I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 122 Tiandi Bank (23 Asking for monthly votes)

Chapter 122 Tiandi Bank (2/3 Please vote)

Old people used to study history and thought it was just history, and study myths and legends and thought they were just myths and legends.

But now that gods have appeared, it would be a bit silly to regard those myths and legends as folk tales.

Therefore, being good at summarizing the shortcomings of research made him seem to be able to see some clues.

It was just a Dubo Sima, who was an official in the Han Dynasty. If it were placed in the Ming Dynasty, it would only be a hundred households.

Although Baihu can be considered a sixth-grade official, he is nothing in the ranks of serious officials.

Moreover, the status of a Dubo Sima in the Han Dynasty may not be as high as that of a Baihuguan in the Ming Dynasty. I just don’t know what rank this Dubo Sima belongs to in the official position in the Heavenly Court?

If he dares to come to America to open up the underworld, aren't he afraid of being beaten by the gods here?

The old man was full of questions.

And Chen Yuan had already publicized what [She] was to the believers during worship in the temple, and also told them what the Christian hell looked like.

Although it is not exactly what Dante said in his Divine Comedy, it is almost the same.

In the end, it will become a consumable that generates fear, despair or other negative emotions, and it will become the source of power for the devil.

And this underworld is where people's souls can go and survive after death, and while living in it, if the descendants multiply and grow, and if enough incense is offered to them, the soul will become stronger.

The more powerful the ghosts and gods are, the more they can protect their descendants. The descendants will be protected, the better they can thrive, the more incense they can offer, and the stronger their ancestors’ souls will be.

This is all an interaction, and this is the most primitive Eastern concept of the underworld.

for this statement.

But it is much more popular and more humane than the kind of hell preached in the church today.

You must know what is preached in the church: Man is born with sin, you are sinful, you are sinful, you are sinful.

When you die, you have to atone for the sins you have committed, and you will be tortured by the devil in hell seven, nine, or more than ten times.

You must believe in the Lord devoutly and give your all to the Lord before you can enter heaven after death.

Such a comparison shows that the Eastern concept of the underworld is more in line with people's hearts and human nature.

Therefore, the establishment of a cooperative was put on the agenda of Rainbow Town.

I carefully consulted the Taoist priests in Dubosima Temple about what kind of rituals to use, and then followed the instructions.

There is no need for a Taoist priest to consecrate the establishment of a society, nor does it need a priest to watch over it.

It only requires people from the whole village or town, and one person from each household to serve as a representative, or all of them.

Just recite the blessing prayer, burn incense, and everyone agrees.

A small cooperative was opened when three or five people founded a village.

If more than half of the three to five thousand people in a large shrine are willing to build it, they will build it.

But if you are not a participant, their family members will not be able to enter after they die, which means there will be no place for you.

Of course, if you were not there at the time and moved in later.

After being recognized by all the families in the village, your family can still have a place in the community, and the spirits of your parents can be invited in, even after your death.

This is the rule of establishing a society in ancient times in the East. With just one word, if people are united, the mountains will move.

With this [social] idea, everyone recognized it, and united as one, this little underworld was born.

Under the leadership of John, the mayor, the documents were burned, and everyone recited prayers. After the ceremony was completed, they worshiped, burned paper, and then started lighting firecrackers.

Then pray again and your life is over.

The most important thing is that the priest will come to inspect it the next day to see if they have created this underworld.

In fact, Chen Yuan was at the scene, but he was in heaven.

He rode the Pegasus and stood in the clouds, looking down from the sky at the crowd currently holding the ceremony and the big stone.

The heavenly eye on his forehead has been opened, paying attention to the world under the big stone.

The prototype of an underworld is slowly taking shape, and it is not very big. If a village community like the one in the East is to develop into a village in the underworld, there is still a long way to go.

Faith and incense!

What is the situation now?

Now it's like building a village.

However, in all the homes where ancestral tablets are enshrined, the souls who have been attracted to the true spirit have already felt that there is something attracting them here.

As John led everyone to recite prayers, the true spirits attached to the spiritual tablets in these homes began to float here.

Chen Yuan waved his hand down in the sky, and a ray of divine light fell from the sky, covering the souls that were involuntarily attracted by the prayers.

These souls flying in the air suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and the town residents present could see at a glance the relatives enshrined in their own homes.

The souls also realized that their relatives could see them, so they smiled at their relatives, waved their hands, and followed the attraction to get into the big stone.

Among the clouds in the sky, Chen Yuan's heavenly eyes could clearly see that when all the souls appeared in the eyes of his relatives and burrowed into the big stone under their gaze, the underworld in the stone suddenly changed from a small area to less than a hundred square meters. The big place suddenly expanded ten times.

But even if it expands ten times and looks very big, this underworld is still bare, with nothing but stones and soil.

Chen Yuan thought for a while and simply let the Pegasus lower himself and run down from the air in full view of everyone.


John saluted, and everyone present, whether locals or foreigners, couldn't help but salute excitedly.

“John, Hades has been completed!

But there is nothing inside, and everything is bare. I will ask someone to bring a group of paper tie makers from the east.

Let them tie up a batch of things for the underworld, whether it is clothes, houses, paper figures or horses.

Even the paper money used in the underworld has a special style.

In this way, when the underworld becomes stronger and can integrate with the international standards, if your ancestors want to go to the East to do business, they will have to have the capital to do business! "

That's right!

Now, the only banknotes in the underworld are the Bank of Heaven and Earth coins issued by the East. There is no such currency in other underworlds.

John nodded and was about to agree.

Joseph suddenly said: "Father, now America also has banknotes from Tiandi Bank, but it seems to have been changed by magic. Some of the emperors on it were changed to black, and some are white."

Chen Yuan felt a little pain in his head when he thought that the Jade Emperor was actually printed as black and white on the underworld coins of Tiandi Bank.

"Those are all counterfeit currency. Counterfeiting currency is illegal!"

Chen Yuan couldn't help but joke.

In the human world, privately printing counterfeit currency from the Bank of Heaven and Earth does not constitute the crime of counterfeiting currency.

When the gods are not visible, it doesn't seem to be a big deal for you to magically change the Jade Emperor's avatar.

Even if it were used instead, there would be no great guilt, just like someone took a piece of paper and drew a 100-dollar bill, and then replaced the picture on it with his own picture.

Can you say that someone has committed the crime of counterfeiting currency?

"Father, I have a group of old friends in folklore. As long as you give me a job invitation, I can ask them to come over and help.

Those who make incense, those who make paper, those who print Tiandi Bank banknotes, all of these are available! "

An old voice came, and everyone turned to look. It was a very elegant old oriental man who came up with two young people.

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