John was not surprised when he heard Chen Yuan state the conditions.

There are conditional thresholds for belief in gods.

This is normal. Almost every belief in gods under the sun has certain thresholds.

It just depends on whether the conditions are strict.

For example, all monotheistic religions in the West do not allow worship of other gods, including ancestors.

There is only one god in the world, and that is the true god they worship. Everything else is heresy.

Another example is Eastern belief.

There are many gods there, but the gods that are generally worshiped by the people, and those who want to become their believers, usually need one of the most basic conditions, which is that they have no intention of harming others.

Of course, if you want to worship an evil god, you can't tell.

These are all conditions.

The conditions vary, depending on the spirit.

"But I also want to ask the priest to help me with the power of the gods in case the hospital declares that Alyssa is seriously injured and difficult to treat."

John was anxious. Although he understood that there were certain thresholds for becoming a believer in the gods, he did not expect that he would be blocked.

He wanted to believe in the god worshiped by Father Ryan because this god really appeared and had divine power to help stabilize Alyssa's injury.

Perhaps when the hospital declared that Alyssa's injuries were incurable, he still had a way out. He could ask the priest to use the power of the gods to stabilize the injury.


But because Alyssa was injured, his current state was that he failed to take care of his family, so he did not meet the conditions for joining the religion and believing in gods.

And if he can't believe in gods, how can he save Alyssa?

"Actually, if you don't believe in my god, I can still help you, if you really have this ability.

But as I said before, the gods I worship do not actually have the ability to cure diseases.

Even before, it was only to stabilize her injuries.

Therefore, what you are most urgent about now is not to join the church, but to go back and clean up, take a shower, and then take your things to the hospital to take care of Alyssa. "

John knew that the priest was right, so he nodded and prepared to leave with Joseph.

"No, no, no, John can't leave yet, he needs to sign the document to transfer the church.

In addition to being the mayor, he also serves as the head of the town's housing management office.

You are not saying that gods need incense from believers.

How to offer incense without a church? "

James had taken theology as an elective before, but he knew that the worship of gods was inseparable from the church.

Now, the gods worshiped by Father Ryan have very little power in this continent, and they urgently need the incense offered by believers to restore their power.

And the power restored by the gods can be used by Father Ryan to help Alyssa stabilize her injury, if the hospital really issues a critical illness notice.


These links are intertwined, and even if one link is missing, the most important thing now is to take down the church and worship the gods first.

"It's easy. Just go to the office and I'll sign the document. I can buy it and give it to Father Ryan.

This church is already a bad debt asset in the town and its value is not high. I can still afford the money. "

John didn't waste any time and directly greeted everyone to get in the car and went straight to his mayor's office.

It didn't take long for Chen Yuan to get a bunch of keys, which meant that from today on, he finally had his own property in America, even if it was just a church, and it was a slightly dilapidated church that needed to be repaired.

“Father, as you said, I am anxious to go home now, take a shower and tidy up, and then return to the county to take care of Alyssa.

Leave it to James and Joseph to show you the church here.

If you need any help, give me a call and I'll be right back. "

John left quickly after completing the church transfer documents. Alyssa is in the ICU of the county hospital, and she still doesn’t know how she is doing!

As Father Ryan said, since you do not meet the requirements to join the church, you should first settle down at home and take care of your family.

James and Joseph took Chen Yuan to the church that was already his property, and they were elated at first sight.

The church is not too big, at least compared to domestic temples.

But it's not too small. You can't compare with Shaolin. That good guy can't compare!

It's just that no one has lived in it for decades, and the roof has some leaks, but it doesn't matter, it just needs to be repaired.

Moreover, James also told him that there was a large area behind the church, which was also considered the church's property.

Originally, the church was intended to be used as a cemetery for believers to rest here.

However, since this church was built, there has been one priest and he was eaten by the devil.

After the church was abandoned, since there were no believers, no one was buried here. They were all buried in the town cemetery.

Therefore, the large piece of land behind this is the church's property, and now it has become Chen Yuan's property.

"By the way, Father, are there any other conditions for becoming a believer apart from writing a prayer list and offering a pig's head as you just mentioned?"

