I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 110 People who don’t do their job properly (please vote 35)

Although Chen Yuan was anxious, he couldn't let others see that he was anxious, and John was thinking about him, so he left this matter to John.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yuan was frightened as soon as John opened his mouth. He actually offered a price of US$5 million, which made Chen Yuan turn around and walk in a little embarrassed.

James didn't feel anything embarrassed, but he needed to contact other people, so he didn't accompany John to bargain with Monica here.

Qingsong Temple sent the older Taoist Shouxin among the disciples to greet Chen Yuan quickly: "Master, the disciples have benefited a lot from listening to the lectures here these days.

Now that the Patriarch is going to succumb to the demon, can the disciples follow him and broaden their horizons? "

Kill the demons!

The wonderful life that those who are cultivating immortality must experience, now that they have encountered it, it is impossible not to join in the fun.

As for danger.

If it is still dangerous to follow the Patriarch of Heavenly Soldiers and Divine Generals, where in the world is not dangerous?

Isn't it dangerous to hide in this Taoist temple?


Gather up the ashes in the incense burner, and I will give you some support. You can wear them for protection or use them as weapons. "

Chen Yuan had no objection to their request to go with him, he was a Taoist! After all, it is still the power of the human world.

This is the first time in thousands of years that he, a heavenly soldier, also has the identity of a human being.

If you don't have yourself, then the big mysterious supernatural disasters in the world will have to be solved by some people who are responsible for this.

Taoist priests are also a force in this.

It always pays to practice more.

So the old Taoist Shouxin excitedly called all his disciples to make preparations, and then he went to collect the incense ashes.

Today's church has more than just one incense burner. There is one in front of the statue of God, one in front of the memorial tablet of Lin Chuheng, the Heavenly Soldier, and one in front of the altar of Jifen, the God of Heaven. There is also a large one in the courtyard outside... There is no patio here, and there is another big one in the courtyard outside.

After collecting all the incense ashes these days, there was a big bag, and then Chen Yuan began to bless the incense ashes.

Now that his divine power has increased, the effect of the incense ash he blessed is much better than before. Even if he doesn't specifically bless the incense ash in front of the statue, it still has some exorcism effect.

John quickly negotiated the price, 2 million dollars, which was actually not much. The gypsy witch didn't know what to do and asked for a high price.

Chris was from Rainbow Town. He arrived quickly after being notified. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the group of Taoist priests making preparations.

After asking, I found out that the priest was also going to take them to conquer the demons.

Chris's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he rushed into the church to burn incense first, then saluted, and then asked: "Father, since these Taoist priests are also going together, I guess there is no danger.

It is better to invite all the believers in Rainbow Town to open their eyes. This is the most effective way to build a team.

I have recently made a lot of ash bullets for shotguns and rifles, and the large-caliber quantity is enough for consumption. "

When Chen Yuan heard this, he said that only by taking them to see monsters and ghosts frequently would their faith become more pious.

Although his main method of promotion is military merit, incense is also another resource for improving his strength, and pious incense is an even better resource.

Why not do it?

Those skeletons may seem scary, but in fact they are just like patients going to the doctor. As long as the doctor identifies the disease correctly and finds the right medicine and direction, the curative effect will be obvious.

In fact, as long as you are brave, it’s just a skeleton, it’s a trivial matter.

Robert Miller and Old Sandy, who came later, heard the news and immediately contacted the believers in Yorktown.

Since there is an armed tour and an exciting undead experience, it is definitely a unique and exciting life experience for a pure Texan.


A group of people set off in a mighty manner, nearly 300 people!

Helicopters alone, including more than a dozen heavy transport helicopters, were mobilized to transport these men, horses and dogs to the outskirts of Austin.

"Hello, Father Ryan!"


A white man with a slightly bald head came over and took the initiative to extend his right hand: "I am Grayliss Alsate. I am currently in charge of Texas. I am very grateful for the arrival of the priest and the guardian knight... and for so much enthusiasm. people!"

