I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 177: The final victory!

Elemental hero, flashing flame wing man, summon!

"It looks so amazing monster." Shizuka's sister whispered, "and it's so warm."

"Yes." Shirouchi also nodded, "And he is handsome! You Yu uses some super handsome heroes! But even so, the monsters in the game have higher attack power!"

The game is not as optimistic as he is at this time.

No, this monster born in the dual fusion must hide powerful special abilities!

"The effect of the Flashing Flame Wing Man," You Yu's explanation immediately confirmed his guess, "For every elemental hero monster in the graveyard, his attack power will increase by 300 points!"

While talking, the elemental heroes sleeping in his cemetery have turned into phantoms and appeared on the field.

Elemental heroes: Solid Man, Flame Man, Wing Man, Hot Girl, Earth Man, Flame Wing Man, Lightning Man, and Elemental Hero Clay Man who was abandoned to the graveyard by the effect of Liquid Man.

"There are eight elemental hero monsters in my graveyard. So the attack power increases...2400 points!" You Yu shouted.

[Elemental Hero·Flashing Flame Wing Man, Attack Power 2500→4900]

"Attack power...4900!?" The audience was shocked.

What kind of a fairy fight I saw today! ?

Illusory God exited the scene one after another, but I didn't expect that it was just the beginning!

The exchange of moves between the two sides in this duel, the reversal of the cards, simply exceeded the limit that ordinary duelists in this era could imagine!

Regardless of the outcome, the gold content of this duel king title battle has already exploded. I am afraid that no matter which of the two sides wins, no one dares not be convinced.

"Is this your full power, You Yu? You are really strong." The game smiled, "But you should also know that even so, the attack power of the Flashing Flame Wing Man cannot surpass the Black Sorcerer Cavalry!

Not only that! With the use of magic trap cards, the attack power of the black magic cavalry will be further improved! "

After summoning the Black Sword Cavalry in the last round, the game used the magic card "Quick Attack", and one more card was placed on the field, so the Black Sword Cavalry's attack power increased by two hundred.

In this round, You Yu used four magic cards including the life-cutting Boza, the forbidden holy grail, fusion, and fusion recovery. Therefore, the attack power of the black magic cavalry increased by four hundred.

[Super Magic Knight-Black Magic Cavalry, Attack Power 5000 → Attack Power 5600]

Xuelang in the audience made a fist for You Yu with anger: "Damn it! The attack power is 4900, and it's only 700 points short of the last!"

"It's not over yet, Game Sang." You Yu chuckled, "In order to respond to your all-out efforts, I must also go all out to take the limit that I can reach when I appear, and use my true and true strength. To deal with it!

So please watch, this is my limit! "

You Yu inserted the card into the duel plate and shouted: "Equip magic-the favorite hero is activated! This card can equip level 5 or higher heroes and monsters. I will equip ‘Elemental Hero·Flashing Flame Wing Man’!"

"Equip magic?" The game was taken aback, and suddenly woke up, "That's it! That's why you forced me to use the effect of the ‘Black Magic Cavalry’..."

"That's right," You Yu smiled, "If you still have cards in your hand, you can now use the special ability of the "Black Sorcerer Cavalry" to invalidate the equipment of the "Loved Hero"."

"So that's it." The game is clear, "You really put one on it."

"Enter the battle phase!" You Yu shouted, "At this moment, the effect of the'favorite hero' is activated! This card exists as an equipment card and can be activated when entering the battle phase! Activate a field magic card from the deck! "

"Venue magic, is that coming?" the game said, "A stage suitable for heroes to fight?"

"Yes, it seems that you know it too." You Yu also smiled, "I want to start from the deck... Venue Magic-Skyscraper!"

The earth trembled, and the reinforced concrete buildings rose from the ground in an instant. Dark buildings, steel constructions, the image of the moon hung in the sky, and heroes with sacred brilliance flying in the air.

