I’m The King

Chapter 1041: : The East is the West (Thirty-four)

Gao Yuan said very easily, but He Lanxiong suddenly swallowed this breath, thinking that he had been invincible and invincible over the years. Step, he was still surrounded by opponents on ten sides, and there was almost no room for turning over. In the last few days in the Ayagoura Grand Canyon, they had already begun to kill horses, and for the cavalry, killing their horses, It is simply killing their parents, first the injured horse, and then the sick horse. Even so, the soldiers who were killed would rather starve to death than eat the meat of their own horses. , He Lanxiong cruelly killed the Liangju Wuzhu, who had followed him for many years, and ate the meat of the Wuzhu in front of all the soldiers. This barely allowed all the soldiers to accept a cruel fact, that is, in Mahe. Among people, people are naturally more important.

Of course, what they didn't see was that after avoiding everyone, He Lanxiong vomited faintly, and tears flowed again.

"My lord, in this pursuit, Helan is still the vanguard!" He Lanxiong said loudly, "Helan is willing to lead his team to fight Li Xin again!"

"Helan has a wealth of experience, eats a ditch, and gains wisdom. I don't think you will ever be involved in Li Xin's treacherous tricks. This vanguard position was originally for you to perform." Gao Yuan laughed.

As soon as the curtain was lifted, Tang He walked in, "My lord, Li Xin's soldiers and horses have found their way."

"Li Xin's main force is divided into two parts. One is led by General Liu Dacheng and attacked the troops led by Commander Yan. The main force is led by Li Xin himself, bypassing the Yan Department and heading directly towards Jishi City. In addition, you Dan Yu, who was just put back, is wandering in front of us with all the remaining cavalry of the Qin army. It seems to be blocking our way forward!"

Gao Yuan was startled slightly, and immediately burst into laughter: "Interesting, interesting, and the idea of ​​a famous general in the world, really is not understandable by ordinary people, Helan, you want to be a pioneer and slowly kill Li Xin on the grassland, but there is no idea. The method has been achieved."

"Really looking for death!" He Lanxiong also shook his head again and again, "Is this Li Xin dizzy?"

Gao Yuan flattened his mouth, walked to the map, stared at the vertical and horizontal map in front of him, for a long while, suddenly turned to Helan Xiong and said, "Helan, what do you think we should do next?"

"What is there to say, since Li Xin is going to touch our Jishi City, then we must naturally complete him, kill him from the rear, surround him under the Jishi City, and wipe him out in one blow."

"Well, which way can we go as soon as possible to get to the bottom of Jishi City and surround Li Xin?" Gao Yuan asked with a smile.

He Lanxiong walked to the map and drew a path on the map with his finger: "The terrain here can be crossed even with my eyes closed. This path is the closest. If you take this path, maybe we can still be there. I intercepted this Li Xin halfway, and first swiped him a few sticks so that he couldn't even see the edge of Jishicheng. We have already beaten him to the ground."

"It makes sense!" Gao Yuan turned to look at Tang He, "Tang He, where is the cavalry led by Dan Yu?"

"My lord, but the cavalry carried by Yu is closer to the line where Army Commander Yan is located." Tang He replied.

"Sure enough!" After Gao Yuan returned to the big case, he picked up his pen, picked up a dragon and snake, and quickly wrote a secret letter, put it in an envelope, sealed it, and handed it to He Lanxiong." Lan, Yan Haibo has 30,000 people. We have a great chance of winning against the 30,000 people in Shangliu Dacheng. However, in order to add some bargaining chips, you will lead your soldiers and horses to support Yan Haibo with the rebels led by Gu Li. Quickly defeat Liu Dacheng's department. This letter, after you see Liu Dacheng's troops, open it again. Remember, you must open it again when you see the Qin army led by Liu Dacheng, do you understand? ?"

"Understood!" He Lanxiong glanced at Gao Yuan strangely. He had worked with Gao Yuan for a long time. The military orders issued by Gao Yuan have always been clean and simple. This time, how could it be mysterious.

"Qin Jun has moved, you and Gu Li go to prepare, and leave the camp and set off!"

"Yes!" He Xingxiong and Gu Li both held their fists at the same time, turned around and strode away from the big tent.

"Tang He, come here!" Gao Yuan greeted Tang He as he walked to his side, leaning over and whispering in his ear for a while, Tang He showed a look of surprise on his face.

"Understand?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Understand, promise to complete the task!" Tang He said loudly, turned around, and quickly ran out of the big tent. He even forgot to bow. Obviously, the order Gao Yuan gave him made him a little confused.

"Big brother, what are you doing, mysterious?" He Lanyan walked to Gao Yuan's side with some confusion and asked.

"Swallow, do you remember the few battles we fought in the Hutu Department?" Gao Yuan asked with a grin.

"Of course I remember!" He Lanyan raised her head slightly. "That was one of the most dangerous battles we fought. You only had 300 soldiers, and our Helan clan only had more than two cavalry. At that time, the Hutu tribe had only four. There are more than one hundred cavalry, but for us, it is already a Big Mac. Those few battles were really thrilling. If one link went wrong, we would not be where we are today."

