Seeing Chen Yuan grinding ink, they knew what to do next.

John and Joseph hurried over and helped spread the yellow paper on the hood of the vehicle.

All right! The hood is a little warm.

They could only choose to change their position and lay on a relatively flat place after the trunk of James SUV was opened.

This type of oriental SUV is indeed very convenient.

After they laid out the yellow paper, Chen Yuan finally polished the ink in his hand. He washed the brush in the water, used his clothes to absorb the moisture and then dipped it in the ink.

Then, under the expectant gazes of the three people, he wrote on the paper with a brush, one by one the etiquette and conditions required for the three people in front of him and the residents of Rainbow Town to believe in him as a heavenly soldier.

At any time.

In the Eastern land, there are conditions for believing in any god.

Including worshiping one's ancestors, there are also conditions required.

It’s just that the conditions are very different.

It does not change because Chen Yuan himself is this god. It is most likely because the different priesthoods require different conditions.

Some conventional things and rituals do not seem to be changed by the gods. Of course, it may be because the gods are not strong enough to change such rules.

the most important is.

If the ritual is not right and I cannot receive the incense, nor will I get the benefits that the gods should receive from the incense, what will I do in the future?


He now plans to write down a strategy, or conjecture about the ritual, based on his own understanding.

Then use your own special function, or the eye of heaven, or the eye of cause and effect, to look at what you have written and see if there are any hints or corrections.

If it doesn't work, there's nothing he can do.

What he wrote down was simple.

Just like the etiquette and procedures required when worshiping gods in my hometown.

Anyway, just write whatever you have experienced.

[Ritual for worshiping the gods that I have transformed into heavenly soldiers: a pillar of fragrance, a few flowers and fruits, and kneeling down or praying. 】

What he wrote was very simple.

However, it seems too simple.

Fortunately, his guess was right. After reading the ritual program he wrote, his special power or heavenly eye immediately gave a correct answer.

[The rituals and requirements for worshiping the heavenly soldiers and gods are as follows:]

[The first time you make an offering, you need to write a handwritten worship form, state your identity and where you are from, and burn the offering to the gods and heavenly soldiers to be included in the list of believers. 】

[Secondly, the first time you make an offering, you need to show a certain amount of financial resources: the heads of three animals should be used as sacrifices when making an offering. One of them, a pig, a cow or a sheep, can be used, or all three can be used.

(If you don’t have a certain amount of financial resources, don’t do anything to believe in the gods. You should first establish yourself as a person. The righteous gods don’t like treacherous people, and they don’t like to worship the gods in vain and take care of people who live in poverty at home.)]

[Third, those who worship gods should put filial piety first.

The God of Heavenly Soldiers began in the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and unfilial people could not become believers.

Those who believe in it should worship their ancestors' tablets and have constant incense at all times of the year.

Be filial to your parents, and don't make them unhappy because of lack of food and clothing.

(After all, every living person should be grateful most for the person above him or any direct ancestor.

As long as there is an ancestor who does not work hard to live, he will not exist today.

Therefore, in this world, filial piety should come first. )】

[Fourth, loyalty

The heavenly soldiers are the sharp swords of heaven's conquests, and loyalty is a necessary virtue.

Believers must choose a direction in which they are loyal.

(Usually it’s a country, a nation, a family, a friend, a person, or a belief.

As long as you are firm in your loyalty, you are qualified to believe in the heavenly soldiers.

Ordinary people recommend choosing family! )】

[Ritual: Just erect a statue or tablet of the heavenly soldiers, or even a portrait. If there is no portrait, offering a pair of armor can also be used as a carrier to attract incense.

Preferably a statue of a god.

Except for those who are worshiping for the first time, they need to offer the heads of one or three pigs, cattle, and sheep. At other times, only flowers and fruits are offered in numbers of three, five, and nine, and then a pillar of fragrance is added.

Those who are worshiping for the first time should kneel down and worship. The rest of the time they worship or pray, they can either bow or kneel down. 】

[Tip: Sincerity leads to success! 】

This is the tip that Chen Yuan came up with through trying.

Looking up at the expectant eyes of the three people around him, Chen Yuan nodded: "Yes, but there are some conditions, I don't know if you can meet them.

Only those who can do it can believe in my god. "

James was overjoyed. For people of his age, he knows a truth. If there are really no conditions, he will not cherish it.

Neither the other party nor you will cherish it.

If there are conditions, it proves that the other party is seriously making the request.

There is a proverb in the East.

Those who think the goods are not good are the ones who really want to buy them.

He had heard it when he was young.

"Father, no matter what the conditions are, I must satisfy them. Just ask!"

John and Joseph were also very happy, waiting for Chen Yuan to continue.

“First, write a letter of thanks.

That is, where are you from, what is your name, write down your identity clearly, and then burn it to the gods, so that you can be included in the list of believers of the gods."

"Then, for the first worship, there must be a pig's head!"

Chen Yuan did not name all the pigs, cows and sheep, but only the pig's head.

After all, if you want to have more believers, the conditions must be lower.

He doesn't know whether the living standards and prices here are expensive, and whether a pig's head is a relatively big burden for an ordinary family. Anyway, try to lower the threshold as much as possible!

Okay, I think he was a little over the top.

With the living standards here in América, it’s like pigs, cows and sheep. For ordinary residents, it’s not a big burden!

It’s nothing in China!

That’s not right. A cow’s head costs several hundred yuan, and a sheep’s head costs one or two hundred yuan!

Coupled with the pig's head, it seems to be quite expensive, not to mention this is America.

Moreover, it is America's Texas. The income of many people here may not be very high, but their consumption is certainly not low.

So a pig's head is just right.

"Pig head?"

James, John and Joseph froze.

"Why a pig's head? What's the point?"

A pig's head is nothing to James, John and Sheriff Joseph, but they are quite curious, why is this god's hobby so strange?

"In our east, there is a Taoism, which was originally called the Five Pecks of Rice Sect.

Those who want to join the religion must pay five buckets of rice, and one bucket of rice is about ten or twenty pounds of rice.

In that era, more than one hundred pounds of grain was already a treasure that many people were reluctant to part with.

This involves a concept.

In other words, if you can't even afford five buckets of rice, it is recommended not to place your spirit on illusory gods.

You must first establish yourself and take care of your family, and then you can believe in gods.

This five pecks of rice is the threshold.

For the gods I believe in, this pig's head is the threshold.

Just like now, Mr. John is not qualified to join the religion and worship the gods before he has a stable family. "

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