"Next is the effect of the favorite hero!" You Yu continued, "When there is a field magic card in your field area, the attack power of the equipped monster increases by the value of its own defense power!

and! Equipped monsters will not be the target of the opponent's card effects!

The defensive power of the Flashing Flamewing is 2100, so now his attack power..."

[Elemental Hero·Flashing Flame Wing Man, Attack Power 4900 → Attack Power 7000]

Chenguchi said that others were stupid: "Offensive and offensive attack power is 7000!?"

What kind of monster is this?

Can there be such a terrifying attack power in this game?

In the face of such power, even the strongest monster in the seahorse, the "Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon", is just a fish, right?

"Attack power 7000..." The game said solemnly, "Sure enough, You Yu, you are the strongest duel I have ever played against."

"The game has been praised, but it's just luck."

You Yu smiled and said, and at the same time, intentionally or unintentionally turned his head and glanced at the elf black magician girl beside him.

...Of course, I also have to thank my elf girl to a large extent.

The black magician girl also flushed pretty face at this time, and seemed to be eager for this duel that gradually entered the ** part. She clenched her small fist and silently cheered the master on, and at the same time, she hoped that this attack could directly establish the victory and determine that the master would directly win the title of dueling king...


...What does the master keep looking at me for?

Because of the appearance of "Skyscrapers" and "Favorite Heroes" on the field, the attack power of the Black Magic Cavalry has been further improved.

【Super Magic Knight-Black Magic Cavalry, Attack Power 5600→5800】

Of course, the impact of this improvement has been minimal.

The flashing flame wing man also inherits the effect of the flame wing man as the fusion material, and can inflict damage to the opponent's battle-destroyed monster with its original attack power value.

Passing this blow will directly establish the victory!

"Continue to fight, it's the final blow!"

At least You Yu hoped from the bottom of his heart.

"Flashing Flame Wingers, attack the'Black Magic Cavalry'!" You Yu issued the final offensive order for this duel, "Flashing Flames!"

The hero received the order and launched an extremely fast charge!

The metal heroic figure turned into an afterimage, and a transparent white flash was dragged behind him, like a bullet pierced through the space, whizzing towards the magic cavalry.

Facing the aggressive charge of the high-tech warrior in front of him, the faithful servant on the magic side was not far behind, and a dark flame ignited all over, raising his spear to start the charge.

The light and the dark two forces violently collided together, the light and dark burst out, the surging energy was released, the sound seemed to shatter the eardrum, and the light effect pierced people's eyes.

"Wh...how?" Shirouchi struggled to open his eyes, trying to confirm the situation on the court.

This is also the most concerned issue of everyone in the audience.

What was the result of the duel?

The game... Lost it?

The horrible energy of the two collisions gradually dissipated, the smoke screen gradually dissipated, and the image on the duel field was restored.

The first thing that grabbed everyone's attention from the smoke screen was the flaming flame wing man who was shining with holy light and equipped with gorgeous special effects. At a glance, everyone saw that this handsome hero still existed on You Yu's court unscathed, and You Yu, who was behind him, looked equally safe.

【You Yu, LP500】

Jouchou was surprised: "Then...the game was lost???"

"No...no." President Haima couldn't remain calm at this time, his eyes widened, and he looked forward to climbing up the stage to personally confirm the situation.

Immediately after the game, the figure also appeared, and it was also safe and sound...Even the black magic cavalry on his field was still there.

[Game, LP2000]

"It's a pity, it was indeed your chance to strike." The game smiled and expressed appreciation, and at the same time, a card from the duel area was ejected. "But the moment the battle happened, I used the'super 'Electromagnetic Turtle' effect!

This card exists in the cemetery, and you can forcibly terminate the battle phase only once as the player likes! "

"Super-electromagnetic tortoise... so that's it." Seahorse retracted the neck that stretched like a giraffe, and took his arms to return to a breezy look, "Before acting as a'black magic cavalry'. Was the cost of activation discarded from the hand?

Hmph, it's a long way to go. When the attack power of the'Black Magic Cavalry' was still dominant, it was already guarded against such a move.