Although he was a little dissatisfied with the nearly 300 people who followed this priest for sightseeing, he did not dare to say anything at the moment. Now he was completely dependent on others!

Since the other party can do this, he must be confident that there will be no big problems. Otherwise, as long as he is a normal person, he will not agree to let his followers follow him, unless the priest is a fool.

But as the governor of a state, he knew exactly what the priest had done in the Big Apple City, and even more so what Yagobliss of the Ross family had done.

I also know that the soul of the baron is still being roasted by the fire in the hands of the priest in front of me!

Therefore, he could only turn a blind eye to the nearly three hundred people carrying shotguns or rifles who were slowly descending from the plane in front of him.

It's getting dark, now is not the time to argue. If you have any problems, wait until this matter is resolved.

All Taoist disciples in Qingsongguan were issued a shotgun and enough incense ash bullets.

Enthusiastic believers taught them how to use guns. Anyway, just hold them in your arms or carry them on your shoulders and shoot at the enemy.

Before getting on the plane, these Taoist disciples had already carried shotguns and practiced more than a dozen shots with ordinary bullets to familiarize themselves with the situation.

It can be said that this journey is still exciting and exciting for them. Who in other sects would have such treatment?

"Mr. Governor, can you brief us on the situation?"

Chen Yuan got straight to the point. It was getting dark and who had time to be polite to you?

"Oh...you know, I'm not a professional. I can ask the frontline commander of the National Guard to brief you on the situation on the scene.

This is Colonel Tracy Nicholas, and he is commanding the current war. "

A colonel of about 40 years old with a tall red neck stretched out his right hand towards Chen Yuan: "Hello, Father.

We have drones monitoring the areas where these bones are active at all times. Please follow me and we will look directly at the live map under the drone lens. "

Chen Yuan asked everyone to organize themselves on the spot, and he took a look. According to Tracy Nicholas's explanation on the live map, he finally knew where these skeletons were hiding and waiting for dark.

Some hid in private houses, and some hid directly in ditches, or other places with shadows where the sun did not shine, or they dug directly into the mud.

For a cemetery, it's the simplest. Just dig a hole in the ground and get into the coffin.

They once took advantage of the sunshine and drove an excavator to dig out, which seemed to be where they were hiding. However, after digging, all the bones were gone.

Some even mysteriously disappeared before their eyes.

While waiting for the priest, James's seven men and eight horses were very quiet in armor. Yes, even the horses were now wearing vests refined by Chen Yuan.

Even the thirty-three dogs were extremely quiet.

Lin Chuheng and Ma Jifen, who had put on armor, also had their own cold weapons and horses.

In fact, Lin Chuheng was still a little trembling, but it was not fear, but the excitement of participating in real combat for the first time.

"I was just a timid and kind-hearted person! Now I actually hold a gun and ride on a horse to participate in the battle!"

Soon, Chen Yuan returned to them.

Standing on the Pegasus, he said to everyone: "When the sun goes down and the last ray of sunlight dissipates, we will face more than five hundred skeletons, the legendary undead creatures."

There was silence.

Chen Yuan continued: "I can also tell you that these skeletons were created by a female god of death called the Holy Death, just to try to get involved in the human world.

But in our East, there is a saying that this world is a human world, and even if gods come to our world, they must abide by our rules.

Here I want to say something to the goddess of death. The world here is the world of Texans. If there is no kindness, then let her go back to hell!

Otherwise, the Texan will teach her how to be a good reaper with the trolls in her hands.

Because in the hands of Texans, there are bullets that can kill the evil devil and the god of death.

Are you right? "


Seeing Chen Yuan standing on the back of Pegasus, raising his arms and shouting, John suddenly felt a little relieved.

This god who often does not do his job is finally a little more serious today. Only by inspiring people can he spread his faith!

As a believer, my heart is broken for him!

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