I’m The King

Chapter 1040: : East becomes West (Thirty-three)

Li Xinku sat in the big tent, an oil lamp was shining with a lonely fire, reflecting on his awkward face, cloudy and sunny, and there was a mess inside the big tent, which was left when the generals who learned the bad news left. At nightfall, the cavalry that escaped sporadically from Balahai returned to the base camp, bringing news that the main force of the Han cavalry had arrived, and what shocked Li Xin was another report from the Black Ice Terrace. In this report, the Han country has completely completed the occupation of Qi, the king of Qi surrendered, and the Han army conquered Linyi with more than 100,000 troops. After Qu was forced to retreat, the Han army took advantage of the power to attack the territory of Chu. On the other battlefield, two infantry corps under the command of Shangguanhong, commander of the Han Youth Guard Corps, attacked the three counties of Handi. The Chu people were sent away by the Han army before they had time to rule because of fear. Now Shangguanhong The young guards of the army are also launching an offensive against Chu State.

Li Xin knew too much about the personality of King Chuhuai.After stealing chickens and not eroding Bami, the king would not think about fighting back, but must be thinking about how to end the war with Han in a decent way.

The Chu people live in the south, and the people have been at ease for many years. They have an instinctive aversion to war, and King Chuhuai is the most outstanding representative of them.

If the Chu people retreat, Qin will face the war with Han alone.

There is no advantage at all. The Qin State’s labor force expedition, the Han army is fighting in the local area, the fighting strength of the two sides is similar, the Qin State has many famous generals, and the Han State is also countless. In this battle, the Qin State has lost three points. .

But these are just things to do. Now, what Li Xin has to consider is how to get out. The 20,000 cavalry soldiers are almost wiped out. This is fatal to an army walking on the grassland. The Chu State Council contained a large number of Han* teams, and Meng Tian and Lu Chao would also make it impossible for the Han army to get out, but now it seems that all of this is in vain. It can be seen from the appearance of the Donghu Independent Cavalry Division on the battlefield. The Han army has spare power.

Recalling the victory report received by Meng Tian and Lu Chao's army the previous two days, claiming to have captured the capital of Wei, Ye Zhen, the commander of the Central Army of the Han Army, led his troops to retreat, but from the victory report, Li Xin could not see. Yes, because the number of enemies to be wiped out was too small, Ye Zhen was not defeated, but took the initiative to retreat.

Trading space for time! This thought flashed in Li Xin's mind. They were dragging the grassland war to end, dragging and waiting for Chu State to surrender. Once the dust on these two sides settled, the deeper the Qin army entered, the more retreated. difficult.

Immediately withdraw the army, let Meng Tian and Lu Chao completely kill Zhao Guo by the way when they return to their teachers, and then Qin Guo will not have achieved nothing this time.

Thinking of this, Li Xin immediately picked up a pen to write to King Qin Wulie.

"General!" A guard from outside broke in, "But the general is back, but the general is back!"

"What? But the rain is back?" Li Xin stood up, accidentally, a big stain fell on the pen, smearing half of the letter that had just been written, Li Xin threw away the pen, and strode from the big case. Came out.

Blood-stained but rain stepped in from outside and saw Li Xin, sobbing and knelt on the ground, "General, I lost, I failed the general's trust, more than 10,000 fine horses were wiped out. Please use my head to invigorate the military."

Li Xin smiled bitterly and shook his head, and stretched out his hand to support But Yu," Donghu independent cavalry division appeared on the battlefield, let alone you, even I can't even think of it, and the black ice platform has not even received any news. This is not yours. Fault. The East Hu cavalry is already very powerful, and even the Huns were not their opponents back then. What's more, their numbers are far greater than you, and they are assisted by the Huns herders. In this battle, you have no chance to win at all. If it is said to be held accountable, I am the first person to bear the responsibility."

"General!" But the rain burst into tears. "What shall we do now? Gao Yuan has also appeared on the battlefield, among the East Hu cavalry."

"Gao Yuan?" Li Xin was taken aback. "You said Gao Yuan appeared here in person?"

"Yes, I will fight with him in the end, and I will be captured by him. I didn't break through, but let him go." But Yu said ashamed.

"There must be a reason for him to let you go. What did he say?" Li Xin's face was solemn. If the appearance of the Donghu Independent Cavalry Division on the battlefield was only a surprise to him, then Gao Yuan appeared here, which shocked him. What does this mean? It means that Gao Yuan doesn't care about the other two battlefields at all. In other words, on those two battlefields, Gao Yuan has an absolute certainty to win. On the contrary, the grassland is the place he is most worried about. That's why he showed up in person.

"He asked me to bring four words to the general!" But Yu whispered.

"Which four words!"


Li Xin's body shook slightly, turned around, walked to the map hanging on one side, and stared at the black line from Shannan County City to here, thousands of miles away, good way!

"General, what shall we do?" But Yu asked.

