I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 99 The chicken that jumped out on its own (please vote 45)

Chapter 99 The chicken that jumped out on its own (please vote 4/5)

"I have found hope after countless disappointments. I must seize this opportunity no matter what. I can't wait any longer in my life!"

An old white man, after the picture on the big screen changed to a no-signal picture, he picked up the remote control and watched the picture from beginning to end again.

When people grow old, they become afraid of death.

But compared to death, what I fear most is old age and frailty, and being stepped on by people who used to look down on me.

Even Du Fu lamented in his later years that the group of children in Nancun bullied me into being old and helpless.

Therefore, as an old man who controls part of the world, resources and wealth that are immeasurable to ordinary people, he is willing to pay any price to give him a chance to survive.

Even with all the wealth he now has, he would not hesitate to do so.

As long as you don't die, you can earn all this wealth back from scratch, but if you die, it's all over.

Yagobliss Rothschild once traveled all over the world looking for vampires.

Because in European legends, vampires can give people the blood and abilities of vampires, as well as an immortal body through first embrace.

But God can't.

However, the shortcomings of vampires are obvious. They cannot be active during the day and need to suck human blood to maintain life.

But is this a drawback?

This is called nightlife and a drink with a special taste.

Compared with their own mentality, what those European nobles did two hundred years ago was even crazier.

Between two hundred years ago and a few decades ago, no one knows how many real or fake mummies were dug out of real or fake pyramids and sent to Europe to serve on the tables of nobles.

The nobles at that time believed that mummies were another legendary state of immortality, and they wanted to achieve another sublimation of themselves by ingesting parts of mummy body tissues.

Some even built a pyramid specifically in order to sell their mummies at extremely high prices.

Of course, this situation is rare, but it is not that no one has been deceived. This shows how crazy the behavior of ingesting mummy body tissue was among European nobles at that time.

But it is undeniable that every person in power who controls major financial groups in Europe is trying their best to find opportunities to live longer.

Including the current Yagoblis, but he was more fortunate than the old European aristocrats, and he found it.

But what he found was not a vampire, but a god.


A chance to become a god.

The thing on the wrist of the priest named Ryan should be a sacred object that can communicate with gods.

This thing can even become a god.

You can also make dead people come back to life and become gods. Whenever you think of this, Yagobris will breathe quickly, his face will be flushed, and his eighty-seven-year-old heart will beat fast.

But judging from the footage transmitted back by the drone, this priest and the protective knights behind him are not easy to mess with.

The bullet, and it was a special bullet from a heavy sniper rifle, hit the priest's face, and the warhead turned from a copper pillar into a small copper bump.

You must know that after this kind of warhead is fired by a heavy sniper rifle, it can easily penetrate a brick wall with a thickness of up to 80 centimeters even from a thousand meters away.

But when it hit the priest's face, it turned into copper pimples. This shows that the divine protection on this priest's body is not trivial.

The horse that can fly also faced continuous fire and heavy firepower, and the protective knight was just as unscathed as the priest.

But so what?

The old man gave an order.

“If guns can’t take them out, get missiles.

If missiles can't kill him, small nuclear atoms can be arranged.

As long as I can ensure that the things in his hands can reach my hands intact, any means can be used! "

Behind him, someone took the order and left.

Yagobris knew that if small nuclear atoms were really used and the target person was always active in a crowded urban area, many people might be implicated in death, but so what?

If the death of many people could turn him into a god, he would not mind turning all the wealth under his hands into murderous knives.

As for the use of powerful small nuclear atoms, will it damage the sacred object on the wrist of the target person?

Ever since he saw that the horse could fly and people were invulnerable, he had determined that if this thing could be destroyed easily, it would not be worthy of becoming such a magical sacred object.

It can be transformed into a weapon, it can become something similar to a seal, it can be turned into a bracelet and put on a person's arm.

Could something like this be damaged by an ordinary atomic explosion?


The picture has reappeared on the big screen. These are two pictures returned by the emergency mobilization of satellites and the hovering high-altitude reconnaissance drone.

However, as soon as he saw the picture, the old man discovered in horror.

The cavalry team, together with a group of dogs, ran across the sea towards their manor in full view of everyone.

In the process of running wildly, the priest seemed to see the reconnaissance drone above his head that had deliberately lowered its altitude to take more realistic shots. He still bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow, directly and very unscientificly shooting the high-altitude reconnaissance drone. The drone exploded again.

"It's over!"

"He found me!"

A terrifying thought suddenly flashed through the old man's mind.

He was certain that the hyena was not directly related to him, and even the hyena's killer group had been defeated many times in a row.

For noble people like them, their bodies or hands are extremely clean, and it is impossible for them to be stained with any blood.

But now, the other party's target direction is very clear, and they are not even willing to go around.

When you encounter the sea, you cross it, and even dogs can run wild on the water. Isn't this a bit of a cover-up?

But it can also be seen that the other party miraculously knew all the main messengers of all this, and he directly found his current hiding place.

"Sir, you should enter the emergency underground shelter now!"

The confidant behind him quickly came to his side and reminded him.

The opponent is coming fiercely, and if you don't avoid the edge temporarily, someone may die.

But the old man saw it more clearly than he did.

"There is no way to escape. Since the other party can be so unreasonable, he easily found out where I am from the hyena that killed him.

Even if I escape to the nuclear-proof fortification deepest underground, I may not be able to escape his gaze.

Since you can't escape, then face him head on!

Maybe this is also an opportunity! "

Yagobusli calmed down and decided to grind a cup of coffee with his own hands, ready to face the next confrontation in the best condition.

Chen Yuan is indeed a little angry.

A rat in the gutter, you want to continue to hide in the dark and control Zheng Zhihe's economy in this world. You have no reason to look for him. After all, the water in the well does not conflict with the river.

But such a thing dares to come out to challenge the majesty of the Eastern gods. This obviously does not regard bean bags as solid food.

Don’t you regard heavenly soldiers as gods?

However, it was actually not too exciting, and there was even a bit of joy.

Because the object of establishing authority has been found.

The chicken that killed the chicken to scare the monkeys will pop out on its own. If you don't kill it, you won't be able to thank the chicken for its efforts.

In this case, let him have his wish!

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