I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 176: True duelist

Seeing You Yu's subtle expression changes after replenishing his hand card, the game has somewhat realized something.

This reaction...is there already a means to break this situation?

Thinking of this, the game even vaguely looked forward to it, as if deep in his heart, as the soul of a duel, was eager to see what You Yu might use next.

You Yu glanced at the supermagic knight on the game field, thought for a moment, then looked at the hand with only two cards left in the game, and fell into thinking.

The Supermagic Knight and the Dark Magus Cavalry have the ability to negate magic traps that target cards on the field, but each use requires one card in their hand.

Now there are two cards left in the game's hand, in other words, the Black Sword Cavalry still has two chances to invalidate.

That being the case...

"Start from your hand, quick attack magic-the holy grail of taboo!" You Yu turned over a card in his hand and revealed a magic card. "This card can increase the attack power of a monster on the field by 400 points, but the effect is negated. !

Of course what I want to choose is...The Black Sorcerer Cavalry! "

"It turns out that although the attack power is increased, the attack power of the black magic cavalry will decrease if the effect is invalid." The game smiled, "but it can't make you so easy."

He abandoned one of the two cards in the hand to the cemetery, and then raised his finger to the black magic cavalry: "The black magic cavalry's monster effect is activated!

When a card effect targeting a card on the field is activated, by discarding a card in your hand, the activation of that effect will be invalidated and destroyed! Black magic counter! "

The forbidden holy grail released light green energy around the body of the black magic cavalry. But this trick is completely ineffective against the knight who is proficient in magic.

The forbidden holy grail was also backlashed by powerful magic power, and the card face was split into pieces on the spot.

"Okay...what a strong monster." The Peacock Dancer in the audience was astonished. "Not only does it have such a terrifying attack power, but also magic traps and even monster effects are invalid?"

"Then I summon'Elemental Hero·Liquid Man'!"

The water flow converged from all around and gradually condensed into entities on the field, transforming into the figure of a water hero. The flowing hydration turned into entities, and the hero in the light blue armor squatted halfway into the field in front of You Yu.

[Elemental Hero·Liquid Man, Attack Power 1400]

Game: "Are you an unseen hero again..."

"The effect of the liquid man is activated! This monster is successfully summoned. Special summon a hero monster below level 4 from the graveyard!"

As You Yu spoke, a whirlpool of water flowed open on the field in front of him. A solid and steady figure in hard armor flew out of the vortex vertically.

"I resurrected the'Elemental Hero·Solid Man' from the cemetery!"

[Elemental Hero·Solid Man, Attack Power 1300]

"Then open the cards covered on the field!" You Yu pressed the duel plate button, and activated the cards that had been placed on the field before using the life-threatening Boza to draw cards, "Fusion!'Elemental Hero·Liquid Man' with land attributes 'Elemental Hero·Solid Man', fusion!

The fusion condition is that elemental hero monsters plus random monsters, summoned by fusion!

Elemental Hero: Gaia! "

The two elemental hero monsters turned into light beams and entangled into the vortex on the ground, and the burst of energy projected an image of the ground breaking apart.

After all, it is the elemental hero Gaia, it must be common sense that he comes with a land destroyer in the game.

The dark, heavy armored hero drilled out of the ground, and the three-dimensional image effect looked like the crust of the earth was changing, as if the entire duel field was going to collapse with the appearance of this big guy.

[Elemental Hero: Earthman, 2200 attack power]

"Elemental Hero Earthman, when the Fusion Summon is successful, halve the attack power of a monster on the opponent's field and add it to your own attack power!"

The Earthman roared dullly, and his huge steel punch hit the ground fiercely. The heavy fist smashed the enemy, and the crack spread towards the half of the game at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it seemed that the black magic cavalry was about to sink into the crack of the ground.

"It's useless!" The game continued to wave, "The black magic cavalry effect is activated! Abandon a card in the hand, and the effect of the man of the earth will be invalid and destroyed! The black magic counters!"

The black magic cavalry shouted, and the spiral spear swept across, and the pitch-black magic power released a static absolute command.

