour. So after three rounds, it was already eight o'clock when it ended. The original 520,000 participants were now only 65,000.

The fourth round of Country Z will be the day after tomorrow. This is because there are not enough referees. Tomorrow they will be responsible for the auditions of foreign players, so the time can only be separated, forcibly extending the schedule of the competition and increasing Fang Yun's costs...

The next day, when Fang Yun was observing the foreign players' competition, he found that the creativity of foreign players was really extraordinary: in the first game he observed, the strength of the two players was not very good, but a human player floated his base at the beginning, and then the other player did not build something that could see the map, and he couldn't find the opponent's base even if he died...

In the end, if the human player hadn't chosen to surrender, this player might have been so depressed that he would have vomited blood...

There was also a Zerg player, whose operation was considered a master among passers-by in Fang Yun's opinion, and his opponent's level seemed very average, but he... seemed to only be able to build dogs! His troops only had one kind of composition: dogs.

When the sea of dogs flooded the enemy's base, Fang Yun couldn't stand it anymore. This was too much! He had never done this before when he was bullying the weak!


This is how Fang Yun evaluated this Zerg, and then he silently memorized this tactic in his heart:"It seems that it is also a good way to overwhelm the opponent by creating a type of soldiers? A total of 100 Protoss fanatics? No, this is too disgusting! At least 150 people of Protoss soldiers are needed!"

Time and competitions passed day by day in Fang Yun's"relish" learning process. In the early stage of the auditions, there were many registered players from various countries (in the same time zone or adjacent time zones), so although there were many people in the competition, it was relatively simple to organize.

Later, when the number of people gradually decreased, the players were basically divided into three groups: Country Z and its neighboring countries, American countries, and European countries.

In the end, the top 128 came out!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collection, recommendation

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