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After only half an hour of rest, Lu Hai took the stage again to play the highlight of the day: the BO5 finals!

H's gold player is a Zerg player. In the first game, he directly adopted an unexpected rush tactic, which caught Lu Hai off guard. Without much struggle, he knocked out GG. In the second game, after 50 minutes of fierce fighting, Lu Hai was still more skilled and successfully exhausted the resources of the opponent's mine point and won back a city.

In the third game, Lu Hai took advantage of the victory and ended the battle in just 20 minutes!

But then, it seemed that he had played the whole BO3 of the loser group before. In the fourth game, Lu Hai seemed a little depressed. His state was much worse than the previous two games. Although he persisted for half an hour, all the audience could see that he seemed to be at the end of his strength...

In the end, he lost the fourth game regrettably, and the final BO5 was dragged into the final game by the gold player!

In the final round, Lu Hai seemed to be back in form, and this time, just like the player Jin in the first round, he directly used the rush technique! He manipulated the cross soldier in his hand and moved around in a superb manner!

8 minutes!

After only eight minutes of the game, the player Jin called GG!

"The first WCG StarCraft champion is: a professional player from Country Z---Lu Hai!"

When the host came on stage to announce the result, all the audiences were excited!

The champion of this first WCG is from Country Z, which is of extraordinary commemorative significance! As we all know, the domestic RTS project has always been a relatively weak one. In other games, entering the top four is often the limit for these players. But today, in Shanghai, a player from Country Z lifted the trophy of the RTS world champion!

"Now, please invite the organizer of WCG, Fang Yun, the designer of StarCraft, to the stage to present the awards!"

The host continued.

Then, Fang Yun, accompanied by a hostess, walked onto the stage, picked up the huge trophy in the hostess's hand, handed it to Lu Hai on the stage, and whispered a few words of encouragement. The award ceremony was over.

"Well, before we interview our champion player, we need to ask him to play another game. His opponent is our game designer: Fang Yun! Many people have said that Fang Yun is not only a game designer, but also a game master. His strength would be top-notch even if he were to play professionally. Now is the time to verify the truth of this statement!"

"This time, the world champion will serve as the"touchstone" for designer Fang Yun. Let's take a good look at Fang Yun's strength! Please enter the competition seat.

Fang Yun sat directly in the position where the gold contestant competed before. The peripherals on the machine had been replaced during the award ceremony. They were all the lucky models that Fang Yun usually liked.

Lu Hai, holding his trophy, sat on the machine where he won the championship with a little excitement.

The two began to debug the equipment and soon told the referee: The equipment debugging was completed and the competition began.

Then, the game screen appeared on the big screen: the race selection stage!

Lu Hai still chose the Protoss, and where was Fang Yun? A big random appeared in front of the audience!

"Fang Yun, have you not decided on the race you want to play yet?"

The commentator was also puzzled. The referee also asked Fang Yun, but the answer he got was: This is my choice!

"Fang Yun didn't choose, and he was sure that he was a random race!"

The commentator who got the referee's information said immediately.


There was an uproar at the scene!

After watching the game for so long, there has never been a player who was random. Maybe in the early auditions, some people chose a random race for fun/bullying, but after entering the top 128 finals, there has never been a battle where someone changed their race!

Fang Yun took out the random right away, which really shocked everyone. Even the gold player who was still in the audience and had not left was a little surprised:


This is what Jin is thinking now. After all, the current players haven't even mastered one race to the extreme. Now it's all random. You have to know that this is the highest competitive stage. Fang Yun's opponent is not a cat or dog, but a world champion!

If Fang Yun can defeat Lu Hai like this... doesn't it mean that these professional players who practice StarCraft all day long are not even as good as a game designer in the end? This is really a huge irony!

So Jin concluded that Fang Yun must be here to make people laugh.


Because the competition room uses special glass: the audience outside can see the situation of the players inside, but the players inside cannot see outside, just like the glass in the interrogation room where the police interrogate the prisoners.

This is also to prevent the external environment from affecting the performance of the players, so Fang Yun is not aware of the noise outside.

Before entering the game, Fang Yun had already moved around a little and adjusted the mouse. Fang Yun has been idle these days and has hardly touched the mouse. Although he said that he would play a game with the champion today, Fang Yun basically did not do any training, but just watched the games of these players.

However, when Fang Yun held his mouse, he felt that the mouse was very warm. This feeling was like he was touching someone's hand. When he held the mouse firmly, Fang Yun seemed to feel that he and the mouse were connected as one.

"Could this be the legendary state where man is sword, sword is man, and man and sword become one?" Fang Yun thought very coolly.


The game officially begins!

After many days of observation by the audience, Lu Hai is confirmed to be a master of the Protoss. For the use of low-level Protoss soldiers, Lu Hai can be said to have reached a master level!

So in the later stages of the elimination rounds, all the players, when facing Lu Hai, must first consider how to resist his first wave of attack.

This is exactly what Jin chose to rush in the first game! And this first-hand attack also allowed him to successfully win the first game! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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