Chen Yuan was interrupted just now because of John's matter and the transfer of the church.

Now that the transfer has been transferred, John has left, and the church has seen it, the most important thing is next.

Hurry up and ask clearly about the conditions, quickly join the religion successfully, and offer some incense to the god. Restoring the power of this god can help the priest, and let him regain the magical ability that can stabilize Alisa's injury.

This way, if Alyssa's condition in the ICU ward of the hospital worsens, they still have room for recovery.

Chen Yuanwen continued to ask, of course he had to say it.

"The third thing is to be filial!"

The word "filial piety" is pronounced by Chen Yuan. He doesn't know how to translate the word "filial piety"?

"Filial piety?"

James followed the pronunciation and learned it almost exactly, but he didn't understand what it meant.

Joseph didn't understand, even if he had excellent grades in the police academy.

All right!

Not very good either.

But at least he is not illiterate, but even if he is not illiterate, even if John is here, he still doesn't understand what filial piety means.

"How do you explain filial piety?

That is to respect your parents, love your parents, and don't contradict your parents and elders.

Don't make your parents' lives difficult, don't make your parents unhappy!

Just like your parents loved you when you were young, you will love them the same way when they are old.

Because they gave you life and raised you up, which is already a great kindness.

When they are unable to take care of themselves and are old and lonely, you should take care of them just as they took care of you when you were a child.

This is filial piety and gratitude! "

As soon as these words came out.

The look in James and Joseph's eyes changed.

To be able to have such a teaching, this god has great love.

To worship such a god, if there was a certain degree of utilitarianism in it before, now the balance in my heart has begun to sink in the direction of being willing to worship it.

“By the way, we also need to enshrine ancestral tablets, at least to the generation of our grandparents.

Because we should be grateful to our ancestors. Without their efforts, we would not be where we are now.

This sentence is very light. Everyone can understand this truth, but they never take it seriously. "

Chen Yuanqing coughed, thought for a while and then made an analogy.

"You should have seen that kind of iron chain, the kind that links one link to another.

The furthest ancestor we can trace is the top link in the chain.

From his generation to ours, countless, thousands, or hundreds of generations may have passed.

That is to say, there are thousands or even hundreds of iron rings tied together, and the ancestors of each generation represent one of the rings.

But every link is fragile, but also very strong.

As long as there is an ancestor who does not work hard to live.

What represents us is the last link. As long as the ancestors representing any link are interrupted in the middle, no heirs are born.

That is to say, there will be no descendants, and there will be no efforts to raise them, and there will be no us.

It was difficult to survive in ancient times, and it was also difficult for our ancestors to work hard to reproduce and raise the next generation.

So in the East, our ancestors are also gods.

Any ancestor, as long as he has not done any great evil, is an existence that needs to be worshiped and thanked by future generations.

Because of the efforts of our ancestors, we have become what we are today.

This is the ancestor worship and gratitude civilization of the East.

It is also the third hard condition required to believe in me as a god.

You need to be filial to your parents, worship your ancestors' tablets, and if possible, build an ancestral hall to worship your ancestors' tablets.

When the time comes, it is recommended to create a genealogy and include all the people in your family.

In the East, people who are keen on worshiping their ancestors can usually cultivate better talents and make the entire family more prosperous.

Let the clansmen benefit from it.

Because every time we worship ancestors, it is a time for all clan members under an ancestor to connect emotionally.

The more emphasis is placed on the activities of worshiping ancestors, the more united the ethnic group will be. People who are more united will benefit from it. Only when there are opportunities for development will they think of their own tribe, rather than outsiders.

The more united the group, the greater their survivability!

Most likely, it feels like an alumni list from all the famous schools here in America. "

Alumni records of prestigious schools.

That's a bit of a bug.

For every graduate of a prestigious school, their connections can be described as terrifying.

Alumni relations and intertwined influence are the foundation of a school.

When Chen Yuan said this, he remembered that in China, the more enthusiastic people are about ancestor worship, the easier it is to do so.

There are not many people who start from scratch. Others who can do it all have connections and backing, either from their family or from relatives in their hometown.

Fighting alone, how many opportunities does this world provide for you to try and make mistakes?

