I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 123 Big Events for the Old Man (please vote 33)

Chapter 123 Big Events for the Old Man (please give me your monthly vote 3/3)

"Who are you?"

Although Chen Yuan can use his celestial eye to read other people's information at any time, it is not necessary.

The most important thing is that during this period, his Heavenly Eye is more troublesome. In the past, he only needed to close his eyes, but now he has not completely integrated the Qi Watching Technique. Although the Heavenly Eye is stronger, he still needs to open his eyes to see the cause and effect of people for the time being.

Opening the third eye on the forehead is very scary to ordinary people. For those who understand Eastern mythology, the third eye also represents a large amount of information. It is better to do less than to do more!

Besides, his current identity is that of a priest, so why does it mean that he opens his third eye all day long and scares people?

"My name is Sheng Mingxuan, an old man who teaches. I happen to have some knowledge of ancient history, and I also like some folklore stories.

When I first heard the priest's legend, I thought someone was cutting leeks again.

Later, when I learned more about it, I realized that I was superficial!

So I decided to come over and see what it would be like to see the gods appear in the world.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived, I saw such a grand and real ceremony of establishing a society and opening the underworld, which was very unique.

I even saw the priest riding a horse and descending from the sky, which was even more shocking and made my trip worthwhile! "

The old man's words were good, and Chen Yuan couldn't continue to sit high on the horse, so he got off the horse, patted the Pegasus and let it play by itself.

Then he came to the old man.

He looked at the two young men behind him: "Are these Mr. Sheng's students?"

Unexpectedly, the old man was very surprised: "It's not that the priest has the ability to predict the future. He can predict the future for five hundred years and a thousand years later.

I didn't believe it at first, but now that the gods have appeared in the world, and the priest has the ability to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, I think even if he doesn't have the miraculous abilities that others boast, he still can't tell who the three of us are. "

Why does Chen Yuan feel that this old man is here to test him? Is it useful?

People who can't be hit with eight poles.

But he felt that the old man in front of him was not simple. If that was the case, let's take a look.

With a slight slit on his forehead, he could easily see the details of the three people in front of him.

The old man is a bit stupid. Even a fool with his open forehead and open eyes knows that this is definitely not simple. Now if you ask me what kind of priest he is, who will believe him?

This is clearly a god, and a powerful one.

Think about it, whether it is Lord Ma, Wang Lingguan, Wen Zhong, or Erlang Shen, they are all gods with a third eye on their forehead. The main feature of this kind of god is a strong one.

So the old man was very straightforward and quickly raised his hands to salute.

Chen Yuan stepped forward to support him: "Old man, the virtues accumulated by your ancestors and the students you have supported over the years who cannot afford to study are considered to be members of Yu Qing's family with high moral standards, so there is no need to be polite."

The old man shook his head: "I am not a virtuous person. I do my best only if I have the ability to spare.

Compared with the righteousness of Mr. Liu Shenglan and Mr. Bai Fangli, I am far behind. "

Liu Shenglan, Mr. Bai Fangli?

Chen Yuanzhu asked if he didn't understand something: "What good deeds have these two old men done?"

The man among the two young men and women following Sheng Mingxuan took the initiative to speak.

"I know that although Mr. Liu Shenglan lives in poverty, since 1996, he has used the money collected from rags to donate to students who cannot afford to go to school.

For 20 consecutive years, he donated more than 100 students. Unfortunately, the old man passed away in 2016 at the age of 93.

There is also Mr. Bai Fangli of Baijia Village in Cangxian County. Starting in 1987, he used his income from riding a three-wheeler to help poor children go to school for more than ten consecutive years until he was nearly 90 years old.

In the past 20 years of pedaling three wheels, a total of 350,000 yuan has been donated to help more than 300 poor children go to school.

In 2005, Bai Fangli passed away at the age of 92.

Both of them are very old.”


If people have the spare energy to donate money and do good deeds, it will not affect their quality of life. There are many such people.

But even if your life is extremely difficult, you can still save money by scavenging and scavenging, and donate the money to study.

That kind of people.

Compared with those eminent monks, he can be called a great virtue.

This is not lagging, it is just because eminent monks are usually called eminent monks.

Chen Yuan stretched out his hand to guide the old man and the two young people to follow him.

Chen Yuan asked the two young people as they walked.

"You two are the unlucky ones who studied abroad for internship and were fired for using Chinese in a chat software?"

If the young man and woman were still very cautious just now, they became cautious after seeing the eye on Chen Yuan's forehead open.

heard him ask.

Answer quickly.

"Yes, but we don't use Chinese in the company's group chat, but in the private chat between the two of us.

And we weren’t talking about any secrets, we were just talking about where to eat after work, what to eat, and where the food was better.

Both of us are Orientals, so it's normal for us to speak Chinese.

Unexpectedly, our machines are being tested!

I was caught chatting in Chinese and was fired!

Without an internship certificate, it will be more difficult to graduate.

There are a lot of things to worry about, so we just drove here to travel and relax.

But I didn’t expect to see you falling from the sky!

It's really... amazing! "

Chen Yuan nodded: "Fate has come and you will meet each other, it's nothing.

But if you must get proof of internship, you can go to the town office to find the mayor John who just hosted the ceremony.

He may want to start a tourism project and a hotel project. You two can check your resume and get an internship certificate, and go back early after graduation. "

"Yes Yes……"

In the ecstasy, the young man couldn't help but nod his head, and then rushed back to his car at Chen Yuan's signal, waiting for Mayor John to finish everything before looking for him.

"Mr. Sheng, you came to me with something important, I have seen this.

But you are very guarded about this matter in your heart, so I can’t pry into it, so I don’t know what it is yet.

But I vaguely think it’s a big deal.

But these are nothing.

The most important thing is your brain. The tumor in your brain probably cannot be cured. You should know this! "

Chen Yuan said softly.

While speaking, he reached out and patted the old man's shoulder, preparing to use his divine power to stabilize him when he became emotional.

After all, no one knows whether he knew the news before. If he didn't know, his emotions would definitely fluctuate greatly.

But the aneurysm in his brain does not allow him to have too much emotional fluctuations, and it will kill him.

But I didn't expect that the old man had already known it.

"I know, the doctor said it.

This tumor is growing very well. It’s okay if the attached area is not broken, but if it is broken, it will cause death!

So even the doctors don’t know when I will die. I definitely don’t want to stay in the hospital and wait to die when I know I will die.

I just happened to know another piece of news, so I came over. Even my family didn't allow me to fly, so I came over secretly.

I just want to see if you are really capable. If so, I want to ask you something!

Can you please help me get back the Imperial Seal? "

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