"Do you want to be thrilling again?" Gao Yuan asked with a grin.

"What do you mean?" He Lanyan's eyes widened.

Gao Yuan stood up, walked to the map, stretched out his hand to pat the map, and laughed: "Who is Li Xin? He is the kind of guy who will never give up until the last minute. Now he still has 80,000 troops. , Do you think he really will tie his hands? Putting down this position is nothing more than trying to lure me to the bait."

"Want to lure us into the bait?"

Gao Yuan pointed to the route that He Lanxiong pointed out just now, "Look, this route is the closest road to Jishi City. If we want to go to Jishi City, of course, this road is the most direct. Your brother knows that when Li Xin came to the grassland. It's not too short, he naturally knows it very well."

He Lanyan blinked, "You mean, it's a fake Li Xin went to hit the stone city. He wanted to attack us halfway through our journey, right?"

"It's not an attack, it's trying to repeat the old trick. He wants to surround us!" Gao Yuan clicked on a place, "Look, this is the Wuyun Banner, which is our only way to help the stone city, but you can see the terrain here. Behind you is the Siyang River, and in front of you is the rare Kagge Mountain on the grassland. Although it is not high, it is enough. The Wuyun Banner is in a semicircular shape and extends from the Siyang River to the Kagge Mountain. It is really a piece. A good place for an ambush. A strong defensive position is set up on the mountain, one at each end, there is really no way to go except jumping into the river!"

He Lanyan frowned, searched for the appearance of Wuyun chess in her memory. After a while, she changed her color and said, "Then you have left your brother and Gu Li?"

Gao Yuan chuckled: "Look at how big the Wuyun Banner is. If Gu Li and your brother also go, we will have too many people. This place can be used more openly? It's better to have fewer people."

"Do you want to take the initiative to fall into this trap?" He Lanyan said in disbelief.

"Why not?" Gao Yuan smiled and said: "Li Xin, a famous general in the world, unfortunately, the hero is at the end of this battle. He didn't want to win this battle. The only thing he thought about was whether he could kill me. I gave him this opportunity. , And it happens to be here, to kill the Qin army in one swoop, so as not to endlessly chase and kill him. He escaped hard. Could it be that we didn't chase hard?"

"Your idea is really weird, why are you taking this risk?" He Lanyan pursed her mouth: "Since we know, let's take a detour and hit him with a stick."

"Li Xin is not an ordinary person. If we don't follow his steps, he might come out with some moths. Just a little bit, I just jump in and kill him." Gao Yuan raised his head, "Five thousand steppers can indeed. The 20,000 cavalry that blocked me under the terrain of Wuyunqi, but the problem is, I still have reinforcements outside! He surrounds me, I want to encircle him, the inside and the outside should be combined, the inside and the outside bloom, fifty thousand Qin elites , If you don’t want to stay on the grassland and work as coolies for us for a few years, then use Wuyunqi as fertilizer!"

The first ray of light on the horizon appeared on the horizon, illuminating the entire grassland in an instant, but it was not the breeze, the blue sky, the fragrance of birds and flowers that was gradually rising with the sun, but the rumbling drum of war, the two armies were separated by a few miles, and they were slowly mutually Approaching.

A black suit, that was the Qin army led by Liu Dacheng.

One wearing a navy blue military uniform, that is the Han Chinese Eastern Field Army led by Yan Haibo.

The formations of the two armies are almost the same, they are all in a square formation of 1,000 people, and they are scattered, covering each other, and advancing layer by layer.

"Stop!" Yan Haibo raised his hand and shouted loudly.

The sound of the bugle sounded, and in an instant, the corresponding bugle sounded in the square arrays, and with a bang, the army of tens of thousands of people was stationed here. But the Qin army accelerated its pace at this moment.

Yan Haibo laughed happily, "Guri Qin people, this time let you see how powerful our big man's latest weapons are. Come here, push me the magic crossbow and the vehicle-mounted crossbow."

Divine machine crossbow, Dahan has just started mass production, only equipped with a small amount of troops, and the vehicle-mounted crossbow has just produced more than a dozen sample vehicles. This time, Yan Haibo attacked, but he put these in these stone city workshops all at once. Divine machine crossbows and vehicle-mounted crossbows have all been brought out.

The magic crossbow has a range of 300 steps and an effective kill range of 200 steps.

The vehicle-mounted crossbow has a range of 400 steps and an effective kill range of 300 steps.

The Qin Army's foot crossbow has a range of two hundred steps and an effective kill range of about one hundred and fifty steps.

The Qin army is still moving forward, and the Han army's crossbow arrows have begun to aim at them. In addition to the dozens of sacred crossbows in the front row and a dozen vehicle-mounted crossbows, the arm crossbows in the dozens of square formations in front are also raised. Got up.

"Shoot!" The sabre in Yan Haibo's hand fell heavily. A loud and cloud-like bugle sound suddenly rose, and went straight to Yunxiao. At the same time, the command knife in the hand of the crossbow arrow commander in front also fell.


A dark cloud suddenly appeared in the midair, almost covering the sky above Qin Jun's head. The Han army shot as many as tens of thousands of crossbow arrows at once. (To be continued)

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