This is the truth that a single tree cannot make a forest.

Even if he didn’t travel to the world before he traveled, Dong Ge didn’t have the whole village to send him to college. How could he afford it?

Starting from scratch, one or two people are already a top figure in decades or hundreds of years.

So how important is unity?

it goes without saying.

Therefore, it was said in ancient times that the most important thing in the country is to sacrifice to the Rong, and sacrifices come first.

To James and Joseph, no one had ever said these words in their presence.

Today, when Father Ryan said it in front of them, they felt that it was a wise saying.

“My parents are no longer here, but how are the ancestors’ tablets enshrined?

I can offer it!

I can also meet this condition! "

James agreed very much. He could understand what Chen Yuan said just now.

To be honest, although he never went to college, his grades in grade 12 were not bad.

He stands out among all those who teach happily, so it is not difficult to understand what Father Ryan is saying.

Of course it was not difficult for Joseph to understand, and he was not an uneducated person.

All right!

To be the police chief of a remote town here in America, how highly educated do you want him to be?

But he could still understand, and like James, he was waiting for Chen Yuan to tell him how to worship the ancestors' tablets.

"It's very simple. Find a base under a wooden board and write your grandparents, grandfather's father and mother on the board. If your parents are deceased, you must also write them.

I will tell you the style of the tablet later.

Then build an ancestral hall, enshrine these tablets, and offer incense at all times.

Four o'clock and eight festivals are the expression of the Eastern lunar calendar.

The four seasons refer to the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The eight solar terms refer to the eight solar terms of Beginning of Spring, Vernal Equinox, Beginning of Summer, Summer Solstice, Beginning of Autumn, Autumnal Equinox, Beginning of Winter and Winter Solstice.

Of course, it does not only refer to these eight solar terms, it is just a general reference to all solar terms in the four seasons of the year.

There are also incense offerings on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month.

I will teach you this later, provided that you meet the conditions and can worship the gods. "

James and Joseph nodded quickly, this was actually not difficult for them.

“Then let’s talk about the fourth condition, loyalty.

Make sure you are loyal to your family!

I know that the atmosphere here in America is very open, but since you want to believe in the gods, you have to follow the rules of the gods.

Since a person has a family, he must be loyal to his family.

Because home is a person's last haven, you can understand that even when the whole world is unworthy of your trust, your home and family should be people you trust wholeheartedly.

If you can't even trust your family, how miserable your life will be.

Therefore, the fourth condition for becoming a believer in my god is to be loyal to your family. "

Chen Yuan didn't say much about a country, ethnic group, a certain person or a certain belief.

To say too much is too broad.

It is better to just throw out a concept, which is to be loyal to the family, and that is enough.

We’ll talk about the rest later.


Seeing Chen Yuan stop talking for a while, Joseph and James were shocked to realize that he had finished his conditions.

Or the threshold.

With four conditions as the threshold, this god is really aloof.

“Under such conditions, there probably won’t be many people who can become believers!

Will that affect the divine power of the gods? "

Joseph couldn't help but speak.

James had a different opinion: “If these conditions can really be maintained, then the quality of this believer is too high.

The faith of one devout believer is stronger than the faith of hundreds or thousands of casual believers.

This is what I learned when I took theology elective in grade 12. Is my understanding correct? Father Ryan! "

Chen Yuan nodded, it should be understandable.

James became excited upon hearing this.

“Then next, should we erect a statue of a god, or a holy name, or a picture of a god?

After all, it takes a long time to erect a statue now, but Alyssa can't wait that long in the hospital.

It's best to be quick! "

Chen Yuan thought for a while: "You can hang up the armor I wore today and worship it as a statue for the time being.

But there is a problem. This is America, and America's Texas. The most important thing is that it is a remote town in Texas.

There is no Chinatown here, no incense candles, how can we offer sacrifices?

What a headache!

If you have to drive to the nearest Chinatown, it will probably take several days. Even if you fly there, you won't be able to come back in one day!

Alyssa in the hospital didn't know if she could survive the next day or two. "

You know, if James wants to believe in himself, he first wants to help Alyssa and be the last layer of insurance.

But now, it’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!

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