I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 237 I want to try how to beat you to death

【Taira Masakado: A noble family and military commander in Kanto during the middle of the Heian period in the island country.

The fifth-generation grandson of Emperor Kanmu, the son of the garrison general Taira Yoshimasa, also known as Soma Kojiro.

In 939, the Tang Dynasty in China had collapsed, and the land of China was in chaos. China was empty, and its minions were no longer able to control the land of Japan.

Taira Masakado seized this opportunity to raise an army and rebel.

Later, he made his own seal, and without receiving the orders of the Chinese Empire, he called himself the Emperor of Japan.

He was also a traitor.

He was brave and his whole body was invulnerable to swords and guns like steel. He led the army everywhere and was invincible. Those who blocked him were all turned into powder under his sword.

This also made him invincible on the battlefield.

Because his mother was the Dragon Mother, Taira Masakado was not only invulnerable to swords and guns like steel, but also had six clones that could be mistaken for the real thing, and he also had the ability to die for others.

But in this world, as long as he is still a human being, he has weaknesses, and Taira Masakado's weakness is lust.

So the shrine maiden Kikyo entered his tent as a concubine and served him for many days. She saw through the authenticity of his clone and noticed the weakness of the brow bone in his steel body.

Finally, he used the god tablet of Acala to break his clone, and then soaked the arrow in black dog blood and shot it at the weak point of the brow of his steel body.

As expected, Taira Masakado's steel body was broken, and then he was shot in the brow by an arrow in the chaos.

This rebel was unwilling to die, and even if he was beheaded and only his head was left, he still gritted his teeth in the box, which frightened the Suzaku Wa Emperor to death, and then turned into a vengeful demon king and flew away.

The shrine maiden Kikyo was killed, and all those who participated in beheading him died on the spot.

But he was quickly found by a practitioner, and the head of the vengeful demon king was suppressed underground by the Acala Shrine.

In the 12th year of Taisho, the Kanto earthquake occurred in the island country, which destroyed the shrine above and filled the air with evil spirits.

Then the island country quickly built the Ministry of Finance Office on it to suppress it, but the effect was minimal.

After that, this demon king repeatedly pushed the demonic energy to suppress it and devoured mortals. He was the most active demon king in the island country after the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was exhausted.

Now that the spiritual energy of America has revived, the island country's Black Dragon Society has listed it as the main god of sacrifice, using mortal blood to exchange for the help of the headless demon king, so that he can transfer the blood talents of Eastern mortals into his body.

Because the demon king is headless, he acts according to instinct. If someone sacrifices blood, he will get rewards.

The Black Dragon Society regards this demon king as a strategic existence and uses it to cultivate countless extraordinary powers of the Black Dragon Society.

Therefore, more mortals and Eastern mortals with blood talents died in their hands.

And every time the flesh and blood of mortals are sacrificed, the demon king's strength will increase by one point. At that time, it may have the strength to open the Ministry of Finance Office of the island country, take back the skull and restore the demon king to his full body.

The strength of the headless corpse of the demon king cannot be underestimated by ordinary practitioners, but it is all instinct. Because it has no head, its movements and attacks are slightly slow and clumsy. It is not difficult to subdue it if you observe carefully.

This demon has a weakness!

In view of the control and deterrence of the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains over the world, the people of the Tang Dynasty are the officials in the land without officials.

On the land, the officials of the Tang Dynasty are the officials of all people.

Therefore, if you have the identity of an official of the Central Plains Celestial Empire, you can suppress and deter it from the soul.

Fighting with it, its combat power is halved.

But for you, there is no need to be so cumbersome, just one force can defeat ten skills. 】

This is the detailed cause and effect of the headless demon king in front of you, who is wearing Japanese armor and is about 1.3 meters tall and 1.4 meters tall, which is gradually absorbing the flesh and blood on the altar.

It seems that this guy still has some skills.

Although it may not be good enough in front of me, even the comment is that I don’t need to care too much, just one force can defeat ten skills.

However, in front of ordinary practitioners, they are still quite powerful.

For example, the branch president of the Black Dragon Society and the retro samurai Hashimoto Tree, they have touched the edge of practice and can barely be regarded as a practitioner.

Compared with the real practitioners, they are a little worse.

Even if they are already extraordinary in the eyes of ordinary people, even the old branch president has stepped into the realm of mythology they think.

But in fact, in the practice world, they have only touched the threshold.

Of course, all this is not what the members are concerned about now.

He is concerned about only one question now.

Such a demon king, even if he is missing a head, why is he only 1.3 meters or 1.4 meters tall?

What does this mean?

Then with a head, wouldn’t it be more than 1.5 meters?

Such a short demon king?

At the moment when the headless demon king was formed, although he had no head to open his mouth, he could make a sound.

"I will take a little blood from you and help you steal one person from the Celestial Dynasty!

Where is the Celestial Dynasty bloodline prey?

Where is the successor?"

Chen Yuan could even hear that when the headless Taira Masakado said the words "Where is the Celestial Dynasty bloodline prey", there was a bit of morbid excitement and excitement in his words.

When Chen Yuan fixed them in place and just slaughtered those members of the Black Dragon Society and spilled their blood on the altar, the Black Dragon Society branch president who somehow survived and the retro warrior Hashimoto Tree looked at each other, and they could see the excitement and expectation of seeing life in each other's eyes.

"Your Excellency the Lord of the Gods Taira Masakado, the Celestial Dynasty bloodline prey is this oriental man in front of you. I am your hunting warrior and the successor of this bloodline theft and transfer.

But this prey is too powerful, has broken free from our restraints, and may also pose a threat to you.

Please take action and capture the prey!"

Yes, in their eyes, the god in front of them, Taira Masakado, is no longer one of the four vengeful spirits of the island nation, but the god.

Is a powerful demon king.

Is a symbol of strength.

Is their strategic existence, and now is their hope for survival.


In their eyes, Taira Masakado is supreme. Taira Masakado is extremely powerful and has no rivals.

Even when he was still alive, if it weren't for the shrine maiden Kikyo, who deliberately changed her identity to a concubine to take care of Taira Masakado, Taira Masakado would not have been plotted to death.

Perhaps, being betrayed by the closest and most beloved person by his bedside is the reason why Taira Masakado feels that he is unwilling to be wronged and becomes one of the four vengeful spirits and a demon king!

Maybe Taira Masakado only needs to make a slight move to be the strongest in this world.

But when they were expecting the extremely powerful god to make a move, what they saw was the hesitation and cowardice of the extremely powerful headless demon king.

"Are you an official?"

I don't know what the headless demon king Taira Masakado uses to speak, anyway, the voice is quite muffled.

But for some reason, there was a hint of fear in his voice.

Chen Yuan smiled and nodded, "It seems that I am indeed an official!"

"An official of the Eastern Celestial Empire in the Middle Earth?"

The headless demon king carefully confirmed again, because he did feel the pure Eastern blood in the other party's body, as well as the majestic pressure on his body and soul.

Chen Yuan smiled more happily: "It seems that this can be counted, but you can treat me as not an official!

Because, I want to try, I have to use some strength to kill an island demon king!"

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