I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 109 Don’t worry, I’m more anxious than you (please vote 25)

Chapter 109 Don’t worry, I’m more anxious than you (please vote 2/5)

Houston is the most prosperous city in Texas, ranking fourth even in America.

Therefore, many important departments in Texas have their headquarters in Houston, and its importance is evident.

But it's not the capital of Texas.

The capital of Texas is Austin.

Now a school in Austin has this problem, which is a big deal for Texas.

"Didn't you try using modern weapons against them?"

Chen Yuan asked.


Because of the last experience, after discovering these things, we quickly cleared out the people in a radius of 20 kilometers.

Use drones to lock target locations and then directly bombard them, using National Guard 155 artillery.

The artillery bombardment that was supposed to blow all these bones into powder ended up just blowing them apart.

But this is not the end at all. These skeletons will be put back together and return to human form.

But after being attacked, he seemed to be provoked and continued to expand his territory.

If the sun hadn't come out, these things could have rushed out of the cleared twenty-kilometer radius.

This school is in a suburban area. If the battlefield spreads to the city center, it will cause great losses to people and property! "

Monica took out her mobile phone and showed Chen Yuan the battle scene captured by the drone.

From the pictures on the mobile phone, we can indeed see that those skeletons stand and walk in a way that is very contrary to scientific common sense, and they really walk like the wind at a speed just like Monica said.

How can you stand balanced and walk like the wind with a skeleton without a balanced sensory system?

But thinking about myself, the complaints in my heart stopped abruptly.

In the picture, the moment a cannonball hit and exploded, all the bones were blown away and fell apart.

But among the scattered bones... not a single one was broken.

Then, a half-disintegrated skeleton stretched out its only remaining arm to form its other hand bone. Is it so outrageous?

Then Chen Yuan saw in the picture, the skeleton man who had already pieced together his own hand bones, crawling with two bone hands, looking for suitable bones to piece together his lower body and two bone thighs.

Immediately afterwards, he was very loving and helped other skeletons put their bodies together, and then more and more assembled skeletons joined in...

There is also a picture of a cemetery as they spread. These things actually dug out all the skeletons in the cemetery and put them together.

Although many skeletons have long since decayed, in general, the number of these undead creatures has exceeded the terrifying number of five hundred.

The most important thing is that there are some people in this cemetery who have just died a few months ago, and their bodies are rotting!

He was also picked out by these things and resurrected, with pieces of rotten flesh hanging on his body. However, in the subsequent violent activities, all these inactive rotten flesh were thrown away, leaving only the strong skeleton.

These spreading skeleton groups were once again hit by shelling and incendiary bombs.

Only those newly formed skeletons will be blown to pieces or burned by cannonballs, while the skeletons that first appeared in the school and those that traveled a little longer are still immune to attacks and can fight back at any time.

“Austin is a cultural city with hundreds of years of history. Not to mention how many living people there are, there are even many cemeteries.

When the time comes, these cemetery remains will increase the numerical advantage of these skeletons.

And most importantly, once they enter densely built urban areas, the consequences will be disastrous.

Leaving aside whether the large-scale bombardment can continue, these skeletons hide in the shadows of houses during the day and wreak havoc throughout the city at night.

The characteristics of undead creatures make them impossible for ordinary humans to fight against. "

Monica said seriously.

After reading the images on his phone, Chen Yuan returned the phone and asked curiously.

"okay, I get it!

How come you are more active than Director Anderson in this Texas matter? "

With a look of despair on her face, Monica said what others only dreamed of: "I have been promoted, and now I am the deputy director of the FBI in Houston. I am in charge of contacting you, Father, and the mysterious side of Texas!"

She originally thought that after finishing her job as an overseer, she could leave Texas and return to Washington, but unexpectedly, the headquarters just left her here.

Chen Yuan turned to look at Anderson: "No wonder you had to wait for her to speak just now."

"He got promoted!"

Monica said a little... particularly resentfully: "Director Anderson was promoted to the headquarters as deputy director, and is now handing over the work."

"Oh! Congratulations!"

Although Anderson didn't quite understand it, it probably meant something like congratulations, so he said thank you.

After understanding the situation, Chen Yuan stopped asking any more questions. After all, it was the family's internal affairs and he couldn't say much. He just looked at the skeleton on the screen and turned around and shouted into the church.

"James, come out!"

After James came out, he saluted and asked, "Father, is there anything you need me to do?"

Chen Yuan took Monica's mobile phone over and handed it to him and said:

"Gather the others and bring the dogs later, and we'll go for a run with them!"

When James took a first look at the skeleton creature on his phone, he couldn't help but be surprised and said: "This should be a Canadian Wendigo.

It's just that the Wendigo's body should still be covered with rotten, dry skin that maintains the integrity of the bones.

But now, these skeletons don't have any skin on them, which is different from Wendigo.

And although Wendigo likes to eat people, it will also kill other people when there are no people around.

But here, they actually help each other, which is unbelievable. "

Chen Yuan smiled and said: “Don’t limit yourself to America’s local theological knowledge, but expand your thinking.

Why don't you think about it, this may be caused by Santa Muerte, who is widely believed in Mexico. "

James naturally did not question what the priest said, but he said in amazement: "According to the data, the worship of Santa Muerte did not appear for more than a hundred years, but he is actually capable of doing such a thing!"

Chen Yuan thought to himself, this is the horror of the prehistoric land. Everything is in a primitive state without large-scale development, and everything is an opportunity.

If you get a chance, you may be able to complete a level jump.

When he saw these skeletons, Chen Yuan's heartstrings seemed to be stirred. This thing seems to be destined for me!

James returned the phone to Monica: "I'm going to call them right now!"

The mayor, Mr. John, came to the church to take care of his daughter after dealing with the pitiful problems in the office, so he happened to get involved in this matter.

Suddenly he said: "Father, you can't do this kind of thing for free, otherwise it will make others lose their respect for the church, you and the gods.

This way others will take it for granted that you help them.

Therefore, while saving the world, they also need to pay a certain amount of compensation to make the trip. "

In fact, John was not opposed to dealing with this pile of skeletons, but when he saw that the priest looked like he didn't know how to manage his own faith, he was a little worried for him.

He actually didn't know that the priest was more anxious than he was. What a chance!

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