But it’s a game after all, so it’s only natural to achieve this level..."

"That's it, you deserve to be Game Sang." You Yu closed his eyes lightly, smiled, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

But yes, it doesn't matter!

Today we also perform a hand, what is a real magic pump!

You Yu raised his hand high—the last card he held.

"Spell Card-A surprise attack in the dark, launch!" (animation card)

"Nani!?" Everyone was shocked at the same time.

There have been too many reversals in this round, the fierce offensive and defensive swaps are dizzying, and the unexpected unfolding successively even made everyone a little numb.

But the presence of this card must be the most familiar to Malik.

In the original animation, it was Dark Malik who used this card in the final against the game, giving the Phoenix-shaped Sun God a second chance to attack.

Since the Malik player had consciously handed out the entire deck to You Yu when the game was over, the card has naturally changed its name to You.

"Dark surprise, a card used at the end of the combat phase!" Malik, who has been whitewashed, said in a friendly manner, "Only one monster summoned within this round can reopen the combat phase and attack again!"

"You can attack again!?"

Miss Kyoko was so worried that she couldn't help but cried out: "Game!"

"Fight again!" You Yu shouted, "Elemental Hero, Flashing Flame Wingman, Flashing Flame Impact! This time, actually defeat the Black Sorcerer Cavalry!"

[Super Magic Knight-Black Magic Cavalry, Attack Power 5800 → Attack Power 5900]

Because of the launch of the "surprise attack in the dark", the attack power of the black magic cavalry continued to increase.

The attack power of 5900, in the ordinary view, is already insurmountable, strong enough to a numerical value or even meaningless attack power, but at this time it seems meaningless in front of the flash flame wing man.

[Flashing flame wing man, attack power 7000]

This time, the game finally has no means to resist this attack. The charge of the flashing flame wingman tore through the magical power blasted by the black magic cavalry, hitting the spiral spear, which continued to spin in mid-air.

The silver bullet-like impact tore apart the cavalry's body, and the steed uttered an unwilling mourn before dying. Technology defeated magic, and the invincible knight was torn to pieces in the sound of a skyrocketing explosion.

【Game, LP2000→LP900】

The game subconsciously raised his hand to block it in front of him, and at the same time his body took a half step back again due to the impact.

"This is the real end!" You Yu continued to shout, "Flashing Flame Wing Man, the effect is activated! When fighting destroys the opponent's monster, inflict damage to the opponent player's original attack power value of the destroyed monster!

The black magic cavalry originally had an attack power of 2800, so take the effect of 2800 damage, game Sang! "

Killed the monsters, broke through the obstacles, and the flashing flame wingmen rushed high into the air, and one swooped down in front of the game, holding his arms, his whole body shining brightly.

You Yu's pupils contracted, and he felt his heartbeat disappeared.


This time I really won!

He really did it. He won the title of Duel City Champion and Duel King!

"That's it, there is such an effect..." the game suddenly muttered to itself.

Obviously, he didn't know that the Flash Flame Wing Man had the effect of additional damage before that.

The game suddenly raised his head and chuckled slightly.

"It is indeed a very powerful special ability. If you don't pay attention, you may be instantly killed. But at this moment, this powerful effect has become a burden instead."

You Yu had an extremely ominous premonition, and at the same time quickly focused his eyes on the feet of the game——

——There is also a Gevka there!

Throughout the history of Yu-Gi-Oh, is there a duel that Wang Yang has had in which Capvoca is not useful?

It seems...not really.

"At the moment your'Flashing Flame Wing Man' activated its effect, my Gevka also activated!" The game shouted, "Counter-attack the trap-the real sword wins and loses!"

When both monsters are fighting, it can only be used when monster effects, magic or trap cards are activated! The activation of that effect is invalidated and the card is destroyed! "

"Nani!?" You Yu was taken aback.

Actually still have this hand?

If the real sword wins or loses, the real card should be the card that can be activated only by the damage calculation step of the battle. After the black magic cavalry was destroyed, the damage calculation step should have ended.

