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This time, Z country can be regarded as the sweetness of being a"founding country". Among the top 128 players, 47 are local players of Z country!

This is also a year for Z country to be proud!

And H, next door to Z country, is indeed a"powerful e-sports country". Such a small country has 23 players who have qualified!

M country has 21 players, Europe has 22 players, and the rest of the regions have 15 players.

The above are the top 128 players who have qualified for the first WCG"StarCraft" project!

According to Fang Yun's understanding, domestic RTS itself is in a relatively weak situation, and the same is true for professional RTS players. This time, so many people can qualify basically because of the domestic first release. In addition,"StarCraft" is a domestic game, and there are many more players who have entered the RTS pit. After all, the population base is there.

So this time, 18 of the 47 domestic players who qualified are high-scoring passers-by!

The top 128 matches were scheduled for May 1st. Fang Yun reimbursed all the travel expenses of these players. After all, they had already spent so much money that Fang Yun no longer cared about this little travel expense, so he reimbursed it.

As for their accommodation, Fang Yun booked a hotel near the e-sports venue in advance. The main project of this hotel is to provide accommodation for e-sports players. In other words, every room in it has a high-configuration computer and the network is also the fastest. As for peripherals... Of course, the hotel will have basic peripherals, but generally people who come here will bring their own peripherals.

Time soon came to the start of the game!

As for the tickets to watch the game, Fang Yun had previously held a lottery on Weibo and gave away some of them. Most of the remaining tickets were sold online. As for the ticket price, the price can only be considered average, but there are not so many scalpers in this world, so the players who watch the game don’t spend much money on it.

On the day of the game, the audience seats were already crowded. Although they had never heard of many of the players’ IDs, this still couldn’t dampen the players’ enthusiasm!

The opening ceremony was very simple, and there were no singers to perform. This was Fang Yun's deliberate request, because there was only one event in the competition, and if the opening ceremony was too complicated, it would be a bit of a waste of time.

After the host's simple opening remarks, the draw for the top 128 began directly. This first round was equivalent to 64 games starting at the same time!

The commentator would choose a game of a famous player to comment on, and the audience, who had corresponding devices in their seats, could freely choose the game they wanted to watch, but there was no commentary for these games.

The game started at 3 pm, and there were two rounds in total. Today, the top 32 players who would enter the finals would be decided!

128 to 64. The commentator chose a foreign player. The domestic player is a first-line RTS professional player, and the foreign player is a high-scoring anchor from the neighboring H.

In a TVZ confrontation, the BO3 was pulled to the limit. In the end, the domestic player chose the advantage. He played the advantage at the beginning of the last game and finally won the BO3 victory steadily.

Fang Yun watched the whole process. Overall, he felt that the tactics of this world have been developed in a proper manner, and the viewing experience has been greatly improved.

Fang Yun was completely relieved. He was originally a little worried that the top 128 would be mixed, and some people might not be able to reach the level. If the audience saw it, they would inevitably feel that the level of the game was not enough. Now Looking at it, the overall situation is good.

So, Fang Yun became lazy again, waiting for the final day to go to the scene, waiting for the final champion to appear and have a one-on-one solo match with him.

The days have returned to calm.

Due to the holding of WCG in the past few days, Fang Yun's experience store has been deserted.

Qu Xiaoyi and others are now studying architectural games on the second floor all day long.

There are not many players on the first floor, so Fang Yun sits at the front desk with a drink in his arms and stares blankly all day.

It is not accurate to say that he is in a daze. Fang Yun is thinking about his own plan!

The first half of the year will definitely end with the launch of"The Elder Scrolls", but in the second half of the year, at least one blockbuster will be launched, but Fang Yun has not yet determined the type.

【Two to three major works a year, with a few"small works" in between] This is Fang Yun's overall plan


The competition is still in full swing.

After the top 32 are decided, they are divided into the winner group and the loser group.

That is, the top 32 will first decide 16 winners and 16 losers.

The losers enter the loser group and fight each other in pairs.

Finally, eight people are eliminated.

The eight people who fell in the second round of the winner group and the eight people who"survived" in the loser group will play BO3 again, and eight people will be eliminated again.

The remaining eight winners + losers are the final 16, and so on...

Although the competition schedule is very long, the audience still watches it with relish, and this WCG will be broadcast live on major live broadcast platforms. Even the audience who can't go to the scene will stay in front of the screen all day to cheer for their favorite players/anchors.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Xin successfully entered the final 32, but lost the next two BO3s and could only be eliminated regretfully.

However, Liu Xin is already very satisfied with this result. WCG 32 strong! And he even defeated a professional player when he was 6432! This is all the capital for bragging in the future live broadcast!

In the future, he can say during live broadcasts:"I, Liu Xin, am the world’s top 32 player in StarCraft!……"

Ahem... Let's get back to the point. After more than a week, the competition finally came to the last day!

There were only two games on the last day: the first was the loser's bracket finals, and the second was the finals!

In other words, there were only three players left on the field, and today they would decide who would be the first, second, and third place.���

There are three players, one is the most famous RTS player in China, named Lu Hai, one is a HRTS player: Jin Lixuan, and one is a European player: Peter.

The loser group finals started first! It was Lu Hai from China versus Peter from Europe!

A battle between PVP!

Lu Hai fell into the loser group due to a mistake when he was in the 32-to-16 group, but he seemed to have awakened after falling into the loser group, and he has won all the way to now, while Peter lost the duel between Jin and the previous winner group finals, and fell into the loser group finals to face Lu Hai.

PS: After watching the games this year, I feel that both RNG and IG are unstable, especially Xiao Leyan... Oh, come on! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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