As the tunnel went deeper, the walls around the tunnel also changed. Originally, there were murals full of Japanese elements, and the murals and various carvings that were common in Japanese shrines depicting mythological stories.

If you didn't know in advance that this was a tunnel, you might even think it was the indoor corridor of a small shrine.


As the tunnel went deeper, the murals and carved decorations gradually became less and less, becoming simpler, but there were still some wooden corridors.

But then.

The corridor disappeared, revealing the stone wall that should have existed in the underground passage, and it was not so flat.

But in the dim light, with Chen Yuanke's eyes that could see things at night, he could see that there were reliefs on the uneven stone wall.

The ferocious faces, twisted limbs, and elements that made people feel horrible at first sight made up all the reliefs on the stone wall. If ordinary people came, just looking at these reliefs would be chilling.

Those white and black people seemed to have lost their own minds and followed him down in a daze. If they were not drugged, they were controlled by some mysterious power and lost the ability to resist.


The tunnel full of suffocating and gloomy feeling finally came to the end, and a huge underground space appeared in front of Chen Yuan.

This space is very large, so many tall pillars are needed to support the entire dome. It can even be said to be an underground square.

But if you have to describe it, it is more like an ancient temple, and not a serious temple.

Because there is an altar here.

In the center of this underground space, this slightly huge altar is there. On the altar, a statue with a slightly blurred face stands quietly. There is also a layer of black mist surrounding the statue, blocking the eyes of mortals.

If it is just like this, it is still serious.

But if there are dried blood stains on the altar in front of the statue, those thick dark-colored dried blood shells that exude a disgusting smell, tell everyone who sees this altar for the first time, how much blood has been poured on it?

As for whether it is human blood or the blood of other animals.

Looking at the black and white people who were driven in, confused and followed all the way, you will know.

Of course.

It is also possible that Orientals like Chen Yuan, who were treated as prey, may also be one of the sources of blood poured on this altar.

This is an evil god altar.

Because of the cold atmosphere around the entire altar, it seems that countless wronged souls are wandering here. Those black and white people who don’t know whether they were drugged or their souls were taken can actually feel the suffocating oppression in the air here.

They can even wake up from fear, but it’s too late to wake up. The little people around them seem to have been prepared and experienced. They just grabbed people and pushed them onto the altar without saying a word.

It seems to be right.

These black and white people are all sacrifices.

Just as the short knives were all placed on the arteries of these sacrifices, the old branch leader who was controlling Chen Yuan with superpowers and floating behind him turned around and waited for the order.

As long as he gave the order, his subordinates could use the sharp blades in their hands to release the blood of these sacrifices and sprinkle the entire altar.

The old branch leader put Chen Yuan down, then knelt down in front of the altar with a fanatical face and began to chant.

"The great god Taira Masakado, your devout believer, has prepared blood food for you, please show mercy and enjoy it."

Taira Masakado?

What kind of god is this?

I haven't heard of it!

Even among the eight hundred gods in Xiaori, there seems to be no such person!

However, Chen Yuan couldn't watch the innocent people in front of him being bled by Xiaori to sacrifice to the gods, even if these blacks and whites were not of oriental ethnicity.

But he wanted to see what this so-called Taira Masakado was.

So, when the little people were about to stab the sharp blades in the sacrifice's aorta, they heard a clear cough, and then all the knives stopped in front of the sacrifice's neck.

Including Hashimoto Tree, who was about to cross the threshold of the mythical world, he also stood still and could not move.

But in fact, this was not the most frightening thing for him.

What frightened him the most was that the branch president, who had already crossed the threshold and was already a mythical figure in the legend of the little people's island, was no different from him, and he stood still in powerless fear.

But their eyes all looked at the prey who had imprisoned all of them with two coughs.

But at this moment, the prey was in a different position.

They seemed to have changed from hunters to prey.

"Ahem, I won't pretend anymore!

I wanted to use the identity of an ordinary person to see what secrets you have, but now you want to kill people in front of me, so I can't pretend anymore!"

Chen Yuan smiled and stood up, as if the telekinetic imprisonment imposed on him by the old branch president seemed to be non-existent.

"I was not imprisoned by you, are you surprised?"

Standing still, the old branch president was a little dazed, but he quickly came to his senses and asked a question.

"Which organization are you from?

You are so much stronger than me who has already entered the mythical realm.

Even our president may not be able to subdue me so easily. When did such a powerful organization appear in the East that could cultivate such a powerful person like you!"

Before Chen Yuan had time to speak, Hashimoto Tree beside him became anxious.

At this time, Hashimoto Tree didn't understand that he was clearly regarded as a pawn who had infiltrated their group:

"So, you did it on purpose... You fell into my hands on purpose, and you let me catch you back on purpose.

As the saying goes in the East, you can't get tiger cubs without entering the tiger's den?"

"You learned the East very well, and you can even say proverbs!"

Chen Yuan nodded approvingly and said with a smile: "You are right to think so!

I came in just to see how you turned ordinary people into extraordinary people.

Originally, I wanted to wait for you to call out this demon named Taira Masakado and see what kind of process you used before taking action.

But I didn't expect that the means you used to summon this demon was to sacrifice innocent people.

I am a soft-hearted person, and I really can't bear to see innocent people being killed in front of me for such a thing, so I had to take action."

The old man, the branch president, also laughed. Being soft-hearted is weakness. No matter how strong a person is, as long as he is soft-hearted, he will not be able to achieve great things.

"However, I am soft-hearted and cannot bear to see innocent people being killed, but you little guys are obviously not innocent!"

After saying that.

Chen Yuan quickly turned into a shadow and passed by all the little guys, leaving only the old man who was the branch leader and Hashimoto Tree. All the others had been killed with a knife and thrown on the altar.

Those innocent black and white people were thrown out directly and piled up in the corner without any injuries.


The old man who was the branch leader of the Black Dragon Society was furious, but in his eyes under the furious face, there was actually urgency and expectation. He stared at the altar that was already covered with blood from the corner of his eyes.

Sure enough.

The altar in front of the statue began to absorb blood, and the figures around the statue gradually rushed to the blood on the altar, and then began to merge with the blood and form a human figure.

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