"It's good to go all the way?" Li Xin smiled bitterly. "But Yu, withdrew from here to Shannan County, and walked thousands of miles along the way. There are no people and no food and grass. How far do you think we can run?"

"Ask the general to lead a group of elites with enough food and grass to retreat first, and then the general will be willing to lead the troops to break." But Yu resolutely said.

"You can run a war horse? Or I can run a war horse?" Li Xin smiled lightly, "Now I have gathered all the cavalry in the army, but only a few thousand horses, you think that being high will make me easy Run away? Let's calculate the account. The Donghu independent cavalry division has 20,000 people, and the nasty Huns herdsmen now have about 20,000. Together with Helanxiong who has emerged from the trap, Gao Yuan can easily gather forty to fifty thousand. Cavalry, where are we going?"

"General, you can order General Wang Xiao to retreat quickly! The two armies can be combined, or they can make a **** road!" But Yu said.

"The more people there are now, the greater the burden. Wang Xiao's 50,000 horses, how much food and grass does he need every day?" Li Xin shook his head. "Yu, you want to take a risk, or it is impossible. There is a **** road in it, or is it just fleeing all the way, in the way of fleeing, being eaten bit by bit by high and far?"

"General, of course I am willing to choose the first way!" But Yu said loudly.

"Okay." Li Xin gave a thumbs up: "Gao Yuan thinks that I want to run and save my strength. Maybe he also knows me very thoroughly. He knows that I am a person who is cautious throughout my life and rarely takes risks, but this time, I I want to surprise him. It’s good to go all the way? Haha, instead of going, I have to compete with him. If we win, we win everything. If we lose, let’s bury our bones on this grassland!"

"Does the general want?" But Yu asked.

"I'm going to attack Yan Haibo, the whole army!" Li Xin's face showed a hideous look." Yan Haibo led an army of 30,000 out of Jishi City and pushed all the way towards us. In the first few days, the march was like a tortoise, but from Yesterday, I suddenly accelerated and I wanted to kill him. Then, I will attack the stone city again, even if I will face several sides of the high cavalry, I will fight this battle. I am willing to die vigorously, and I will not be on the way. He was tortured to death during the flight. If we are lucky enough to take down the stone city, then we will be able to survive."

"I would like to fight this life with the general!"

"Very good, but Yu, our army still has five thousand cavalry, I leave it to you. I don't care how you fight, as long as possible to make the high cavalry as scrupulous as possible, Liu Dacheng will lead thirty thousand soldiers to go. Attacking Yan Haibo, and I will lead an army of fifty thousand straight to the city of Jishi. This is a desperate fight. To put it bluntly, it is a fight between trapped beasts, and the dog jumps over the wall." Li Xin slapped his palm on the table and said loudly.

The Qin army camp boiled up, and by the third shift, the huge camp had become ruins in one place. The tens of thousands of troops were divided into several paths, and they rushed towards their respective goals. Li Xin did not hide from his generals. Any real information just tells them that if they want to live, this is the only way out, retreat, and they can only die faster.

Thinking of fighting the Xiongnu cavalry and the East Hu cavalry on a long distance of thousands of miles, none of the generals of the Qin army has this confidence. Li Xin's plan is their only way to survive from death, without rushing, without Mobilization, this time is no longer fighting for the Qin State, but fighting for his own survival.

The Qin Army exerted a high efficiency that they did not have when they were strongest in the past, which made Li Xin a little relieved, or, with the courage to sink the boat, his own army still has a little bit of hope, even if it is trivial, but As long as there is hope, there is the possibility of realization.

When I was a little book boy, I was determined to be a great general. How small is this hope, but didn't I still realize it in the end?

Miracles were originally made by humans.

In Balahai, the Han army camp, He Lanxiong appeared haggardly in front of Gao Yuan, and he knelt to the ground with a haggard, "My lord, I am ashamed of you."

Gao Yuan stepped forward and pulled up He Lanxiong. "There is no general in this world who is victorious in a hundred battles, and occasionally a horse misses the front, which is nothing? What's more, Li Xin is a famous general in the world, and I am facing him. In order to lure you into the bait, it is too damnable to use the blood of the Huns as bait. Put yourself on the ground. If I am above your position, I am afraid I can't bear it."

He Lanxiong heard what Gao Yuan said, and his heart was slightly broader, "This man is extremely powerful in using soldiers. I thought I was a cavalryman, and he was mostly an infantryman. Even if I set a trap, I can easily go away. There is no flaw in the battle. No matter which direction I go, I will bump into his horses and soldiers. After a short delay, his cavalry will come to entangle me. Once I get entangled, I will be surrounded again. , This person is on the marching formation, which opened my eyes."

"If you can learn from the defeat, you will have the qualifications to become a famous general in the world. Helan, this failure will become a stepping stone for your future success. Li Xin's use of soldiers is indeed worthy of our study, especially It's something on the tactical level, this person can be called a master level!" (to be continued)

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