However, the battle process of monsters during this period of DM was obviously not so careful. Many cards will be activated only when the two monsters are fighting in the "attack declaration" or "when the damage is calculated" in the real card. However, all the animations will be collectively referred to as "can be activated when the two monsters are fighting".

"It's a pity, You Yu, if the effect is passed this time, I will lose 2800 points of attack damage from the Super Magic Knight-Black Magic Cavalry." The game said, "But according to the'True Sword Victory' The effect of the flashing flame wing man's ability to activate will be invalidated, and it will also be destroyed.

And because this effect does not specify a specific target to activate, your equipment magic "Favorite Hero" can't save your monster from this effect! "

"A beautiful counterattack!" Jouchi was overjoyed, "As expected of a game, there is still a hand to the end!"

Haima also snorted, "Is the outcome finally decided this time?"

The flashing flame wing man was destroyed, and You Yu's hand completely had no cards left, and he could only greet the next round of the game with an empty field.

There are only 500 LPs left. Under such circumstances, passing empty is basically tantamount to a death sentence.

But here, the reversal of this duel has been enough.

In this duel, both sides have exhausted everything and the cards are all out. Even if he is defeated now, absolutely no one will underestimate You Yu because of this result.

But... is this really the end?

"Well, you are really good at the game." You Yu smiled helplessly, "I wanted to take a gamble and surpass my limit in this round, and try to see if there is a chance to defeat you...

...But unfortunately, it always seems to be a little bit worse. It should be said that he is the dueling king, it is really not that easy to surpass. "

"But at the same time I have tried my best." The game smiled, "You have played well enough. This is also my last move, and I have no other means."

The implication is that this is my last card printing, and printing again even I feel too much...

You Yu closed his eyes.

"In that case... then let me show the respect that I deserve." He opened his eyes and stared.

Here we need to borrow your power again, President!

"Flip the cover card!" You Yu shouted, "Trap Card-Destruction Wheel!"

"Nani!!?" x10086

The audience was shocked, especially the President Haima who entrusted his younger brother to hand this "destruction wheel" to You Yu's hands.

Actually...Did you hide a destruction wheel at the last moment?

The game is clear: "Are the cards covered in the last round?"

"That's right." You Yu smiled, "The Destruction Wheel is a card that destroys a monster on the field and gives both players the damage of the monster's attack power.

Originally, before you summoned the ‘Black Sword Cavalry’, I had the opportunity to try the Destroyer Wheel to blow up the Flame Wingers on my field, which directly led to the current ending.

But as expected, I still want to try to surpass you... Unfortunately, after all, I still couldn't do it. "

After all, it used to be a ten-thousand-year-old banned card. There is a reason why the destruction round is called the "forced draw round".

You Yu shrugged helplessly.

People always have to know contentment.

At this point, he has exhausted everything, and there is nothing to regret.

"So at the end of the end, at least allow me to set up a table."

"So that's it." The game smiled lightly and closed his eyes, "Then it is full of your fierce determination, and I'll be fine!"

The favorite hero will make the equipped monster "cannot be the target of the opponent's effect~www.NovelMTL.com~ But the destruction wheel is launched by Youyu himself, so you can still specify the flash flame wingman.

Originally, according to the real card rules, the destruction wheel, as a normal trap, cannot be activated in a chain counterattack trap "True Sword Victory", but the current duel rules obviously do not have a statement about the processing speed of the effect spell.

If it must be handled according to the real card rules, in fact, both sides have babbles, don't say who...

"Wheel of destruction, the effect is activated!" You Yu raised his hand and shouted, "Destroy my own "Flashing Flame Wing Man", and then both of us bear the current attack power of the Flashing Flame Wing Man at the same time...

...That is, a total of 7000 points of damage! "

The destruction wheel was launched, and the shining hero exploded in the center of the field, bursting into a group of sparkling fireworks, and at the same time brought the long-lost end of this duel.

【Game, LP900→LP0】

【You Yu, LP500→LP0】

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