The spreading crack instantly stopped like a strong force majeure. The spear plunged into the ground fiercely, and the overbearing magic wave surged with teeth and claws, and traced back in the direction of the crack, involuntarily piercing the Earthman's black heavy armor, piercing him back and forth.

The hero of the earth has just appeared on the scene, and before he has had time to show off his abilities, he is penetrated by the black magic cavalry, and kills on the spot.

"This is too powerful, right?" Miss Yuehua, the game player Wang Yun, was astonished. "How come there is such a bug card?"

On the side of the tomb guard, sister Isis, who had been watching quietly, said softly: "But in this way, the two cards of the Pharaoh are also consumed. The effect of the black magic cavalry can no longer be used."

At this time, the game was also holding his arms, carefully examining You Yu's reaction, while still thinking quickly.

As Isis said, now that there is no card left in the hand, the Black Sword Cavalry can no longer continue to invalidate the card effect.

But You Yu, who has stepped on it twice, is ineffective, is there really still a chance to fight back?

"Although the effect of the Earthman is invalid, the chain is not over yet!" You Yu waved his hand, "As the Earthman fusion material, the effects of'Elemental Hero·Solid Man' and'Elemental Hero·Liquid Man' are activated!"

In fact, it is reasonable to say that the effects of these two heroes were already activated at the moment of the fusion summon... It's just that You Yu's mouth is not like a king, and it doesn't sound like a king, so he didn't have time to explain. .....

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, you don't have the concept of timing when playing cards in the animation. The effect of the launch is definitely indispensable.

The game's eyelids moved.

Can I continue to operate?

"The first is the effect of'Elemental Hero Liquid Man.' When this monster is sent to the Graveyard as a fusion material, I draw two cards from the deck, and then discard a card from my hand."

You Yu draws two from the deck, and then sends a card into the graveyard.

Then he waved his hand again: "Then the effect of the'Elemental Hero: Solid Man'! When the Solid Man is sent from the field to the graveyard by magic effects, he special summons the'hero' monsters other than himself from the guard of the graveyard!

I resurrect the "Elemental Hero·Flame Wing Man"! "

The fusion hero who had just exited the game last round quickly returned from the cemetery under the effect of his companions. The pillar of fire rose from the bottom of the earth, and the hero who controlled the wind and fire whirled out and landed on the ground in a squat.

[Elemental Hero·Flame Winged Man, Defensive Power 1200]

In reality, the flame wing man is "cannot be specially summoned without fusion summoning", but the second episode of the game king GX animation Youcheng Ten Dai is going to resurrect the flame wing man with the "Dead Susheng". It can be seen that there is no such thing in the animation. Article restricted.

"Next is the magic card-fusion recovery! The ‘fusion’ in the cemetery and the ‘Elemental Hero·Liquid Man’ that was sent to the cemetery as the fusion material are recovered into the hand!

Then, reclaim the cards in your hand... and start the fusion again! "

Game gritted his teeth: "Can you continue to fuse?"

"Combine the ‘Elemental Hero·Flame Wing Man~www.NovelMTL.com~ the ‘Elemental Hero·Electric Man’ in the hand...Fuse!"

"Use the fusion monster to fuse twice!?" Chengouchi felt that the three views were refreshed again.

Sister Isis's gaze towards You Yu is also a bit complicated: "You Yu, this duel... is also a duel who can constantly challenge our cognition and unexpectedly exceeded our expectations time and time again."

The flame wing man and the electric light man who had just appeared both flew up, turned into flames and golden light, respectively rolled into one place, merged into one, and burst out shining sacred white light, and at the same time gave birth to amazing energy.

You Yu raised his finger to the eddy current of the holy light in mid-air: "The righteous hero appears in the sacred light, cutting through the darkness and bringing light——

——Elemental Hero·Flashing Flame Wingman, summon! "

A hero in white mechanical armor with holy wings spread out behind him flew out vertically, his figure whirled up, and hovered in the air condescendingly.

[Elemental Hero·Flash Flame Wing Man, Attack Power 2500]

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