Chapter 98 Poor (please vote 3/5)

Before Chen Yuan could take off the bullet embedded in his face, several more gunshots were fired, and several more bullets were stuck on his head.

But this time he was sure that the bullet arrived faster than the sound, and he was hit by the sound before it arrived.

He was shot four more times, all of which hit his chest and face accurately. He looked at the five copper lumps in his hand that had been squeezed into a ball. They were bullets made from copper pillars.

Only sniper rifles that pursue long-distance ballistic stability will use this kind of warhead.

But when gunfire can be heard, even a sniper rifle is not too far away.

Looking up, he quickly locked onto the roof of a building no more than ten stories over 300 meters away from him, and a house that was probably an ordinary house on the roadside.

On the roof of the building he targeted, a killer who obviously didn't look like a killer was holding a sniper rifle and was about to leave.

He could clearly see from the scope that his bullet successfully hit the opponent. The bullet made of copper pillars was flattened into a lump, but the opponent used his face to catch the bullet from the sniper rifle, but nothing happened.

Bruce knew he was probably doomed.

So when he saw his target riding a horse, running from the flat ground a few hundred meters away to the top of the 10-story building where he was, he knew that he was really doomed this time.

"Your origin!"

A low but dignified shout came out.

The oriental man who was sitting on the horse looking down at him was tall and mighty, and the superior man's aura was directly pressing on him.

Even after so many years of training, he still couldn't withstand the pressure that hit the depths of his soul and collapsed instantly.

Then he told the cause and effect like pouring beans through a bamboo tube.

"My name is Bruce Atlante Smith. I am not in the military ranks, and I directly take orders from the hunting combat personnel directly under the leadership of senior officials.

I just received an urgent order to set up an ambush here. The target is an Eastern man in the cavalry. The requirement is to kill him with one shot. After killing the target, kill as many of his team members as possible.

When I first received the order, I thought the target this time was to deal with the Royal Guards Cavalry Guard of Honor.

But the order cannot be questioned, especially as the top hunting combatants, who have high requirements for loyalty, it is impossible to question the order.

When I receive an order, I have only one choice, either to execute it or to find a way to execute it. "

Bruce, who collapsed, really didn't compromise at all. He directly explained everything that happened after receiving the order, including his psychological construction.

Just when he arrived, he saw a strange group of cavalry, and he knew that this could never be the Honor Guard of the Royal British Cavalry.

Because these six cavalrymen wore ancient Eastern cavalry armor and weapons, and they were really heavy armored.

If the horses were covered with armor, they would be the heavy cavalry of the ancient East.

Fortunately, the target person was not wearing armor. It did not mean that ancient heavy armor could prevent heavy sniper rifle fire, but that he could clearly distinguish who the target person was.

In this group of people, everyone was wearing helmets and armor, and it was impossible to tell the difference between Easterners and Westerners.

But the one who was not wearing armor could see it very clearly. As a combatant who specializes in hunting, Bruce's sensitivity in timing allowed him to quickly pull the trigger without any hesitation.

And just to be on the safe side, he fired five rounds of special bullets in the magazine and hit the target.

But obviously, his special bullets are of no use because the opponent is actually a god.

What he said was true, and the clairvoyance could see where he came from, although what he saw was not as detailed as what he himself explained.

Chen Yuan looked at the poor killer in front of him. He always thought that he was serving the country, but in fact he was just solving competitors for a certain family.

"If I say, your immediate superior is not a senior military officer at all, and you are not serving the country.

After walking in the shadows for so many years, there is always just a killer group behind you, a killer group that takes orders from a certain interest group.

What you eliminate every time is not a traitor, but a competitor of a certain interest group.

Will your heart be burning with guilt? "

Bruce was dumbfounded. The man in front of him, who was riding a horse and looking down at him, had no need to deceive himself.

He boldly raised his head and asked the god in front of him: "Which interest group?"

The god turned his horse around, and the tall divine horse stepped down through the void outside the ten-story building.

"You don't need to worry about this, I will handle it myself!"

After speaking, he waved his hand, and five thunders were generated in the void, directly chopping Bruce into coke and then into ashes, allowing the killer to enjoy a five-thunder blast from the east.

However, as soon as the five thunder methods obtained from the Qingwei sect's classics in Xiangjiang were selected by the celestial eye and the optimal context was revealed, the few auras cultivated in his body were instantly gone.

Sure enough, Sky Eye's improved thunder method is very powerful, but it also consumes a lot of energy!

Thunder method should not be used lightly!

Fortunately, he is still a god, and has the power of incense and divine power to support the Pegasus under his crotch to fly for such a short distance, so that he will not become a soft-legged crab after using the five lightning techniques.

It would be a joke if you had to lead the horse on the roof and take the elevator down.

Back on the ground, it was the first time for people and horses to fly so high, and I finally felt relieved.

James and others had already rushed into the residential building and captured the people inside.

The people inside were also extremely well prepared. The car running away had not yet turned off. Those people had prepared large-caliber continuous-firing weapons, grenades, and even two rounds of individual missiles. The firepower was terrifying to the extreme.

They waited for the killer on the roof to kill the target, and after killing the knights accompanying the team, they rushed out as quickly as possible to snatch the target's body, threw it into the car and left.

But unexpectedly, when the target person faced five bullets from a heavy sniper rifle, he actually took off the bullets stuck to his face and chest one by one.

It was as simple and casual as picking the rice grains stuck on the face, and then the horse took the target person into the air and ran towards the top of the ten-story building.

A horse actually stepped on the void and ran wildly, which shocked everyone's jaws and slowed down their thinking.

When this group of heavily armored knights rushed into the room, they woke up with a start. The heavy firepower in their hands hugged the triggers in fear, but they were still slapped down by those knights.

Some people can wake up, and some people can never wake up again.

Ma Jifen also floated over from a distance, carrying a person and a camera in his hand.

"Sir, this person has been filming us from a distance. I'm afraid he is also an accomplice..."

"It's just a passerby, let him go!"

Chen Yuan just glanced at that person and knew that he was an innocent person who had been harmed by Chi Yu.

After hearing this, Ma Jifen put the other person down, apologized, and returned the camera to him.

Although the boy's legs were shaking like noodles, he still picked up his camera and ran away with eyes shining.

Chen Yuan suddenly felt something. He looked up at the sky, took off the bow and arrow hanging on the saddle, raised his hand and drew the bow towards the sky, shooting an arrow, which instantly exploded a small unmanned aerial vehicle.

Then he stopped going to the airport and turned his horse around and started heading straight north.

"Come on, follow me and kill someone!"

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